I achieved a victory even though I lost.

Have you ever had that happen when you technically lost, but in a way you won? It happened to me driving home from the Kingston Frontenacs hockey game the other night.
During the hockey season, Friday nights are date nights for me and Lily. It’s something we do together and both enjoy.
Because I’m the team chaplain, Lily has also gotten to know the players and so she has a personal interest in watching them play. She’s a pretty vocal supporter, too. She will shout out their first names and, with all kinds of passion, encourage them to skate after that puck or go for the goal.
This fall Lil has been coming in to work at the church on Friday afternoons. Our standard practice is to take just one car down to the hockey game and leave the other one at the church to pick up after the game.
It’s not that there is anything said or that we plan on it, but one thing leads to another and, during our drive home, the race is on.
This past Friday I switched lanes thinking that I would be behind someone who was going to travel faster than the car I was behind.
It was a big mistake!
The car I had been behind turned off the road just after I changed lanes and Lily moved up and ahead of me in that other lane.
I then got boxed in because the new car I was following was not going as fast as the line of cars beside me. I couldn’t change back and kept getting further and further behind Lily.
… Then came an opening. I made my move and, well, drove a little fast.
Lily was way ahead but I kept up my speed and caught up to her at a red light.
I again got in the opposite lane from her, knowing that her lane had to merge due to construction. … But I didn’t count on the guy in front of me going slow enough that Lily was able to get in front of him, and not get stuck waiting to merge.
Once Lily turned off the main road, there were no more opportunities for me to get ahead of her. It was like she had already won and we were still a kilometre from home.
I stayed right behind her though.
As we turned onto our street, I hit my garage door remote and my door started opening before hers did. She pulled into our driveway; I came up beside her and drove directly into the garage. From there I quickly exited the car and got to the door before she was able to park her car.
I kind of won, but she made it to the driveway first. Luckily my garage door remote has a farther range and my door opens and closes faster than hers. That’s what gave me the win.
Lily keeps protesting the results, insisting it’s the first to the driveway who wins, but I’m still claiming victory.
Here’s the thing: We saw a similar scenario in what Christ did. He lived a perfect life only to die because the religious leaders were jealous and threatened by him. It looked like Jesus lost when he died on the cross, but really he won the victory for you and me to have our sins paid for and to have a relationship with God the Father. His seeming loss was real victory.
That’s Life!
Question: Have you taken hold of the victory Jesus won for you? Leave your comments and questions below.
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