Awe And Frustration At the Same Time

From time to time I will post a article I’ve written in the past. This one today is a repost from August 2014. I hope you enjoy.

I believe it’s possible to be in awe and frustration at the exact same time.

awe and frustration at the same time

Can something be good and bad at the same time? Can you be completely frustrated and in awe in the same breath? Is it okay to clench your fists in rage while gazing at something beautiful?

Not only do I think the answer to these questions is “yes”, I know it’s “yes” because I just experienced it on the weekend. 

As crazy as it sounds, it’s true. 

It’s almost like that trick you do with a toddler or a baby: you distract them with something else and they stop crying. You know the child is crying because he scraped his knee, but you say “Oh look, a balloon!” The child’s attention is drawn to the balloon, he stops crying, and life is good again.  

It works like a charm every time.

It doesn’t work as well with adults. You can distract them with something else, but they are not going to forget the pain (whatever type) they are in.  

I played golf on a beautiful course this weekend. Six holes have been fashioned after famous golf holes from around the world. The fairways were like hitting off carpet; the greens were like bowling allies.  

They even had a set of bunkers called church pews – I was tempted to try them out but I stayed away.  

The day was beautiful, sunny, hot, with no wind. The course was lush, green, with dramatic undulating terrain. You wanted to take a picture at every hole. In fact, some guys in my group did take pictures as we went around. I was in awe.

But to contrast the startling grandeur of the course was the brutal ineptitude of my play. On the practice tees I was straight and long. On the course, I missed all but one of the fairways with carpet-like feel to them.  

I was looking at a picture of magnificence at every turn, but in what I was doing there was no beauty at all.  

So I would line up my putt on grass that seemed like it had been cut with my razor that very morning, but when I hit the ball I had no control of when it would stop rolling. And on every hole it kept rolling and rolling and rolling. 

I was amazed by the course but I wanted to hit it at the same time. In fact, there were two occasions when I swung my club really hard at the ground after another missed green, while staring at a scene that looked so inviting I could have lived there.

During my round, I couldn’t decide which emotion should win: awe at the stunning splendour of the course or my total frustration with my game. 

It seemed that for the longest time the two emotions were entwined together, stuck like a vine to a trellis. 

In the end, I would not have traded my experience. It was a great day, despite the play.

Here’s the thing: We can be utterly amazed at what God has done in someone’s life or ministry.  We can marvel at results that occur that clearly point to God’s hand of mercy or power. But at the same time, we can be completely frustrated by the lack of results or answers in our own life or ministry. We live here in this contrast, and to truly embrace Christ is to give glory to God while at the same time pleading out our burdens before Him. 

That’s Life!


Question: What has amazed you while frustrated you at the same time? Leave your comment below.

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My Project Will Be Like Going To War

Sometimes you have to tackle a project like you are preparing for war.

my project will be like going to war

When a country goes to war, they first strategize. They plan the kind of defence and attack they will take and try to outthink their enemy. 

The generals want to be two or three steps ahead, knowing the conditions, the terrain and having the right equipment delivered to the battle site. It takes an enormous effort, a large team of advisors and courage to make the right calls.

In some sports we see a similar kind of approach to a game, match or series. A lot of homework needs to be done beforehand.

I remember watching Mohammad Ali fight George Foreman for the heavyweight boxing championship of the world. The fight was held in Kinshasa, Zaire and was dubbed the “Rumble in the Jungle”. 

Mohammad was getting older and did not have the skills he once had. But that didn’t stop him from devising a strategy that would see him defeat a younger, stronger boxer. 

He called it “rope-a-dope”.

For seven rounds Ali let George pound him with punches. Ali wasn’t as quick on his feet and had lost much of his lightning hands, but he could always take a punch. 

Foreman pounded away at him, round after round. Ali covered up, hung on the ropes and just let him pound. … Until George got tired and had expended all his energy. 

Then Ali came to life. He started dancing, doing the Ali shuffle; he started hitting Foreman. 

And in eighth round, George Foreman went down to defeat and Ali was declared the champ again.

It was all strategy, knowing his opponent’s weakness and preparing for what he would have to do to defeat him.

Well, today I need to tackle a project that I feel will be like a war, like a boxing match against an opponent that is bigger than me – I am going to install a new garage door opener. 

I started my project by buying an opener last night. I am now preparing for war later this morning. 

I’ve opened the box and laid out all the parts, making sure that everything was in the box and nothing was missing. I looked over the list of tools needed to install this opener and I have placed them next to all the parts that will need to be assembled and put in place.

I have studied the instructions. … You know instructions! – they sometimes need to be read and re-read to decipher their code. 

And then I spent some time last night checking with my advisory team on how to best approach my enemy.

My advisory team, of course, is YouTube. I watched several videos of professionals and amateurs installing garage door openers. And I have to say I gained a little insight from each member of my team.

I think I’m now ready to launch my attack and gain victory over this garage door opener. 

With great confidence (and fear), I plan to park my car in the garage tonight for the first time in two weeks.

Here’s the thing: We can’t afford to be casual about our commitment to Christ. Your spiritual life takes thought and strategy to continue to grow in relationship to Christ. If you don’t have a plan to stay close to Christ, you will begin to fall away. So devise a plan, a strategy that will keep you close to Jesus. Then you will defeat the enemy who wants to take you down. 

That’s Life!


Question: What is your spiritual strategy plan? Leave your comments and questions below. 

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Not In Shape And I Didn’t Even Know It

I am not in shape, but until yesterday I didn’t know it. 

Not in shape and ai didn't even know it

Most people know when they are not in shape. They can feel when they have gained a few extra pounds. They know when they haven’t been exercising that their muscles and cardio are not where they should be.

This week I played hockey for the first time in five months. I had also come off of a month of vacation during which I ate more than I exercised. I knew going into the game that I was not going to be in great shape. 

The good thing was that many of the other guys who were playing were in the same boat as me, so I didn’t stick out like a sore thumb. But I certainly did know I was not in shape. 

Physically it’s easy to know when you are or are not in shape.

When it comes to other things, it’s not always the case. 

During our vacation I did not play pool. For a while before we left, I had been playing a bit almost every day.

I had been working on a few shots, figuring out how to hit them correctly. I was starting to get to the place of being fairly consistent with making those shots. 

But after a month of no pool, it was like I had taken a few steps backward. In other words, I was not in pool shape. I had to once again practice those shots I’d been learning, just so I could make them consistently.

When we get out of the rhythm of doing something, we will become out of shape for that activity. We’ll get rusty and need to polish our skills again. 

This week I learned something else I’m not in shape for: being back at work. 

I was not in shape for work but I didn’t realize it … well, until this morning, that is. 

I’ve been working as a pastor for 36 years. I’ve been the pastor of my present church for 25 years. A little vacation was not going to cause me to get rusty at the skills or tasks that I do. My vacation from work didn’t make my muscles flabby. 

In fact, it didn’t matter how much junk food I ate during my vacation, it had no affect on the shape I’d be in for work.

I worked my first week back, got the things done that were on my agenda and preached on Sunday. Nothing seemed to be different. It was all the same as it had been before my vacation.  

I didn’t miss a beat. 

… Except I napped Sunday afternoon and Sunday evening and slept in Monday morning. Ya, I’m a bit out of shape and I didn’t know it. 

Here’s the thing: There can be a lot of things that we are not aware of. We don’t realize it until something exposes those things. Many of us have been away from physical community with other Christians for a long time. Take some time to think about how out of shape you are with attending church and being with your brothers and sisters in Christ. It’s time to do something about it and get back in shape.

That’s Life!


Question: In what way are you out of shape right now? Leave your comments and questions below.

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My Wait Time Doesn’t Seem To Get Shorter

Our world is moving at a fast pace, but I still have wait times which don’t seem faster.

my wait time doesn't seem to get shorter

The thing about waiting is that it doesn’t matter how little or how long you wait, it still seems like an eternity.

I can’t imagine 150 years ago what it must have been like to wait for something that had to come from another continent. It must have seemed like a lifetime of waiting. But then again, in those days everything moved at a slower pace. 

Now we have things that are immediately available. 

If you are hungry today you can be eating in a matter of minutes, no matter where you are.  There is fast food and convenience stores on every corner. 

Years ago a meal took time to prepare, unless you took some berries off a bush or something. 

Hey, maybe they had raspberry bushes and apple trees on every corner … though, too bad if they were hungry in the winter.

No matter how fast things are made available, we still have to wait and that wait time is so hard.

Amazon is amazing with its delivery service. There have been a couple of times when I ordered something one day and it was delivered the next. I couldn’t believe how they could get that product to me so quickly. 

But even still, there was a wait time. It’s not like going to a store and being able to purchase that item on the spot. There is no wait time there, except for waiting in line to get to the cashier to pay for said item.

Waiting is part of life and there are studies that tell us how much time we will spend waiting in our lifetime. One such study says an average person will spend six months of their life waiting in line for things.

That’s a lot of waiting! 

Think of all the things you could do in that time. You could take a long trip, an extended vacation, or learn a new skill. You could build a project … except you might have to wait for some of the pieces to arrive. 

No matter how fast life is, waiting seems like an eternity.

Recently I was waiting for three things. 

I ordered something from Amazon and waited for my two-day guaranteed delivery to arrive. It was only two days but I kept checking online to see if it had shipped yet. 

I was also waiting to hear back from an associate about a position I have been volunteering in. Things have changed and I was waiting to hear if I was still needed. 

And I’m waiting to hear back if I will get a new bike frame.  

I cracked the frame of my mountain bike, but the company has a lifetime guarantee on their frames. My bike store has sent in pictures and my receipt. Now I’m just waiting to find out what they will do. 

Wait time is never fast; it’s never easy. And it is something we will never get away from … no matter how fast life becomes. 

Here’s the thing: Though we will never get away from waiting, there is one thing that we never have to wait for. We never have to line up or wait on hold to talk to God. He is never too busy for us right now. There is no place we can be where we can not reach Him immediately. 

That’s Life!


Question: What are you waiting for that you could speak to God about right now? Leave your comments and questions below.

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Ask Questions To Become More Inquisitive

I’m not usually one who likes to ask questions, but I think I will try to be a little more inquisitive from now on. 

ask questions to become more inquisitive

There are some people who like to ask questions, especially to question things that seem obvious. They like to push the envelope. When the sky is blue, these people ask why it is blue.

… I’m not sure why, but I don’t like to ask more questions.  

Apparently, women are more likely to ask questions than men … maybe I’m just normal. 

We’ve all been told how most men when they are lost will just aimlessly try to find their way on their own. They will refuse to stop and ask someone for help. Women are more likely to stop the first person they see to ask for directions. 

I’m not sure there are statistics on this phenomenon but it certainly has proven to be true in our family.

There is just something about asking questions that I have a hesitancy to do.  

But maybe I need to change. Maybe I need to ask more and not just take what I see as obvious. 

The other day Lily and I were in Home Depot. We were browsing around, looking at a few things. But I had something specific on my mind. 

I wanted to get a folding table and was hoping that maybe they would have something in the size I needed. I had been to their website and found absolutely nothing. Now I planned to go up and down every aisle to see if there was some hidden section of the store that I didn’t know about. 

In my investigation I found they did in fact have an area with folding tables. But there wasn’t the one I was looking for. I wanted something small and adjustable in height. 

Then Lily saw a label on a shelf for the very table I was looking for, but there was none to be found. They had 48 inch long tables but they were all out of the 20” x 30” tables. 

That bugged me even more than if they didn’t carry them at all. To come that close to getting one and then being shut out was a real disappointment. 

Lily simply said, “Let’s ask someone.” 

“Why do we need to ask anyone? It’s obvious they don’t have any. The shelf is empty.” I replied.

She continued, “Maybe they have them somewhere else.” 

I thought it was a lost cause, but Lily decided to ask anyway. 

She found someone with an inventory checker and, sure enough, the system said they had sixteen – ya, not one or two or none; they had sixteen! 

Well, after some digging, the Home Depot guy found them. 

I got my table … and made the decision to ask more questions from now on. 

Here’s the thing: We face many things in life that we take for granted. Maybe we grew up believing something, or maybe we have been told something so many times we just take it to be the truth. But, when it comes to God and eternity, we need to make sure we ask questions. Don’t just write God off; ask Him to reveal Himself to you in some way. You knowing God and what He has provided for you is the only way to unlock spending eternity with Him. Don’t be afraid to ask. 

That’s Life!


Question: What do you need to ask more questions about? Leave your comments and questions below.

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The Sun Does Not Shine For Me As It Once Did

There was a time when I was happy to sit outside in the direct sun. 

the sun does not shine for me as it once did

Tanning was a big thing for me when I was in my teens and early twenties. I enjoyed soaking up the rays as much as I could. 

I would say that, even ten years ago when I’d go to the beach, I wanted that sunshine to touch all my exposed skin. 

… Though there was a time when I hoped that the sun would cover more of my body than I had exposed to it. That was on the last vacation we took as a whole family. 

We were on a cruise and made a stop at an island with a great beach. I was basking in the sun, when my family noticed that I was only burning on the front of me. 

I told them that the suntan/burn would come around and cover my back too. We all had a good laugh.

But wanting a tan is a thing of my past. I get enough sun to brown my face while biking or playing golf. I don’t need to sit out purposefully and point my face to the sun. 

Now when I go to the beach, I wear a T-shirt unless I’m going in the water … and I sit under an umbrella.

I like being outside, but now I like sitting outside in the shade. 

Right now I’m writing this post outside on the deck at our cottage. The sun is up but I’m under the canopy of an awning, which is a permanent hard roof.

It makes for a great space when it rains – we can still be outside. And when the sun is beating down, we can sit outside and enjoy the sun, without being in the sun. 

So when I’m at the beach I like that I have some cover from the sun. When I’m at our cottage I like being outside and under cover. But when I’m at home, well, we have no cover from the sun on our deck. 

It’s not bad when the sun is low in the sky later in the evening, but for most of the day we are fully exposed. And it’s not just the sun that we are exposed to. I feel exposed to anyone and everyone around. 

Somehow being under an umbrella or awning gives me a sense of protection from the elements and a bit of seclusion from the world.

My wife wonders why I don’t like sitting out on our back deck at home when I’m happy to sit out at the cottage and the beach. 

Well, the answer is pretty simple: I like something over my head. 

And if we could come to some kind of agreement on the type of overhead covering for our deck, I just might be more inclined to spend time out there.

Here’s the thing: In the world we live in, we are exposed to all kinds of things – many that we can’t protect ourselves against. They may even make you feel vulnerable and exposed at times. Well, there is a covering that can keep you living with confidence in our world and that is Jesus Christ. You may find yourself exposed to things you don’t want to be exposed to, but He will be a shade as you go through this world. And ultimately you will be protected from the harsh realities of an eternity in hell. Choose Jesus as your cover.

That’s Life! 


Question: What do you like most about being under a cover of some kind? Leave your comments and questions below.

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Olympic Hopes, Dreams And Realities

The other day most of Canada had their eyes on Olympic hopes in the 100 metre hopeful, Andre De Grasse.

olympic hopes, dreams and realities

The 100 metre race is quick. You could go to the kitchen for a glass of water and miss the whole thing. They run the race in under 10 seconds. 

Andre and the other competitors hit top speeds of over 40 kilometres an hour. Try to get your head around that one!

But much more than the race itself is the build-up and the follow-up.

There are heats leading up to the race and then there is the production of getting the race started correctly.

There is such a build-up to the start and when someone false starts, all the runners have to set up all over again. It’s pretty devastating for the one who starts too early. He is out of the race and his olympic hopes of a medal are gone.

Canada’s man in the race, Andre De Grasse, had high hopes to get a gold. 

He won a bronze medal in the last Olympics when he raced against Usain Bolt. They had such a close relationship that it seemed like Usain was passing his three time Olympic gold medal torch to Andre. 

It was a pretty special memory for not only De Grasse, but all of Canada. 

The media replayed the scenes of the two sprinters exchanging looks, smiles and hugs. And it was enough. It was all we really needed to think that our guy, Andre, was next and that he would take the gold this time. 

Our olympic hopes were high, I’m sure Andre was thinking gold this time as well. … But it was not to be. 

Andre finished third, collecting the bronze medal, which by any standard is a win. Third fastest in the world, plus breaking his own personal best time – how could you want anything more?

As happy as I was for him to win that bronze (and it made me proud), I was disappointed he didn’t win the gold. … I think he was too. 

He had trained for it; he had dreamt of it. He had overcome hardship and injury to get there.

But it was not to be. 

There were some factors that didn’t help him. The lane placement was not ideal. He ran in lane 9, so far from where the leaders were grouped. He also got off to a slow start. Then the runner beside him dropped out part way with a pulled hamstring. De Grasse had no one around him, no gauge as he ran. 

… Yet he ran the fastest last half of the race. Andre turned it on and ran from last place all the way to catch third place by the end. 

My daughter, Karlie, was in a commercial a year ago with De Grasse. In the commercial she turned to Andre running nearby and said, “Pick it up, Andre”. 

Well, pick it up he did! De Grasse flew during the last half of the race. 

You have to be impressed with his running.

The way I see it, Andre De Grasse didn’t settle for his bronze medal, he went out and won it. Way to go, man!

Here’s the thing: We don’t always get what we want in life. Nor do we always get what we hope for. But God has a plan for your life. And no matter what is thrown at you, all you have to do is trust him and go for it. Follow Him and you will get you exactly what God has planned for you. 

That’s Life!


Question: What do you need to put more effort or focus toward right now? Leave your comments and questions below.

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Your World May Not Be As Colourful As Usual

My part of the world is not as clear as it normally is and there is nothing I can do about it.

your world may not be as colourful as usual

I’ve heard people talk about having cataracts. They say that everything looks a little cloudy or muted, that colours are not as vibrant. 

I find that to be true when I wear sunglasses. If I’ve worn them for a while while driving, sometimes I need to pull them down to see what things really look like, if conditions have changed since I put my sunglasses on. I may not have noticed that the sun is no longer as glaring as it had been.

In some ways you miss out when you are wearing sunglasses. You don’t see the world in all its explosive glory.

I get that we need to protect our eyes from the rays of the sun and, frankly, sometimes the sun is just too bright.

I remember when I worked for a delivery company years ago. There was one day a week that I began my day at 7:30 am, travelling east on the 401 to Oshawa. In the summer months, at that time the sun was rising above the horizon. 

Traveling on the highway was dangerous without sunglasses. 

First there was the intense, yellow ball of fire that was shining straight in your face like one giant high beam headlight. It was so intense you could barely look at it. 

It was blinding.

But then there was its glare on everything else – other vehicles, the road, any flat surface. 

It was hard to see the lines on the road. It was easy to mistake where the cars around you were. 

I had to be so careful during those trips. I remember that on those days, I couldn’t afford to forget my sunglasses. 

But that is not the case right now in my area.

For the last week or so, the world famous sunsets at Sauble Beach have been rather mediocre.

Usually you never go a day or two without seeing some kind of spectacular sunset over Lake Huron. 

When I scroll through the photos I’ve taken over the years, there are large portions with bright, rich, jaw-dropping sequences of colour that flash by as I scroll.

They are my sunset photos and I have a ton of them … because almost every night I can snap some pics of a sunset I’ve never seen before. 

Now, however, there have been some fires in Northern Ontario. Though we don’t notice much in the daytime, at night, around sunset, the sun is not as bright. 

It’s like the sky has cataracts and its colours are muted – like in the 80’s when pastels were in. 

The rich oranges, pinks, blues and purples have been replaced with softer versions that kind of fade as the sun goes down. 

They are not transforming the sky like they normally do.

Here’s the thing: Our world has been muted over the last year or so. It has not been the same. We all feel like it’s temporary, this muted world of ours. We don’t know when it will end, nor does it seem to be coming to a close really soon. There doesn’t seem to be much we can do. There is one thing, however, and that is to turn to the Bible. The Bible can clear away the particles in our world that keep it muted. God’s word can give you a clear picture of what is to come and how to prepare. 

That’s Life!


Question: What part of your life seems muted to you right now? Leave your comments and questions below.

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Obstacles Don’t Have To Keep You Out

Obstacles, whether they are physical or mental, need to be cleared in order to proceed.

obstacles don't have to keep you out

Some obstacles are so glaring there is no doubt what is keeping you from where you want to go. But then there are other more subtle obstacles, that we might not even be aware of, that are blocking us.

It could be something from your past, maybe some trauma, that raises its head when you find yourself in a certain situation. 

Let’s say that when you started learning to drive you had a really bad experience driving. That bad experience frightened you so that years later you find that you are afraid in certain driving conditions. You don’t know why, you just feel anxious. 

Well, maybe the obstacle in your way is that you never resolved or got over that frightening experience you had when you were first learning. Maybe you have forgotten all about it, but the obstacle is there and you don’t know how to get past it. 

It’s in your way, but you turn away from it, go back or go another way instead of dealing with it.

This week I was mountain biking and came to a part in the trail where there were some trees that had fallen across the path.  

My way was blocked by these obstacles. I had to get off my bike and lift my bike over them … and, in one case, crawl under them and drag my bike under with me.

The one tree was small – maybe only 5 or 6 inches in diameter. I decided that I would bring my compact saw with me the next time I rode. 

On my next ride, I easily cut through that tree and rode on. 

But then I came to the next tree.

It was much bigger than the first one – maybe 12-14 inches in diameter – and where it crossed the path was about 3 feet off the ground. 

It was a pain to get around. But there was no way I was even going to attempt to cut through it because of its size. 

You see, about 10 years ago, I came across a large tree that crossed a path that I rode all the time. I decided to cut through that one. 

But after cutting part way through it, I got impatient and tugged on it real hard.

When I tugged, however, I threw my back out. I spent three days on the floor in lots of pain every time I moved. 

So this week when I looked at this larger tree, I had flashbacks to my back pain. I didn’t even attempt to cut through it. 

On my next ride, however, I decided I would just try to start sawing it. 

It turned out that this tree was pretty old, dry and dead. I cut through it in about 15 minutes. Then I removed the blockage from my path. 

Obstacle will prevent you from moving on … but they don’t have to.

Here’s the thing: In your life you will come up against physical and mental obstacles. They need to be cleared. Seek God’s help with those obstacles. He can provide you with healing or the right perspective to resolve them so you can keep your way clear. 

That’s Life!


Question: What is your biggest obstacle right now? Leave your comments and questions below.

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You Can Do More Than You Think You Can

You don’t know what you can do until you try. 

you can do more than you think you can

We often assume or think we can’t do something we have not tried. It’s sort of our go-to determination. 

We might see someone riding a skateboard and our immediate thought is, “I can’t do that”.

I remember when I was a teen talking to my grandmother about skateboards. Back then they were a very crude iteration of what they are now. 

She had been watching us from the living room window when I said, “Gram, you could try out my skateboard.” 

Her response was quick and decisive: “Oh, I’d land on my head.”

… Granted she was in her late 80’s at the time and probably would have if she had tried. But there was no consideration on her part. It was simply an automatic response that she could not do that. 

There are many things we see each day and make that same kind of instant determination that we could not possibly do that. 

Maybe it’s making something with our hands, or working some kind of machine. It could be coordinating colours in a room, or designing a landscape in a back yard. 

We just don’t think we can do it. 

But how do you know you can’t do something if you have never tried? 

Sometimes we base our judgement on our results of doing something similar. We may have tried something years ago with poor results so we think we can’t do anything similar now. 

Drawing is one of those things. It takes some talent to draw and most people don’t think they can draw very well, so they only draw stick figures.

I’m not even talking about drawing a picture that you would consider showing to others. I’m just talking about drawing something that looks like what you were trying to draw. 

When I was in high school, I listened to music a lot. Sometimes I would look at the cover of an album and get inspired. I started to draw the faces of some of my favourite music artists. 

I’ve never taken art classes, so I don’t know how to properly shade something. When it comes to pen or pencil strokes, I know nothing. I just tried to draw what I saw. 

I never showed anyone what I drew, but you could see the resemblance from the pictures. 

Well, recently I got a new iPad along with the Apple Pencil. I decided I would try to draw something with it … after all, it’s only been 45- 50 years since I did it last. 

So I took a few photographs and tried my hand at drawing parts of them. 

When I showed my daughter, her response was, “Hey, Mom is artistic and can draw. Dad, you can draw. What happened to me? I’ve got no talent to do any of that.”

My only thought was, “Give it a try. Maybe you can, and you just think you can’t.”

Here’s the thing: We often make quick determinations when it comes to God. We think, “He won’t do this” or “He will say no to that”. Before we even ask God, we’ve written Him out of the picture. Maybe if you weren’t so quick to count God out, He might respond to your request. But you will never know unless you get past that automatic response.

That’s Life!


Question: What have you believed God would not do so you’ve never asked? Leave your comments and questions below.

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