Being A User Versus Being A Maintainer

I am a user, because I’m better at using things than I am at taking care of things. Is there anyone out there who’s like me?

being a user verses being a maintainer

When I was growing up, my mother thought my brother and I should go into the wrecking business when we grew up. We were so good at it.

Some people are very good at maintaining things. They care for their lawns, their cars, and maintain all the necessary things in their homes. 

But I’m not wired up that way. I was built to use things. I don’t have time to care for things because after I have used them, I’m on to something else.

The truth is, I like the idea of caring for my things. … I would really like to have a car that sparkles all the time, but I’m too busy using it to take the time to make it sparkle. 

I chalk it up to my genes. This propensity to care for things or to just use things comes to us from our parents and their parents before them.

I figure my user mentality has just been passed down to me. 

The upside to my bent on life is that I get to enjoy a lot of things. The downside is when they break down they end up costing me more … more time to fix them or more money to get them repaired. 

I kind of do that with my cars. I’d never own a car until it became an antique. It just wouldn’t last that long for me. 

Unfortunately, I discovered this week that I also do that with my bike.

Over the last year I’ve broken the chain on my bike at least twice – maybe three times, I can’t remember. 

If it happens once, it’s no big deal, but if it keeps happening, there’s something wrong. 

This week I took my bike in to get a tune-up and a new chain.  

When the mechanic looked at my bike, he said “Man, look at those rear chain rings! I’m surprised you haven’t broken your neck!”

I figured from that comment that I’d be purchasing new rear chain rings. 

He didn’t like the look of my front chain ring either. And my rear derailleur was pretty worn. 

The bottom line was my bike was a mess. 

My mechanic called me later and said my front brake rotor was all bent too and should be replaced. 

I replied, “just put in on the tab”.

A few days later, he called me back to tell me my bike was all ready to go – ready for me to use it again, that is. 

The bill was pricey. Some people would spend as much as I paid to buy a new bike from Canadian Tire. 

When I got it home, I vowed that I was going to take care of my bike from now on. 

But who am I kidding? I’m a user and it’s tough to break old habits. 

Here’s the thing: Some people care more about the set up when relating to God. They need the  proper things to be in place to ensure their time with God will be optimal. Other people just focus on meeting with God. It may be different each time and sometimes it might be messy. But the thing is, there is no right or wrong way to meet with God. Figure out how you best relate to Him and make it happen.

That’s Life!


Question: Are you someone who cares for things or just uses them? Leave your comments and questions below.

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Flashback To Something I’d Like To Forget

I’ve been having a flashback lately and it scares me from moving forward.

flashback to something I'd like to forget

Recently we completed a couple of projects in our basement. We put new flooring in our downstairs bathroom and added rubber flooring mats throughout our workout room. 

This was all well and good, but there is still one more step in order to be finished with these projects: I have to put three doors back on their hinges. 

It’s not that hard a task. But, because of the height of the new flooring, I have to cut the bottoms off each of the doors. 

That’s what has caused my flashback. 

I’ve been sleeping restlessly lately. Maybe our bedroom has been too hot, but the real reason could be that I’m dreading having to cut these doors.

You see, I have some history with these doors. I was the one who originally hung them in the first place. I was the one who cut the bottoms of the doors off when they were first installed.

And in those days I was having issues with sharp objects.

In a short period of time I cut myself for stitches twice! The worst time was when I was cutting off the bottom of one of these doors. 

There were a couple of things working against me then: I didn’t have the proper saw and I didn’t have the doors lying flat on a table or workbench of some kind. 

Instead, I held the end of the door up with one hand and sawed it with my other. It was not stable at all. 

The saw I was using was a keyhole saw which had a thin, tapered, toothy blade. 

Well, with the instability, the blade easily found my finger – the base of my index finger on my left hand. 

There was blood everywhere. Three ceiling panels were ruined with blood splatter that could have made it on the set of a CSI television show. 

I couldn’t stop the bleeding, so I had to hold my finger with my other hand while Lily drove me to the hospital. 

I got about seven stitches and the doctor was stunned that I hadn’t cut the tendon that was right close to the cut. 

All in all, I haven’t forgotten that incident. 

So as I’m anticipating having to cut the bottoms off of three doors – one of them being the very door I went to the hospital over – ya, I’m having a flashback. 

What I have going for me this time, though, is more tools to get the job done … and I have quite a few of them now. 

My most recent weapon is an oscillating multi-tool. This tool has come in really handy cutting off the bottoms of the door moulding. 

That tool is not going to work on the doors themselves, but now I have a circular saw. So with the circular saw and a firm base to work on, I should be able to keep the cuts just on the doors.

Here’s the thing: Though sins that we repeat over and over are difficult to deal with, try using some new tools to keep you from those sins. Intentionally guard and protect your circumstances and settings to keep you from giving in to the temptation to sin. When you do, you’ll also eliminate the flashbacks and be able to move forward. 

That’s Life!


Question: What causes a flashback for you? Leave your comments and questions below. 

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Cheered In Such An Unexpected Way

It’s true, I have now been officially cheered up … after having been officially saddened.

cheered in such an unexpected way

… The Toronto Maple Leafs’ loss in game 7 to Montreal was particularly hard to take this year. There was more expectation for the team than ever before. They finished first in their division in I don’t know how long. They were the favourite to come out of the North Division.

So when the Leafs lost to the Habs, I felt a crushing in my spirit. I had a sadness that went deep and didn’t want to leave. 

But the other day I had my sadness lifted. It happened quickly and completely unexpectedly.

Team Canada won the IIWHF World Championships! 

And what cheered me so much about this win was how they did it. 

They were not favoured to win. My wife, Lily, had asked me who was on the team and I had replied, “You won’t know anyone.” There were only a few names I knew. No superstars on this team. 

Early on the team didn’t look good at all. They lost their first three games – a first for Canada.

It was ugly; they looked ugly.

One of our play-by-play announcers was interviewed on Swedish television and was asked if he was embarrassed by Team Canada. 

Team Canada went on to record 4 losses in the round robin portion of the tournament. 

It didn’t look good.

To get into the medal round, Team Canada needed a combination of a tie in regulation in their last game and two other teams deciding their games in regulation. 

It was a nail biter, but miraculously Canada managed to squeak into the quarter finals.

And from there the competition would just get more intense. This team that snuck into the playoff round had to face Russia and then the USA. 

It was a daunting task.

But Canada started to come alive and beat both those teams to make it to the gold medal game. 

The unthinkable had happened. How did they turn it around?

Who knows, but one Russian player commented, “Somehow when Canadians put on the Team Canada jersey they get better.”

Canada trailed Finland twice in the gold medal game, but tied it up both times. The game went to overtime and about six minutes in Canada scored to win the gold. 

Canada is the first team to ever start the World Tournament 0-3 and finish as champions. And no team in IIHF history at any top-level event has ever won gold after losing four games. 

Well, Canada did it with a bunch of guys you’ve never heard of, and a few you will hear about in the coming years. 

I’m proud of these guys. They stuck to it and didn’t give up. They just kept at it and formed together as a team until they won. 

It’s official: I am cheered.

Here’s the thing: There is a lot in life that can make you sad, disappoint you, and send you into a downward spiral. No one likes being there and sometimes it’s really difficult getting out of that condition. You need to know that God is the God of all comfort. When you are down, turn to Him, go to Him, trust Him with your sadness, worry and depression. He can lift you up out of it. It doesn’t seem possible and He does it in miraculous ways, but He can put joy back into your life in the midst of despair. Seek Him. 

That’s Life!


Question: What has put you in the doldrums lately? Leave your comments and questions below.

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The Signs Led To Quite A Ride

You can’t alway anticipate how things are going to go, but you should read the signs. Sometimes they tell you to take a different approach or change your plan. 

the signs led to quite a ride

The other day I didn’t read the signs – or should I say, I just ignored the signs – and that made for a very interesting event. 

I went for a bike ride and was looking forward to trying a new section of the trails I ride. I had heard that this new section had some tough features on it – lots of loose rock and off-camber paths.

It’s early in the year, I’ve only ridden twice so far, I’m still out of shape but, hey, what could go wrong? 

I had already gone to the bike store and picked up some new cleats for my shoes after noticing that my shoes have unclipped from my pedals at unexpected times. 

With my new gear I drove to my mountain biking club, “The Farm”. And here is where I kind of ignored the signs. 

When I got out of my car I realized I didn’t have my padded biking shorts on. I had forgotten to put them on and just put my shell shorts on. … I had thought they were a little loose fitting; now I knew why.

I had a decision to make: do I forget about my ride, change my ride to a shorter, simpler route, or continue on with my plans to ride the new section? 

I decided to continue on. 

This proved to be a mistake on several levels. 

About 7 kms into the ride, my chain broke. I could have backtracked and walked my bike the 7 kms back to my car, but I had a replacement chainlink with me. 

I decided to fix my chain and complete my ride which was about 11 more kms.

It took me a while to put the chain back together … I had to remember how to restring the chain around my sprocket cassettes and the rear derailleur.

As I was trying to snap the link into place, I gashed the back of my hand on the front sprocket.

I had no bandages with me so I poured a little water on my hand and shoved my glove on before it started bleeding again. 

Those new cleats I bought earlier worked great, but a couple of times on some rocky terrain, I didn’t clip out in time and fell, scraping my left arm. 

And riding without biking shorts, well, I have a new appreciation for them and it’s not because they make riding easier on your butt … but that’s all I’ll say about that. 

I did make it all the way around. It’s a great trail, but I think I’ll get into better shape before I ride it again.

Here’s the thing: There are lots of signs that we don’t have unlimited time left on this earth – perpetual tension in the Middle East, increased natural disasters, climate change, and now a virus that’s different from any other. World troubles like these were written about in the Bible. The Bible even says that near the end people will have to take a mark in order to buy basic things, and now it’s easy to see how that could come about. These signs, and many others, are to help us make wise decisions for how to prepare for what will come. Jesus came and died for your sins to prepare you for all that will happen, including your death. Read the signs and place your faith in Jesus Christ. 

That’s Life!


Question: What sign have you ignored lately? Leave your comments and questions below.

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Being Overly Optimistic On My To-Dos May Not Be Best

I might have an overly optimistic to-do list today, which would make that two days in a row.

being overly optimistic on my to-dos may not be best

Some people like to-do lists and some people don’t. For me, they provide some kind of traction for the day, something to go after. 

When I don’t live by a to-do list, I get less done and forget about some things I should address.

But I have to admit that sometimes I pad my to-do list. I put things on it that take very little time. I think it’s because I like crossing things out and putting a check mark beside them.

That’s right, I put a line through the things on my list and then I also put a check mark beside them. For me, executing just one of those acts is not doing justice to the accomplishment of putting the to-do behind me.

The other day I had an ambitious list of to-dos. The first part of the list went pretty well. I accomplished it in a time frame that left ample room to work on the rest. 

But then everything slowed down. I got stalled on one of my to-dos and never recovered. At the end of the day I still had several items on my list. 

You might think I would just take those to-dos from yesterday and make them my to-do list for today. The truth is some of them got on today’s list but others will now be relegated to a list sometime next week.

And sadly, my to-do list for today is looking like it might be as ambitious as yesterday’s … which means I may end up with a whole bunch of to-dos left undone again.  

So why do I do this?

You would think that at this stage in my life I should be able to figure out what I can get done in a day and make my list accordingly. 

There are two reasons my list is ambitious. One reason is I just want to get some things on the list so I won’t forget about them. It’s okay if I get them done in a few days or a week from now, but I just want to make sure they are listed to remind me.

The other reason – well, this one is not so great, but many of us suffer from it – is what I call “big eyes, little belly”. 

It’s a phrase we would often say to our son when he was young. Hey, I still say it sometimes. 

He liked to put large portions of food on his plate. But by the end of dinner, he sometimes hadn’t eaten all that much of it. We would comment, “big eyes, little belly”.

That is the same principle as to why I have ambitious to-do lists … big eyes, little belly. 

I think I can get more done than what I am actually capable of. 

Here’s the thing: We often think we can do more than we can. We don’t go to God with things because we don’t think we need God’s help. Instead we think we can do it ourselves. We should realize that we often have “big eyes, little belly” syndrome and we should seek God’s involvement. Don’t be afraid to admit you need help. Don’t think you can do it all yourself. Ask God to help you get it done.

That’s Life!


Question: What on your to-do list do you need to take to God? Leave your comments and questions below.

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A Collection That Could Save Me Some Time

I’m thinking of taking up a collection on my street today. But it’s probably not the collection that you are thinking I might take.

A collection that could save me some time

I need some screws. I’ve scoured my stash, I don’t have the right ones, and any hope of getting them from a hardware store has diminished drastically.

I think I might have a better chance of getting the screws I need from one of my neighbours.

If I could just get them to spread out all their screws on their work benches, I could look through them and find the ones I need.

I really only need four screws. 

… I remember when I was a kid and spent every Saturday with my family at my dad’s convenience store. My brother and I had noticed that my dad was selling trading cards – Man from Uncle trading cards to be specific. 

In 1965 these cards were hot. Every kid wanted them, and my dad had them in his store before the stores in our neighbourhood did. My brother and I craved these cards so much that we swiped a handful each. 

When a kid came in to purchase some packs of cards, there weren’t any there. My mom was no dummy though; she knew right where to find them. 

When she caught up to John and I, we were sifting through our cards. Our mouths full of the gum that came in the packs. All she said to us was, “Spread your collection out, boys”.

Then she told the kid to pick the cards he wanted. 

If I could just get my neighbours to show me all their screws, I could probably find the four that I need. It would be much faster than getting anything from the hardware store these days. 

Last week I went online and ordered two different sizes of screws, just in case one was the wrong size. 

It was five days later before I got my hands on those screws. And when I got them home, I discovered that I was way off on my sizing.  

Neither size worked. 

The frustration of being in the middle of a project and finally getting all the parts I needed, only to discover one part was not going to work … well, you can imagine how I felt. 

At that point I couldn’t bear trying again with the hardware store and waiting another five days for the right screws. 

I just thought that somewhere in some can or cubby the very screws that I need might be lying in amongst dozens of random-sized screws. 

If I don’t take up a collection on my street, I only have two options: one is to wait until the stores are open in three weeks. The other is to get back on my computer and choose a different hardware store this time … maybe one that could get me some screws in less than a week!

Somehow, before I decide on either of those options, I better know for certain what size screws I need. 

I can’t go through this again. 

Here’s the thing: We all live life with an expectation of what will happen at the end. Some people will find out that the end is very different than what they had expected, and they will be stuck with an ending that they did not want. To be sure your ending will match your expectation, make sure your faith is placed in Jesus Christ. Then you will be guaranteed the right outcome. 

That’s Life!


Question: What has not turned out the way you expected? Leave your comments and questions below. 

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Summer Sheets Just Might Save This Spring

We made the switch this week to summer sheets. 

summer sheets just might save this spring

… You mean you don’t know what they are? That was my wife Lily’s response when I told her we needed summer sheets.

It makes perfect sense to me. 

In the winter, some people might put an extra or thicker blanket on their bed, or use flannel sheets. Well, in the summer we should switch to summer sheets – sheets that are cooler, that when you get into bed feel cold for a few seconds. They feel lighter on your body – you know, summer sheets.

All through this winter we have had sheets that, to me anyway, seem thicker. Apparently they are microfibre. 

All I know is that they have cut down on our electric bill. They produce so much static electricity that I can’t remember the last time we had to pay a utility bill. 

Plus, during these COVID lockdowns with no haircuts, when I get up in the morning my hair is standing out like I touched one of those static electricity balls at the science centre. 

The one good thing about the microfibre sheets is that when you do climb into bed during the winter months, it’s not like taking the polar bear plunge.

Lily likes to drop the temperature in our house to below zero for sleeping purposes. So it’s already a little nippy by the time I’m jumping into bed. Not having the sheets engulf you like an igloo is a good thing.

But when summer comes and we are already hot (because for some reason Lily doesn’t like to drop the temperature when it’s warm outside), well, it’s not too inviting to get into an even warmer bed. 

It was just the other day when we finally put those thin, cool, cotton sheets on the bed. And it feels so good – so good in fact that I could go with summer sheets all year long. But then we wouldn’t be calling them summer sheets, would we?

And that is why most of you have never heard the term, “summer sheets” before. You don’t mess with those crazy microfibre sheets like we do. 

And, to be honest, I don’t think I was ever consulted about making a switch to microfibre sheets. 

All I know is that when the temperatures started to rise, I started resisting getting under the sheets. I started waking up in a sweat and not because of some post trauma I was reliving in a dream.

The sheets just made me too hot. 

Now that we have the summer sheets on the bed, I’m sleeping better, the electricity bill has gone back up to normal and my hair … oh, it’s longer, but I don’t look like I sleep all night with my finger in the power bar beside my bed.

I’m sure glad they still make cotton. We would all be doomed if we had to sleep in microfibre sheets all year long. 

Here’s the thing: Now that the seasons have changed, there is a whole new set of things we involve ourselves in. With more outdoor activities, our lives become busier in some ways. That also means it’s time to adjust to the change without sacrificing time with God. You still need to meet with God in prayer and through scripture. Be sure you find a transition that will keep your relationship with Him thriving. 

That’s Life!


Question: What are the biggest changes you need to make moving into summer? Leave your comments and questions below. 

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This Picture Looks So Attractive To Many

A picture can make the unknown look attractive. The way we are attracted to it may have something to do with art. 

This picture looks so attractive to many

When you look at a piece of art, it can speak to your soul … kind of. 

You might have an attraction to it even though the image may be of nothing. It’s the way the colours interact with each other or the contrast of the lines and the way they are drawn across the canvas. 

You can look at a painting and think, “I want that. I want to hang that on a wall in my home.” There is something about the painting that speaks to you. 

To someone else it may not say anything. There may be no attraction at all. 

The painting may be from an artist who threw different colours on a canvas. Some think it is beautiful; some won’t give it a thought. 

I’m wondering if a picture of hardware tools can have the same effect on someone. If it can, well, then I’ve been affected.

Recently, I bought a new Ryobi tool. 

For anyone who doesn’t know, these are tools that Home Depot exclusively sells. They are battery powered and there are many that will run off the same battery.

Not long ago I got an oscillating tool. 

I didn’t even know what a multi-tool was up until a few days before I bought it. But let me tell you, it is great at cutting the bottom off of door trim to allow for new flooring to go under it … among other things.

Along with my tool came a large, folded up sheet of glossy paper with pictures on it – pictures of tools. There are over 175 tools that are all compatible with my Ryobi batteries. 

One hundred and seventy five! – you read that correctly.

That glossy sheet showed the pictures of all 175 products. Beside each product was the part number, but none of the products were named. 

I knew the names of many. … Hey, I have quite a few of them already. But there were some products that I didn’t even know what they were.

The crazy thing was, I kind of wanted them.  

It was like staring right at a Gerhard Richter abstract as it pulled you in to look deeper. 

I looked at some of the tools. I didn’t know their names; I didn’t know what they did … but I wanted them. 

I wouldn’t put them on the wall of my living room, but I wanted them for my collection of tools. 

And just for my wife, Lily’s information, I’m not just collecting tools. I have them to use on projects.

Just seeing the tools on that page stirred something inside me. 

I’m sure someone else would have thrown the sheet of paper out as soon as they opened the package. 

Lily would have liked it if I had thrown the sheet out. … To each his own. 

I’m keeping that picture sheet and, one day, I just may get one of those mystery tools … and I’ll see what it does.

Here’s the thing: In the Bible, the picture we are given of Jesus attracts us to Him. And even though we can’t see Him, we are attracted to Him. Even those who don’t put their faith in Christ are drawn to Him, to the image that is revealed in the scriptures. It is worth investigating Christ for yourself. You will find Him irresistible.

That’s Life!


Question: What do you find most attractive about Jesus? Leave your comments and questions below.

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Limping Along In Life Is No Way To Live

I’m afraid my team is limping into the playoffs. 

limping along in life is no way to live

It’s hockey playoff season again – that special time of year when you can watch a hockey game that matters every day of the week. 

My wife, Lily, loves this time of year! (I wrote that sarcastically, just in case someone wasn’t able to pick up that vibe.)

All the teams are set and it begins tonight … at least for the teams south of the border. 

We still have a few Canadian teams that need to finish up. So the North Division will politely wait to begin the playoffs until two non-playoff contenders finish out their season. 

The teams in the States will already be three games in by then. 

My big concern is for my team. 

With almost a week off before the playoffs start, the Leafs have time to get ready. Those who have been injured can get healthy again and practice with the team. It gives the team time to figure out a new way to approach their power play, which was once first in the league, but now is dismal. 

Maybe the biggest thing they can do in this next week is get the end of the season out of their heads. 

You want to enter the playoffs cresting. You want to be peaking at the right moment. But the Leafs lost three of their last four possible points. 

They lost in overtime and then just lost their last game straight out. They didn’t look all that great. It looked like they were limping off the ice.

Some might argue that they didn’t need to try very hard because they already had the top spot locked up in the North. 

But they finished 6th place in the league when they could have finished 4th. It’s not a big difference but it could have an impact on home ice advantage if they make it to the later rounds … that is if there is home ice advantage for Canadian teams. 

Hopefully, they will be able to travel to the States, and the American teams will be able to travel to Canada. 

… After all, we’ve been letting planes land in Canada from all over the world. Yet these hockey players, who are on chartered flights and get tested for COVID every day, are not allowed to cross the border. 

There is some faulty thinking there!

… Anyway, I digress. 

My point is that my team has not gotten out of the first round of the playoffs in 17 years. Losing your last two games of the season is not a good omen. 

You can’t be pumped up for the playoffs when you were pretty flat in your last two games. 

And if it’s a matter of trying to stay healthy and not getting hurt, well, the physical play is going to ramp up now. You might as well get ready for it. 

Overall, the Leafs have played well this year. They have proved they can hold on to the top spot. 

Why not prove to yourselves and show all the other teams your confidence by ending the season strong?

Here’s the thing: There is something that COVID may contribute to and that is you limping along in your faith. It is easy during this time to coast along, maybe even relax in some of your spiritual disciplines. You just find yourself underwhelmed in your faith. You started so strong in the Lord but during this time you are fading spiritually. Don’t let that happen. Find a new gear and pour yourself into your relationship with Christ. Finish strong.

That’s Life!


Question: What has fallen flat for you during COVID? Leave your comments and questions below.

I Fell Asleep In The Middle Of Thinking

The other day I fell asleep trying to think of something to write about. 

I fell asleep in the middle of thinking

I can understand this happening if it was 10:30 p.m. and the room was dark. Sure, anyone could fall asleep while thinking in that kind of environment.

But I fell asleep about an hour after I had gotten out of bed, having had seven hours of sleep … and the sun was shining through the windows.

“That’s pretty sad; he must be getting old”, you are probably thinking. 

Well, I have had a history of falling asleep in all sorts of places and conditions. 

I remember one time biking with a couple of friends to a campsite. We got there late in the afternoon but something spooked one of the guys, so at about 3:00 a.m. we headed back. 

I heard wolves in the distance as we rode and at one point got chased by a dog. We finally made it to some semblance of civilization by about 5:00 a.m.  

We were hungry but the restaurant we found didn’t open until 6:00 a.m. So we sat down on the sidewalk to wait. 

I put my head back on the cold, grey slab of cement and I was gone. 

The boys woke me up and, by the time I shook the cobwebs out of my head, they were half way across the parking lot. 

It doesn’t matter the surface or the environment, I can sleep pretty easily anywhere. 

The other day I saw a video of a little bulldog puppy who fell asleep sitting up and then fell over.

I’m kind of like that now. 

Before I had my heart attack nine years ago, I would get a little tired after lunch. But since my heart attack, the lull after lunch has become a major issue for me.

I had to rearrange my schedule. Then I replaced quiet activities like reading or heavy thinking with meetings and visits and things that would require me to be more active. 

I even got a stand up desk because, unlike that bulldog puppy, I have never fallen asleep standing up. 

… But give me something to lean up against and I can get close.

The other day when I fell asleep thinking, it was because it’s so hard to come up with an idea. I need something to happen in my life. My life is too predicable. 

I will admit, though, that I enjoyed my nap at 8:00 a.m. 

And one thing I do know, if it’s difficult to think of something to write about when there is nothing going on in my life, it is impossible to think of something to write about when I am sleeping. 

Here’s the thing: Life just seems to roll on day by day. As with COVID, where we are anticipating an end, but every day there is nothing to indicate the end is coming, one day Christ will return. There are many people who don’t think about making decisions now for what seems to be way down some distant path. We kind of fall asleep in the present. Let me encourage you to make a decision to put your faith in Christ now because when you go to sleep for the last time, you won’t be able to think about doing it then.

That’s Life!


Question: What do you have trouble thinking about these days? Leave your comments and questions below.

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