Prerequisites Get Us To What We Really Want

Prerequisites are often necessary, but usually unwanted.

prerequisites get us to what we really want

The whole premise of a prerequisite is that you can’t do what you want to do until you do something else. 

When you were in school you had prerequisite classes that needed to be taken so that you could take a course that would get you to graduation. 

… Oh, and didn’t it bug you when the prerequisite wasn’t offered that semester. So you had to further delay taking the course you really needed or wanted to take? 

Well, prerequisites are not just found in school, and the ones found in life are also not that enjoyable.

A prerequisite keeps you from getting to what you really want. It’s like a roadblock that stands in the way of you enjoying something you are looking forward to.

In life a prerequisite can be anything that forces you to do something you don’t really want to do or take the time to do, in order to get to that thing you really want to do. 

For example, suppose you were really looking forward to going on a vacation. It’s the day you are leaving; you are packed and ready to go. 

But you can’t just leave; you still have a meeting you have to attend. You also know this meeting will generate some work for you and some of that work will have to be completed before you take off on your vacation. 

That is a life prerequisite.

You don’t want to go to the meeting and you don’t want to have to do any more work. Your head is already on vacation, but you are stuck. 

Your mother used to pull the prerequisite card on you when you were a kid: “Johnny, you can’t go out to play until you clean your room.”

Prerequisites never come at a good time; they are always in the way.

I’m bugged by one right now. 

I’m editing a video for a friend. I’ve been working on it for some time and I’d like to finish it. 

But lately I’ve noticed that my computer is running a little sluggish. There is no way I can edit video when just switching between a word processor and an excel sheet slows everything down.

I realized I don’t have much room left on my hard drive. So, in order to be able to edit my video, I need to free up some space on my hard drive.

That’s my prerequisite. 

I don’t want to take the time. I just want to get at what I want to do. But I’m stuck trying to find hidden files on my computer that I can obliterate.

I wish there was a program that would just do it all for me, that all I would need to do as a prerequisite is press the enter button.

Here’s the thing: There is a prerequisite to get into heaven and it is to have faith in Jesus Christ. That sounds easy, but placing your faith in Christ means it will impact your whole life, your thinking and your actions. So many people just want to do what they want and not deal with that prerequisite … so they never do deal with it. Like in every other area of life, you have to bend your will to the prerequisite or you will never get what you really want. Don’t keep putting it off. 

That’s Life!


Question: What have you put off doing that you need to do now? Leave your comments and questions below.

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Think Like You Used To Think

I believe many people don’t think like they used to think. 

Think like you used to think

That might seem like a ridiculous thing to write. Of course, many people – probably all people – don’t think the way they used to think. We change our minds about things all the time. 

I’m not talking about a change of mind, thinking one way and then changing to think about the same thing differently. We can all hear new facts, or a different opinion, and change what we think. 

What I’m talking about is changing our thinking process, how we process information that comes into our minds. 

That seems to have changed for many people.

As a child, you may have woken up in the middle of the night and believed you were seeing a dragon by your desk. 

It looked real; you were frightened. You were just about ready to scream for help. But instead turned on your nightlight and discovered the dragon was actually a sock that had been flung over the back of a chair. 

The light and shadows from the moon, that pierced through the tiny opening in your curtains, caused your mind to interpret the shadow of that sock as a monster by your desk. 

When you shed a different light on the area, you could see that your original thinking was faulty, so you changed your mind. 

… And your heart rate. 

These days many people will not try to see the dark dragon in any other light than what is presented to them. Their minds will not change; they only see what is presented before them, without questioning the light that is creating the image. 

A recent example of this is comes from a company that I have been a patron of for many years. In fact, I have been a proponent of their products to others. 

The company is Apple. 

Recently they made a statement that they would prevent an app from their store from being downloaded to or accessed by devices they make. 

That’s a pretty bold move. 

The threat of doing this comes with a condition: they will shut down the Parler app from the Apple app store unless Parler sensors their subscribers. 

… Not all the subscribers, just those subscribers who don’t think like Apple or promote their ideology. 

When I heard this, the first image that came to my mind was the image of a commercial they had made years ago when their company was starting up.

The theme of the commercial was “Think Different”. The images of the commercial were based on the book “1984” by George Orwell. 

The commercial was making the point to break from thinking like the masses, like all the others and think for yourself. Apple was setting itself apart from all the other computer companies and saying to think about computers in a new way. 

Now it seems they have changed how they think. Now they want you to think just like them, like the masses. 

Apple doesn’t think differently any more.

Here’s the thing: Should we think like the masses? The pressure is on to think that way. But to think like we used to think, make sure your mind gets to see another perspective. Let the Bible be that perspective. Read it, understand the message, apply it, and keep yourself from just going along with the thinking of the masses. 

That’s Life!


Question: What do you need to rethink, or see another side of right now? Leave your comments and questions below.

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Packed Up For Another Year

Well, its that time of year that everything gets packed up again.

packed up for another year

It started yesterday in our home, three days after the new year. 

There have been years when the packing didn’t start until a week into the year, but there are other factors at play this time. The bottom line is if Christmas doesn’t get packed up now, it will be weeks before there is an opportunity to get at it again.

I have to admit that I’m not the main packer in our home. My wife, Lily, takes the lead and the bulk of the job. I’m just there for a little grunt work and some moral support – and I’m a little light on the moral support, to be truthful.

We don’t have tons of storage in our house, so the fact that Lily has skill and lots of experience in packing is a good thing. 

I’ve helped move a lot of people in my day and people have very different ideas of packing. 

I’ve arrived at people’s houses to help them move and their place looks like everything is still in its place. They think they are ready to go, while I wonder if they have ever heard of boxes. Please pack your stuff in boxes before I get there!

Our son pulled that once. Though, to be fair, he’d never moved before. Lily asked him if he was pretty much packed up. He assured her that his apartment was all ready to load into the van. 

I liked hearing those words. But when we arrived, you would have thought he was just getting settled into the place. 

Well, he knows now what getting packed up is all about and for his last move he was ready.

But Lily is a master packer. The proof was in our move from Edmonton to Kingston. She had about 100 uniformed boxes, just the perfect size for carrying. Light ones could be stacked and carried. Heavier boxes were not too heavy for one person. 

The day we moved into our Kingston home, she stood in the doorway as our helpers brought the boxes in. She looked at the number she had marked on the box, looked at her master sheet and directed them to the exact room where the box was to go. 

Packing up Christmas is no different in our house. Some of those same boxes she used 25 years ago are still the off-season home for decorations, ornaments and trimmings.

It’s a lot of work. I couldn’t do it like she does, but it has to get done now. She is running out to time. 

Our daughter and son-in-law are moving to a new place in less than two weeks and guess what? Lily has been hired to help them get packed up for their move. 

I haven’t seen the contract yet, but I’m sure the payment will be time spent with Karlie and Matt. 

Here’s the thing: What state are your affairs in right now? If your time was up, are you packed and ready to go? Would you have everything in your life in order, ready to meet God? Or would there be a mess that still needs to be cleaned up? It will be too late at that point. Be sure that your life is in order now, so that you are ready when the time comes.

That’s Life!


Question: What needs to be packed up in your life right now? Leave your comments and questions below.

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Why Your Sleep May Be Interrupted

Since the new year I have not slept that well, and now I know why.

why your sleep may be interrupted

You would think that with a new year everything restarts, that at midnight on January 1 we hit the reset button … unless you stayed up into the new year and, in that case, the reset happened when your head hit the pillow.

And that is the very culprit of my poor start to 2021 – my pillow.

Pillows are an important part of your sleep technology, according to Sleep Country. But since they are in the business of selling you mattresses and pillows, maybe we should take that idea with a grain of salt.

Yet my pillow is driving me nuts. 

When it’s on the bed, before I climb in, it looks so good, fluffy, lying there inviting me to lay my head down on it. 

But as soon as my head presses into the pillow, it collapses into nothing. 

It’s like in the old cartoons when they were trying to catch a lion. They would dig a hole and then cover it to look like it was just the jungle floor. 

The unsuspecting lion would come along in all his glory and walk confidently over the spot. The covering would collapse and he would fall into the pit. 

When I put my head on my pillow, it’s like my head falls ten stories to the mattress below. At least it is a mattress down there and not a cement floor.

So I’ve been crunching up my pillow to give it some substance. Then, of course, as soon as I move, that soft bolder I’ve created loses its shape and bang, down to the mattress my head falls again. 

As a result, my neck has been a little sore during the night. It’s also causing problems with cutting off circulation to my arms. 

It can be frightening to be half asleep and realize you can’t feel your left arm. And when you fling that half dead arm from under your chest you have to lie still to wait until all those pins and needles leave your appendage before you can move again to a more comfortable position. 

That’s why my condition is serious and it is also causing me to dream more. 

At the beginning of a new year it is good to dream, to dream of what you want to accomplish in the new year, dream about projects you want to start, or things you want to stop. 

But the dreams I’ve been having are disjointed, wild and they don’t make sense. They do nothing but make me restless and cause me to wake up feeling unrested after my night’s sleep.

I’m only a couple of days into the new year and already I’m wondering when this year will be over … and I’m not even thinking about all the COVID issues that are still ahead of us. 

So I’ve made a plan, and I’ve already executed it. This morning I stole a pillow from our spare bedroom. 

We will see if I sleep better tonight. 

Here’s the thing: In the beginning of a new year, we can feel restless for a number of reasons. One way to deal with that restlessness is to take time to seek God and come up with some goals for the year ahead. Consider what God might want to start or stop. You might find you sleep better too. 

That’s Life!


Question: How can you start the new year off right? Leave your comments and questions below. 

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One Last Tip On Weight Loss

I thought today I would write one last tip on weight loss. I had not originally intended to write a series of posts on losing weight – you can read them here, here and here – but it seemed that, at the end of each blog, there was something I needed to explain or add. 

One last tip on weight loss

Well, this morning I thought of one more thing and it’s an important tip. 

Simply put, pay attention to your body.

Sometimes we don’t do that; we don’t recognize when we are feeling just right. There is little consideration taken for how we feel. We just eat what we usually eat.

This morning after breakfast, I realized I felt really good. I was not too full and I was definitely not hungry.

People don’t think about their bodies as often as they should.

You go to McDonald’s and order the double Big Mac. Why? Because that’s what you order at the double arches. You don’t even think about what you need to be full. Maybe a single Big Mac will do.

One place where I find it difficult to focus on my body, rather than the food, is at buffets.

I don’t know how many times I’ve rolled out of a buffet wishing I had not eaten that third dessert. … It’s good that there are not many buffets around these days.

I do remember one time in high school when a bunch of the boys skipped a class and went all out on a buffet lunch. When we came back to school we went directly into the gym.

I was so full that I couldn’t run – it literally hurt to run. I couldn’t throw a basketball to the hoop. It was painful to stretch my arms because it pulled on my belly. 

It was the worst feeling in the world. 

I remember promising myself never to do that again. … That lasted until the next time I entered a buffet, saw food and ate it. 

Paying attention to how you feel is a powerful thing. 

If you can take just a minute to consider and gauge your state of satisfaction, you might curb your intake. In fact, I believe you will gain new will power to eat only what you need.

When you acknowledge that you like how you are feeling, you will want to keep feeling that way. The result will be that you will restrain yourself when it comes to what you stuff into your face. 

This is especially important at Christmas time when there is lots of food just laying around. 

For instance, right now our kitchen table is full of little dishes of candy, left over from making gingerbread houses. 

There are tins of cookies, not in the cupboard, but just sitting on the kitchen counter. 

A stroll through the living room also provides opportunity to snag a Ferrero Rocher or a couple of All-sorts. 

It’s everywhere, but if you take note of how you are feeling, that you’re feeling good, you will want to keep it that way.

And you can walk on by. 

Here’s the thing: There are lots of people who fill their lives full. They fill their ears and eyes full with sights and sounds. The result is they never take time to notice their spiritual condition. Are you empty inside? Are you filled with pain, sadness, or frustration? Is there something missing in your life? Whoever you are, it’s a good idea to take time to consider what is going on inside you. There may be a void that only God can fill. If so, fill it only with God.

That’s Life!


Question: How are you feeling right now? Leave your comments and questions below.

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I’ve Been Starved Of Some Necessities

When you have been starved of something for a while, you tend to overdo it when it’s finally available.

I've been starved of some necessities

Though we say it sometimes, we don’t know very much about starving here in North America. We use the expression, “I’m starving” regularly. Often it has to do with food, but really we have not been starved. 

The closest I get to starving is most evenings coming home from work. 

I usually have low blood sugar and feel like I need to eat immediately. It doesn’t even matter if dinner is being cooked, and is only minutes away from making it to my plate. I need to fill my pie hole with something quickly because “I’m starving”. 

For some of you – including my wife, Lily – you would respond, “That’s ridiculous; just be patient.” 

But for all those like my daughter, you understand completely what this kind of starving feels like, and why I can’t wait. 

Well, this is a little like how I feel about sports right now. 

Basically, I’ve gone without watching sports on TV for months now. 

I’m not showing physical signs of starvation. My weight is not rapidly decreasing; I’m not looking all gaunt; my eyes aren’t receding deep into my skull.

But in a metaphysical sense, all the signs are there – I’m skin and bones.

Sure, there has been some football on TV, but it’s more like feast or famine. You can watch on Sunday, late on Monday and Thursday. 

But what about the rest of the week?

With hockey, you used to be able to watch a game almost every night of the week – no down time whatsoever. 

But I’ve been starved of hockey for months. 

In any other year, at this point, I would be attending one to three Kingston Frontenac OHL games in person per week … plus stopping by to check in on the boys once during the week as their chaplain. 

I would also be able to watch the Leafs play about three or more times, as well as watch a little while I exercised in my workout room.

So I’ve gone from all that down to nothing. You can imagine who emaciated I must seem … in a metaphorical sense.

For the last three months, I’ve been able to play hockey, which has been great. I’d never give that up for watching a game but, like that low blood sugar I get around dinner time, I need to stuff my eyes full of some hockey right now. 

It was the other day when I realized all this. The world junior championships were upon us and they were having a couple of tune-up games before the tournament began. 

I found myself watching two games in one night. These games meant absolutely nothing, but it was hockey. 

Switzerland played Austria and then I watched Czechoslovakia play Slovakia. 

These were nothing games, and I didn’t know any of the players on any of the teams except for one guy who plays for the Kingston Frontenacs.

… I’ve been starved for hockey.

Here’s the thing: When you go without something, there comes a point when you start to crave it. As believers one thing we have been starved of this last year is fellowship with one another. That should be something we crave. Find ways to connect with others in the faith, through face time, zoom or just plan phone calls. Make this a purposeful effort. Don’t starve yourself.

That’s Life!


Question: What have you been deprived of lately? Leave your comments and questions below. 

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The Factors That Can Derail Your Weight Loss

Losing weight never progresses in a straight line. There are many factors that can bend that line into more of a wave. 

The factors that can derail your weight loss

In my last two posts I’ve written about my general weight loss plan (read here), and then how our food plays a role (read here). 

In this post I am going to explore other factors that play a role in how we lose weight. 

Over the years I’ve found three main factors that influence the kind of shape my weight loss takes … I mean the shape of the line. We would all love to have a weight loss line graph that heads straight diagonally downward, but who are we kidding? That’s never going to happen. We would also like to see it go down fairly quickly.  

Well, one factor that plays a part in how quickly we lose weight is age. 

I remember when I was first married and still in my twenties (29). Lily would make dinner for us, but make enough to feed a family of five. She would put the bowls of food on the table and I would dish the food onto my plate. 

After a month of that I noticed I was gaining weight. I gained about five pounds in no time. 

That might not seem like much, but up until then I could not put on weight. No matter what I did, my weight never changed. 

That sudden weight gain got me worried. I had visions of looking more and more like my dad … and I didn’t want to go in that direction. 

I told Lil to just give me one plate of food and that was it. No bowls, no seconds. In a matter of a week or two, my weight went right back down.

It was nothing to lose weight then. Now, at 64, it’s a whole other story. I can just look at the wrong foods and gain weight. 

The older you are the more persistent you will have to be at losing weight. That weight loss line is going to rise and fall and be more wavy than you want it to be. There will be days that your weight goes up even though you know you did everything right the day before … how could you gain a half a pound? 

Stay steady the older you get. Losing weight is not a sprint; it’s a long distance run. Just keep at it. 

Another factor is metabolism. It’s different for everyone and it can change as we get older. You can’t compare your weight loss with someone else’s – especially your spouse or a friend of the opposite sex. 

Women, here’s where you can cry, “It’s not fair!” 

It seems to me that generally women have a tougher time losing weight. That might seem like a curse, but it just means you have to be diligent with the plan. 

Don’t complain, or compare; just stick with it. 

When your weight loss line looks like any of the roller coasters at Canada’s Wonderland, you just have to persevere because eventually the roller coaster brings you down to street level. 

Here’s the thing: I’m talking about perseverance and, when it comes to your daily walk with God, the same applies. There may be times when you don’t seem as close to God. That’s not the time to stop meeting with Him, attending church, or worshipping Him. That’s the time to dig in and be diligent in remaining close to Him. Because if you do, you will make that break through. 

That’s Life!


Question: What is the biggest factor you need to persevere through right now? Leave your comments and questions below.

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Sugar May Be Keeping You From Losing Weight

I really feel the need to write something about the role of sugar in our lives.

Sugar may be keeping you from losing weight

In my last post, I wrote about a plan to lose weight and keep it off (you can read it here). It’s not a diet, rather a way to live.

In that plan I said to cut down on or cut out sugar. 

Well, that brings up all kinds of thoughts or definitions in a person’s mind. How do you define sugar? 

What I’m talking about with regard to cutting out or down on sugar is really simple sugars. And that is a broader category than just the sweat in candy.  

This is how I understand the role food plays in our body. I don’t have any medical terms, this is just how I view the way the body and food work together. 

We need sugar because that is what our body runs on. Sugar is the fuel for our body. It’s like the gas in our car – we need it to keep the engine running. 

And everything we eat eventually breaks down into sugar. Our bodies take the food we eat and process it, refine it, distill it down to fuel, sugar for our bodies to burn.

Though all food breaks down into sugar, it doesn’t mean it’s all the same. There are some foods that break down slowly into sugar and others that break down very, very quickly.

These last types of sugar we will call simple sugars. We find them in candy, chips, pop etc. 

Foods that break down fairly fast are starches, carbohydrates – foods like breads, potatoes, and Chinese food. … I’m just kidding about the Chinese food, but you’re always hungry about an hour after you eat it, so it must break down quickly. 

More complex foods break down slower, like meat for instance. 

It makes sense that the foods that take longer to break down, or are more complex, will provide fuel for your body for a longer period of time. They won’t immediately flood the body with excess fuel that your body can’t deal with, that causes more harm than good. 

When it comes to sugar, you want to cut down on the foods that quickly break down into sugar. You want to put more premium fuel into your body and less cheap gas. 

We like to buy cheap gas because it fills up our tank for less money. But there are particles and impurities in that cheap gas that is ultimately harmful for our car’s engine. 

That is how sugar works in the body. You want to keep putting in the complex, long-lasting sugar and not the simpler, cheap sugar. 

And, like with anything, never overfill it. You can go a long way on three quarters of a tank of gas.

If you want to see a chart on the breakdown of food, google the glycemic index and you will see the sugar rating in foods. 

This is huge in losing weight. Really work on reducing those simple sugars, while maintaining the more complex sugars. 

If you do, you will see your weight come down.

Here’s the thing: We can try to live on a steady diet of activities that will take all our time and leave us often feeling empty. Do not neglect your spiritual needs which are more complex and long-lasting. Feed your spirit by giving yourself time with God, reading His word, worshipping Him and praying. These are complex fuels for your spirit. 

That’s Life!


Question: What simple sugar item do you need to reduce or ditch from your diet? Leave your comments and questions below.

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Lose Weight This Year And Don’t Look Back

I have a proven way to lose weight without going on a special diet. I’ve used this method over the course of several years and it works every time. 

Lose weight this year and don't look back

I’m not going to write a book about it, so it’ll never be famous. There are probably many people who use this method already, so it’s not a secret.

This is a good time of year to blog about it because this is a notorious time of year for people to put on a few pounds. 

It does take a little will power to pull it off, but anything worthwhile will take some will power. 

I’ve been following this plan as of late because, through COVID, I’ve found that I’ve put on a few unwanted pounds … well, maybe a few is understating it a little.

Most diets require you to cut out certain foods and, from what I know, they want you to cut out the best foods. 

Not my plan.

There are several steps to my plan and if you follow them you will lose weight. However, I will say that age, gender and metabolism will play a factor in how fast you can lose weight.

So this is what you do … 

First, you start eating smaller portions. No one needs to eat as much as they do. We just get used to meal sizes, but that doesn’t mean our bodies require them.

With regards to eating meals, be done before 8 pm. In fact, refrain from eating after 8 (the earlier the better). You don’t need food then; it’s just comfort eating after that time. 

Now here is the big thing – at least it’s big for me: cut down on your sugar intake. This includes candy, pop, chips, cookies … you get the idea.

If you can cut it out all together, you will see a fairly dramatic weight loss. But even if you can’t cut it all out, reduce your sugar intake. 

Don’t have sugar after 8 pm and try to be done with it earlier, like with your lunch or at least by dinner. The more sugar you cut out of your diet, and the earlier you can stop putting it into your body, the better. You will see results.

If you go to bed hungry for a few days, that’s good. Don’t worry; you won’t continue to feel that way. 

The last thing you do with this plan is to exercise every day. You can do twenty minutes or more but you have to get your heart rate up into your target zone. 

If you don’t have any equipment, walk. Go for a brisk walk. Be consistent with this every day.

If you do all this, depending on your age, gender and metabolism, you will start to see your weight go down. And you are going to start feeling so much better. 

Oh, and at this time of year there are things that come up, like candy dishes on the coffee table, buffets and great food. If you blow it one day, get right back at it the next day. It will work.

Here’s the thing: This plan is not a diet; it is a plan to live differently. Living differently will show results. If people place their faith in Christ, but don’t live differently, they will not see their lives change. If you live differently because you believe, then you will see dramatic results in your spiritual life. See your spiritual life transformed by keeping in step with the Holy Spirit. 

That’s Life!


Question: What do you need to do differently in your life right now? Leave your comments and questions below.

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One More Often Turns Out To Be Too Many

We all have the bad tendency to want one more than we have right now. Most of the time it backfires. 

One more often turns out to be too many

There is something in our brains that tells us to go for it, one more time. 

Sometimes when I’m collecting the garbage in the house, I get to the last trash can, look at my garbage bag, then at the waste container, and think it will all fit in. Then I promptly spill half the contents of the trash can on the floor. 

The bag couldn’t hold it all, but I wanted to get just one more thing in there. 

The other day after hockey, I wondered if I should get my skates sharpened before the next game. But then I thought, “I’ll have to make a special trip to my skate sharpener guy.” So I convinced myself I should be able to get one more skate out of this sharpening. 

I do this in so many areas of my life – just one more; I can fit this in too. 

Have you ever had to carry several things from the car to your house? You think to yourself, “I can take it all in one trip.” 

You start by strategically slinging your computer bag over your shoulder, You dangle a plastic bag from one hand, and then grab a box – no, two boxes – with both hands. 

“This will save me time”, you think … except that second box starts shifting, which starts a chain reaction of things moving. 

Your computer bag slips from your shoulder; the plastic bag starts to stretch past its capacity. And that top box keeps slipping until it falls. 

You end up having to make a second trip to go back and pick up what fell. 

You tried to carry one more thing than you should have. 

It’s alway that one extra thing that puts you over the top to disaster. 

Sometimes radio stations have call in contestants to games they play. In one game the caller chooses whether or not they want open a money vault.

The first couple of vaults open and there is money in them. The caller tries again, and finds there’s money in that one too. As a result, he responds, “Let’s go again” and his winnings increase once more. 

But now he’s opened four vaults, and you know there is going to be a locked vault coming up soon, denying him of all his winnings. 

Through the radio, you plead with the contestant to stop there. He hums and haws while you reason with him from the privacy of your car. He asks the radio host how much he’s won so far. 

By now you are screaming at your radio, “Stop! and take the money” … but the contestant says, “Let’s open one more vault.” 

It’s locked. You knew it; everyone listening on the radio knew it. But the caller just wanted one more. 

Well, I decided I could get one more game out of my skates the other day. I should have gotten them sharpened. All game I kept slipping around the ice.

I should not have gone for one more. 

Here’s the thing: At Christmas time we hear about how God loves us and how He sent Jesus, His son, to save us from our sin and separation from God. Every year we hear the same story, told in different ways, from different angles. This year don’t think you can wait one more year before you make a decision to place your faith in Jesus. You never know when that “one more” will end up being too late. Make a decision for Christ today. 

That’s Life!


Question: What are you trying to get one more of right now? Leave your comments and questions below.

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