Some Hot Tips That Will Really Pay Off

In the last two weeks I’ve received a couple of hot tips that have really paid off for me.

Some hot tips that will really pay off

If you’re wondering if I’ve started going to the track and betting on my favourite horse, you’d be wrong … though when one hears the words, “hot tip”, it would be pretty natural to let your mind drift to the horse track or the stock market. 

And just so we are clear, I didn’t cash in big on the stock market with these tips either.

Both my hot tips have to do with our property … nope, we’re not selling either.

A couple of weeks ago, my wife was bemoaning the fact that our grass was looking horrible. In fact, our lawn looked more like an Israeli desert where sheep would have to scrounge for something green to eat.

I suggested that Lily talk to our sister-in-law because she knows how to grow green grass. … I used the word “green” just so you didn’t think I was talking about some other kind of grass.

Some people just have a knack for growing things, and I thought advice from Anna would go a long way to helping us get our lawn back in shape. Anna told us to scuff up the ground with a rigid rake, liberally throw down grass seed, and then cover it with a thin layer of dark earth. When we were done all that, we were to water it really well. 

The payoff? – You should see how green the grass is that has sprung up! It’s amazing that two people like Lily and I, who do not have half a green thumb between us, could see results like this. 

What a tip; we really cashed in on it. 

The other hot tip came as a result of a blog post I wrote (you can read that one here), bemoaning that our gravel driveway was filling up with weeds and that the extreme measures we took the year before did nothing.

Well, two people commented on my post with suggestions about dealing with the weed problems in the gravel. The solutions were almost identical with using white cleaning vinegar as the central ingredient to the formula.

I was definitely not expecting the results we got. After all, we weren’t putting Round-Up on the driveway. But it was amazing – in one day all the weeds had dried up and died. You can’t buy a commercial product that would work any quicker.

What an amazing tip! 

Two problems, two hot tips producing payoffs that were truly remarkable. 

Like with any hot tip, there is always a little part of you that is sceptical. You think, “if this is true, then why isn’t everyone getting in on it?”

Sometimes the scepticism wins and you ignore the hot tip. Sometimes that’s good because the tip might not work out. But you kick yourself when you find out the tip you received was a true hot tip that paid dividends.

I’m glad we tried both these tips because they paid off ten to one.

Here’s the thing: The greatest hot tip there has ever been is that Jesus died on the cross to pay for your sins. The payoff is a real and close relationship with Him and a future eternity in heaven. But like any hot tip, some people will take it and some will be too sceptical. My recommendation: take the tip. It will pay out more than you can imagine.

That’s Life!


Question: How do you usually respond to hot tips? Leave your comments and questions below.

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My Story Just Might Be Your Story Too

I’ve been thinking today that maybe my story is the same as your story.

My story just might be your story too

I’ve noticed something about myself over the last several months, and I can honestly say I don’t like it. I wonder if there are others who feel the same. 

There are significant changes that I’ve seen since we first started isolating and social distancing. I’ve also noticed that some things have fallen through the cracks.

I worked hard at maintaining my work effort and, in many ways, had to learn new skills to do it. I’ve had to find new ways to connect, new ways to meet, new ways to communicate. 

… And that has taken lots of time and effort. 

I guess I can be satisfied with what I’ve accomplished and provided so far for my congregation during this time. 

But there is something that I’ve really failed at. I’ve even made excuses for it. I’ve justified my failure and even have taken comfort in it. 

It’s possible that I’m not the only one and that you, to some degree, have failed in the same way I have.

Even great people who we look up to still have failure in their lives – the business guru who has built companies and made fortunes but has failed as a husband and father; the talented athlete who has conquered his or her sport but failed personally; the musician who has garnered the fame and awe of millions but become consumed by alcohol and drugs. 

They all had aspects of great success, but also great failure. 

I’ve been thinking about my failure during this time of isolation. I’ve been okay with it too because I need a break, an outlet. I need some kind of escape from all the effort I’m directing to new things. 

Do you see this in yourself as well?

My story, my area of failure is in my personal disciplines. Over the last five months, I’ve eaten way too much of the wrong things and put aside consistent exercise.

The crazy thing is that if I had not failed in this area I would have been better prepared to handle all the new things I’ve had to do.

In the spring when the weather wasn’t so great, my home gym got dusty. I just felt too drained each day to use my equipment in any kind of a consistent way. Even when the weather turned warm, I had excuses for not getting out there to mountain bike or play golf regularly.

I’ve looked for comfort food to easy the burden of the new work I’ve taken on … and comfort food for me is junk food and candy. I’ve told myself I deserve the break, but I’ve been too tired to break what has become a pattern for me. 

I know what I need to do, and that is to break the pattern, fight off the weariness and get back to my discipline.

This is my story and it’s not going to be easy to change – like going against gravity – but I need to do it … and maybe you need to do it too.

Here’s the thing: Maybe you’ve slacked off spiritually as well. Is it possible that you had questions about God, things you wanted to investigate, but haven’t moved on to finding answers? Maybe you have been lazy in spending time with God. Maybe God’s taken a back seat over the last several months. It’s time to break the pattern and go against gravity. Work at that spiritual part of your life.

That’s Life!


Question: What disciplines are you going to get back to? Leave your comments and questions below.

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You Should Get Working On That Old Project

When is the right time to get working on something you dropped a while ago?

You should get working on that old project

I think the answer is now … that’s what I’m doing, anyway. 

The other day my interest in an old project was rekindled. I’m not sure why but I got a spark of interest; I was intrigued again. I felt an urge to get back to my dead project.

A couple of years ago I was inspired to build a trail – a mountain biking trail – on my vacation (read here). There was a spot along a trail that I rode that was extremely wet and boggy. It was okay for an ATV but not a mountain bike. So I built a trail around the bog to connect it to the loop I regularly rode.

I made some compact tools to take with me on my ride and spent considerable time bush-whacking to expand the trail. 

After one trail-building session I came back to the cottage with a “guest” – a tick. My wife, Lily, wasn’t thrilled and, to be honest, I wasn’t too happy about it either. I think it was enough to discourage me from continuing my trail which was still in its early stages. 

In the mean time, I worked at making better tools to take with me, ones that could also fit neatly into my backpack.

That was two years ago. I didn’t get back to it.

Well, this year when I was riding my trail, I spotted what looked like a new trail I had never seen before. I ventured down it, but it seemed to end in the middle of nowhere. I couldn’t see where it continued, so I went back. 

Yesterday I set out with my curiosity peaked, along with a desire to create another loop to ride. I brought my tools to work on this trail to nowhere so that I could get to somewhere.

This time as I rode the new trail I was able to detect that it did go further. Even though ferns and other growth were hiding the trail, I could make out just enough evidence of where to ride.

But again it seemed to end with no connection to another trail; it just stopped. 

When I returned home I was more curious than ever. I consulted my bike computer’s GPS feature to see a map of where I had ridden. I wanted to see where this new trail was in relation to the other trails I rode, and where I might be able to connect them.

It’s time to get working. My next task is to finish this trail and actually connect it to another.

Oh, and I came home with no guests this time – excellent!

Here’s the thing:  When your mind starts to wonder about God, take action, investigate. Maybe nature, or this COVID crisis, causes you to question and think about God. Perhaps a situation you find yourself in makes you wonder what God has to do with everything. The time to start seeking answers is now. Explore the trail; talk to someone; get a Bible and start reading. Don’t put it off. This new trail could be the best one ever.

That’s Life!


Question: What do you need to get working on again? Leave your comments and questions below.

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Why Cardboard Is An Essential Product

Going paperless was a thing at one time, but there has never been a consideration to do without cardboard.

Why cardboard is an essential product

I can’t imagine a world without cardboard. 

We use it for so many things and it comes in so many varieties, from cereal boxes to packing material to the tubes they pour concrete in to make columns.  

So many purchases you make contain some form of cardboard.  

and even when it has fulfilled its primary purpose, parts of it can still be used to do many other things. For instance, you can fold a piece of cardboard and use it to shim a table that’s wobbly. The restaurant I last ate in needed a piece of cardboard under one table leg – it drove me nuts.

There was a time when the use of cardboard was frowned upon. Either there was a fear we would run out of trees to make it, or we didn’t know how to recycle it, but cardboard packaging was shunned.

It’s back now and cardboard is better than ever. 

We just bought a couch from Ikea and it came in two huge cardboard boxes. And yes, of course, I had to build the couch myself … with the help of our daughter.

The pieces were arranged precisely in their boxes, piece by piece, with strategically placed cardboard to prevent any piece from rubbing against each other and so that nothing in the boxes moved at all.

How the boxes were packed was an art form in itself and I believe I removed as much cardboard as I did parts of the couch. 

When we were done, there was a mountain of cardboard left over . Though the pile did not weigh what it had with the couch inside, there was enough cardboard to make a house and a rocket ship.

… Many years ago when our children were little, my wife, Lily, got ahold of some very large cardboard boxes. With one she made a cabin that our kids could stand up in. They used it for years. With another batch of cardboard she made a rocket ship. Though it didn’t fly to the moon, it did provide many imaginary trips to far off planets for our kids.

Now that our kids have grown up she doesn’t do that anymore. But I watched Lily break down those new boxes and make four large piles of cardboard each tied to keep the pieces together. If needed she probably could have made a replica couch to the one we purchased, only sitting on it would have proved disastrous for the cardboard.

In the end the four piles of cardboard were placed in our vehicle and taken to be recycled into something new … maybe a refrigerator box or several TV boxes, or even an Apple computer box or two. It was high quality cardboard IKEA used to package and protect our couch. 

At one time we would just burn the cardboard, but now we can reuse it and remanufacture it for many applications. 

We will always have cardboard with us.

Here’s the thing: This cardboard reminds me of God. He is always with us, though sometimes under appreciated. There are even attempts by some to do without Him. He is still always with us. And there are so many reasons to seek God out. There is enough of Him for everyone; no one has to go without Him. We should never consider life without God.

That’s Life!


Question: How has God been part of your life today? Leave your comments and questions below.

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Your Actions May Not Be Making Things Better

Sometimes your actions and efforts to fix a problem just make that problem worse.

Your actions may not be making things better

The other day I picked some weeds out of the driveway at our cottage. They shouldn’t be there. We had fixed our weed problem last year (read here).

We have a gravel driveway with packed down white stones. I’m not sure how many inches thick it is, but it’s quite a few.

Over the last few years we noticed how the weeds have been coming up in the driveway in a more pronounced way. Our plan was to put some high-powered weed killer on the driveway, let it soak in and do its thing with the weeds. 

But we got a tip from a neighbour that a better solution would be to rake the driveway. 

It was certainly a more environmentally friendly approach to the weed extermination, and a far less costly one for us as well. 

What it did mean was a lot more sweat and effort on our part to get it done, but it seemed like a great solution. We tried it. 

We got out some rakes and started at the driveway systematically, digging deep down into the gravel and stirring those stones from the bottom up.  

It was like taking a comb to your scalp and going back and forth on it. … I’m not sure that’s good for your scalp and I’m sure now that it’s not so good for the driveway either. 

Mind you it looked great when we were done, like we had just put fresh gravel on our parking area. The stones were all fluffed up … if stones can be fluffy. I guess what I’m saying is they weren’t all hard packed and mashed together. 

We were pumped.

But probably within a week we noticed some weeds peeking through the gravel. 

How could this possibly be? We had gotten rid of all the weeds. They would have had to start from scratch to make their way through about three or four inches of gravel. 

Yet there they were. 

And now this year there seems to be even more and they are hardier than the variety that used to come up before we raked.

… This is an aside, but hear me out. I wonder if your hair was thinning and you wanted to stimulate growth in some way, maybe you could take a comb and really go at your scalp. Possibly you might be able to stimulate those hair follicles to start producing again. I’m not saying rush out and get yourself a new comb – it’s just a thought.

Anyway, back to our driveway this year. If we don’t get on this weed problem, instead of our driveway having a nice white stone look, it will have a hairy green look to it. 

This year we may have to apply the high-powered weed killer to the area and see if that action has better results.

Here’s the thing: If you take no action spiritually, you can bet the weeds of your own sin nature and societal influence will take over. Taking action spiritually is important; developing your faith is essential. It’s also important to take spiritual action that will make a long lasting impact on your life. Choose well what will stimulate spiritual growth in your life. Don’t let the weeds creep in.

That’s Life!


Question: What have you allowed to creep in to your life? Leave your comments and questions below.

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Being Content Is Something We All Need To Work On

The character trait of being content is something we all need to work on. Though I notice a lack of contentment in others, I also know that I need to be more content. 

Being content is something we all need to work on

… There is still room for discontentment though. Think about it … if we were all content all the time there would be many things that would never have been invented. 

Think of the wheel. If we were always content, no one would have thought of carrying anything any other way than in their arms or on their backs. Some things would never have been moved from their spots. 

But I’m really talking about being content with everyday experiences like the weather. 

The weather takes a beating, that’s for sure. Many people have even given the weather a personal name so they can blame it. They call the weather, “Mother Nature”, and she can be nasty at times. 

We also personalize certain weather conditions like hurricanes, though I have never heard of Hurricane Bob.

Especially with the weather, we find it difficult to be content. 

The other day I was listening to the radio and the two radio personalities were discussing the weather. We were experiencing a heat wave at the time. Temperatures were up into the 30’s C and the humidity was a making it feel 10 degrees hotter than the readings on the thermometer.

Instead of enjoying the heat for the brief time we have it, the DJs were pining away for cooler temps like 15 degrees. In the winter when it’s -15 C, they will also be wishing for that 15 C optimal temperature. 

… Just never content with what we are experiencing at the time. 

Farmers are notorious for not being content with the weather, though I can see that. The weather dramatically affects their livelihood. 

The old boys down at the coffee shop in Lloydminster, Alberta (or is that Saskatchewan?) – well, I guess it depends on which coffee shop they’re in – are not content because if it’s raining, it’s too wet and if it’s not, it’s too dry. If there is lots of snow in the winter, it’s too much, and if there is very little snow, well, that’s not good either. 

When I heard the radio jocks talk about wishing for fifteen degrees in the middle of the summer, I realized that in the spring when it’s 15 degrees out they will be longing for hotter summer weather to hurry up and arrive. 

As for me, I will be content with the weather we are getting right now. Sure, it’s hot but I will take it right now and enjoy it. I will sit and eat my meal on our deck and enjoy a little dessert as the sun slowly makes its way lower on the horizon. 

However, I will then take my plate and go back into our house that is air-conditioned to about 23 degrees … so maybe I’m not as content with the weather as I think.

Here’s the thing: When you find contentment, it’s hard to stay there. Something will soon pull you from being content to being discontent. God can use that discontentment to nudge you to find contentment in Him and His will for you. When the discontentment comes, don’t just complain. Look for where God is leading you to find contentment again. 

That’s Life!


Question: Where is your discontent leading you? Leave your comments and questions below.

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Your Perception Of Isolation May Be Wrong

Isolation and social distancing can give the perception that contact and connection is lost.

Your Perception of Isolation May be Wrong

We fear a loss of contact and connection during this pandemic. As a pastor, a big concern of mine is that people – especially those who are more vulnerable – will feel forgotten and alone.

During this time when contact is our enemy, we want to find ways to ease the loneliness. 

I remember playing dodge ball as a kid. There were only a few rules to the game and the bottom line was if the ball made contact with you, you were out. That was it; there was no second chance. It was harsh and you sat on the sideline until a new game began. 

It also meant you had to be in good shape to stay in the game. You had to move and dodge (hence the name of the game) to avoid getting hit. The people who were the most agile, the most flexible, could jump the highest and duck the lowest were the ones who would win the game. 

But as I got older, the rules of the game changed. 

The ball could actually make contact but only if you were holding another ball and it hit that ball and not your body. Then you were safe. Also, if a ball came whizzing towards you and you caught it, you were still in the game even though there was contact made.

The game had evolved to allow some contact under certain conditions to a game that was all about no contact. The changes increased the length of the games and kept more people in the game longer. It was actually pretty good.

So this game, known for its no-contact rule, actually added a whole lot of contact. 

This past week two groups in the city that work with seniors reached out to me. They wanted to bless the seniors in our church by giving them a gift of sorts. Their problem was that they had no means of either contacting random seniors or of distributing the gifts.

Their solution was to use the churches, so our church received a number of gifts from them intended for our seniors.

My problem was that most of our more vulnerable seniors have been avoiding contact during this pandemic and are not yet coming out to church services, so I would need to find a way to distribute all these gifts.

The only thing I could think of was asking our congregation if they would help deliver the gifts to our seniors. 

At church and through our livestream, we asked for volunteers to help deliver these gift packets. It was amazing how many people stepped up to make contact and connect with those who are experiencing isolation and social distancing to a greater degree. 

In the midst of the isolation and social distancing, there is far more contact and connecting happening than we perceive. 

… And as a pastor, it is so encouraging to see!

Here’s the thing: If you are feeling isolated, if you are lacking contact and are feeling forgotten and lonely, God is trying to make contact with you right now. He wants you to know He is with you. Give Him the opportunity to bring you His love and forgiveness. Reach back to Him and connect with God in a personal way through Christ. The perception may be that you are alone but there is a lot more contact and connection right around you than you realize.

That’s Life!


Question: What can you do to make contact with someone today? Leave your comments and questions below.

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Being Startled Can Be A Good Thing

On a good day I’m a little jumpy, but the piece of mail I received yesterday really startled me.

Being startled can be a goo thing

Some people get surprised more than others. I’m one of those people who gets caught off guard all the time. There are times when my secretary will come to my office door and I feel inside like I jumped up and hit my head on the ceiling. 

I’m not sure why I’m like that. It may be when I’m really focussed on something – you know, totally dialled in – and that knock or voice seems to come from out of nowhere. 

Whatever it is that causes me to be startled so easily, as I get older it seems to be happening more. … Please don’t anyone throw me a surprise party of any kind. I could go into complete cardiac arrest! 

I’m not good when people sneak up on me or come around a corner right when I arrive at it. Sure, it’s funny for everyone around to see, but think of the guy who’s already had a heart attack. Don’t purposely take any more years off of my life.

So the other day I got startled in a different way. 

On the kitchen table was an envelope addressed to me. Immediately I recognized it as originating from the government. 

At first sight of it, I gulped and wondered if it was the CRA wanting to review my income tax submission. They refer to it as a tax audit but I don’t like that term. 

I took the envelope in my hand and looked at it a second time to make sure the name on it was mine and not someone else’s. It didn’t matter whose; anyone else’s name would do.

Then I noticed that it had come from Scarborough, Ontario and that is not where any of my tax papers come from or go to. 

Now I was curious. So I opened the envelope, and out came official looking documents. 

I didn’t have my glasses on so I could only read the heading without squinting and holding it in and out to adjust the focus. I made out the first few words of the letter and it said “we are pleased to inform you …”

Those are encouraging words unless they come from the government. Then they can be a set up.

I looked at the heading which read, “Old Age Security”.

What? I just turned 64. How could this be?

Well, apparently the government automatically enrolled me in the OAS benefit and I will start receiving it 12 months from now. I even have a client number. 

Did you get that? I’m a client of Canada’s Old Age Security. Why would they startle me with this news so far in advance of me actually receiving OAS? 

I just kept staring at those words “Old Age Security”. I was squinting and couldn’t believe what I was seeing so I got my glasses. … Maybe that should have tipped me off to the fact that I am getting old enough to be an OAS client. 

Though this letter did startle me, I have a year to settle into it.

Here’s the thing: Do you get startled when something you were fearing turns out to be in your favour, or when something good comes out of bad? Do you kind of jump back when something works out that you didn’t think would? Don’t take those things for granted. Be startled and take note of how God worked in your favour. Make that little heart check and thank Him for His blessings. 

That’s Life!


Question: What has startled you about God lately? Leave your comments and questions below.

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Your View Of What’s Important Might Be Blocked

Last night from my deck, I looked at the sky and found the view a little lacking. The sky looked very interesting; it was just that there was too much blocking my view.

Your view of what's important might be blocked

I like living in the city where you’re close to everything you need and the things you enjoy doing. But the one thing that kind of sucks about city living is the view of the sunset.

We should have a great view of the sunsets each night. From our patio window or deck we just have to look a little to the left and we can see a fabulous array of red, orange and purple colours as they bounce off the clouds and contrast against the blue background.

It’s a pretty sight; there is just not enough of it. 

I guess that’s why some people build houses in the country and put them on the crest of a hill. From that vantage they get the full view of the sky as it interacts with the sun and the clouds. 

When we’re at the cottage walking on the beach at sundown, we get that full panoramic view with nothing obstructing the scene before us.

Not so much at home. I can see the sky but there are wires, poles, houses and trees that block the lower half of it from my view. When I take a picture of a sunset, I end up with a very thick transmission wire running right across the image. 

I could mount my GoPro somewhere to get around it, but I’d have to hoist it up a flag pole to get it above the wire.

I could send my drone up a hundred feet to get a better view but I’m not allowed. I live within a no-fly zone radius of an airport, so I can’t fly my drone off my back deck.

It would be nice to have an eraser that would just remove the wires and homes that are in the path of the sunset. It might upset the people who live in those homes to be rubbed out like they didn’t exist … not that my home was here first or that it’s built on higher ground … but it sure would improve my view. 

I realize that what I wish for is not something that I have any power to do. I’m just saying it would be nice, on a particularly absolutely gorgeous night, to have those homes and wires removed some way. 

I’ve seen software that can remove things from pictures so that you never knew they were ever truly in the shot.

I guess that is the best I can hope for. 

Here’s the thing: What might be blocking your view of seeing God in all His majesty and magnificence? It could be unforgiveness or a lack of gratitude. It might be sin in your life. Maybe you are preoccupied looking at something else. Whatever it might be that prevents you from seeing the glory of God, you have the ability to get it out of the way so that you can see God correctly. Let me encourage you to remove anything that blocks your view of seeing God for who He is.

That’s Life!


Question: What could be blocking your view of God? Leave your comments and questions below.

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Our Emotions Need Checks And Balances

Our emotions are such a powerful part of us, but they need to know their place in our lives.

our emotions need checks and balances

Sure, a world with little or no emotion would be a world without crying, sadness and loneliness, but it would also be a world with no joy, happiness and laughter. 

Our emotions are essential. Imagine going to a sporting event where no one cheered, no one shouted. Instead, people just watched randomly, talking amongst themselves in the stands. There would only be a constant low level noise, the sound you might hear when you get close to a bee hive. 

Or think of going to the movies and watching a new blockbuster show that starred most of Hollywood, and the highest paid actors at that. There would be silence in the theatre, no “oohs”, no sighs, no laughter, just blank faces staring at the changing colours and intensities of light emanating from the screen. 

To be honest, without emotion there would not be sports to watch or movies to go to. No one would be passionate enough to do them.

But emotions have their place and they need to stay in their place.

When we exalt our emotions to have greater influence on us than they should, it is as harmful to our lives as no emotion would be.

In the past we have designated our emotions to be subservient to our thought process. Our thinking, the use of our mind, has always just been tempered by our emotions. 

Our society has been driven by facts and reasoning and order and good judgement.

But over the last years, we have been moving from a society that is guided by mindful understanding to one that is lead more by emotional responses. Now our mind, our thinking, takes a back seat to our emotions when making decisions and determining actions. 

Case in point, this week the chief medical officer for Kingston announced that everyone had to wear a mask when inside a public space: grocery stores, convenient stores, malls, halls and churches. 

The reason for this was based on one manicure shop in Kingston. There was a breakout of 18 COVID cases from this shop. The shop had broken cleanliness rules, distancing rules, and probably a few other rules as well. 

People got the virus in an overcrowded establishment where people are kept stationary in close quarters for extended periods of time. 

The logical thing to do was to treat the sick, trace the source and reaffirm commitment to proper social distancing and hand washing, etc. 

But that was not what happened. Our medical officer took the emotional approach. 

Now it doesn’t matter what the conditions are, if you are inside a public building you have to wear a mask. There might be two of you, thirty feet from each other, but you have to wear a mask. Your business could have signs and space and sanitizers available – you still need a mask.

Wearing a mask will not ensure safety to those who are already practicing proper distancing and cleanliness. It’s an emotional decision and I’m concerned that this is becoming a trend. 

Here’s the thing: There is a belief by many that faith is nothing more than an emotional decision, that it is a comfort to believe in a god. But the truth is that faith is a mindful decision that is tempered by emotion. I first believed in God because the compelling evidence in the Bible, science and nature made sense to me. Then when I got to know God more, my emotions were drawn to Him. True faith has the right combination of thought tempered by emotion. Be sure to keep emotion in its rightful place. 

That’s Life!


Question: When has an emotional response got you into trouble? Leave your questions and comments below.

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