A New Study On COVID-19 Would Prove Interesting

I’m wondering if a new study could correlate the level of anxiety people have about the coronavirus with how much mainline media they watch.

a new study on COVID-19 would prove interesting

A study might prove that we are way more likely to believe what we hear, see or read in the news than we were years ago … I mean from when I was growing up.

If something is said on the news today, we accept it and grapple with it from the standpoint that it is 100% correct. 

Here’s why I think that. 

I don’t remember ever having a snow day when I was in school. Surely we don’t receive more snow, heavier snow, deeper snow and freezing rain now with global warming than we did when I was growing up.

I remember days that the snow would be over our boots with a layer of ice on top. We didn’t get to stay home. Our walk to school was just more of an adventure.

I remember skating up and down my street because it was so icy, but I don’t remember my dad staying home from work.

When I grew up, the weatherman was the comedy section of the newscast. He was wrong more than he was right.

Today we believe the weatherman. Granted he is more right now than years ago but, along with believing him, I bet a study would show we have become more anxious about going out in what we might have years ago called, “weather”.

When we hear something on the news, facts are used to create an emotional response in us. That means facts are presented in such a way as to get us to feel something. Some facts may not be presented, and sometimes facts may be skewed a little to steer us in the way the news station wants us to think. 

I believe more and more people don’t think for themselves but rather form their opinions, ideas and arguments based on what they are given by mainstream news.  

For instance, our prime minister has been holed up in his home for over three months. He has suspended the government from meeting, and given daily press conferences, urging us to social distance, stay home, stay safe. 

But then he showed up at a protest, having his picture taken surrounded by people pressing in on him, none of whom were practicing any kind of social distancing. 

So what is right? Should we stay home? Should we social distance? 

Should the prime minister be torched by the media for disregarding his own mantra and that of the medical community? Should he be crucified in the news for setting a horrible example and a double standard for all of Canada? Should he be held to a higher standard? 

Well, he is not. In fact, that wasn’t even the subject of the news. They focused on how aligned he was with the protest. 

Why could he not show his support and comment from his little tent outside his home? 

There is no logic, no consistency, no integrity in what he says about COVID.  

The news wants you to be moved by the topic, regardless of how ludicrous it was for him to do what he did. 

… And we buy into it.  

Here’s the thing: Friends, truth matters and where you go to find truth matters. We must check our sources and apply good logic and wisdom to what we believe. God has given us His Word. I encourage you to check it out, investigate it and study it. I know if you do you will find it to be true – the Truth. 

That’s Life!


Question: What do you believe right now that you have not checked out? Leave your comments and questions below. 

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My Clock Is Displaying The Time Again

I finally got around to fixing my night stand clock and I think I’ve finally got it right. 

my clock is displaying the time again

It’s not that the clock wasn’t working and I used my electronic skills to get it to keep time again. The problem was not keeping time, but that sometimes I couldn’t read the time it was displaying. 

Let me explain.

When do you usually need to look at the clock on your night stand? – at night time or early in the morning when it’s dark in the room and you can’t see very much. 

Years ago I was visiting a friend and, in the room I stayed in, they had a clock that projected the time onto the ceiling. I thought it was such a great idea that I looked to buy one. 

Just think about it. When you are lying bed and want to know the time, where is the best place to look? That’s right – just look up at the ceiling. You are probably already facing that way. And when the room is dark, the red numbers stand out clearly overhead.

Now the clock I got has a defect. I’m not sure if it was a design flaw or a problem with my particular clock. When the time is projected on the ceiling, the numbers are like four feet high …literally. The time displays across the entire ceiling. 

It’s just a little too much … well, a lot too much.

So I searched for a solution and I found an old magnifying glass that was the perfect size. The magnifying glass needed to be about two inches above the clock so that it could project an image on the underside of a shelf that hangs above my night stand. 

I needed some way to raise the magnifying glass up those two inches. I won’t bother telling you how I did it but I’ll tell you the things I used: a lid from an old camera film canister, a business card and some tape. 

All this did the trick. It was like I was MacGyver! 

But having it just sit on the clock wasn’t good enough. It kept falling off the clock or getting bumped. 

I got tired of repositioning it so the other day I came up with a way to keep my little telescope device in place. For that I used the insert of a pill bottle cap, and some two-sided tape. 

Time will tell (pun intended) if what I rigged lasts long-term, but I’m happy. 

Now I don’t have to have the glow from a clock giving me a sun tan or skin cancer while I sleep but, at any moment, morning or night, I can look under that shelf and read the time. 

Here’s the thing: How far will you go for God? Will you do things for Him only if they are easy, if they fit in with what you are already doing? If God asks you to do something that might be difficult or take some effort, even mental effort, is that too much to ask? I went to a lot of work just to get the time to project at a reasonable size on my shelf. Will you go the second mile when God asks you to do something for Him? Think about it.

That’s Life!


Question: What have you said “no” to, just because it would take some extra work on your part? Leave your comments and questions below.

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Golf Is Changing, At Least For Me It Is

My first game of golf this year revealed some changing trends in how the game is played.

golf is changing, at least for me it is

This week I had the rare opportunity to play golf with my son. … There is something special about sharing the same passion with your kids, especially if you can participate in that passion with them.

It was just the two of us, so we were paired with another twosome who turned out to be a couple of grade nine high school students.

The first thing I noticed is that they both had pull carts and were not carrying their golf bags on their shoulders.

I wasn’t too surprised because, after all, they were both just turning 15 this year, and when they turned sideways sometimes I lost site of them. They were good kids and I marvelled how they were able to hit the ball as far as they did given their measly frames.

The fact that they were pulling their clubs contrasted to Mike and I who were carrying our clubs … a decision that came after a discussion on whether we should rent a cart or not.  

Usually Mike likes to ride a cart around the course but he is starting to change his opinion about that. He now likes to walk because you get into the game more, rather than rushing around bombing from shot to shot in a cart. 

This is the way I have always liked to play golf. You actually feel like golf is the primary purpose of your outing. 

When you take a cart, golf becomes secondary to all that happens in the cart – things like almost losing a passenger when you hit a ditch really hard, or turning really fast and almost stunt driving with two wheels off the ground.

This doesn’t happen much, but the driving takes away from thinking about your next shot and all the possible factors that need to be considered like wind, the lie of the ball, whether you must fly the ball to the hole or let it bounce up the green – things like that. 

As Mike’s view of taking a cart has changed, my view has softened. 

Walking around an 18 hole course, carrying my clubs on my back, wears on my muscles and joints so that by the time we’ve reached the 18th hole, I feel like an old man.

My preference now is to pull my clubs but not carry them.

Another thing I noticed was that, as the round continued, the young guys started hitting the ball farther. Mike would bomb his drive way past mine, but in the early holes I would outdrive the young kids by a good margin. By the last few holes though, they were hitting the ball as far or farther than me.  

I think as I got tired my distance started to suffer. 

All in all I think I’m re-evaluating my approach to the game. However, I still have a slight edge over my son in the scoring department. 

Here’s the thing: Life doesn’t always stay the same; things change. We can either accept those changes or resist them. Accept and embrace the changes that God brings into your life because He will walk with you through them.

That’s Life!


Question: What is the biggest change in you from 10 or 20 years ago? Leave your comments and questions below. 

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My Car Radio Isn’t Delivering The Goods

At one time a car radio just played music. You had to rely on the DJ to inform you about the songs that were played.

My car radio Isn't delivering to goods

That’s not the case anymore. 

Now we have information screens that tell us a lot more details. 

Before display screen radios, if you had a bad DJ and he or she played a song you didn’t know, there was a good chance the DJ wouldn’t be forthcoming with that information. Sometimes you might not have paid attention to what the DJ said and you missed the introduction of the song and the band. 

Then there were times when the station would play three songs or more in a row and by that third song you couldn’t remember what they said the name of the band was. 

I always wished the DJs would give the name of the song and the band at the end. It was usually while the song was playing that my interest was pricked to know that information. 

But we don’t have that problem anymore … or do we?

I don’t have the most sophisticated display screen on my car radio, but there is a section of the screen that displays the name of the song being played and the group that it is by. 

… Sometimes.

When it is a popular song that everyone knows, the radio stations in Kingston are not too bad at getting the information to my display screen. But if it is a song I’m not sure of, or a song I’d like to know more info about, nada – no chance they are putting that on the display. 

It is incredibly frustrating! 

The other day a song came on my car radio and scrolling across the display was the name of the song followed by the group that sang it. I knew the song and the group. But the next song came on and I wasn’t positive on the particulars. 

I really wanted to see the song and band info. Instead, the information on the previous song continued to scroll for a good thirty seconds into this new song. 

I kept looking and finally they started with the first word of the title of the tune. But then it was like there was a glitch. That one word remained there like I wasn’t the only one who couldn’t remember the name of the song. 

When the display started moving again, only it displayed the name of the radio station I was tuned to. 

That’s great! I knew the name of the station; I didn’t need a reminder. 

For the rest of the song, I got the weather, which I could see out my window, the radio station name and a courtesy message to stay safe and shop local.

Why did I need that? I just wanted the name of the song that I was listening to. How could that be so difficult?

When the song ended, the next song began and I knew it very well. Promptly, the name of the song and the band that performs it scrolled across the display. 


Here’s the thing: When you pray and you don’t seem to be getting any answers from God, you need to ask why. Am I not getting an answer because I have some sin in my life? Am I paying attention to what God is saying? Am I looking for a specific answer which is not the answer God is giving me? Am I asking the wrong question when God wants to tell me something different? One thing is for certain, it’s not God who is not communicating.

That’s Life!


Question: How can you listen better to what God is telling you? Leave your comments and questions below.

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Calling In The Professionals Can Save You Aggravation

A wise person will know when calling in the professionals is the right thing to do.

calling in the professionals can save you aggravation

There are times when, out of laziness, calling in the professionals can be too soon. Without exerting much effort, that person instead opts to go straight to receiving help. 

If money is not an issue, why struggle with something that you’re not an expert in? 

Another reason to go straight to calling in the professionals is that the time and the frustration make outsourcing the more economical way to go. 

I’ve never taken either of these approaches. In fact, I usually err on the side of waiting too long before calling in the professionals. Whether I have the skill and equipment or not, I will usually try to tackle problems on my own until I have completely run into a brick wall. But that’s me.

The other day I was talking with my neighbour and he said to me, “I’m raising the white flag.” 

I replied, “What? What do you mean?” 

It was his lawn that he was surrendering to – the weeds, to be specific. 

He just can’t get them under control. The other day when he drove up to his house and saw dandelions the size of cedars covering his lawn, that was the last straw.

He called the Weed Man, the professionals. 

He was telling me all this because he has had a number of conversations with my wife, Lily, about the weed problem both our lawns have. I think they have discussed all kinds of military sanctions and ops against the weeds on our lawns but to no avail. 

The weeds seem to be gaining ground and, for fear that they will start showing up between the cracks in the hardwood floors in our living rooms, something had to be done. 

He has called in the professionals. 

When I mentioned it to Lily she said, “Oh, that’s not a bad price. Maybe we should call in the professionals too.” 

At that point, I had a flashback to my growing up years.

I grew up with a backyard that would take me about an hour and a half to cut each time … unless I let the grass get too long and then the cutting would most certainly go into extra innings. 

I remember each spring looking out over the backyard at a continuous field of yellow flowers. Some people call them dandelions, but back then I had hoped that my parents would see this beautiful long-stemmed floral field as a cash crop or something. 

No such luck. I still had to mow them down each week.

For years we didn’t do anything about them, until one day the weed man talked to my dad. My father thought that, because they never seeded the lawn after the house was built, all the grass we had was weeds. He didn’t want to kill the whole lawn.

The weed man assured my dad that only the little yellow broadleaf dandelions would be eradicated. 

It was then that we began having a green lawn. … Maybe it’s time to call in the professionals ourselves.

Here’s the thing: We often try to solve our problems, issues and irritants on our own before we call on God. We usually wait too long before giving up on our own efforts and asking God for help. Don’t wait until you have to raise the white flag. Call on the Lord early when you discover something that needs to be addressed in your life.

That’s Life!


Question: What have you been trying to deal with for too long on your own? Leave your comments and questions below.

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Report Cards Are Out – What About Our Prime Minister?

Well, school is finished in Ontario for this academic year and report cards are being sent out. 

Report Cards Are Out - What About Our Prime Minister?

Report cards simply tell us how we are doing. … I wonder what kind of marks our Prime Minister should get. 

Justin Trudeau has been at the helm throughout this whole pandemic, holed up in his home, the Rideau Cottage.

Three plus months is a long time to be living in a cottage!

I’m just thinking that my cottage is under 500 square feet. It’s fine for us because we spend a lot of time outside. But our Prime Minister only comes out once a day to give a press conference. Mind you, he does have to completely dress for it … which is something that should be noted. 

If he did these news sound bites via video, he would only have to put on the top half of his suit. He could be in boxers for all anyone would know.

And he has been faithful at coming out of his cottage every day. I’m thinking though that he must be getting good at COD (call of duty). 

On second thought, he would not be playing that game – way too much violence for him. He’s most likely more of a Mario Kart gamer. 

He’s probably rocking his Nintendo Wii.  

Though his cottage is not really a cottage, still it must be boring not venturing farther than just beyond his front porch to place his latest money offering before the public.

We don’t really know what he is doing, though he is asking the leaders of the world to pull together during this time. 

But he won’t even leave his property. He won’t even take the drive to show up at work. 

I go into the office every day, and there is no one else there. Trudeau could sit in the House of Commons and answer his own questions, from the echo off all the empty seats.

He’s doing that already with the news reporters. He controls our eager news force (who insist they give Canadians the real news) as to who can ask questions. That means our news agencies are reporting what the Prime Minister wants us to hear and not what we really need to know.

From his cottage, sprawled out on his couch, the Prime Minister is leading the country, making decisions without any challenges. 

Canada is the only G7 country that presently doesn’t have a functioning parliament. All these other countries are managing to have their governments meet. 

Justin likes it this way. He doesn’t have to answer any questions he hasn’t scripted. He only has to face friendly faces once a day. 

Our Prime Minister is doing as he pleases and cares less if he bankrupts our country as long as he gains political points among the globalists. 

Justin Trudeau has fallen into a perfect storm for himself. We all might be suffering through this pandemic but, for him, he couldn’t have asked for a better screenplay to act in. 

The report card for our leader should show a “F” for Fear in facing the opposition, “F” for Fake in creating his own news, and “F” for Failure in leading our country. 

Here’s the thing: There is not much we can do with our present leader other than to speak up more and to seek God who will lead us well. God is a leader who has no fear of opposition, He is all truth and He will lead your life with integrity. Trust Him.

That’s Life!


Question: Who do you have your hope in right now? Leave your questions and comments below.  

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Face Masks May Become The New Fashion Statement

There is a time and a place for face masks, but some people haven’t figured out that place.

face masks may become the new fashion statement

… It’s crazy that I just wrote that sentence! Three months ago I would never have thought about writing about face masks.

But now, in the midst of COVID, face masks are even becoming fashionable. A whole cottage industry is rising up, making these accessories that used to be set aside for kids pretending to be cowboys or for biker gangs.

I know those masks look a little different, but apparently I may have to dig out a bandit scarf from our kids’ old tickle trunk if I want to go to Costco.

There have been times when I have worn a face mask and a couple of times when I wore a goalie mask. When I was doing some home construction I wore one because of all the dust and debris.  

There is a time and a place for face masks, but the other day I saw a whole lot of wrong places for these facial protective devices.

We were traveling from Kingston to Toronto on the highway, where we saw several people driving – some probably for hundreds of kilometres – wearing a mask … wait for it … ALONE in their vehicles! 

That’s right, they were protecting themselves from themselves.

It’s possible they had the coronavirus and they were making sure that they didn’t give it to themselves again. Maybe they thought they needed to filter the air that was circulating through the car, which happened to be the same air they were breathing into the car’s ventilation system.

I figure that wearing a mask for a long trip would get all hot and sweaty. They were probably incubating a new form of the virus or the next virus that will send us into a second wave of the pandemic. As soon as they open their car door at a gas station, the virus will be unlocked and spread to all those unsuspecting people innocently pumping gas into their tanks. 

Or that guy who was driving a van wearing a mask, can you imagine how many germs he would release into the atmosphere after being stored up for a few hours in that rolling container?

Now I’m not saying that people should not be wearing face masks. They’re fine if you are in a crowded area, or if you want to protect others. 

The bottom line is a face mask is appropriate when other people are around. 

If you are walking alone through a park – wait, can we do that yet? – you don’t need a mask.

If you’re outside suntanning in your backyard by yourself, you don’t need to wear a mask. But if you do, afterwards you’ll look like you have a permanent mask on your face.

During this time, there is a place for wearing a face mask. You just have to pick the right place to wear it. 

Here’s the thing: There is a time and a place for everything. But in this age of COVID, the time and place for things can become muddled. We can find ourselves doing things that we wouldn’t normally do during this time or place. For instance, with not having to get ready and go to church on Sundays, it would be easy to fill that time with something else. So, during this pandemic, make sure you keep a time and place for meeting with God and your church family.

That’s Life!


Question: How has your church experience been during the last couple of months? Leave your comments and questions below, and subscribe to have these posts delivered to your inbox.  

Anticipation Is Making Me Late, And Keeping Me Waiting

Anticipation is a great motivator and will help you plow through something you don’t really want to do. 

Anticipation is making me late and keeping me waiting

Though sometimes anticipation can make time seem to go really fast because you are so focussed on it, usually anticipation makes time seem to go very slowly.

It all depends on what you have to do before you get to what you are anticipating.

As a kid, I remember Christmas morning being something I anticipated for weeks in advance. But let me tell you, Christmas Eve seemed to last forever, like time was standing still.

The word itself reminds me of a Carly Simon hit song from 1971. The chorus went like this: “Anticipation is making me late, it’s keeping me waiting.”

It’s like that for me today. 

I’m anticipating going for my first mountain bike ride of the year at my local mountain bike club. 

But before I get there, before I even make sure my tires are pumped and my gears are shifting smoothly, I have to get a few things done, including finishing writing this blog post. 

While I’m sitting in my family room, staring at my iPad, with a keyboard on my lap, I’m really visualizing the course out at the farm.

It looks so different depending on when you ride. Early in the spring when the leaves are still not fully developed, it is brighter and you can see more of the terrain around the path.

In a week or two, the leaves will provide shade to ride under and the path will appear to be all that is highlighted. 

Later in the fall, with brown leaves all around, it will be difficult to even see the path underneath.

With our new social isolation measures, there will be rules to follow, even though most of the time when I bike, though there are over 1000 members, I rarely come across other bikers. And when I do, it is only for a flash, as I glide past them or they whisk by me. 

As long as the trees can’t get COVID, I will be safe from potentially getting the virus on the mountain biking trails. It’s just getting to them that’s the issue. 

And the more I think about riding, the more I anticipate it and that is making me late, keeping me waiting.

As painful as it might be for me right now, if we never anticipated anything, we wouldn’t make plans. We wouldn’t get excited about what is coming up. We wouldn’t dream about what is to come. 

When I was a youth pastor and my junior high girls were anticipating a week at summer camp, or a weekend retreat, they would jump up and down wth big grins on their faces, saying things like, “just 6 more sleeps!”

Anticipation is a good thing. Sometimes we think it’s killing us but it really keeps us going. It motivates us like it is motivating me to finish writing this post.

Here’s the thing: I don’t think we anticipate being with God in heaven all that much. If we did we would have a very different outlook and response to the world around us. We would be less caught up in solving the issues of the day and more concerned with how to best leverage the present circumstances to bring about Christ’s return and our eternity in heaven. 

That’s Life!


Question: How would anticipating being in heaven change your present mindset and actions during this time? Leave your comments and questions below.  

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Isolation Is Good For Something; Not Sure What That Is

This Isolation is wreaking havoc on my efficiency and making me less productive. 

Isolation is good for something; not sure what that is

Probably most people and businesses in general are running at a lower efficiency than they normally do. I was talking with someone recently who said he thinks he’s operating at 70%.

It’s understandable. We are finding our way through a new set of rules and measures. Life is not what it was a few months ago before coronavirus.

I am in the same boat as most people, although, if anything, I should be more productive and working at a high efficiency. You see, I work best when it is quiet, and boy is it quiet at work!

I hear of people working from home and being on Zoom meetings where their three-year-old makes an appearance several times during the meeting … and the kid isn’t updating their dad or mom on the latest sales projection numbers.

I know some people are going nuts trying to get work done at home. 

I’m the opposite. I still go into the office, and I’m the only one there. It’s really quiet which should be perfect for me. 

I once had an assistant who loved to play music when he worked. He often would play it Friday mornings when I was trying to write my sermon. He would keep the sound low but he had a subwoofer in his office and all I would hear was boom .. boom . . . . . . . boom . . boom . . boom echoing through the wall between our offices.

I couldn’t concentrate at all.

It’s probably because of my ADD that I need quiet to focus, but the quiet isn’t even working these days. Anything can take my attention away from what I’m working on.  

In fact, the other day I stopped working on my sermon to pray. After a moment or two of prayer, I realized I had spotted a black squiggle mark on my desk and my mind went to some cleaner in the kitchen I had seen earlier. I almost stopped praying to go get that cleaner when I realized what I was doing and got back to praying. 

Maybe it is too quiet here at the church. Maybe I need a couple of three-year-olds messing with my mind and my patience. 

Wait … I’ve been there before, and no thanks; I’m not going back.  

But maybe it’s not my ADD. Maybe I’ve been going for too long without a break and I’m running out of steam. 

Come to think of it, it’s often around now that I remember my summer vacation is coming up and I start thinking that it can’t come fast enough. 

Maybe it’s that I would normally be a little more active by now. I would be mountain biking and golfing. I haven’t done any of that and I haven’t really been working out in my home gym either. 

It’s possible that it’s all these factors and the isolation has just created the perfect storm for them all to be working against me. 

Here’s the thing: This isolation can get you off your game with your time with God. Your schedule has changed; you don’t have the same routines as normal. You may have different demands placed on you. All these things can create that perfect storm that makes spending time with God more difficult. Let me encourage you to find some calm in that storm. Eke out some quiet waters where you can listen to the Lord for direction and guidance through a turbulent time. 

That’s Life!


Question: How efficient have you found yourself to be in this isolation? Leave your comments and questions below. Hit the “like” button if this has been helpful and subscribe if you want these posts to come to your inbox.

My Eyes Need A Fine-Tune Adjustment

I don’t think my eyes are as finely tuned as some other people’s.

My eyes need a fine-tune adjustment

Lately I’ve been working on some projects using saws, drills, screws and what not. 

I built a teleprompter using an old picture frame, plywood and an aluminum strip. I just made a rig for my teleprompter and camera to fit on a tripod stand. 

I also got the parts to make a jig for my router. I need to cut a groove in some 2x4s for the top of my fence. 

Now you need to know a few things about me. Woodworking and making things with my hands have never been things I am proficient at. In fact, there was a time when I was banned from using anything sharp … well, I was allowed to use a knife to cut my food. 

You see, I had had a couple of accidents. 

First, I was cutting off the bottom of a door. I did a few things wrong: I used the wrong saw and, instead of cutting the door while on a flat surface, I held it up with my hand. The saw slipped off the wood and the very toothy saw blade ripped into the base of my index finger. 

… Let’s just say we had to replace a few ceiling tiles that had red stains from when I flung my hand up. 

That was a trip to the hospital. Fortunately, I missed a tendon and still have full use of my finger.

About three months later, I was using a utility knife to cut a strip off some hard board. The knife slipped and sliced the same finger, only this time near the tip.  

That was another trip to emerg in order to stop the leakage.

Besides my issues of cutting myself with sharp objects, for some reason I can’t seem to get anything straight. My eyes are just a little off. I can get things close, but not perfect. 

When I am cutting things with a circular saw, my cuts go straight for the first part but end up veering slightly to the left or right. When I’m drilling a hole, I can’t seem to make a hole that isn’t on a slight angle. When I screw two pieces of wood together, they might not come together perfectly inline.

I’m not saying that my measuring is off. I think I just need my eyes adjusted. I’m usually close, but close isn’t good enough. 

It’s like my eyes need to be tuned a bit, brought into sharper focus. 

I’ve been watching YouTube videos, getting tips on making these projects and they look great on the screen. The carpenters seem so precise. They do it with ease. 

But when I go to make something, I’m off just a bit. My end result is not quite like the example. 

Now I’m about to make a jig, and I am going to have to drill about 32 holes, evenly spaced, around an 8×10 piece of plexiglass. What are the chances I will actually be able to drill in the middle of each of my markings? 

Here’s hoping. 

Here’s the thing: At times in your life, things don’t come together the way you would like them to. Even with all your trying, you can’t make it work out right. You are just not seeing the situation correctly and you need an eye adjustment. God will be your expert help to fine-tune what you don’t see correctly. Don’t live with something that isn’t quite right. Seek God for what you don’t see and let Him adjust your eyes to see clearly. 

That’s Life!


Question: What do you have trouble seeing clearly? Leave your comments and questions below. Hit the like button if you found this helpful, and subscribe to keep these posts coming.