It Was The Same Old New Year’s Day

I do not sleep in on any day of the week, except on New Year’s Day. Maybe it’s habit, or maybe it’s because I’m rebelling. I’m not sure which it is, but I do know that it is the only consistent day of the year that I sleep in. 

new year's

In some ways it makes sense because I stay up late on New Year’s Eve. However, there are other days throughout the year that I stay up past midnight but still manage to wake up to my 6:00 am alarm.

Being up late is not the reason I sleep in – it’s a conscious decision I make. I decided when I went to bed that I was not going to get up with my alarm … and I didn’t even hear it go off in the morning. 

I am a seven days a week, 6:00 am riser, and have been for decades … but I wasn’t always that way.

When I was in high school I could easily sleep to 11:30 am – on weekends, 12:00 pm was never out of the equation for me.

But sometime as I was approaching my twenties, I changed my thinking. I didn’t like the fact that I slept through the first half of the day. I felt like I was wasting my day, missing out on something. 

It was a slow change, however. It wasn’t until many years later that I started waking up at 6 o’clock. 

That took place when I got serious about having a set amount of time in the morning to spend with God. Before then I thought I was a night hawk: stay up late and get up later.

But New Year’s Day was always a little different – especially during the ten years when I ran all-night youth events on New Year’s Eve. I didn’t even go to bed until about 10:00 am New Year’s Day. 

It was nice when I could actually get to sleep before the sun rose on the New Year.  

I’m thinking that maybe, just maybe, my desire to sleep in on New Year’s Day is out of rebellion – rebellion against getting up at six in the morning every other day of the year. 

But rebellion isn’t a good thing. It doesn’t work out well in the end. Look at the law: when you rebel against a law, in time you are usually going to get caught and have to pay a price. 

When you rebel against God, look what that gets you. It may be delayed consequences but you will pay in the end.

It’s just like delayed gratification, only in a really bad way.

Maybe my rebellion against getting up at my regular time isn’t really rebellion after all. Maybe it’s to shorten the one day of the year that, after my time with God, there is nothing – really, nothing – to do. 

… Unless you are desperate to watch college football all day. Oh, and an environmentally friendly horticultural parade.

Can’t say that I want to get up early to watch that. 

Here’s the thing: There is one thing that we should be excited for each day and that is to spend time with God. He loves it when we do, and if you do it right, you will look forward to it each day. Here’s to 2020 and a new year! Let me challenge you to set a time to meet with God each day. Make it interesting – I read through the Bible chronologically each year. Don’t do all the talking; pause to listen to what God might be saying to you. Then record what you hear, and follow through with it. Have a Happy New Year! 

That’s Life!


Question: What’s your big goal for 2020? Leave your questions and comments below.

We Fit More People In Than I Thought We Could

You can always fit more people in than you think you can. This has been proven over and over, but we just proved it once again. 

We Fit More People In

I remember in the 70’s – before seat belts were a must – we would, at times, pile insane amounts of people into cars.

Sometime we would do it for fun, but mostly it was out of necessity. We frequently needed to transport more people than there were available seats in the vehicles. It was routine that we would go somewhere with friends, often sitting in the back seat, squished between two guys, with two or three girls sitting on our laps. 

It was similar to a gang tackle in football, only we were under the pile a lot longer. 

Sometimes we would shoehorn so many friends into a car that we had to ask someone to move a bit so we could shift gears. For long trips that wasn’t bad, but for city driving it meant for a lot of moving parts.

Well, for the first time in 24 years, we hosted the Christmas meal at our home. We really should have done it the first year we moved back to Ontario – we would have had a few less people. But having the whole family for Christmas dinner at our place this year, as apposed to 24 years ago, created an even bigger space issue. 

In 1996, 6 of the 14 family members at the meal were 7 and under. Not now – everyone is an adult – no little people anymore. 

We have a dining table that seats 8. With some creativity and ingenuity from my wife, we were able to up that to 12 people. That left 6 people eating standing up, so we brought in a folding table that extended into the living room.

It was going to work we could fit everyone in. But when everyone started to arrive and the tables were set up, it didn’t leave a lot of room for people to mingle. 

There were people sitting in the living room but then a whole lot of others standing around the perimeter of the room … much like a bunch of junior highers at a school dance.

 Fortunately we soon saddled up to the tables and got down to some serious eating. 

And when dinner was over, we pushed the extra table against a railing in the living room and shortened the dining room table. People spread out to other parts of the house; some went downstairs to the family room. Before too long the family was fitting in the space.  

I’ve been to parties where there was a crowd in every room you entered, wall-to-wall people. It was not nearly that bad … certainly not too crowded for a day.

The day after I was talking with a friend and told him about the 18 people we had over to our little home and he just smiled at me. Then he said, “We have 16 people living in our house all the time.” 

… Maybe we should have the whole family over every weekend.

Here’s the thing: People have joined God’s family for over 2000 years, putting their faith in Jesus Christ. We don’t know when Christ will come back, but one thing we know is that there will always be room to fit more in. So if you have not joined God’s family by claiming Christ as your Saviour, the time to do that is now.

That’s Life!


Question: How can you strengthen you family ties? Leave your questions and comments below.

It’s The Worst Part Of Christmas

What’s the worst part of Christmas? … I know it’s not what you would usually think of at this time of year, but I was faced with something I don’t really like and that’s when I started wondering. 

worst part of Christmas

I’m sure that everyone has their own idea of the worst part of Christmas. For some people it might be the stress of entertaining. For others it’s all the gatherings. For most children it’s probably the waiting.

For me, maybe the worst part of Christmas is the wrapping of presents. 

I’ve just never really liked it. Much like shopping, it seems to suck the life out of me. After spending an hour wrapping four or five presents, I’m tired and exhausted.

Yes, I know some of you are questioning what takes me so long to wrap presents.  

Maybe it’s my dislike of the task that drags it out for me. I just can’t wrap presents quickly.

I liked it about twenty years ago when people would put a present in a bag with drawstrings. It was like a hoody for presents! Wrapping took no time. 

Sadly, it seems that that fad has faded and we are left with the good old wrapping paper and tape.

When I was a kid, my aunt wrapped presents the best. They were perfect, and perfectly coordinated with the bow. … I can never seem to get the corners sharp or the paper tight around the present. 

Some people are able to do a nice job of wrapping a present, but they cheat. They use so much tape that it’s near impossible to unwrap their gift. Those people have lost the focus that it’s the gift and not the wrapping that is the most important thing. 

However, a well-wrapped gift is sure inviting … it’s just so painful to do. Sometimes you have to work with a subject that is an odd size or shape, making the task even more difficult and painstaking. 

At least the wrapping paper creators have done one thing that is nice. They have put little guidelines on the back side of the paper to help with cutting. There’s still skill involved because, even with the grid pattern, I can’t seem to cut a straight line.

And then there is the aftermath. After you’ve worked so hard and long at wrapping the gift, it is opened in a second or two … unless you doubled down on the tape.

I remember the days in the living room of the home I grew up in. Mom stressed with every present that was being opened, pleading, “Save the paper!” 

She was so ahead of her time, wanting to save the trees. What an environmentalist she was.

Now that paper hits a green garbage bag before the plastic shrink wrap is ripped off the box.

Wrapping presents – it’s the worst part of Christmas. Let’s bring back present hoodies.

Here’s the thing: I think the worst part of Christmas for Mary and Joseph might have been right after Jesus was born. I imagine they looked around at where they were, and at their baby who didn’t look any different than any other baby. It had been a hard and difficult nine months. Nothing seemed special about this child. Maybe they questioned the angel visits they had both had. But then the shepherds came in. They told the story of what the angels had said and sung about their little baby. And then looking at the face of Jesus, Mary and Joseph knew God had done this. They were actually holding this gift. Make sure you are holding God’s gift this Christmas. You can’t hold Him in your arms, rather hold Him in your heart. 

That’s Life!


Questions: What’s the hardest part of Christmas for you? Leave your comments and questions below.

My Lists Just Keeps Getting Longer

At this time of year more people are carrying around lists. Christmas time is probably the “king of lists” – mine just keeps growing. 

list, getting longer

Most people set out to make a list and then work at checking the items or actions off the list until they have completed everything. 

My lists are getting longer and longer. We are getting closer and closer to Christmas but my lists are on pace to keep me going until well into the new year. 

My Christmas “things to do” list is similar to my kind of grocery list. While some people will methodically plan their route and cross off the items as they put them into the cart, I see something and add it to the list as I place it in the cart. 

… Oh I cross it out, but by the time I’m finished, I’ve added quite a few things that my wife, Lily, didn’t request and often really didn’t want in the house. 

I feel that my list of tasks this Christmas is much like that. Every time I go to cross something off the list, I have to add one or two more things. 

What makes matters worse is that Lily is adding things to my growing list. That should not be allowed; you keep your list to yourself. Everyone has his own list(s) and shouldn’t need to be helping someone else cross items off her list … especially at Christmas. 

I remember a time when I couldn’t wait to look at a list. The coach would post those who made the team and if your name was on the list, you were in. We would practically climb over each other’s backs to get a glimpse of the names on that list. 

The lists I’m making now don’t hold any of that anticipation or excitement.

I don’t like pulling out my list now, unless it is to check something off … and then I want to do it really quickly so that I don’t think of something else I need to add to it. 

I make my lists electronically these days. I can make a list on my computer and be able to see it and update it on my phone or iPad. I am never without it.

In the days when I used to make paper lists, sometimes I would have to remake them, so that I would be writing out the same item several times if I didn’t get it checked off soon enough.  

I had a list once that was in my pocket for a good week or more. It was so long that it resembled a child’s Christmas toy list. 

I kept at that list, checking things off one by one. By the time I got to the end of the list, the fibres in the paper had changed. The list felt more like it was written on a Kleenex tissue. And no, when I crossed off the last item, I did not blow my nose with the list. 

Right now I wish my current list would magically disappear.

Here’s the thing: There is a list that is really important and it’s a list that you want to get your name on. The Bible says that after Christ returns, He will bring out the Book of Life and it will list everyone who will join Christ in heaven. I want to be on that list, and you will want to also. Placing your faith in Christ is what is needed to get on that list. Add that to your Christmas list this year if you’re not already on Christ’s list. 

That’s Life! 


Question: How important is completing your list this Christmas? Leave your comments and questions below.

I’m Not A Truck Guy – Maybe I Should Be

A truck is so convenient when you want to pick something up and take it home in your own vehicle. … I should have bought a truck. 

Truck guy, SUV

But I did buy the next best thing: an SUV. You can pack some serious loads in that kind of vehicle. 

When I think of it, I have always used my vehicles like they were trucks. Even when I had a two-door hatchback Buick Skyhawk, I used it like a truck. 

When I was in college, my brother and I shingled the roof of our parents’ house. We didn’t have a truck to transport the packages of shingles from the store, but we had the Skyhawk. My brother made about a hundred and fifty trips to deliver them. 

He learned really quickly that the shocks on the car couldn’t sustain more than a few packages of shingles at a time.

… But still I never thought of buying a truck. 

A truck was never something I wanted, even though I have driven home from the hardware store with wood resting from the dashboard in front of the passenger seat, through to the back seat, out the open rear driver’s side window, as I hung my arm over the wood, like I was trying to make a move on the planks.

When I was in need of a vehicle to move to Alberta to begin my first job as a pastor, I asked my dad what would be a good car for me. His answer was, “Why don’t you buy a truck?”  

I thought that was a crazy thought coming from him. My dad had never bought a truck and I could never see him owning one.

I asked, “Dad, why would I want to buy a truck?” and his reply was, “They all have them out there!”

I bought a four-door sedan.

Ya, I’ve never really considered owning or buying a truck, but I sure have used all my vehicles like they were trucks.

In this last month alone I’ve hauled a freezer and a treadmill in my SUV. 

Both times the back seats had to be folded down, the front seats had to be moved as far forward as possible, and I had to bungee the rear gate down because the loads were too long to fit inside my truck … I mean, sport utility.

I have loaded so much stuff in my vehicles over the years, strapped things to the roof, and used a red flag to warn people driving behind me that I had long cargo.

… Maybe some day I will just break down and buy a truck. 

But who am I kidding? My vehicles think they are under-sized, and under-classed trucks regardless. 

Besides, by not having a truck I get fewer requests to help people move.

Here’s the thing: There are a lot of people who get by in life with their skill, wisdom, personality, cunning and luck. Most of the time, this collection of attributes serves them just fine. They can do pretty much whatever they need. But there are times when they also reach out to God, whether they believe in God or not. They ask Him for help when they are in a tight bind. They will call out His name in desperation. They will even wonder where He is in certain situations. They don’t see the need for God most of the time, but they will use Him like He is one of their attributes. What is best is to give God your life and enjoy the full benefits that come with belonging to Him.

That’s Life!


Question: What have you recently called on God for that was beyond your capacity? Leave your comments and questions below.

Taking The Plunge On The Right Opportunity

When the right opportunity presents itself, you have to take the plunge.

plunge, hockey stick curve

If you don’t, you end up kicking yourself later – like when you missed the sale and the store is now out of the product you want … and they don’t know when they will be getting more.

It’s a bad feeling. When you have experienced it once, you don’t want to experience it again.

So I bought the hockey stick last week. … That’s right, that was my right opportunity. I found a stick with my curve pattern. That might not sound like a big deal, but stores don’t normally stock my stick pattern. 

Hockey sticks all have a pattern name and number unique to the curve of that stick, and specific to their manufacturers. I’ve been using the same curve for twenty plus years. But fewer and fewer people are using the heal curve and now it is near impossible to find it. 

So when you see one in the stores, you really have to consider taking the plunge and doling out the $100 or more to get it. 

There are lots of people who spend more money on their hockey sticks, but not many who spend more time on them than I do. 

Finding a stick is a long process, but so is getting it ready to use. 

I cut my sticks down. In fact, the guys I play with tease me for using junior sticks.  

But not only do I cut my sticks down by maybe eighteen inches, I also use a six inch wood insert at the top of the handle. And before I’m ready to tape it, I take a rasp to that wood handle and shave it down so that it comfortably fits in the palm of my right hand. Then I take a heat gun to both the stick and handle to insert the handle into the shaft of the stick. 

Finally, I’m ready to tape the stick. 

The other day I was in a sports store, checking out their selection of hockey sticks … because that’s what I do. 

I’m ever hopeful that I will find a stick with my curve – it’s the Lidstrom curve. Nicolas Lidstrom was a NHL all-star who played for the Detroit Red Wings for twenty seasons but hasn’t played since 2012.

My stick’s curve pattern is still referred to as the Lidstrom curve. Every store clerk that knows anything about hockey sticks, even if he never saw Nick Lidstrom play hockey, knows the name. 

So when I found a Lidstrom stick last week, I bought it. 

The next day I used the stick for the first time and, based on how I felt about it after the game, I went back and bought another one.

Yes, I dropped $200 on two sticks, one of which I might not cut down and use for a couple of years. But I took the plunge because the opportunity was before me and the next time I need a stick, I might not be able to find one. 

Here’s the thing: When you are presented with the right opportunity, you need to take the plunge. Christ came into our world to live a sinless life and take upon Himself the punishment for our sin. He did this so that we could be accepted by God who is Himself sinless. There is no possible way we can be accepted by God on our own. What Christ has done is an opportunity we can’t get any other way. Don’t miss this opportunity – take the plunge.

That’s Life!


Question: What opportunity are you being presented with right now? Leave your comments and questions below.

I’m Having A Dilemma With My Medications

I’m having a little dilemma right now over when to take my pills. A week ago I had no issues of when to take my pills. Now, I’m in a quandary.

dilemma with medications

For most of my life I never took a pill for anything. The number of times I took an aspirin or Tylenol was probably in the single digits.  

But at age 56 I had a heart attack and that changed everything. I started taking 7 pills a day and then went down to 5 pills after three months. One year later I was down to 4 pills a day. 

I was making great progress. A few years later I even managed to cut one pill in half, so technically I’m only taking 3 and half pills a day now. 

But since I started, I have always taken them in the morning with breakfast. For almost eight years that’s been my pattern.  

It’s hard to remember back that far, but I think I just decided to take them all together, no matter what the instructions were. 

For me I knew that I could remember to take my pills once a day. But if I had to take some at one time and some at another, I figured I would forget sometimes.

As a result, over the eight years, I’ve only missed taking my pills maybe four times … maybe.

I’ve been very consistent. I put them in my hand, throw them into my mouth, and down a full glass of water. That’s it – don’t have to worry about them for the rest of the day. 

But this past week my sister had a heart attack and I was in the hospital room when they were going over her medications. She was given all the same medications that I’m taking … but they told her to take one of them in the evening. 

I don’t do that! 

Then my brother-in-law piped up that his pharmacist told him to take this medication in the evening as well. 

Almost eight years into taking a medication and now I’m concerned that I am taking it at the wrong time. I’m thinking I now need to figure out a way to remember to take this one lonely pill in the evening, that maybe it would be better for me to do that.

I’m feeling that I’m at risk right now taking the pill in the morning like I do.

So I’ve decided to start taking this pill in the evening. This morning I put it aside and took my other pills.

But now I’m concerned that I might have side effects taking this pill at a different time because way back I had a muscle problem with it (you can read about that here). Since then it’s been good but I don’t want to upset the apple cart and experience muscle pain again. 

So I’m having a dilemma as to whether I should just take the pill now or wait until evening. 

… Life was a little simpler a week ago. 

Here’s the thing: When you are considering giving your life to Christ, or if God is calling you to go deeper with Him, it will require changes. One thing you will have to consider is whether these changes will be easy to keep. Will they cause a disruption in your life? Will you like them in the long run? When it comes to taking pills, I can’t tell you for sure, but when it comes to God, you can be sure that God will only ask you to make changes that will be in your best interest. And God doesn’t make mistakes – guaranteed!

That’s Life!


Question: What changes should you be considering right now? Leave your comments and questions below. 

We Want To Know and Be Known

Have you ever known you know someone, but you didn’t know them all at the same time?

to know and be known

I’m sure this happens to every one of us and it happened to me the other day. 

I greeted someone in our church and, as I shook his hand, I knew that we had some kind of connection. There was something familiar about him but I didn’t know what. 

There was one time I was in a mall and spied a person from my church. I went up to him and said “hi”. And though he said “hi” back to me, I could tell he didn’t know who I was. 

This man had been in our church for years!  

Later I found out that he didn’t recognize me because he had only ever seen me at church and in a suit. The context was all wrong for him and, though he knew me, it just didn’t compute with him at the time. 

Well, it was a similar kind of setting for me the other day. I could tell by looking at this man’s eyes that this was not the first time we had met. He recognized me, but right then and there I just had no idea who he was.

What made it worse was that there was no time at that particular moment to try to explore our previous relationship. I just had to go back to my seat to wonder and ponder who this man might be. 

Nothing came to me. 

Then I got up to preach and, every time I looked his way, there was something familiar about him, but I couldn’t figure it out. 

My brain was working like one of those TV crime show identification computers. You know the scene: they get a picture of a suspect, pinpoint some markers on his or her face and then run it through their database. All the faces flash repeatedly on the screen until they get a hit and they identify the criminal. 

That’s what was happening to me on the platform, only there was no hit. The computer wasn’t turning up any useful information on this guy. 

My only hope was to do investigative work the old fashioned way. 

After the service I saw him standing in the foyer with his son. I went to shake his hand again. This time I could tell he knew that I didn’t know who he was, so he mercifully told me his name. 

And then the computer in my brain got a hit and all his information came rushing into my memory banks. 

… I really need to get my old computer checked out; it should work a little better than that. 

What made it more embarrassing to me was that ours was not a quick meeting or greeting that we had had once upon a time – I’ve had this man speak in our church on two occasions! 

But once the connection was made, it was amazing how familiar he seemed and how our conversation flowed because we knew each other. 

Here’s the thing: In a world of 7.5 billion people, you might expect that you are not much more than a number to God, that God really doesn’t know you that well. In reality, God knows everything about you. And you can be sure that He will never have a time when He knows He knows you but doesn’t know you at the same time. God knows you right down to the hairs on your head; He knows you intimately. Make sure you know Him in the same way. 

That’s Life!


Question: What can you do to become more familiar with God? Leave your comments and questions below.

My Pleasant Surprise Turned To Disappointment

Recently I had a pleasant surprise, but it’s all gone now. In fact, now I’m disappointed.

pleasant surprise

Pleasant surprises are nice – like when you didn’t study for a test and then it was postponed. 

…Or when you planned a golf game, then saw the forecast called for rain, but when you got up on the day of the game, it was bright and sunny. 

You are more joyful playing that game of golf than you would normally be, just because it was a pleasant surprise.

Well, back in the first week of November, I wrote about us getting a dump of snow and how cold it was (you can read about it here).

It was too early for the snow and cold. I even commented to people how this weather seemed more like it was the middle of winter – like January or February weather. It really had that kind of feel to it. 

Because the weather was so bitterly cold, and the amount of snow so great, I didn’t think we would see the grass again until the snow melted in the spring. 

I didn’t think there was any possible way for all that snow to melt, and especially the piles of snow created by the snowplow on the edges of the roads and parking lots.

One day my grass was green and then the next it was covered in snow. There was no process of watching the grass slowly turn brown before the snow came.

It was green, then gone.

Well, I was pleasantly surprised because, over the course of a couple of weeks, not only did the weather warm up again (we had some days in the double digits), but all the snow melted. 

… even the snow piled up on the edges of our church parking lot.

Gone. All gone. 

Even more than all that, the grass was still green. It hadn’t stayed cold long enough to turn the grass brown and yellow. 

It really was a pleasant surprise … but that all came to an end the other day.

Not only was the surprise over, but a disappointment set in. The first day of December we got a major snowfall.

It started in the afternoon and it just kept coming down. Traffic was snarled; there were warnings not to go out if you didn’t have to. Travelling on the major highways was treacherous with multiple car crashes and injuries reported. 

There was nothing good about it. 

Once again the grass went from green to being covered in a blanket of white. 

And disappointment has set in. 

It’s still too early to be fighting with shovels and scrapers. It’s too early to be carrying gloves in my coat pockets. 

Probably the biggest disappointment is that this time the snow is here to stay. 

Just like when you got that pleasant surprise of a test being postponed, it never happened twice. 

Well, the snow won’t melt again before the end of the year. 

All I can hope for is an early spring. … Who’s got a farmer’s almanac?

Here’s the thing: No matter how hard life might get, no matter how many disappointments you face, even if you have been defeated time and time again and don’t have much hope left, with nothing to look forward to tomorrow, remember that if you know Jesus Christ as your saviour, one day you will wake up and you will stand in the presence of God. It will be the most pleasant of surprises … and you will never be disappointed again.

That’s Life!


Question: What has been a pleasant surprise for you lately? Leave your comments and questions below.

We Are More Renewable Than I Realized

There is a big emphasis in society to use renewable energy rather than just consumable energy. 

More Renewable Than I realized

The other day I realized that we humans are maybe the greatest source of renewable energy.

The idea of the energizer bunny that keeps going and going is a nice thought … good advertising gimmick, but it’s limited. They would like you to think that he never runs out of energy – or batteries, that is – but we know that batteries do wear down. 

If they are rechargeable batteries, however, they can renew and be used again and again and again. Still, they need a time out on the charger to keep going.

… Have you ever thought of how little down time you need to be renewed enough to keep going? 

I was playing hockey last week and we only had one sub. I went off the ice to take a break, but another guy needed to come to the bench no more than 30 seconds after I sat down. 

I didn’t hesitate to get back out there. Even a 30 second rest renewed my energy enough for another shift. 

There is no battery in the world that can renew or refresh that quickly!

But it’s not just physically that humans are incredibly renewable. 

Yesterday I was writing my sermon and around 2 pm I hit a wall. I was tired mentally, had trouble focussing, and found myself being distracted by little things. Even more than that, I was looking for something to distract me so that I didn’t have to keep working on my sermon. 

I decided to take a break. I sat and read something that had nothing to do with my sermon or the subject I was going to speak on. I answered emails. I even got sidetracked on a YouTube video that I subscribe to. 

When I looked at my watch, I realized a lot of time had passed. It was now late in the afternoon and it didn’t look like I would be able to finish my sermon.

I would have to work on it on Saturday … and I hate having to write my sermon on Saturday. 

I had just a little time left before I had to go to an appointment, so I thought I might as well see if I could get a little more of my sermon knocked off.

I began writing again, and thoughts started coming; I started typing fast. I felt refreshed and inspired as I wrote against a deadline. 

I still shake my head a little because, although I ended up being a little late to my next appointment, I actually finished writing my sermon. That break that I took from writing in the middle of the afternoon renewed my energy. 

Human energy is extremely renewable. 

Here’s the thing: As renewable as we are, we don’t compare to God in this way. God is with us all the time. He is always working; He never takes a break. God never needs a break. There is never a time when His energy is low, or that He is not able to give to you His complete fullness.  God is also the source of energy, so when we need to renew and refresh, we can be charged by Him. Think about each day plugging into God to supply you fully, renewing your energy every day. 

That’s Life!


Question: How do you seek being renewed by God? Leave your comments and questions below.