It Will Develop Into Something

The other week I shot some video with my drone that took time to develop into something.

develop Polaroid

Remember the Polaroid cameras? They’ve made a little bit of a fad/retro comeback of late. 

I was at a wedding recently where the couple encouraged people to take selfies with an instant camera and place the pictures in a scrapbook for their memories.

The instant camera or Polaroid was interesting because you would take a picture of something – something that caught your attention, something that you wanted to capture and remember. You then watched as the picture was ejected from the camera, totally blank at first. 

You knew what you had taken a picture of, but you waited rather impatiently for that picture to develop right before your eyes. You wanted to see if the picture turned out, if it was as good as you hoped it would be. 

Well, I kind of did that with my drone the other day. 

I saw an old, abandoned barn in a field and I was somehow drawn to it. I wanted to take a video of it with my drone. 

There was a small farm house near it so I was cautious. I actually drove past it several times before I determined that the home was abandoned as well. 

One morning, just as the sun was rising above the horizon, I drove to the barn, parked my vehicle on the side of the road and sent my drone off to capture video of this lonely, old barn in the middle of a field.

I really didn’t know what I was going to do with the footage. I just knew that something was attracting my attention to it and I wanted to film it from several angles.

When I was done, I loaded the video on my computer … but there it sat. 

I scrubbed (scrolled) through the footage a few times and liked the shots I took, but didn’t think it would be all that interesting to just add music to it. 

Then about a week after I shot the video I got an idea. I was thinking about the barn and how lonely and empty it looked. I thought there are people who probably feel like that barn looked. 

So, with a little imagination and a little inspiration from my video, I wrote a short script about the barn.

My video was now developing into something. 

I found some music that kind of fit the mood, and recorded my voice reading my script. I cut up and spliced footage, and made some adjustments in places to the colour and speed of the video.

When I had done all that I noticed that it was something. That barn I was attracted to, that video I had had high hopes for, had turned into something. 

It took longer than a Polaroid to appear, but that video footage eventually turned into something I had hoped it would.

You can view that video by clicking here.

Here’s the thing: At some point in your life you might wonder what your life is all about. You may wonder if there is anything that will develop from it. I want to assure you that your life can develop into something bigger than you imagined it would. It can if you trust Jesus to help you develop it. Some may need to start a relationship with Jesus to get things going. Some of you just need to trust Jesus with the development of your life instead of hanging on to the raw footage. Trust Him to develop all those happy, sad, thrills, scares, wows, and ughs you’ve experienced. The end product will be worth it.

That’s Life!


Question: What have you hoped your life would develop into? Leave your comments and questions below.

I Lost My Wife For A Moment

I almost lost my wife the other day … well, I did for a moment or two.

lost my wife

Someone can be right there beside you and then, in a moment, they can be gone. 

There is always that sick feeling with kids when, all of a sudden, things go silent. 

I remember a time when our kids were very young, about 3 and 5. I was at the mall with them shopping for a birthday present for Lily.

I asked a salesperson about a dress I was looking at possibly purchasing, while Karlie and Mike were playing in and around the clothing racks.  

As I was listening to the salesperson tell me about the dress, all of a sudden I realized I didn’t hear my kids. I started looking around and calling their names.  

Immediately panic set in. I excused myself from the conversation with the salesperson and started to take off in one direction. 

This was no ordinary mall I was in. I was at West Edmonton Mall, the largest mall in North America at the time. 

I was literally running past stores with no hint of where they might be. 

Suddenly I just felt like I was going in the wrong direction. I turned around and started running in the other direction, past the store I had been in. 

Then I spotted them. They had stopped and had half turned towards me, with these mischievous grins on their faces. As soon as they saw me running for them, they took off as fast as they could.

I caught them in seconds, hugged them and told them never to do that again. They were oblivious to any danger; it was all fun for them.

Well, yesterday I was in the water at Sauble Beach on Lake Huron. The waves were high – highest I’ve seen in a number of years. 

Lily was with me but slightly behind me. It was difficult to wade out because the waves were so big and coming in so fast. 

I kept trudging through, collapsing to the sandy bottom as the big rollers came crashing on me. 

After a few minutes of this, I turned to say something to Lily. But she wasn’t there. 

I was shocked. She had been right behind me. Where could she have gone? I looked back to our chairs on the beach and couldn’t see her there. 

Then I spied her coming up from a wave about forty yards down from me. 

She made a motion to me like she was going back to shore. Relieved that she was all right, I kept on going. 

A few minutes later I looked to the shore and she wasn’t there. Now what happened? Where could she be?

I started looking around the water again and I spotted her. This time she was about forty yards on the other side of me. 

Apparently the waves were overpowering her and she thought she would try to drift over to me, if she could get out far enough.  

After a little body surfing and being hammered by the waves, we called it a day. I was glad to have her back.

Here’s the thing: We can get lost in our own little world just trying to make it through life, or we can purposely run from God. But God is never far from us. All it takes is for us to turn around and look. If you want to be found by Him, He is there. Run to Him.

That’s Life!


Question: What is going on in your life right now that should cause you to turn around and look for God? Leave you comments and questions below.

Two Little Mistakes Cost Me

The other day, two little mistakes that I made in under five seconds generated over an hour of frustration. 


Sometimes a mistake can be made over a long period of time – like when we have a couple of options, weigh each option, and finally decide on one … which later turns out to be the wrong one.  

Often mistakes happen in a blink of an eye. They happen so quickly we hardly notice we’ve made them until later.

Math class was great for those mistakes. You created a long formula to solve a problem, but made a tiny mistake near the beginning. You multiplied instead of divided. When the teacher took up the work, only then did you discover the mistake you had made that got you the wrong answer.

A little mistake can mess up everything that comes after it. 

I’ve done this with Sudukos where I’ve determined what number to put in a particular box, thinking that it was the only option. Then later I realized there were other numbers that could have gone in that box, and specifically a different number should have been there. 

My mistake – little mistake – messed up the whole Suduko for me.

The other day I was flying my drone. I got up early and drove to where I was going to video an old barn as the sun was rising in the sky. 

I had three batteries for my drone. The first one I used mostly before the sun had crested the horizon. The second battery I used as the sun was just peaking up over the trees in the distance. The third battery I used while the sun was fully up and shining brightly over the landscape.

I thought that the three flights would provide me with a great progression of shadows and light on the barn. 

… But I forgot to press the record button with the second battery and that whole flight was not recorded. 

It takes one second to hit that button but, because i didn’t, I lost 13 minutes of possible great footage.

Later in the day I decided to video a waterfall. I climbed down to the base of the falls and started shooting. I hit the record button and everything so I should have gotten some decent video. 

But when I got back home and started to import my footage onto my computer, I realized I had stopped the recording before I turned the drone off. 

… That mistake meant that the video hadn’t finished processing. The result was a corrupted file. I couldn’t use the video. 

Fortunately there was a software fix for this problem but it took me over an hour to get the video back. 

My mistake was only about one second long – I just needed to hit a button to stop the recording. 

Two mistakes – mindless mistakes – became a real pain for me. 

When you think about how little time they take to make, we could make a lot of them in one day.

Here’s the thing: Think about how Jesus lived a perfect life. He could have made a mistake, committed one sin, so quickly that he only realized it after the fact, when it was too late. If Christ had made even one mistake, he would not have been able to be our sacrifice. He was a one second mistake away from messing up God’s plan. But he didn’t. Not even once did he even inadvertently sin. He was perfect. Today think about how amazing Christ is. 

That’s Life!


Question: How has Christ’s perfection benefitted you? Leave your comments and questions below.

The Extra Mile Made For A Long Day

Sometimes you just have to go the extra mile … and when I say the “extra mile” I really mean a whole lot of miles.

extra mile

Yesterday my wife, Lily, and I went on a road trip. They make movies out of these sorts of events. … I don’t think our road trip will make the movies, but it was quite a trip. 

We were on vacation but I needed to return home to do a funeral for a dear lady in my church. 

Here’s a question: How far would you travel for someone else? 

That question was asked a long time ago in the 60’s by a cigarette company called Camel. They ran an ad where they asked the question, “How far would you travel for a Camel?”

And that’s right, they used to advertise for cigarettes in newspapers, magazines and on television. Those ads didn’t even come with a warning from the surgeon general.

It was a different era back then. But the question in the commercial was to entice smokers to think that going out of their way to purchase Camel cigarettes was worth it. 

It was worth it for us to take that road trip yesterday. It was a chance for me to speak to a family about the hope they can have because of Christ, despite the sadness of their day.

We set out from our cottage at 5:30 am and drove to Kingston. It’s almost 500 km, and it takes about 5 hours to drive. 

We knew we would have to drive through Toronto during rush hour and so we decided to take the toll road that goes above the city. It helped make that part of the trip painless. The pain will come later when we get the bill from the 407 ETR.  

We spent the next six hours in Kingston. It was like I was back to work and done with vacation. 

Many people I saw asked me how our vacation was going, but I wanted to reply, “Wait – I’m still on vacation?” 

Yes, I was back home, and at the church where you would usually find me when I’m working, but I was still very much on vacation. 

Most people try to avoid doing work when they’re on vacation. Some people even have automated email messages letting everyone know that they are away and will not respond until they get back. Some even say they won’t respond – period. You better email them again when they return.

Certainly I try not to work when I’m on vacation, but for some things, for some people, you have to make an exception.  

This family was an exception I was willing to go that extra mile for.

When it was all done, the sun was still high in the sky, about 3:45 in the afternoon. And though we had originally thought we would stay overnight at home and return to the cottage in the morning, we decided to head right back.

We figured the drive would be an extra long one because it was the start of a long weekend, but the trip ended up being as easy as the one we had taken in the morning.  

We arrived back at the cottage at 9:30 pm, sixteen hours after we had left. 

We were back on vacation.

Here’s the thing: Christ went the extra mile for all of us. He died on a cross to pay for our sins and rose again to offer us a relationship with God and eternal life. Was it worth it? It definitely was. But for us to benefit from what Christ did, we each have to have a relationship with Him. Make sure you’re benefitting from all that Christ did for you.

That’s Life!


Question: What have you gone the extra mile for lately? Leave your comments and questions below.

My Face Isn’t All That Unique

I’m thinking there are only so many faces in the world … the rest are just variations of the same few faces.

Bobby Orr

I’ve come to this conclusion because I was recently mistaken for someone I am in no way related to.

I was walking up to the pro shop at a golf course I was about to play, when I noticed a group of four senior gentlemen standing around their golf carts.  

I noticed them because they were looking at me. In fact, it was more than just looking at me – they were staring at me … you know, with their mouths slightly open in that, “Is this who we think it is?” kind of stare.

I continued on like I didn’t notice them gawking at me and went into the clubhouse. 

I registered for my game and was just about to walk out the door when these four men came clambering in, almost trying to squeeze through the door at the same time. 

The first one blurted out, “Are you related to Bobby Orr?” 

If you know anything about hockey – if you’re a Canadian – you know who Bobby Orr is: one, if not THE greatest NHL defenseman of all time.

I immediately put their question to rest. “No”, I said, and kept moving. 

I could tell from how they were acting that they really thought I was Bobby Orr for a minute.

That was the first time anyone has thought my face and Orr’s face looked similar. 

Once someone thought I looked like Terry Fox, but that was back in the 70’s when I had long, curly hair. I had immediately lifted my leg back at the knee when they said it so I could be more convincing. 

 But that was from a distance; this was up close.  

I’ve never even met Bobby Orr – though I have a friend who has posted a picture  on his facebook page of him and his wife with Bobby.

My brother has met Bobby Orr. Years ago Orr shot a Planters Peanuts commercial for Hockey Night in Canada at the rink he was an assistant manager at.

Oh, and when I was young – about 9 or 10 – a guy took me to an OHA Oshawa Generals hockey game. He also gave me a black and white photo of Bobby who was about 17 at the time.  

I remember that when the guy handed me the photo he said, “Hang on to that. This kid is going to be a star.” 

I lost the photo a few years later. 

I never met Bobby Orr, but at least my sister-in-law got me his autograph. 

I did build a couple of cottages around Parry Sound one summer during my college days. I saw the larger than life image of Bobby on the “Welcome to Parry Sound; Home of Bobby Orr” sign coming into the city. 

Maybe I should practice Bobby’s signature … just in case … now that I’m looking more and more like a legend.

Here’s the thing: We can mistake something for the real thing. But when we mistake our good fortune or success in life for God’s blessing, we better take a second look. That good life you are experiencing may only be for this life. God’s real blessing is attached to a relationship with his Son and a future eternity that will last far longer that any good fortune we experience now. 

That’s Life!


Question: What in your life do you need to take a second look at? Leave your comments and questions below.

Our Driveway Looks Brand New

We got a new driveway in a matter of a few hours … and it didn’t cost us anything other that hard work and time.


At our cottage, our driveway is made of white gravel stones. When the light shines on those white stones it really looks great.

Over the years, however, weeds have somehow managed to creep up through the gravel and it has ruined the look altogether. 

So we’ve employed different methods to get rid of the weeds. 

We were told years ago that if we put some kind of cattle salt down on the gravel every year that would keep the weeds from growing. 

We did that for one or two years but then we noticed that a little tree beside the driveway had shrivelled up and died. Another tree looked like it was almost gone, and even a cedar shrub showed signs that it was dieting. 

I don’t know if it was the salt or not but we stopped using it immediately and, though we lost that one tree, the other tree survived with just one dead spot. The shrub is doing alright.  

The next method we tried was pulling the weeds that grew. But this didn’t do anything more than mask the problem for a time. 

If you don’t get at the roots, the weeds are still lurking just under the surface.

So after ten years we have been losing the battle of the weeds on our driveway.

I thought that maybe we needed another load of gravel to spread around, but I’m glad I never acted on that thought because what we found was truly amazing. 

Lily was outside picking some of the weeds out of the driveway when our neighbour saw her and told her his solution – he rakes his driveway.

He brought out the rake he uses and showed her what he does. 

I thought that because the weeds came up so easily that we had a thin layer of gravel covering the dirt underneath. Not so. We started to rake the gravel and after raking a good three or more inches deep, it was still all gravel. 

… Which, on the side, says something about weeds. Weeds can grow in the most extreme environments! They can work their way through three or four inches of hard packed gravel to get to sunlight. 

I wish the grass on our lawn worked that hard to provide us with a green carpet instead of the sparse, sandy sprouts that grow there.

It turns out that, when you rake down deep into a gravel driveway, you rake up not just the tops of the weeds but the roots as well. 

And, as you evenly spread the gravel back out over the driveway, it stays above the dirt, looking all fluffed up and sifted, like you just got a new load of gravel. 

It’s going to take a little while for the driveway to pack down again, but more importantly it will take a long while for those weeds to find their way through the gravel again. 

Here’s the thing: When you notice a sin or an unwanted trait that seems to be persistently presenting itself in your life, simply asking God for forgiveness is not enough. You need to dig deeper to uncover the root, why it’s persistent, and where it came from. When you get to the bottom of that sin or trait, then with God’s help you can keep it from showing up in your life.

That’s Life!


Question: What persistent sin do you need to dig up in order to be free of it?

They Were The Same But Different

Things that are the same can also be very different from each other. 

sunset, same,

  I learned this early in life because my mother loved to purchase clothes for my brother and I that were the same … same in almost every way except the colour. For some reason, John’s colours were always blues and greys and my colours were always browns and greens. 

It’s a colour pattern that I never shook until I got married. With Lily’s help I pretty much got rid of all my brown clothes.

I’m not sure why I got stuck with brown and green, but it may have had something to do with the colour of our eyes. I never asked my Mom that question when she was alive.

My mom would buy us everything the same – shoes, socks, shirts, and pants. It didn’t matter what it was; they were even the same size. She just got two of everything – identical except for the colour.

I do remember one area she failed in, however. In the late sixties, corduroy pants were a big hit. Everyone was wearing them and the style at that time was really wide corduroy stripes. They were the hot new style. 

My mother found the wide corduroy pants we wanted so that we fit in with everyone else. And she got the identical pants for both of us, just in different colours, of course. 

But the one thing that was different about them was that they had wide corduroy stripes but with medium and small stripes in between. 

They ended up sort of the same, but very different if you really looked at them. 

My mom was the queen of shopping at discount stores and, for some reason, the discount clothing industry at the time was not particularly observant when it came to copying corduroy pants.

… Some things that are the same can also be very different. 

That statement is also true about the sun. Every night the sun sets in the west and, as the sun goes down, it creates a scene in the sky. 

Although this same event happens every evening, the scene in the sky is different each night. Some days it’s more orange, other days it’s more pink, or even more deep red or purple. 

If it’s green though, head for cover – there’s probably a tornado coming. 

This is why you can look at the same thing day after day and never get bored. Though it’s always the same, it’s different.

You can point to where in the sky the sun will dip below the horizon; it’s always the same place. But the scene is different today than it was yesterday.

Lily showed me a picture of the sunset she took last night, and I couldn’t say, “Oh ya, I’ve seen that before.”

Why? Because though I have watched the sun go down many times, her picture was different than it was the previous night or will be tonight.

It’s the same, but it’s different.

Here’s the thing: God is the same yesterday, today and forever. But every day you need something different from Him. Some days you may need encouragement; other days it might be comfort. There will certainly be times when you need correction. And there are a myriad of other things that you might need from God who is always the same. That is why the Bible not only tells us that God is the same yesterday, today and forever, but that He is also new every morning. 

That’s Life!


Question: What do you need from God today? Leave you comments below.

Doing Things The Hard Way Isn’t The Way To Go

You can do things the hard way, or you can find an easier way to get things done.

There are many reasons to do things the hard way. They say it builds character. They say if you do things the hard way you learn to do it the right way.

There is some merit to these answers, but sometimes the hard way is just a deterrent to do the thing at all.

In my life I’ve found that doing things the hard way also means doing things without the proper resources or know-how. 

For most of my life, when I needed to make or repair something, I looked at the tools I had available and tried to figure it out on my own from there.

Most of the time I got the job done, but it definitely involved doing things the hard way.

Not having the right equipment or know-how never stopped me from starting projects, but it did keep me from completing them.

A long time ago we wanted to finish our basement at home. My plan was to frame some rooms.

But when I got to a part that I was not sure how to complete, or what tools would allow me to do it, I put it off … and off.

Finally Lily found a handyman and asked him to finish off the parts of the basement that I had left.  

That was years ago. Now I’ve figured out that having the right tools and the right know-how make things easier.

You don’t have to do everything the hard way.

The other day Lil wanted a couple of shelves added to a wall cabinet. I was unsure of my know-how and whether I had the right tools for the job, so I turned to the great wisdom of the internet. 

I had an idea of the kind of shelves I wanted – the kind where you put little pegs in the wall or the cabinet and then place the shelf on top of them. They are neat and in the end there’s no visible hardware. 

On YouTube I found a guy who demonstrated how to get the four holes in perfect alignment for the pegs. He used a peg board as a guide. 

At the hardware store, the service guy thought it was genius. He also suggested I get the store to cut my shelves for me on their table saw. 

The amazing thing was I never had to cut a piece of wood myself, and I never had to use a measuring tape for the holes. I simply picked which holes I wanted to use on my peg board, and set and marked a depth line on my drill. 

I did it the easy way. It took no time to build those shelves. I never forced anything or had to make do. I used the right tool for the job and only paid fifty cents a cut for the tool I didn’t have. 

The shelves? – Perfection!

Here’s the thing: Unless you are reading God’s word, you won’t know much of what God wants you to do, and unless you are seeking His help, you don’t have the right tools to accomplish what He wants you to do. You can do things the hard way, or you can get into your Bible so you understand God’s methods. Then ask God to give you the right tools to accomplish His will. 

That’s Life!


Question: What are you trying to do the hard way right now? Leave your comments below.

Visually This Shouldn’t Have Happened

The other day I saw something that shouldn’t have been happening.

It could happen, but often it’s an optical illusion … like when you put a fork in a glass of water and it looks like it is bending. 

Years ago I went on a bike hike with a buddy. We were going camping, and our road trip was to take us about five hours, which we stretched into about eight.

Along the way we had some long, uphill climbs to make, but one part of the road looked straight and flat.  

As we started on this long, straight stretch of road, I noticed it was getting easier to pedal. I started to move up the gears and with each gear it got easier to pedal. 

It was a straight road and I was in shock at how we were clipping along. I stopped pedalling because it was a waste of time; we were flying but the road looked flat. 

Obviously, it was an optical illusion … something like the Magnetic Hill and the Reversing Falls in New Brunswick.

I had been to both those places when I was about 7 years old. Both of them are nothing more than optical illusions. They look like something is defying gravity, but in reality it’s not. 

What I experienced the other day was not an optical illusion. 

My wife, Lily, and I were driving through Toronto on the 401. It was late in the afternoon on a Sunday, with many people on the road returning from their cottages at the end of the weekend.

Lil was looking at a driving app that gives you tips on the best route to take.  

And though we were going straight through Toronto, the app said that we should get into the collector lanes at a particular point because they were moving slightly faster.

We were not going too fast in the express lanes so we moved over and noticed that we were actually moving a little faster. 

But that was very short lived. Shortly after we got into the collectors, we were reduced from four lanes down to three because of construction. 

This was followed by another lane reduction a few kilometres later. At this point you could tell we were moving slower than the express lanes that had no reductions.

I was starting to question the app for getting us into the mess we were in, because you know that every time there is a lane reduction, the cars in that lane have to merge into your lane.  

And then after a few more kilometres we got another lane reduction. If you’re counting, we went from four lanes of traffic down to one lane.

And of course, we slowed down during the reduction. 

But then the most amazing thing happened. With high cement barriers on both sides of our lane, we started to pick up speed. We started going faster and faster, and when I looked over to the express lanes, the traffic in all four of those lanes was going slower. 

We were whipping past them at a fast clip. It was no optical illusion. 

With how slow the trip had been up to that point, it was almost a miracle. 

Here’s the thing: Your life can look like it’s going well. From your vantage point and everyone else’s, your life is moving along nicely. But it’s your inner spiritual life that is the unseen determining force of your future. Don’t get lulled by what is visual. Pay attention and get your spiritual life right with God. Your physical life will not defy your spiritual life. 

That’s Life!


Question: What part of your life looks better on the outside than it is on the inside? Leave your comments below.

That Decision Was Not A Good One

Bad decisions lead to more bad decisions if you don’t stop to evaluate your past decisions.

There are so many good things about Canada that I could just continually write posts about this country and never stop.

But that’s not to say that Canada doesn’t have some things that are not so good. 

Canada has been a leader in many ways over the decades, but there is an area we are not good in.

As a country, we did a lousy job picking a national animal. 

Apparently, every country has an animal associated with it – lions are a popular choice. Some have bears … big strong animals. Some countries have chosen birds – often powerful birds.  

There are some countries who have chosen animals I’ve never heard of before like the huemul, which turns out to be a type of deer. 

Oh, there are fictitious animals, too – the unicorn and the Chinese dragon.

But Canada chose for its national animal … the Beaver!  

No, not the Jerry Mathers “Leave It To Beaver”. We chose the furry, tree chopping, damn building, long-toothed beaver. 

With all the great animals we have in Canada, who in the world decided that our national animal would be the second largest rodent in the world?

If we were going with rodents, why not pick the largest rodent? 

It would figure that Canada only has the second largest rodent in the world. We had to settle for silver over gold once again. 

And what about the other animal that is associated with Canada? – the Canada goose.  

Here is a bird species that looks great when flying in “V” formation on its way to the USA for the winter, but to have them hanging around on your property is a disaster!

Canada geese must eat a lot because they leave a lot of large deposits on grass, in parks, and on golf course greens. 

Nobody wants to see Canada geese on the ground, and you better keep your eyes peeled if they are in the air! 

Who made the decision to choose animals like these to be engrained in our society and engraved on our coins as national symbols? 

If we wanted to be different or really stand out, we could have chosen Ogopogo or Sasquatch. There is a lot of mystery around these creatures, but at least they don’t do us any harm … at least as far as we know. 

A national animal is supposed to be a unifying image, chosen carefully, considering ecology and culture, among other things. 

When you think about Canada, you think of nice, polite people who are friendly and welcomed all over the world – except not so much in China right now. 

… Yet we picked animals that are a nuisance and destructive! 

I don’t know if there is any way we could form a protest group and get the government to change our national animal, but maybe we should try. 

We could choose the bunny rabbit because that’s more in line with our Prime Minister’s personality. It could be a cute, pink bunny. 

Look, our government is re-writing history in all kinds of areas; let’s re-write it in a way that makes sense. 

We need a new national animal. Sorry Beaver.

Here’s the thing: It might be difficult to change mistakes in the political realm. We have to live with them. But with God, if we are willing to own our wrong actions and decisions, there is forgiveness and a way forward, away from the past. We must first acknowledge where we’ve gone wrong and want to make a change. It doesn’t have to be difficult. 

That’s Life!


Question: What bad decision do you need to own and then change? Leave your comments below.