Discipline Can Be Very Elusive At Times


There are certain situations or places that trigger a lapse in discipline … and I’m in one of those places right now.

discipline can be very elusive at times

Creating a habit or trying to form a pattern in life takes discipline – lots of it, in many cases.

For instance, if you are trying to get fit or lose weight or just eat healthier, you have to work at it. No one drops 20 pounds by not making some sacrifices. No one gives up pizza twice a week or pop every day of the week without some effort.

Well, for the past 6 or 7 months I’ve been making a real effort to stay fit.

Now that I’m retired I’ve let my work go, but I don’t want to let my body go as well. I’ve needed to be disciplined at exercising every day and eating at the right times.

Through the winter, exercising came easily. I played hockey 4 or 5 times a week and on the off days worked out in my home gym.

Eating was not as easy, but I decided to keep my food intake to between 9 am and 6 pm (which I didn’t realize at the time was a form of intermittent fasting). 

I haven’t followed any meal plan or diet of any kind. I only eat food in that window, don’t eat junk food at night and keep snacks down to a very small amount. 

Things were going well – I mean, pretty well. The biggest hurdle was finishing dinner by 6 pm. … It should have been easy but I haven’t been able to convince Lily that we need to be done dinner by 6 pm. 

She controls my evening meal because, though I’m an excellent breakfast maker and micro waver, I’m not much of a cook. To be honest I’m not a cook. I can make a grill cheese sandwich and soup but that’s a lunch meal. I can also make spaghetti, but I can’t eat that every night. 

Let’s just say, for the most part, I have been disciplined and things were going really well.

Then summer happened. I spent more time at the cottage. And along with the change in environment came a dip in my discipline. 

For some strange reason being at the cottage means snacking at night, eating out more often, extending my meal window by sometimes a few hours and not exercising every day.

I was having no problem at home, but that same discipline I had a home didn’t get packed in the trunk to take to the cottage.

Oh, and it doesn’t help that there is a candy store and three ice cream shops in town. With only having my bike for exercise up there, I don’t have a means to exercise on rainy days.

I know when I’m home I will have my discipline back, but right now my discipline is lapsing. 

Here’s the thing: Discipline can also be an issue for spending time with God. You may have a well-disciplined time with God at home, but when you are on the road that can all change. Your schedule is different and you don’t have the same set up or place to meet with Him. One thing I do is always make my time with God the first thing I do in the day. Then the rest of my day gets adjusted from that.

That’s Life!


Question: What do you need to get back to being disciplined about? Leave your comments or questions below.

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Do Something You Have Been Meaning To Do

Sometimes you just can’t get yourself to do something you want to do.

Do something you have been meaning to do

… You can call it procrastination or lack of motivation, and maybe it is a bit of both. I like to call it “ready to move on”. 

Often something new has grabbed my attention or interest and, as much as I want to do that first thing, I also want to get on to the next thing.

Back in the spring I shot some video with my drone and GoPro camera of me biking at our cottage. It was early spring so the leaves on the trees weren’t fully developed and last year’s leaves were still covering much of the trailers. 

After getting all the shots I wanted, I was looking forward to putting the video together. It was going to require a fair bit of editing but I was good at that. In my editing programs, I selected the clips I wanted and started to cut them down and put them in order. 

I still needed to add music and make sure the colouring was similar between the cameras’ footage. But while I was still working on all that, I shot more video and got kind of excited about putting those shots together. 

I wanted to finish my first video but I was now drawn to the next project.  

It’s like the kids who are in the cottage next to us. They have every toy you can imagine … and most of them are displayed all over their lawn. 

Some of those toys just sit there and don’t move for days or weeks, not because the kids don’t like them any more. They just have so many toys that some get neglected. 

Those kids are excited about their newest toy or another toy that has caught their attention. The toys on the lawn just have to take a number and wait before they will get used again.

Well, that was the same with my video. It’s now the middle of the summer and I still haven’t finished it. … So yesterday I forced myself back to editing. 

I started when it was light out and when I looked up I was in darkness except for the glow of light coming off my computer monitor. I had gotten right back into this video that I wanted to make like it was the only thing I wanted to do. 

After getting back at it, I wasn’t ready to move on; I was ready to complete the project. 

I wish I could say I did complete the video, but I’m not quite satisfied with the music. I’m going to have to take another crack at it before I’m ready to move on. It’s close though, so maybe I can start my new project tomorrow.

That reminds me, I need to get out and shoot more video which may delay my next video edits. 

At least I’ll be ready.

Here’s the thing: There’s no end to things that can stand in the way of us doing what we want to do, like getting to know God more or exploring who He is. We might have a desire to discover more about God, but there are always other things we want to do and so we may never get to it. You just have to be intentional about discovering God. Once you start, you will find you get right into it. 

That’s Life!


Question: What is something you need to force yourself back into? Leave your comments and questions below.

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A Purchase Made Without Objection Are Often The Best

Making a purchase is better when you don’t have anyone interjecting negativity.

a purchase made without objection are often the best

Some people call that making a snap purchase, where the mood or the moment hits you and you strike the deal. Others say that emotions and persuasion put the pressure on you to buy.

But none of that is necessarily true. 

We’ve probably all been there, where we have done the research, looked at the purchase from many angles, but then had some voice of reason or restraint nix the desired acquisition.

I remember when my brother and I were little, we had begged our mom to let us go to the store to buy some candy.

In a moment of weakness she said we could. 

John and I immediately trotted off to our bedroom to get our cash. We had little change purses that we started loading up from our piggy banks. We thought they would be easier to carry to the convenience store than our piggy banks. 

The intent was to take every penny – and I literally mean pennies – because you never know how much some candy is going to cost. 

Our mother walked into our bedroom right in the middle of us trying to squeeze the last cent into our little wallets. She said, “No way, boys. You are not going to the store now.” I guess she didn’t like our desires to spend our life savings on candy. 

She was the negative voice … mom would have characterized herself as the voice of reason. 

Sometimes you don’t need that voice. Sometimes you don’t want that voice to impact your decision to buy things. Sometimes you seize a moment when there are no discouraging voices to throw you off your intent. 

One of those times for me was the purchase of a leaf mulcher. I purchased that when Lil had gone on a trip and I needed to collect the leaves in the yard. 

That purchase was researched and thought through and fifteen years later I’m still glad I made that purchase.

Well, I just did it again. 

Lily was away on a business trip and I had recently had a friend speak highly of the FoodSaver vacuum seal machines. Years ago I had thought it might be something we should have, but never got any good vibes from Lily on it. 

With Lily away and a renewed interest in sucking the life out of food products in order to freeze them fresh, I started to research. 

I checked them out at a few different establishments and got an idea of what the average price would be. It didn’t take long. The second store I went to had a great deal that included freezing bags and all. 

Before I could blink, I was in the checkout line at Costco and then walking out with my new FoodSaver machine. 

The first day I froze bread and pizza. … I can hardly wait to freeze chicken wings. 

And when I thawed the frozen bread I packaged with my new purchase, it tasted like it had just come out of the bread maker. 

Another great purchase!

Here’s the thing: There are times when having someone speak into your life is best. There are times when you get a sense of what God wants you to do. It might be a confession you should make or an action you should take. God may give you a path forward on a decision you’ve been contemplating. When He does, take the course He is setting you on and don’t look for negative voices. They will only impede you in doing what you know is best for you. 

That’s Life!


Question: What is it that you just need to follow through on right now? Leave your comments and questions below.

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The Sun Does Not Shine For Me As It Once Did

There was a time when I was happy to sit outside in the direct sun. 

the sun does not shine for me as it once did

Tanning was a big thing for me when I was in my teens and early twenties. I enjoyed soaking up the rays as much as I could. 

I would say that, even ten years ago when I’d go to the beach, I wanted that sunshine to touch all my exposed skin. 

… Though there was a time when I hoped that the sun would cover more of my body than I had exposed to it. That was on the last vacation we took as a whole family. 

We were on a cruise and made a stop at an island with a great beach. I was basking in the sun, when my family noticed that I was only burning on the front of me. 

I told them that the suntan/burn would come around and cover my back too. We all had a good laugh.

But wanting a tan is a thing of my past. I get enough sun to brown my face while biking or playing golf. I don’t need to sit out purposefully and point my face to the sun. 

Now when I go to the beach, I wear a T-shirt unless I’m going in the water … and I sit under an umbrella.

I like being outside, but now I like sitting outside in the shade. 

Right now I’m writing this post outside on the deck at our cottage. The sun is up but I’m under the canopy of an awning, which is a permanent hard roof.

It makes for a great space when it rains – we can still be outside. And when the sun is beating down, we can sit outside and enjoy the sun, without being in the sun. 

So when I’m at the beach I like that I have some cover from the sun. When I’m at our cottage I like being outside and under cover. But when I’m at home, well, we have no cover from the sun on our deck. 

It’s not bad when the sun is low in the sky later in the evening, but for most of the day we are fully exposed. And it’s not just the sun that we are exposed to. I feel exposed to anyone and everyone around. 

Somehow being under an umbrella or awning gives me a sense of protection from the elements and a bit of seclusion from the world.

My wife wonders why I don’t like sitting out on our back deck at home when I’m happy to sit out at the cottage and the beach. 

Well, the answer is pretty simple: I like something over my head. 

And if we could come to some kind of agreement on the type of overhead covering for our deck, I just might be more inclined to spend time out there.

Here’s the thing: In the world we live in, we are exposed to all kinds of things – many that we can’t protect ourselves against. They may even make you feel vulnerable and exposed at times. Well, there is a covering that can keep you living with confidence in our world and that is Jesus Christ. You may find yourself exposed to things you don’t want to be exposed to, but He will be a shade as you go through this world. And ultimately you will be protected from the harsh realities of an eternity in hell. Choose Jesus as your cover.

That’s Life! 


Question: What do you like most about being under a cover of some kind? Leave your comments and questions below.

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Being Overly Optimistic On My To-Dos May Not Be Best

I might have an overly optimistic to-do list today, which would make that two days in a row.

being overly optimistic on my to-dos may not be best

Some people like to-do lists and some people don’t. For me, they provide some kind of traction for the day, something to go after. 

When I don’t live by a to-do list, I get less done and forget about some things I should address.

But I have to admit that sometimes I pad my to-do list. I put things on it that take very little time. I think it’s because I like crossing things out and putting a check mark beside them.

That’s right, I put a line through the things on my list and then I also put a check mark beside them. For me, executing just one of those acts is not doing justice to the accomplishment of putting the to-do behind me.

The other day I had an ambitious list of to-dos. The first part of the list went pretty well. I accomplished it in a time frame that left ample room to work on the rest. 

But then everything slowed down. I got stalled on one of my to-dos and never recovered. At the end of the day I still had several items on my list. 

You might think I would just take those to-dos from yesterday and make them my to-do list for today. The truth is some of them got on today’s list but others will now be relegated to a list sometime next week.

And sadly, my to-do list for today is looking like it might be as ambitious as yesterday’s … which means I may end up with a whole bunch of to-dos left undone again.  

So why do I do this?

You would think that at this stage in my life I should be able to figure out what I can get done in a day and make my list accordingly. 

There are two reasons my list is ambitious. One reason is I just want to get some things on the list so I won’t forget about them. It’s okay if I get them done in a few days or a week from now, but I just want to make sure they are listed to remind me.

The other reason – well, this one is not so great, but many of us suffer from it – is what I call “big eyes, little belly”. 

It’s a phrase we would often say to our son when he was young. Hey, I still say it sometimes. 

He liked to put large portions of food on his plate. But by the end of dinner, he sometimes hadn’t eaten all that much of it. We would comment, “big eyes, little belly”.

That is the same principle as to why I have ambitious to-do lists … big eyes, little belly. 

I think I can get more done than what I am actually capable of. 

Here’s the thing: We often think we can do more than we can. We don’t go to God with things because we don’t think we need God’s help. Instead we think we can do it ourselves. We should realize that we often have “big eyes, little belly” syndrome and we should seek God’s involvement. Don’t be afraid to admit you need help. Don’t think you can do it all yourself. Ask God to help you get it done.

That’s Life!


Question: What on your to-do list do you need to take to God? Leave your comments and questions below.

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Wires Can Make Anything Look Messy

Wires can really make an area look junky. That’s what our television area was like – a tangled pile of wires.

wires can make anything look messy

Of course we tried to hide them behind a TV stand but, if you looked at the far side of the stand, the octopus of cords was visible, spilling out from behind the unit. 

It just didn’t look good. 

And honestly, it doesn’t take very many cords to make things look messy. 

But that is our burden in the 21st century. So much in our lives runs on electricity. 

Just think, there was a time when there were no cords. The only thing on the table by the wall was a oil lamp or candle stand.

Back then homes never looked like you needed an experienced seaman to come and harpoon the tentacles that were wrapped around the furniture.

… Oh, and how quickly an electrical cord can get tangled. It doesn’t even need another cord to fight with. One cord can tangle itself into knots. 

It’s the price we pay for being able to plug things into the wall and have power, whether that is to light a lamp, or turn on a TV, a computer or other device.

Recently we got a new TV. … Yes, we got it just in time for the Super Bowl party we won’t be having this year. 

Lily and I will really have to whoop it up by ourselves. I think I might even have a chance to win some of the contests I usually have for our guests. Maybe I will go all out this year on prizes and make them bigger and better than ever.

Back to the new TV … 

Our last TV sat on a table/TV stand so all the cables went down and behind that stand. From the front you couldn’t see any cables. 

The new TV, well, that’s a different matter. We wanted to hang it on the wall. 

What a mess; it looked disgusting. 

There is a two and a half foot space between the TV and the table below. On the table is a cable box, a PlayStation and a Wii. Some cables have to go up to the TV and some have to go down to the outlets.  

Basically, there are 10 wires of different kinds and colours that have to go between the table and the TV.

I separated them all nicely and created a pattern of cords in that gap. I kind of thought it looked artsy. 

Lily didn’t find it one bit artistic, so we needed a plan.

I cut two holes in the drywall, one behind the stand and one behind the TV. I ran the cable back and forth through those holes. Power cords, however, are not supposed to go through the wall like that, so I put an outlet behind the TV and connected it to the outlet below. 

My entertainment area now looks like a scene from the 1700’s when nothing was connected – no wires. 

Here’s the thing: I don’t think many of us would want to live back at the time of some of the great saints of the past, even though life seemed simpler then. Though the world we live in is messy, that should not stop us from becoming present-day saints, and working on cleaning up our messes and living godly lives. Seek more of what Jesus wants for you and you’ll be satisfied.

That’s Life!


Question: What’s a messy part of your life you should clean up? Leave your comments and questions below.

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I Feel Responsible Even Though I’m Not

I may be responsible for bringing the snow to this area. It could never be proved in a court of law though, so I think I’m safe. 

I feel responsible even though I'm not

You know how it is, the one who brings bad news is considered bad news himself. That’s why the phrase, “don’t kill the messenger”. 

Apparently, there were at one time a lot of well-meaning people with unpopular messages getting knocked off for saying their peace.

You see that in the movies. It’s always the crime boss – some crime syndicate kingpin – who shoots the guy who simply tells him, “Ya, boss, he got away”. That poor guy is never seen again. 

I don’t want to be that guy. 

But on Saturday I decided to put the Christmas lights up on our house. 

It was a great day for it. The weather, as they say, was balmy. I didn’t even have a coat on at first. Only later did I put on a light jacket. 

It made sense to put up the lights when it was warm out. I’ve experienced many years when I waited too long and ended up freezing my hands off, up on the ladder. I didn’t want that to happen this year so I got the job done. 

The very next day it snowed. 

At first I thought it was harmless. The snow was melting as fast as it was falling. But in the end, there was a layer of the white stuff that began to stick to the ground. 

Then came the freezing rain which created a protective glaze to the snow. 

And I knew … that maybe … I was to blame.

When you have bad weather, there has to be someone to blame. We used to blame the weatherman. But in more recent years we have widened the net to include innocent people who are in the wrong place at the wrong time.

You know how it goes. When you’ve travelled from one part of the country to another, the first thing people say to you after you land is, “Did you bring this weather with you?” … as if you had packed it in your suitcase and checked it with the luggage! 

It doesn’t even help when you tell them, “No, I just came with a carry on.” Like how in the world could you ever manage to stow the weather in something as small as a carry on bag? 

Still, I do feel a little responsible for the snow. Maybe if I had delayed putting up the lights we would have had a few more days of nice, warm weather. 

I just have to keep a low profile for a couple of days. I understand that the temperature is on the rise and all this will soon be gone. 

Then whatever I have brought on – whether real or completely and ridiculously imaginary – will be deemed forgiven and forgotten. 

All I have to do is stay away from those crime bosses till then.

Here’s the thing: No one wants to be responsible for something they didn’t do or bring about. But that is exactly what Jesus willingly did. He died not for His sins but for our sins. He wasn’t responsible but He took on the role of being responsible. The punishment for that was death. He died for our sins – more specifically, He died for your sins and my sins. That act frees us from facing the punishment we would be responsible for. When we place our faith in Christ’s sacrifice and seek His forgiveness, we are free. That is something we all need to consider. 

That’s Life!


Question: What do you often feel responsible for that you shouldn’t? Leave your comments and questions below.

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You Should Get Working On That Old Project

When is the right time to get working on something you dropped a while ago?

You should get working on that old project

I think the answer is now … that’s what I’m doing, anyway. 

The other day my interest in an old project was rekindled. I’m not sure why but I got a spark of interest; I was intrigued again. I felt an urge to get back to my dead project.

A couple of years ago I was inspired to build a trail – a mountain biking trail – on my vacation (read here). There was a spot along a trail that I rode that was extremely wet and boggy. It was okay for an ATV but not a mountain bike. So I built a trail around the bog to connect it to the loop I regularly rode.

I made some compact tools to take with me on my ride and spent considerable time bush-whacking to expand the trail. 

After one trail-building session I came back to the cottage with a “guest” – a tick. My wife, Lily, wasn’t thrilled and, to be honest, I wasn’t too happy about it either. I think it was enough to discourage me from continuing my trail which was still in its early stages. 

In the mean time, I worked at making better tools to take with me, ones that could also fit neatly into my backpack.

That was two years ago. I didn’t get back to it.

Well, this year when I was riding my trail, I spotted what looked like a new trail I had never seen before. I ventured down it, but it seemed to end in the middle of nowhere. I couldn’t see where it continued, so I went back. 

Yesterday I set out with my curiosity peaked, along with a desire to create another loop to ride. I brought my tools to work on this trail to nowhere so that I could get to somewhere.

This time as I rode the new trail I was able to detect that it did go further. Even though ferns and other growth were hiding the trail, I could make out just enough evidence of where to ride.

But again it seemed to end with no connection to another trail; it just stopped. 

When I returned home I was more curious than ever. I consulted my bike computer’s GPS feature to see a map of where I had ridden. I wanted to see where this new trail was in relation to the other trails I rode, and where I might be able to connect them.

It’s time to get working. My next task is to finish this trail and actually connect it to another.

Oh, and I came home with no guests this time – excellent!

Here’s the thing:  When your mind starts to wonder about God, take action, investigate. Maybe nature, or this COVID crisis, causes you to question and think about God. Perhaps a situation you find yourself in makes you wonder what God has to do with everything. The time to start seeking answers is now. Explore the trail; talk to someone; get a Bible and start reading. Don’t put it off. This new trail could be the best one ever.

That’s Life!


Question: What do you need to get working on again? Leave your comments and questions below.

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Why Cardboard Is An Essential Product

Going paperless was a thing at one time, but there has never been a consideration to do without cardboard.

Why cardboard is an essential product

I can’t imagine a world without cardboard. 

We use it for so many things and it comes in so many varieties, from cereal boxes to packing material to the tubes they pour concrete in to make columns.  

So many purchases you make contain some form of cardboard.  

and even when it has fulfilled its primary purpose, parts of it can still be used to do many other things. For instance, you can fold a piece of cardboard and use it to shim a table that’s wobbly. The restaurant I last ate in needed a piece of cardboard under one table leg – it drove me nuts.

There was a time when the use of cardboard was frowned upon. Either there was a fear we would run out of trees to make it, or we didn’t know how to recycle it, but cardboard packaging was shunned.

It’s back now and cardboard is better than ever. 

We just bought a couch from Ikea and it came in two huge cardboard boxes. And yes, of course, I had to build the couch myself … with the help of our daughter.

The pieces were arranged precisely in their boxes, piece by piece, with strategically placed cardboard to prevent any piece from rubbing against each other and so that nothing in the boxes moved at all.

How the boxes were packed was an art form in itself and I believe I removed as much cardboard as I did parts of the couch. 

When we were done, there was a mountain of cardboard left over . Though the pile did not weigh what it had with the couch inside, there was enough cardboard to make a house and a rocket ship.

… Many years ago when our children were little, my wife, Lily, got ahold of some very large cardboard boxes. With one she made a cabin that our kids could stand up in. They used it for years. With another batch of cardboard she made a rocket ship. Though it didn’t fly to the moon, it did provide many imaginary trips to far off planets for our kids.

Now that our kids have grown up she doesn’t do that anymore. But I watched Lily break down those new boxes and make four large piles of cardboard each tied to keep the pieces together. If needed she probably could have made a replica couch to the one we purchased, only sitting on it would have proved disastrous for the cardboard.

In the end the four piles of cardboard were placed in our vehicle and taken to be recycled into something new … maybe a refrigerator box or several TV boxes, or even an Apple computer box or two. It was high quality cardboard IKEA used to package and protect our couch. 

At one time we would just burn the cardboard, but now we can reuse it and remanufacture it for many applications. 

We will always have cardboard with us.

Here’s the thing: This cardboard reminds me of God. He is always with us, though sometimes under appreciated. There are even attempts by some to do without Him. He is still always with us. And there are so many reasons to seek God out. There is enough of Him for everyone; no one has to go without Him. We should never consider life without God.

That’s Life!


Question: How has God been part of your life today? Leave your comments and questions below.

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Your Actions May Not Be Making Things Better

Sometimes your actions and efforts to fix a problem just make that problem worse.

Your actions may not be making things better

The other day I picked some weeds out of the driveway at our cottage. They shouldn’t be there. We had fixed our weed problem last year (read here).

We have a gravel driveway with packed down white stones. I’m not sure how many inches thick it is, but it’s quite a few.

Over the last few years we noticed how the weeds have been coming up in the driveway in a more pronounced way. Our plan was to put some high-powered weed killer on the driveway, let it soak in and do its thing with the weeds. 

But we got a tip from a neighbour that a better solution would be to rake the driveway. 

It was certainly a more environmentally friendly approach to the weed extermination, and a far less costly one for us as well. 

What it did mean was a lot more sweat and effort on our part to get it done, but it seemed like a great solution. We tried it. 

We got out some rakes and started at the driveway systematically, digging deep down into the gravel and stirring those stones from the bottom up.  

It was like taking a comb to your scalp and going back and forth on it. … I’m not sure that’s good for your scalp and I’m sure now that it’s not so good for the driveway either. 

Mind you it looked great when we were done, like we had just put fresh gravel on our parking area. The stones were all fluffed up … if stones can be fluffy. I guess what I’m saying is they weren’t all hard packed and mashed together. 

We were pumped.

But probably within a week we noticed some weeds peeking through the gravel. 

How could this possibly be? We had gotten rid of all the weeds. They would have had to start from scratch to make their way through about three or four inches of gravel. 

Yet there they were. 

And now this year there seems to be even more and they are hardier than the variety that used to come up before we raked.

… This is an aside, but hear me out. I wonder if your hair was thinning and you wanted to stimulate growth in some way, maybe you could take a comb and really go at your scalp. Possibly you might be able to stimulate those hair follicles to start producing again. I’m not saying rush out and get yourself a new comb – it’s just a thought.

Anyway, back to our driveway this year. If we don’t get on this weed problem, instead of our driveway having a nice white stone look, it will have a hairy green look to it. 

This year we may have to apply the high-powered weed killer to the area and see if that action has better results.

Here’s the thing: If you take no action spiritually, you can bet the weeds of your own sin nature and societal influence will take over. Taking action spiritually is important; developing your faith is essential. It’s also important to take spiritual action that will make a long lasting impact on your life. Choose well what will stimulate spiritual growth in your life. Don’t let the weeds creep in.

That’s Life!


Question: What have you allowed to creep in to your life? Leave your comments and questions below.

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