You Say Goodbye; I Say Hello

Yesterday I said goodbye to some friends who were moving away – friends I was used to seeing on a weekly basis, and whose home I was in every other week. … Now I won’t see them for at least a few years.

say goodbye, say hello

This morning I was reflecting on that. 

I’ve said goodbye to many people in the past, mostly when they have left my town. But there have been a few times when I’ve left town.

At the time of saying goodbye there’s usually lots of business to attend to, other people trying to say farewell, etc. There really is no time to think and contemplate about leaving, about a goodbye.

The goodbye is also not equally the same for both those leaving and those staying. 

For the ones who are going away, they leave for something new, something different. Their leaving comes with an element of excitement, unknown, even nervousness.  

But there is none of that for those who are staying and are saying goodbye. Everything stays the same for them. There is just the loss of someone leaving.

It’s kind of like eating your favourite ice cream cone. (For me, that would be a scoop of Rocky Road ice cream on a sugar cone.) 

As you take a lick, a good sized piece of ice cream comes loose and falls to the ground. If you’re like me, you hate that because you want to eat every bit. You’ve be anticipating it; you’ve been savouring the taste of that ice cream. And then to lose a piece of it, it’s hard not to be disappointed. 

Ever thought of somehow licking up that ice cream from the ground even though it’s past the 5 second rule? 

The reality is you still have most of that cone to enjoy and to delight your taste buds with. You are only losing out on a small piece. … But still the thought of missing even a morsel of that favourite ice cream borders on a deep feeling of loss. 

The experts say that the world has shrunk with technology and with travel being so accessible, but that is merely conceptual. The reality is distance changes everything. 

I remember when we moved from Edmonton to Kingston. Two weeks after we arrived our son turned five years old. 

When we discussed with him what he would like for his birthday he said he just wanted his friend, Joel, to attend the party. 

Well, Joel lived in Edmonton, but Mike couldn’t understand why his parents wouldn’t just drive him over, or put him on a plane so he could be there for his big day. Mike didn’t make the connection that it took us five days to drive across the country, staying in hotels each night. 

So until someone actually invents the Star Trek transporter, distance will not been circumvented. When you say goodbye, there is an element of missing one’s presence that lingers.

Here’s the thing: Though we will say goodbye to everyone in our life, even if it is only for an hour, we never say goodbye to God. He is always with us, even when we move. No matter where we go, He is there. So don’t act like there is a distance between you and Him. Speak to Him regularly throughout your day. Don’t treat Him like He’s gone away. And certain don’t pretend like He is not there with you. With God you always say “hello” and never “goodbye”.

That’s Life!


Question: Who would you like to say hello to today? Leave your comments and questions below.

I Want A New Deal With Bell Canada

Bell Canada has a good thing going, but it hasn’t been very good for me.

Bell Canada

Today I turned on my TV and I heard voices talking but the screen was as dark as it was before I turned it on.

I started hitting buttons, but the only buttons I could get to work were the volume and the power controls. 

My first thought was that I needed a new TV. We’ve had this one for many years and maybe it was just its time. But I turned on another device that was plugging into my TV and there was the picture.  

It seemed the problem lay with my Bell Canada Fibe TV box.

Immediately a whole load of thoughts flooded my brain. I remember sitting with a woman as she outlined the great deal that Bell had for us that would save us a ton of money. 

What she told us sounded so good we decided we would make the switch after 18 years with another TV provider and 22 years with another internet provider. 

We were given tons of promises, and everything worked pretty well. We were happy for the first month and a half. 

Then we noticed a price increase. As the months went on, the increases for varying amounts showed up about every two months. 

Then a year into the contract, we got hit with a huge increase. After less than two years, we are paying more than double what we had agreed upon when we got Bell’s service!

That is a sweet contract for them. We pay a penalty for leaving the contract early but they can raise their rates continuously throughout the contract. 

When I inquired as to why the increases, the answer was, “we are continually improving our service”.

I think that means I’m paying for Bell to dig up other streets so they can install Fibe TV in those neighbourhoods as well. 

I’ve seen no difference to my service. It’s not faster, not more reliable. I don’t even have more of the same stations to watch the same programs on!  

… Did that last sentence hypnotize you a little? Well, that’s just the reality of TV.

Every time I’ve called customer service, they refuse to honour what the original salesperson told us because they can’t verify what she said. Instead they offer to reduce my channels to reduce the impact of the increase to maybe half. They, however, always get an increase.

Just the other week I received a phone call from Bell. They said they had a great deal for me because they’ve upgraded the service in my area. 

I replied that I’m already paying more than twice what I started at a year and a half ago, and I wasn’t interested in paying more. I said I was just waiting for the end of the contract. The salesperson said they would have someone call me.  

No one has called.

I wonder … if I called and told them I’m only hearing voices, would they set me up with a psychiatrist or reduce my bill in half? Probably neither. 

Here’s the thing: In this life, institutions, businesses and people are looking out for their own interests above all else. Even God has His best interest in mind. However, God’s best interest is truly best and, because He loves you, His best interest is really your best interest as well. 

That’s Life!


Question: What do you think God’s best interest for you is? Leave your comments and questions below.

My Peace Was Interrupted

Have you ever gotten away for some peace and quiet, to a place where you can relax and think clearly, only to have your peace interrupted with noise?

My Peace Was Interrupted

That happened to me the other day.

I made my annual trip to our cottage to think, pray and plan for the year ahead. One reason I go there is that I relax well there, and the other reason is that it is quiet.

Albeit the occasional noise of a lawnmower or circular saw breaks the quiet, but for the most part it is very peaceful. All our neighbours are seniors or their kids have grown up. Lily and I are the young ones in our little section.

But last year, near the end of the summer, a family moved in just kiddy-corner to us. This family broke the pattern. They have two young children, somewhere between 3 and 7. 

I remember having kids that age, but what I don’t remember is how loud they were. … either that or this is the loud family! It seems like it’s party central all the time at their place. The kids are up early and the parents are up late.

There is nothing wrong with it most of the time – except when I’m here specifically to be quiet, reflective, to think and plan.

When our kids were young, I never thought of how loud we were as a family – especially the kids. Kids’ high pitched voices without a volume control makes for some serious noise.

Even if an adult is loud, the lower tone in their voice usually only leads to muffled noise. With kids, however, you can hear every word distinctly and clearly.

Kids are busy, too. They are not going to just sit and read. … I’m not even sure one of the neighbour kids is old enough to read. 

These kids want action! They want entertainment! And they want it all the time! 

Right now there is a road hockey game going on at 10:00 in the morning right outside my window.  

It’s summer here in vacation land – who’s playing street hockey right now? 

Growing up I played plenty of road hockey. We played mostly in the spring and then in the fall. In the heat of the summer we were down at the river catching frogs or something. 

I realize that some kids are louder than others. Some instinctively play quietly. They play with each other. 

But these kids need to be yelling and they need their parents involved. All their play is a big production. 

They have two full-sized hockey nets on the road right now. I don’t think the game is going that well for the oldest kid because he’s telling everyone that the game is over. 

No one seems to be paying attention to him, however, so he keeps reminding the adults and his sister over and over again as they play around him. 

It’s noisy, but it’s also Saturday morning. They didn’t arrive until last night … and I’m leaving in an hour or so. 

So glad they were not up for the week.

Here’s the thing: You can do your best at setting up a quiet place to spend time with God. But what you still may have to battle is how loud your thoughts are, and how distracted your mind can get. Sometimes you just have to work through those noisy sessions and find a way to focus. 

That’s Life!


Question: What distracts you the most when you are spending time with God? Leave your comments and questions below. 

My Face Isn’t All That Unique

I’m thinking there are only so many faces in the world … the rest are just variations of the same few faces.

Bobby Orr

I’ve come to this conclusion because I was recently mistaken for someone I am in no way related to.

I was walking up to the pro shop at a golf course I was about to play, when I noticed a group of four senior gentlemen standing around their golf carts.  

I noticed them because they were looking at me. In fact, it was more than just looking at me – they were staring at me … you know, with their mouths slightly open in that, “Is this who we think it is?” kind of stare.

I continued on like I didn’t notice them gawking at me and went into the clubhouse. 

I registered for my game and was just about to walk out the door when these four men came clambering in, almost trying to squeeze through the door at the same time. 

The first one blurted out, “Are you related to Bobby Orr?” 

If you know anything about hockey – if you’re a Canadian – you know who Bobby Orr is: one, if not THE greatest NHL defenseman of all time.

I immediately put their question to rest. “No”, I said, and kept moving. 

I could tell from how they were acting that they really thought I was Bobby Orr for a minute.

That was the first time anyone has thought my face and Orr’s face looked similar. 

Once someone thought I looked like Terry Fox, but that was back in the 70’s when I had long, curly hair. I had immediately lifted my leg back at the knee when they said it so I could be more convincing. 

 But that was from a distance; this was up close.  

I’ve never even met Bobby Orr – though I have a friend who has posted a picture  on his facebook page of him and his wife with Bobby.

My brother has met Bobby Orr. Years ago Orr shot a Planters Peanuts commercial for Hockey Night in Canada at the rink he was an assistant manager at.

Oh, and when I was young – about 9 or 10 – a guy took me to an OHA Oshawa Generals hockey game. He also gave me a black and white photo of Bobby who was about 17 at the time.  

I remember that when the guy handed me the photo he said, “Hang on to that. This kid is going to be a star.” 

I lost the photo a few years later. 

I never met Bobby Orr, but at least my sister-in-law got me his autograph. 

I did build a couple of cottages around Parry Sound one summer during my college days. I saw the larger than life image of Bobby on the “Welcome to Parry Sound; Home of Bobby Orr” sign coming into the city. 

Maybe I should practice Bobby’s signature … just in case … now that I’m looking more and more like a legend.

Here’s the thing: We can mistake something for the real thing. But when we mistake our good fortune or success in life for God’s blessing, we better take a second look. That good life you are experiencing may only be for this life. God’s real blessing is attached to a relationship with his Son and a future eternity that will last far longer that any good fortune we experience now. 

That’s Life!


Question: What in your life do you need to take a second look at? Leave your comments and questions below.

I Lacked Something Really Important

This week I realized I lacked something most people would assume I had. 

We sometimes assume that a store will have a certain item we are looking for, only to find when we get there that they are out-of-stock or worse – they don’t even sell that product at all. 

Not long ago I needed to purchase a wooden end plug for a new hockey stick I had bought.  The store I usually get them from was out-of-stock at the time.  

I thought I would see if I could get one at another sports store. 

When I couldn’t find even a spot for these plugs on any of their shelving, I asked an employee. His initial reaction told me they didn’t have them. He had no clue what I was talking about, so he checked his little handheld computer to discover the store didn’t even carry them.

I wasn’t that surprised to find they didn’t have them at this time – after all it is summer – but I did assume they would carry the product since hockey is one of their specialties. 

Then this week I found myself not only lacking a stick plug, but something more important.

For the last ten months we have been dealing with a leaky roof at our church. The ability to stop the leak has eluded the roofers for the umpteenth times they have tried to fix it. 

In the mean time, our caretaker has made two elaborate troughs to catch the water and keep it from hitting the carpet. These troughs are each about six feet long and very noticeable. 

The other day our caretaker said to me, “Maybe we should put the troughs away for now.”  

We haven’t had any leaks for the past three weeks and the last time the roofers came they fixed a large section that they discovered might be the problem. 

Since then we haven’t had a leak, but we also have not had much rain to really test it. 

I hesitated and said, “I’d like to believe it’s fixed but I’m not holding my breath.” … We’ve had high hopes before, only for them to be dashed a short time later when the roof started leaking again. 

I finally replied, “Well, let’s just move one trough out of the way underneath the coat rack.” I wanted it close by so that if it started leaking we could put it back quickly.

My caretaker wanted to get both troughs out of sight, but I didn’t really want to go that far.

Then he wanted to sit the other trough inside the one we put under the coat rack, virtually removing any leakage protection we had. 

To that I said, “You have more faith than I do.”

I got to thinking … I’m the guy most people would think would have the faith to believe that our leaky roof has been fixed. Faith is the basis of my job as a pastor. But here I was low on faith for something my caretaker had no problem with. 

Here’s the thing: I don’t lack faith in God, but I did lack faith in what God would do for us in this particular situation. When you lack faith, your actions or non-actions will give you away. That’s when you need to think a little more about your lack of faith. Figure out why you lack faith for something and then take steps to apply your faith in God for that thing. 

That’s Life!


Question: What is something in your life you realize you have lacked faith for and really need to trust God with? Leave your comments below.

My Old Tech Became New Tech Again

The other day I had to use old tech to get my new tech to do what I wanted it to do.

… After writing that sentence I realize it sounds a little hypnotizing. You might be wondering what exactly I mean.

I have a relatively new laptop that is 6 or 7 years newer than my previous one. So my new laptop has technology built into it that was not around when my old laptop was made. 

Tech changes so quickly – like with cell phones. They come out with new ones every year that have great new features. When your two-year contract is up, you are dying to get a new phone because it’s so advanced.

My new laptop has all new input ports so I needed a conversion cord to connect my old devices like external hard drives, external monitors, and even thumb drives.

It was a big jump. 

But there were some changes that, in my opinion, were a step back in time.

And one of those areas I discovered recently.  

Sometimes I have to record a sermon from cassette tape to my computer. This happens when something goes wrong with our normal recording from our sound board at church. 

For years I just put the cassette in a tape player, plugged the cord into the tape player and plugged the other end into the microphone port of my laptop.

My new laptop doesn’t have a microphone port. 

That was surprising … and very disappointing to say the least!

For some reason, the manufacturer decided that we don’t need to record sound that way any more … much like the way Apple decided that we don’t need to plug headphones into our phones any more; we just go wireless.

I guess we are just supposed to throw out all of our wired headphones. 

But before you do that, it might not be a bad idea to tuck them away for later. They just might come in handy.

With my new laptop, I found a way to get sound into it.  But I had to use old tech to do it. 

I scrounged around in a draw and found a headset device that I used years ago – I’m thinking close to 10 years. I used it for a dictation program I had with my computer. I stopped using it because they came up with a wireless headset.

I disconnected the headset part and MacGyver’d it together between my tape deck and computer.

Oh, but before I did that I had to get out my USB dongle to even be able to plug it into my computer.  

It worked. 

I used ten year old technology to get my new computer to do something that was standard a few years ago. 

The moral of the story is save our landfill sites. Don’t throw out your old, obsolete technology; it just might become like new technology all over again.

Here’s the thing: In life we learn and become proficient at things we once needed help with. There may be things in your life that you used to seek God’s help for but now seem to be easy for you to handle so that you don’t feel you need His help with them any more. You may find you depend more on yourself than God now that you’ve progressed in your faith – almost like God has become a little obsolete in that area. Don’t be fooled into thinking you don’t need Him as much. A growing faith will never make your daily need to seek God obsolete or outdated.

That’s Life!


Question: What have you stopped seeking God for? Leave your comments below.

My Train Got Derailed

Your day can easily get derailed and it can happen so slowly that you don’t realize it until you are well off the tracks.

That’s what happened to my day last Monday … and it unfolded like that story of how to cook a frog. 

If you put a frog in a pot of water and slowly heat up the water, the frog won’t jump out. He will willingly let himself be cooked to death. 

The frog is comfortable in water and, if the temperature rises slowly enough, his body will adjust to the temperature until it’s too late and he’s frogs legs on someone’s plate.

Early last Monday morning, I was looking at a brand new day with all its opportunities yet to be discovered. I had thought about doing a few things but had no real plan for the day.

My wife, Lily, and I were at our cottage; it was my day off and I was relaxed – maybe too relaxed because I should have had a more specific plan.

Sadly, Lily and I never got to the place of carving out a plan. 

Instead, at 10 am we remembered that the NBA World champion Toronto Raptors’ parade would be starting. We turned on the TV and, sure enough, the party was all over the screen.

Commentators were commentating and people had arrived at the main stage and were gathering all along the parade route. There were millions of people – literally millions! Some estimated that 2,000,000 plus flooded downtown Toronto for this spectacle.

The video from the helicopters was amazing. The crowds looked like bees gathering on a honeycomb.

Soon the players arrived at the open top, double decker busses to get the show on the road. Fans overwhelmed the streets and the police from keeping the route clear for the procession. 

It was 12:30 before we realized we hadn’t had lunch and the busses had barely exited the Princess gates of the EX where they were starting. 

All that time there were interviews with the players, celebrities, sports experts and fans – all happy and delirious.

Like all the crowds of people, we were anticipating something special. We didn’t know what, but it was something we didn’t want to miss.

By then we’d given hours to this parade. We wanted to do something else but we’d invested so much time watching that we couldn’t just walk away before we saw the big culmination to this momentous event.

When all the players and dignitaries finally got to the stage, the people right up front had been there for ten hours … some had camped there all night!. 

There had been talk about a mini concert with Drake performing, but when it was all done there were only a few speeches, greetings from several of the players and that was it.

There had been so much build-up and promise of something that would be remembered for years and years. It was all anti-climactic compared to the frenzy along the way. 

Lil and I had invested a good portion of our day watching something that we had hoped would be inspiring, but instead left us feeling like we’d wasted several hours and missed out on the good things we could have done. 

We got cooked.

Here’s the thing: There are people who spend their whole lives looking for the next thing that will be exciting, bring a thrill or inspire them to do more. But much of that is just heating up the water in your pot. When you look back, it wasn’t really worth it. Every day seek Christ for a plan and give yourself to that plan, because that will inspire you. In the end, when you look back, you will be thrilled with the treasure you’ve stored up in heaven.

That’s Life!


Question: What are you wasting your time doing today? Leave your comments below.

I Was Prevented From Being Fined

The other day I was prevented from doing something that could have resulted in a big fine.

At the time I was a little frustrated, but now I’m glad the situation stopped me. A fine could have been thousands of dollars.

I’ve experienced this kind of unwanted, unsolicited restraint in the past and, to be honest, it can be downright maddening … until you discover what you’ve been saved from.

It happened when I was driving, speeding on the highway, passing cars. 

I consider it sacrificial driving because all the cars behind me could up their speed a bit, knowing that I would be the target of any radar up ahead. 

As I was cruising along, a truck pulled out into my lane. I had to slow way down, to probably about 15-20 km’s slower than I was going. 

The passing took an eternity and I was thinking all kinds of bad thoughts towards the truck driver in front of me. 

The longer it took, the more frustrated and furious I was with the hold up … that was until we passed a highway patrol car with radar pointing my way.

I would have been caught for sure; it would have been a big fine. 

That truck that was ticking me off saved me big time. 

Then the other day I took my drone to fly it around some locks on the Rideau waterway system. There are a number of locks around Kingston. 

I thought it would be picturesque to film above and around the locks and nearby rapids. 

The first lock I drove to was packed with people. There was some kind of art festival there, and it also looked like there was a wedding about to take place.

So I drove past and kept going to another lock up the river. This one was off the main road a bit and I thought maybe there would be no one there. 

But when I arrived there were five cars in the parking lot – enough people around that I couldn’t really fly my drone in a safe manner.

So I drove on, a little frustrated that I was prevented again from capturing what I thought would be some amazing footage. 

In both attempts it was the people who were present that prevented me from flying my drone – not that they said anything, but legally I can’t fly my drone within 30 meters of people. 

Later when I was mulling over a possible day or time when no one would be around, I started thinking about the symbol I saw on the sign there. I began to wonder who operated those locks. So I looked up the symbol and found that the locks are controlled by Parks Canada. 

… And the fine for flying a drone in a national park can be as high as $25,000!

All those people and events just saved me a good chunk of change. I would have flown my drone completely unaware that I could have been fined big time for doing it. 

My frustration is all gone. Thanks people!

Here’s the thing: Sometimes you may find yourself frustrated with God. You’ve asked Him, pleaded with Him, even begged Him, but the answer you are looking for is nowhere in sight. You can’t understand why God would not answer you. Just consider that your current frustration may be preventing something unwanted and unpleasant from occurring in your life. … Let your frustration with God go. 

That’s Life!


Question: What frustration in your life might be a blessing in disguise? Leave your comments below.

I’m Having Trouble Connecting Right Now

I’ve been having trouble lately connecting to some of my devices. I’m pretty sure it doesn’t have anything to do with the weather, but I am completely in the dark as to why I can’t connect.

Years ago when you said you were not connecting, it was easy to find the problem. Usually someone forgot to hang up his phone, or was on the phone talking to someone else. 

There was no mystery as to why you were not connecting. You just needed to wait until the phone was back on the hook. 

You could also fail to connect to someone in person. That meant that the person you were having a face-to-face conversation with was not understanding what you were trying to communicate.

As frustrating as that might have been, it was still easy to understand. We would chalk it up to the other person being thick in the head and move on.

Probably the most common reason for not connecting was with electricity. You were not connected because the cord was not plugged into the outlet … or you had blown a fuse.

Now with technology, however, when we are not connecting there are a myriad of possible reasons why. Many of them we don’t even understand … now we are the ones who are thick in the head! 

One of the things I do each morning is jump on the scale. But for the last few days, I’ve had trouble when weighing myself.

I have a smart scale – at least that’s what it’s called. Right now, however, it’s not acting all that smart.

Normally when I step on the scale, my weight is automatically recorded in an app on my phone. Lately it isn’t connecting. 

And there is no apparent reason why it’s not connecting. There is nothing to plug in and no one else is using it when I weigh myself.

The scale just won’t connect to my app.

I’ve scoured the internet and still haven’t found a solution. All it says is “the certificate is invalid”. 

I didn’t know the scale had a certificate. I don’t even know what the scale’s certificate is in. Is it possible there is a school for scales and my scale fraudulently got a certificate in hygiene and body maintenance?

I really don’t know what to do. 

My scale works. It shows me what I weigh each day, but it won’t record it on my phone. 

My connection trouble with this device is typical with many electronics. It’s never as simple as, “Hey look, we didn’t plug it in!”

No, you need tech support to solve these connection issues. You need someone who has a certificate in IT to diagnose the problem. … You just hope that the IT guy doesn’t have an invalid certificate, because then you would really be in a mess.

I don’t know what the solution is to my connection problem, but I sure hope I can figure it out soon.

Here’s the thing: Sometimes you might find that you are not connecting with God. Everyone experiences that from time to time. Though it’s not as easy to diagnose as telephone connection problems, there are some common reasons why you might not be connecting to God: Is there sin in your life? Have you failed to forgive someone? Are you only listening for what you want to hear? There are other possible reasons why but these are the basic ones. And all these connection problems are on your end. God is waiting for us to clear our connection problems because He wants to connect with us.

That’s Life!


Question: What are you doing to ensure you don’t have a connection problem with God?  Leave your comments below.

My Complaint Was Unjustified

I was a little too hasty with my complaint.

Spring is here and I should be writing about mountain biking, hockey playoffs or maybe baseball. 

… Or how about those Raptors and Kawhi Leonard’s four bouncer, rim shot, buzzer beater to send Toronto to the NBA Eastern Conference Finals?

But I can’t write about those things. I’m still trying to get my head around my latest bill from Bell Canada.

At the beginning of April I got a shock when our TV/Internet bill increased by $79 from the previous month. (I wrote about it here.)

I got a double shocker this month when my latest bill appeared to be devoid of any adjustments.

After the big increase a month ago, I had called Bell and complained. … I’ll make this short by saying they gave me a $40 reduction on my bill plus faster internet service. To get that, I was on the phone for way longer than an hour with more than one customer service rep.

Within a day or two I noticed some results. They kept their promise of adding three free stations and removing one station, but the internet service didn’t seem any faster. 

Then this month’s bill showed the free stations, but no mention of the upgraded internet, and the same price for TV and Internet as the month before. 

Back to the phones I went! … If nothing else the phone company is ensuring we are still using their services because we have to call them all the time to complain! 

This time the conversation was more disturbing and discouraging than the previous month. 

I talked to two customer service reps who didn’t want to budge. They basically dismissed what I had been told a month earlier. They said that the notes for that complaint didn’t say anything about the credits and changes we had agreed upon. 

In the end, the rep said that she would have her manager call me.  

So I have to wait for the manager’s call … which also means there may be a follow up to this post some time in the future.

Then this morning, as I reviewed my bill again, I noticed something I had missed before. All the itemized charges are the same as the previous month, but there is an amount in an adjustments box with no explanation.

That adjustment is a credit. It only shows up on the remittance page, but it brings my bill to what was promised me the month before.

So I didn’t get faster internet and there doesn’t seem to be any record of or reason given for the credit, but I got one. 

The question I still have is, “Will this credit show up every month?” There is no record of what it is for, so it would be easy to just drop it.

As it stands now, when the manager calls, the only thing I can say to him is … in the words of Saturday Night Live’s Emily Litella, “Never Mind”.

Here’s the thing: I’m distrustful about what my tech company has given me. They might take it away as fast as I received it; it only shows up as a mystery item on my bill. How many times do we treat God that way when He gives us something? We treat Him as though He might take it away at any moment, or we are suspicious of whether it was God who gave it to us in the first place. You might not be able to trust your tech company, but you can trust God. Give Him the credit and praise He deserves.

That’s Life!


Question: What has God provided for you that you didn’t really thank Him for? Leave your comment below.