Knowing Why Really Helps Us Make Decisions

There are times when you are presented with something and you only have one response – WHY? 

knowing why really helps us make decisions

It’s because whatever you’re presented with doesn’t make sense or it provides no help or purpose.

The other day I was handed a ham sandwich (that was delicious, by the way). In the sandwich, along with the ham and the lettuce, there was cheese. The particular variety of cheese in the sandwich was brie. 

As I was eating the sandwich, I asked my wife, Lily, what kind of cheese it was. When she told me, I said, “Why would they bother to put that cheese in the sandwich? It doesn’t have any taste.” 

Some may say that the cheese added texture to the sandwich, but really it didn’t make any difference to the sandwich whatsoever. 

I like to know the reason why people do things or why something is the way it is. In fact, it is always good to know the reason why … although one can get carried away. 

I once was trapped in a car with a five year old asking his father question after question without stopping. This boy’s questions were random, concerning everything his eyes gazed on inside and outside the car we were traveling in. 

When the child asked his dad why the sky was blue, I realized then that I was not the only one in the car who was tired of the incessant questions. 

The boy’s father answered him, “Just because, Richard; just because!”

And, with that, the questions stopped. 

I couldn’t help but think, “Why didn’t he give that kind of answer to the third question instead of the 20th?!” 

There is something inside us that wants to know why – why things exist, why we do things that way. 

I remember hearing a story about a woman who always cut off the end of the roast when she put it in the roasting pan. Her daughter grew up and one day asked her mom why she cut the end off the roast. Her mom answered, “I do it because that is how my mother cooked it.” 

So they asked Gramma why she used to cut off the end of the roast before putting it in the oven. Gramma replied, “because it was too big for my pot”. 

It’s good to know why; it helps us make decisions. 

This past week we rented a car while travelling. They gave us two sets of keys. When they handed me the keys, they were joined together by a wire that would require wire cutters or a bolt cutter to separate. 

We got two sets of keys but could only use them as one. 

If they didn’t want us to separate the keys, why not just give us one set? If we lost one, we’d lose both. 

Personally, one set fit better in my pocket than two. Having two car keys was a pain. 

I saw absolutely no reason to keep those keys together.

When I asked the guy at the rental counter, he didn’t really have an answer. He just shrugged his shoulders and gave me a wry smile. 

… Maybe he should ask his grandmother. 

Here’s the thing: There are many things in this world that we do not have the answer to. We don’t know the why. But we do know why Christ came to this world and gave His live for our sins. It’s because He loves us. We should remember that “why” when we think of our response to Christ and His offer of salvation. 

That’s Life!


Question: What “why” question is bugging you right now? Leave your comments and questions below.

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My Stuff Has A Diabolical Plan To Take Over My Life

It’s not hard to grasp how easily stuff can pile up and become a problem.

my stuff has a diabolical plan to take over my life

We’ve probably all seen those shows about hoarders. People who only have paths through their homes because their stuff is piled up in every room.

It certainly hasn’t come to that in our home, but I’m seeing how stuff can begin to take over. I’d like to say it’s just at home, but honestly stuff is spilling over at my office as well. 

Some people are naturally neat. They just put things away after they use them. They have a place for everything and it always goes back there. It’s possible that these people have attained to a higher state of being than the rest of us, but it’s more likely that they have other issues that compel them to do what they do. 

For me it happens slowly, one thing at a time. The clutter begins when one thing doesn’t have a place or I don’t have time to put something away. 

I’m not making excuses here, just observations. 

Once one thing doesn’t get back to where it belongs, it kind of opens the door for more things to hang out where they don’t belong. 

In my office, it starts when I don’t know where to put a piece of paper. I realize I’ll need it later so I leave it out as a visible reminder. 

Sometimes I don’t have a file for it or know what I would file it under. The end result is it stays on my desk … and the pile or piles begin. 

On my computer, I’m sometimes in a hurry and don’t put documents I’m working on in a folder … which means they sit on my desktop. Before too long my desktop is filled with un-filed documents, pictures, pdfs and more.

Because one piece of paper or one document doesn’t look messy, you don’t see the disaster that is coming. 

Right now I’m looking at my family room and there is an amplifier for my son’s guitar sitting in a corner. … My son hasn’t lived here for six years, plus he now has an apartment-sized amp for his guitar. 

I originally thought that I might plug my acoustic guitar into it, but that has only happened a few times in those six years. So there it sits and, on top of it, a mic and a few cords. 

That’s just one thing. 

As I scan the room, there are several things – my stuff – that need to be put away, disposed of in some way, or I need to find a place to store them. 

And then there is my roll top desk. That is where I secretly hoard old computer stuff. In this secret place I have hidden away hard drives, cords, cables, disks, CD’s and many things that can’t even plug into a computer anymore. 

If my roll top desk is ever opened up, I am concerned that it would take over the whole basement and I would be left walking on paths to get around my stuff.

Here’s the thing: Not only can we keep physical things hanging around so that they pile up in our homes, we can also keep hurts, sin, unforgiveness and anger piled up in our lives. Just like you have to take action to clear the clutter from your computer, you must take action with the stuff that builds up in your life. The best way to deal with all that is to take it to God and allow Him to help you get your life uncluttered. 

That’s Life!


Question: What do you most need to un-clutter right now? Leave your comments and questions below.

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Didn’t Fully Prepare For This One

There are times when you can’t fully prepare for an upcoming event.

didn't fully prepare for this one

You want to be completely ready; you know you’ll do well if you’re fully prepared, but you don’t have the time to do what is necessary.

Not that long ago I participated in cleaning up the sand left on our church parking lot from the winter. I knew it was going to require a lot of sweeping and I also knew that I hadn’t been doing much work with my hands. 

My hands are not tough – no calluses – so I didn’t expect it to be easy. I had full intention of bringing a pair of work gloves to give my hands a break, but forgot. I finished the day with about five blisters distributed over both hands. 

Even though I held the broom in different ways to change up the pressure, I couldn’t avoid the beating my hands received. 

Sometimes you have to face the consequences of not being as fully prepared as you wanted to be.

When I preach, I read over my sermon six times before I preach it. But sometimes I just run out of time or my schedule on Saturday doesn’t allow me to spend all the time that’s needed. Usually that means I will be looking down at my notes a lot more than usual.

Sometimes you just don’t feel as prepared or ready as you would like to be.

This week I will be going golfing with a couple of buddies, but I have yet to golf this year. In fact, over the last couple of years, I haven’t golfed much at all. 

I’m running out of time. I don’t have time to play a couple of rounds of golf before the match. I don’t even have the time to play one round prior to our game.

The only thing I can do is go to the driving range. I can hit balls. I can practice my swing … but it will only partially help. 

I can hit 80 – 100 golf balls at a range in less than an hour. Oh, it will help me be consistent with my shots on the course, but in that hour of hitting all those balls, I won’t move more than a few feet. I don’t have to walk to get to my next shot. I simply reach my club out and roll another ball towards my stance.

Without playing the game, I won’t be able to build up my stamina to walk that 6500 yards and hit the ball without any fatigue setting in. I won’t be able to practice hitting a ball out of a sand trap, or staring down an eight foot putt, accounting for a ball and a half break towards the hole. 

I’m looking forward to the game this week, but I will not be at my best. I will not play the way I want to play; I will not score to my potential. 

I’m just going to have to settle for what I can do to prepare between now and my golf game … and be happy with that. 

Here’s the thing: You may think you have not reached the place in your spiritual life that you should have. But if you are working at it to the best you can, with the time you have left, God is good with that. You can be happy with that.

That’s Life!


Question: What could you spend more time preparing for? Leave your comments and questions below.

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Lead With The Truth Over Covering Up Something

It’s better to lead with what you have than to try to cover up what you don’t have.

lead with the truth over covering up something

Maybe you’ve gone to a restaurant and right on the menu they list the items they have at the time. Sometimes the server will tell you, before you order, what items on the menu they have run out of. 

The worst is when you are given a menu and you zero in on something you want. By the time the server comes to take your order you have your heart set on it. Then when you tell him what you want, he says, “Oh I’m sorry; we ran out of that a little while ago.” 

You then have to get your mind and taste buds reset all over again … that is, unless you had a pretty good second choice picked out. 

There is a website that I order glasses from about once a year.

On the order form I can choose a number of things like the strength of the lens, whether I want a case and what colour I want the rims to be. But I also have to give them a second choice on the colour, just in case my first choice is not available. 

So before I place my order I know that I might not get my first choice, but I’ve chosen an alternative that I will be satisfied with. 

Just imagine going to a restaurant and, after you made your menu selection, you anticipate sinking your teeth into a thick juicy steak. But when your meal comes to your table, the server says, “We were out of steak, so I’ve brought you grilled salmon instead.” 

No thanks.

It’s best to just be upfront and say what you don’t have and not lead people along. 

The other day I went to Swiss Chalet to pick up some chicken dinners for four people. The meal comes with fries and a bun. 

The girl at the take out window asked me if I would like white buns with that. I always get white buns, so I said “yes” right away. But then I thought the others might rather have whole wheat. So I said, “No, make it two white and two whole wheat.”

The cashier looked at me completely serious and said, “We only have white buns.”  

I chuckled out loud and replied, “Well, I guess I will have white buns then.” 

I figured my reaction of chuckling at her might change her approach next time. It didn’t. 

The very next person was asked the same question: “Would you like a white bun with that? The woman replied, “No, I’ll have the whole wheat.” 

The server reiterated, “Oh, well, we only have white buns.” 

Girl, find new approach! Maybe lead with, “We only have white buns right now; is that all right?”

I wish I could have stayed longer to see how many more times she used the same approach, but they called my name and I left with my order … including my four white buns.

Here’s the thing: When King Solomon finished building the temple in Jerusalem, God said, “If you follow my statutes and rules, you will always have an heir on the throne in Israel.” That’s how God is with us. We know what He expects and wants from us. There is no guessing, no surprise response from Him. God always leads with what He expects. He never covers it up.

That’s Life!


Question: When are you tempted not to say what you expect? Leave your comments and questions below.

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The Wait Is Over And It Was All Worth Waiting For

Though it was a long time coming, the wait was worth it. Sometimes we can wait so long for something that we lose the joy and excitement of it. Sometimes we lose interest in it all together. 

the wait is over and it was all worth waiting for

I’ve had the same putter for forty years. There have been a couple of times that I’ve thought of getting a new one, but I waited, thinking that it might be a birthday present that someone would want to give me. 

At one time you could buy a nice putter for thirty or forty dollars. Now a good putter can run you into the hundreds. I thought of saving my money for one, but by the time I had enough money to get one, I decided I didn’t really want a new putter any more. 

Then there are times when you want something for a long time and you never lose interest during that long wait. 

Almost from the time we moved into our house, I wanted to get a pool table. But our kids were young and a pool table would have taken up a lot of playing space for the kids. 

Years went by, but my desire to get a pool table didn’t wain. 

When the kids were older and that space in the basement was no longer being used for a hockey rink, football field or wrestling ring, I started to get serious about getting a pool table. 

But they are expensive and I had to wait. I even took masking tape and outlined the shape on the rug in the family room so I could see exactly where it would go. 

Though the wait was long, I never wavered and eventually got that pool table. 

Well, last weekend, two years and two months after our daughter, Karlie, and her husband, Matt, got married before an audience of eight, they did it again. 

This time there were 160 family and friends who showed up to celebrate their marriage. We had a full wedding ceremony and reception. 

I thought that maybe after the long wait, the event would be anticlimactic, that it would seem lame because it was so after-the-fact. I wondered whether people would take the time to come because, after all, Karlie and Matt were already married. 

And there had already been two previous attempts to have this public celebration. 

They had rescheduled their celebration for a few months later in 2020, hoping that COVID restrictions would be over … but that was not the case. We didn’t even begin planning that one because it became obvious very quickly that it would not be possible. 

They again made plans to walk down the aisle one year after their wedding … but that didn’t work either. 

So two years and two months later, the wait was finally over. 

And our daughter’s wedding was just as exciting and joy-filled as if it was the first time! 

Here’s the thing: Christ will be coming back again. The wait has been long that some have lost interest, some think He’s not coming. The long wait is because God is patiently waiting for us to respond to His love offer. So don’t lose interest; get excited about Christ’s return. The wait will be worth it all. 

That’s Life!


Question: What have you been waiting a long time for? Leave your comments and questions below.

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Too Many Things Means I Have To Make More Choices

Spring is a time when I have too many things to do – a statement most people could probably make all year long. 

too many things means I have to make more choices

But I’m not talking about work or all the things that I am pressured to accomplish. I just have too many things I want to do right now.

Now that spring weather is fully on us, I have a hard time deciding what to do on my day off. I have too many options and I can’t do them all. 

It’s sort of like going into a candy store with too many options of what to buy. You have to sort out what you feel like eating right then. Do you want chocolate, and if you do there are all kinds of options. Will it be a Big Turk or a Kit Kat? Those are very different bars. 

Maybe you don’t feel like chocolate. Rather you have a hankering for some candy. But what kind of candy? Licorice? Mike and Ikes? Or maybe some Sour Patch (sweet and sour candies)?

There are so many options that it’s sometimes hard to decide which way to go. 

When it comes to the things I want to do on my day off, sometimes the decision-making process takes too long. It can take so long that I have to scrap one or two things I had wanted to do because I no longer have the time to do them. 

I find I don’t schedule my activities on my day off in the same way I schedule my work day. 

At work I have a time frame in which I will work on a particular task or assignment. When the time is up, I move on to the next task. But on my day off I just have a list of things I want to do. If something takes longer than I thought, I might not get to those other things I wanted to do. 

This is especially an issue in the spring because I want to do all the things I haven’t been able to do throughout the winter. 

Like today for instance, I want to go mountain biking, I want to fly my drone, I want to edit a video I’ve been working on … and I have two things I don’t want to do but have to get moving on.

If I go mountain biking, that will take two and a half hours. With the other things I must do, it will not leave me enough time to fly my drone. 

Some time later … 

I got interrupted by an unexpected visitor and, of course, that pushed back the finishing of this blog. Then it started to rain. 

So no biking and no droning today. I guess my circumstances have narrowed what I can do. I’ll work on video editing and one task I really don’t want to do but must. 

Sometimes your choices for what you will get to do are decided for you and there’s nothing you can do about that. 

Here’s the thing: If you want to spend time with God, you have to schedule that time. But more precisely, you have to schedule it so that nothing can crowd out that time with God. For me that’s the first part of my day. It’s the first thing I do before anything can interrupt me. 

That’s Life!


Question: What interrupts your schedule more than anything else? Leave your comments and questions below. 

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The CRA Has Me Tearing Out My Hair

I realize this is a little late in terms of writing about the CRA and taxes, but recently I was helping someone secure some tax forms. 

The CRA has me tearing out my hair

When dealing with CRA (Canada Revenue Agency), it’s much like dealing with someone who is a brand new employee in a department store. 

When you ask a seasoned employee at, say, Canadian Tire, “Where would I find 4 stroke engine oil for my lawnmower?”, he or she will be able to tell you. “Oh that’s in Automotive, aisle 34, about half way down on the right side.”

That’s helpful. That’s information that will get me right to the product I’m looking for. 

When asking the same question to a brand new employee, you might get, “Oh, that’s over in Hardware, by the lawnmowers.”

The new employee can only give you a general area and, even then, he or she sends you to the wrong part of the store. 

That’s like CRA. 

You can phone in, ask a question and get a different answer every time. And every time the answer will prove to be unhelpful.

Even their websites are not helpful. I tried two or three different websites to get the documents I needed and each URL had the same incomplete documents.

What I was trying to do is get a paper copy of the income tax package. Remember those things? You got a booklet that contained all the instructions. Included were two copies of the actual return form in case you made a mistake on one of them. 

And, of course, you got an envelope in which to mail your return.

It’s been a long time since we’ve seen them, hasn’t it? The reason it’s been a long time is because no place has them anymore. You used to be able to pick them up at the post office. Well, now you can’t even get them from Service Canada. 

What you can do is order a tax package from a CRA website. It takes about ten days to arrive. … I think when they receive an order they must send an office boy out to a print shop to have one printed. 

The CRA website had a link to where you could “download and print” the complete tax package … which made sense to me. I mean, why not make it downloadable for people to print off at home, on the spot, rather than ordering it online and having to wait 10 days for it to arrive by mail. 

But when you click the link to the downloadable tax package, the first thing they tell you is you can fill it out online. If I wanted to fill the form out online I wouldn’t be looking for the downloadable print version!! 

With the link, you can only print the 8 page tax form. If you want schedules and guides, each one has to be downloaded individually.

I wasted hours searching and in the end my friend will have to wait another 10 days before she can get her hands on a paper copy of the tax forms. 

Here’s the thing: Would it be great to have one place where you can find the help you need for what you are facing in life? Well, we do have a single source to go to and it’s God. You can reach Him by prayer and by His Word, the Bible. God does have the help we need for what we are facing.

That’s Life!


Question: What is it that you need help with right now? Leave your comments and questions below.

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It Will Catch Up To You At Some Point

I’m beginning to think that things I didn’t pay attention to in my youth are beginning to catch up to me.

It will catch up to you at some point

There are things you do or expose yourself to when you are young that you think nothing of. Later those things may prove to be a hindrance to you. 

I noticed one of those things the other weekend. It never bothered me when I was young, but now it does.

When I was in my teens and twenties I listened to a lot of music – loud music. If I could turn the stereo up past “10”, I would. 

I went to concerts in Toronto at Maple Gardens, Massey Hall and Exhibition Stadium and they were loud. My young ears soaked up the noise at that time, no problem. 

I even went to a concert at Exhibition Stadium once where we sat halfway back from the stage and I still had ringing in my ears for two days after the concert. Of course, my young ears sucked it up and I could hear fine a few days later. 

However, scrolling ahead some 35 years or more, I don’t handle loud noises like I used to. 

This past weekend I realized that when there are loud, competing noises, I have a hard time hearing what the person next to me is saying. 

I went to the Toronto Maple Leafs’ final game of the season with my son, Mike. Man, was it ever loud!

There was a women sitting next to me with a high-pitched voice. She was from PEI and had two kids. She was very friendly and throughout the game kept peppering me with questions about where I lived and my family. 

Definitely not a Torontonian.

But her high voice and the mask she was wearing made it almost impossible to hear her over the deafening noice from the arena sound system.

There was a song recorded several years ago by a group named, “The Pursuit of Happiness”. The song was about a rock singer getting older and finding it hard to make the adjustments to his aging. One line in the song says, “I can’t take too much loud music; I mean I like to play it, but I sure don’t like the racket.”

That’s how I feel. I like it all but I just can’t hear very well with all the competing noise around me. 

The lady beside me took her mask off at the end of the game to say some things to me. I thought I would be able to hear her better without her mask. However, the four drinks she had somehow turn the pitch of her voice up a couple of octaves. Add to that her slurred speech and I couldn’t make out anything she said.

Mike had to interpret for me. I just smiled and nodded.

Here’s the thing: There are so many loud voices out there. And with all the various mediums to hear those voices – TV, movies, social media – it can become very loud. Hey, even our own voice is often too loud. It’s easy with all that noise to become insensitive to what God might be saying to you … or you might just have a hard time hearing Him at all. It’s important to discover ways to hear God above the noise. The Bible, prayer, sermons, Christian music can all help interpret what God might be speaking to you. Listen carefully.

That’s Life!


Question: How has your hearing been lately? Leave your comments and questions below.

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Flowers Have Taken Over My Kitchen Table

I think I might be looking at opening a flower shop – at the very least setting up a flower stand.

flower have taken over my kitchen table

Flowers have never been a fascination of mine, although I do think they are beautiful to look at. 

I couldn’t really tell you much about flowers, other than they are good for the environment. Even cut flowers produce oxygen – these little things help the environment even when they are dying.

The different kinds of flowers are lost on me. When I see a flower, I’m more likely not to know what the flower is called. 

The thing that stands out the most for me is the colour, not the kind. When a bouquet of flowers has a stunning colour, or a variety of colours, that attracts my attention … well, for a moment or two; then I move on. 

… Except when I’m picking out flowers for my wife. I tend to brood over the different varieties and colours while I try to make the difficult decision of which ones to get her.

My wife, Lily, loves flowers, especially roses. But we were well into our marriage before I found out that red roses are not necessarily her favourite colour. 

Since that time I’ve tried to get her yellow, orange, purple and pink roses. Something different. Over the years I’ve pretty much stayed with buying roses. However, in recent years my son has also started buying roses for his mother. 

So now sometimes I have to get her a variety pack … well, that’s what I like to call it. I don’t know what the individual flowers are but they all look good bunched together.

You may be wondering why all this discussion on flowers. It’s because Lily just had a big birthday. She turned 60 recently and, as a result, our house has been inundated with flowers – mostly cut flowers, but there are some plants as well. 

She loved receiving all these flowers, and she’s enjoyed looking at them every day. 

However, she has just gone on a business trip and left me with all her flowers. By the time she gets back, the flowers will be gone for sure. I will have sold them off, given them away or they will have died. 

There is a plant or two and I will try my best to keep them going until she returns. I did receive watering instructions, but I must say I was not paying too much attention when those said instructions were given. … I think I only have to water them once a week.

It’s too bad this is not around Valentine’s Day. I have 60 roses in stock right now and I could sell them singularly on the street to couples for a couple of bucks each. 

My problem with these flowers is their life expectancy is so short. … I started to look up ways I can extend the life of cut flowers, but frankly I don’t care that much.

Here’s the thing: When you think about all the kinds of flowers and all the colours of flowers, if you consider their different shapes and and how delicate and intricate they are, you can’t help but think they were designed that way, that they were not a random accident. Even the flowers we give to each other or put on our tables point to God’s creativity in creation.

That’s Life!


Question: Have you stopped to consider creation lately? Leave your comments and questions below.

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Why You Should Think Hard Before Getting A Tattoo

This is a repost of an article I wrote back in 2014. Hope you enjoy.

The other day I went biking and found a few wet spots on the trails. Once home, I took my socks off and was drawn to the contrast between the tattoo-like pattern on my legs and my lily-white feet. 

why you should think hard before getting a tattoo

Besides the fact that my feet are in serious need of a tan, the pattern of the mud on my legs got me thinking about what I would look like with some body art on my legs. 

I’ve seen people who try to cover much of their body with tattoos and sometimes I wonder, maybe they should have gone biking first to get an idea of what it would look like if it were permanent.

… you know, before it’s there for the rest of your days.  

In my town there’s a tattoo place called “No Regrets – tattoo and removal”. They will put a permanent tattoo on you but if you change your mind, they can take a laser to you and remove it. 

I still think it’s better to think through the whole thing very carefully before you take the plunge in the first place. 

In my mind, I think it would be profitable for people not just to think how cool it would be to have some tattoo on their skin now, but to think what they might want 20 or 40 years from now. 

You know when you’re about 70, your skin will get quite wrinkly and that once great looking tat of your ex-girlfriend right at the top of your shoulder will have stretched to cover the greater part of your upper arm! 

Or that tattoo on your muscular chest that was a testimony to your love for your wife Mandy, now with your flab and folding skin, sometimes reads “I love you Man” when you sit a certain way.

There is something to say about those lick’em stick’em tattoos that we would get as kids. Moms didn’t really like them but at least they were coming off in a few days. And if Mom really didn’t like them she could scrub that part harder at bath time.

I’m just saying that doing something permanent should be thought out thoroughly so that you don’t have to find some guy who has a laser in his back room and is eager to use it on you.

For myself, I liked the fact that I could have my picture taken looking like I had just come back from “NY Ink” or “Don’t Tell Momma’s Tattoos” only to slip into the shower and remove it all with a little soap and water.

I got a little scraped up on my ride that day but those markings too will go away in a week. Two years ago at Christmas I bough the whole family fake arm tattoos (you can read that blog here), I enjoyed wearing my tattoos for a day but I can’t say that I’ve put the sleeve on since.

Permanent is a long time; it should require lots of thought and consideration before you make something permanent.

Here’s the thing: Considering a relationship with Christ is not something that should be done lightly. It is, after all, a permanent decision. It should be weighed and considered carefully because you, like Jesus Himself, will bear the marks for the rest of your life. I believe those marks are worth bearing.

That’s Life!


Question: What permanent thing have you done that you’ve had second thoughts about since?  I’d love to hear from you; leave your comment below.