Face Masks May Become The New Fashion Statement

There is a time and a place for face masks, but some people haven’t figured out that place.

face masks may become the new fashion statement

… It’s crazy that I just wrote that sentence! Three months ago I would never have thought about writing about face masks.

But now, in the midst of COVID, face masks are even becoming fashionable. A whole cottage industry is rising up, making these accessories that used to be set aside for kids pretending to be cowboys or for biker gangs.

I know those masks look a little different, but apparently I may have to dig out a bandit scarf from our kids’ old tickle trunk if I want to go to Costco.

There have been times when I have worn a face mask and a couple of times when I wore a goalie mask. When I was doing some home construction I wore one because of all the dust and debris.  

There is a time and a place for face masks, but the other day I saw a whole lot of wrong places for these facial protective devices.

We were traveling from Kingston to Toronto on the highway, where we saw several people driving – some probably for hundreds of kilometres – wearing a mask … wait for it … ALONE in their vehicles! 

That’s right, they were protecting themselves from themselves.

It’s possible they had the coronavirus and they were making sure that they didn’t give it to themselves again. Maybe they thought they needed to filter the air that was circulating through the car, which happened to be the same air they were breathing into the car’s ventilation system.

I figure that wearing a mask for a long trip would get all hot and sweaty. They were probably incubating a new form of the virus or the next virus that will send us into a second wave of the pandemic. As soon as they open their car door at a gas station, the virus will be unlocked and spread to all those unsuspecting people innocently pumping gas into their tanks. 

Or that guy who was driving a van wearing a mask, can you imagine how many germs he would release into the atmosphere after being stored up for a few hours in that rolling container?

Now I’m not saying that people should not be wearing face masks. They’re fine if you are in a crowded area, or if you want to protect others. 

The bottom line is a face mask is appropriate when other people are around. 

If you are walking alone through a park – wait, can we do that yet? – you don’t need a mask.

If you’re outside suntanning in your backyard by yourself, you don’t need to wear a mask. But if you do, afterwards you’ll look like you have a permanent mask on your face.

During this time, there is a place for wearing a face mask. You just have to pick the right place to wear it. 

Here’s the thing: There is a time and a place for everything. But in this age of COVID, the time and place for things can become muddled. We can find ourselves doing things that we wouldn’t normally do during this time or place. For instance, with not having to get ready and go to church on Sundays, it would be easy to fill that time with something else. So, during this pandemic, make sure you keep a time and place for meeting with God and your church family.

That’s Life!


Question: How has your church experience been during the last couple of months? Leave your comments and questions below, and subscribe to have these posts delivered to your inbox.  

My Car Is Possibly Contracting The Corona Virus

I’m just wondering here, but can a car get the corona virus? I know it sounds like a crazy question, but I’ve seen some odd things on the roads lately.

My Car Is Possibly contracting the Corona virus
Single car parked on a top of a garage parking lot. View from the above.

Maybe it stems from what we are being told to do, as opposed to what we’re being told about how the virus spreads. 

The authorities want people to stay at home as much as possible. I’ve heard the Prime Minister even say, “go home and stay there”. 

That sounds pretty serious to me. It also sounds like a kindergarten teacher scolding his class of delinquent five year olds. 

But I get the picture that we are to stay in our homes. 

Yet we are also told that the virus is not floating around in the air everywhere. The virus doesn’t really float well; it’s more like it has to be flung at you. It gets passed when someone with the virus coughs on you, sneezes on you or maybe talks “on” you like Sylvester the cat. 

That’s why the six feet or metres rule. You can only fling the virus so far. Personally, I like the six feet over the six meters because it’s a lot less. 

But the one measurement that I like the best is the hockey stick rule: Stay a hockey stick length away. 

That idea was not really well thought out though because everyone’s hockey stick is different. For instance, I cut my hockey sticks way down, so they are well under six feet in length … maybe under five feet in length. … They wouldn’t do. 

I guess what I’m saying is that we need to stay clear of people, but we shouldn’t have to stay indoors. 

I played a little basketball on my driveway the other day. It was by myself, mind you, but I did win so I hope I don’t get in trouble for that. 

There were no people in the vicinity if potential sweat droplets got flung off my body. Then again, there was no sweat involved at all. The temperature was above zero but not high enough for any of my glands to be producing sweat particles. 

So that brings me back to the cars on the road … 

I’ve noticed people being very cautious when approaching an intersection. Any time a light turns red, I’m shocked at the number of cars that are stopping well back from the traffic lines. 

People are driving their cars like they are standing in line waiting to get into Costco.  

It’s like there is potential for my car to get too close and catch something, or like they’re afraid heat or exhaust from the engine might infect someone crossing at the lights. 

Let’s keep our distance. You never know if somehow something got into your gas tank and is now spewing corona to all the cars that pass by. 

… I don’t know for sure – and I haven’t heard any of our health experts comment on it – but I think we can drive normally … although driving like your car can get COVID may be normal for some people.

Here’s the thing: The message of what Christ did for us on the cross is the best news there is. It’s the news that everyone should know about and have a chance to respond to. However, for others to be exposed to the gospel message they have to have some proximity to it. Don’t be afraid of getting close enough to someone (while practicing social distancing) with the best news they can hear. 

That’s Life!


Question: How can you stay social while social distancing? Leave your comments and questions below.

I Forgot And Now It Will Cost Me

I realized the other day that I forgot to do something last fall and now it’s going to cost me.

I Forgot and Now It Will Cost me

It’s that old procrastination thing. If you don’t get right at something, you’ll pay the consequences later. 

I used to do that with school projects and papers. I would delay getting to them and then I would end up pulling all-nighters the night before the projects were due.

When I started preaching, I told myself that I would not do that; I couldn’t do that. I had heard about pastors who burned the midnight oil every Saturday night to have something to preach in the morning. I knew I would never survive doing that. 

And in twenty-four years I’ve been preaching every Sunday, I can say that I have not done that more than a couple of times under special circumstances. 

You would think, however, that discipline would translate into other areas of my life … but not so.

There are many things in my life that I end up leaving and have to later pay the consequences.

Right now I have a situation with my mountain bike that I’m kicking myself about.

Last year, near the end of the mountain biking season, the front shocks on my bike were not working well. I took my bike in and the people at my bike shop helped with a temporary fix that would see me through until the cold and snow forced me to put my bike away for the winter. They told me to then bring it in and they would work at rebuilding the shock when they had a little more time and I wasn’t using my bike.

It sounded like a great plan to me and so off I went with my bike working not too badly, but not perfectly. 

The biking season ended slowly and I started to play more hockey. Though I thought I still would get in a ride or two, it never seemed to happen.

At that point, I should have taken my bike into the shop and had them work on the shocks. But no, I didn’t do that; I waited a little longer. Then every time I thought about taking it in, I had a reason why it wasn’t a good time. 

At the end of February I again thought about taking my bike in. They wouldn’t be very busy and would have plenty of time to work on it. 

But still I just didn’t make the time to take it in. 

Now the store is closed because of the coronavirus shutdowns. When we finally get done with all this isolating and the store reopens, everyone and their uncle will have their bikes in for tune-ups and my bike will be a low priority.

This is really going to be costly – and not just monetarily – to rebuilt or install new shocks.

Here’s the thing: Do you find that you can get right to certain things but then there are other things that you procrastinate on? Well, the one thing you don’t want to procrastinate on is what you do with Jesus. Jesus Christ will be returning one day … and these days it seems like a possibility more than at any other period in our lifetime. When He does come back, it will be too late to decide where your faith lies. You have to do it now. That’s one decision you really don’t want to procrastinate on.

That’s Life!


Question: What have you been procrastinating on that you really need to act on? Leave your comments and questions below.

This Isolation Is Taking Us Back In Time

I can see where this isolation is taking us – right back to the 70’s!  

This Isolation is taking us Back in Time

I’ve already started to see some people’s facebook pictures of what they looked like in their teens. 

Why the photos? Well, with hair salons and barbershops closed, our hair is going to get longer … at least for the people who have hair. 

I’ve already started thinking of how I might comb my hair after it reaches a certain length, because my present hairstyle is not going to work. 

I’m also interested to see how many Donald Trump look-alikes start cropping up. You know, guys who are thin up top and have to start doing the combover.

It should be good for laughs … but it brings me back to a time that I don’t really want to go back to.

Back in the seventies, I could not imagine myself with short hair. Now I can barely handle thinking about what I would look like if I had long hair again. 

The picture might give some ideas. 

If we get to that place – and we’d have to be isolated a long time because I don’t think my hair grows as fast as it did back then – at least we have better resources now to deal with long hair than we did in the 70’s.

In the early 70’s, my hair would take upwards to an hour and a half to dry after a shower. If I needed to go out then my only recourse was to put on my mom’s hair dryer. 

That’s right, I said “put on”. 

That hair dryer had a base unit that generated hot hair which, in turn, flowed through a tube into a plastic bonnet-like shower cap that was perforated with holes on the inside. 

I was quite a sight sitting with that dryer on my head! 

When the first blowers came out, they barely had enough power to blow out a candle. The blower dryers we have now would have no problem drying my 70’s long, thick hair. They can pretty much dislodge the hair from my head if I’m not careful!

Until my kids were in their twenties, they had never seen me without a moustache or goatee. It was a tough adjustment for them to get used to looking at my clean-shaven face. If we end up staying holed up in our homes for a long time, my kids will have to get used to seeing their dad in a whole new way.

I wonder if having long hair again will make me look younger. In reality it will probably just make me look creepy, and who wants that?

So I guess either our isolation will have to end sooner than later or our premier will have to list hair stylists as an essential service and get them back to work.

Even then, think of the backlog of people trying to get their hair cut. We might have to wait another month just to get an appointment. 

Here’s the thing: I think we are more concerned with how we look to other people than to God. Yet others don’t see us when we first get up or when we are sick; only God sees us all the time. He sees us when we are at our best, but also when we are at our worst. We should pay more attention to how we look to God than how we look to people. 

That’s Life!


Question: What is your plan if our isolation lasts longer than one month? Write your comments or questions below.

Let’s Connect Now More Than Ever

In these times of change and uncertainty, we need to intentionally connect more with each other.

Connect Now More Than Ever

As isolation becomes more and more widespread, and the normal ways of connecting with each other become harder, if we don’t work at it, if we just accept our isolation, we will slowly cut ourselves off from others.

And that’s not good at all. We can become very self-absorbed, thinking only about ourselves and our needs.

What has encouraged me is how my church family has responded to being isolated. I have heard over and over how people have been calling each other. People, who would not normally phone others, are burning up the minutes on their phones, chatting, cheering and encouraging other people in our church community. 

I’ve been thrilled when I have phoned someone and they’ve told me that this person and that person had called them this week. My heart shouts for joy when I hear that!  

It’s a sign we care about each other and a sign we are not going to let this isolation keep us from connecting with one another. 

But there is a segment of society that we could all learn a lesson from. 

Two months ago you would never have thought that this group could teach us anything. In fact, most people have just wished that this segment of society would finish maturing and finally enter adulthood. We just considered them as adult-ish.

I’m talking about the 22 – 30-year-old single male population. 

There is no better model than them right now for us to learn how to connect together. And the crazy thing is they have been practicing it for years already. It’s just natural for them.

I’m not saying that the females of this same demographic don’t connect as well – they may, but I can only speak of what I know and have seen. And these twenty-something-year-old males are masters at connecting. 

They are highly tech savvy, so they are on their phones, burning up data at lightning speeds. They text, video chat, send pics, phone, and play group video games with headsets …sometimes they do it all at the same time. 

These males could be isolated for months – heaven help us – and yet still connect with everyone in their circle on a daily basis. They are just that good at it.

For the rest of us, outside of getting into online video gaming, we need to work hard at using the means available to us to keep connected with one another. 

I like what many people are already doing. Let’s just keep it up. We now need to connect more than ever.

Here’s the thing: While we find ways to connect with each other, we should be as intentional to look for ways to connect with God. There are the basic ways to connect with God: through His Word, and through prayer. And especially now we should be taking full advantage of these ways of connecting with Him. But let’s also not neglect connecting with God and others at the same time. Make it a habit on Sundays to tune into a livestream service, and take full advantage of online Bible studies and devotionals. We need to connect with God now more than ever.

That’s Life!


Question: What are you doing throughout the week to stay connected to God and others? Leave your comments and questions below.

The Story Sounds Too Good To Be True

That line “if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is” played out big time this week in the news.

The Story Sounds too Good To Be True

Maybe you saw a YouTube video of the CNN gaff regarding TV ads for Michael Bloomberg’s Democratic leadership campaign.

He spent $500 million dollars on tv ads. That in itself is staggering. But then someone tweeted that he could have given $1 million dollars to every American citizen with that money.  

CNN saw the tweet and ran with it.

If you believed their math, then it is really mind blowing that one individual could make such an huge difference to the financial welfare of a country. 

However, they got it all wrong. 

$500 million dollars would only give each American citizen about a buck fifty-six. … It’s safe to say the Bloomberg couldn’t have saved the US economy, he couldn’t have changed the fortunes of every American. 

You have to wonder how CNN could have made that slip. Remember, their whole news piece was based on some guy’s tweet! 

One of the first questions they should have asked was, “Can this guy even count?” They should have at least gotten out a calculator (if they needed one) to do this math. 

They knew nothing about the tweeter, whether he was a university professor or a part time employee at Burger King. Yet, they ran with this story based on his tweet, that was complete garbage. 

As I was still thinking about this, I saw an article that the Canadian Revenue Agency has $1billion dollars that is unclaimed by Canadian citizens. 

So my first thought was the American people would only get $1.56 on the Bloomberg giveaway … that is if he did give it to them. But how about if the CRA gave that $1 billion to every Canadian? 

Well, we would do better than our US brothers and sisters, but it wouldn’t give us much more than a hearty meal each at Burger King. We would only get about $25 dollars each. 

Then I thought, what if I was one of the lucky ones who had unclaimed money with the CRA? Maybe I would be rich. 

… I checked and I don’t have any unclaimed money. To be honest, I knew CRA didn’t have any money for me because there is no way I would forget that the government owed me money! 

That $1 billion dollars is owed to about 5.7 million Canadians. What is blowing my mind is how 5.7 million people in a country don’t know they have money that is owed them by the government. 

… I started by thinking that there was a guy who could make everyone rich – that was too good to be true. 

Then I thought there was a possibility of the Canadian government making us all rich and that was too good to be true.

Finally, I was thinking that the CRA could just give the $1 billion dollars to the 5.7 million people who don’t know the government has their money. 

Well, that’s too good to be true as well.

Here’s the thing: There are some people who think that after this life everyone will get to go to a better place. Well, that’s too good to be true. In fact, there is an eternity but there is only one way to enjoy that eternity: by joining God’s family by placing your faith in Christ Jesus.

That’s Life!


Question: What have you believed to be true that is really too good to be true? Leave your comments and questions below.

I’m Solving The Spread Of The Corona Virus

I have figured out how to stop the spread of the corona virus. 

spread of Corona Virus

When something frightens the whole world – like a virus – we look for ways to contain it, to isolate it and eradicate it. 

As of yet, the world has not found a way to successfully curtail the spread of this virus. But I have a solution that will get us moving in the right direction. 

I believe sports has the perfect answer. 

I remember when the SARS outbreak hit our country. We went into a defensive mode to try to keep clear of anyone who might be a carrier. 

In our church we put hand sanitizers all around our foyers and encouraged people to use them. We stopped shaking people’s hands when they arrived and left the church building. 

And we even stopped our greeting time – the portion of our service where we say hi to one another and employ the good, old fashioned handshake. We cut it from our service altogether, and this important element was gone. As a church we lost some intimacy. 

Well, I can see us heading back in that same direction at church. 

The other day I still shook hands with many people, but I also did a number of fist bumps, elbow touches, and fake high fives.  

… One thing no one did was the bump – you know, that dance move from the 70’s. Funny … no one wanted to give me the bump.

So how will we keep corona from spreading? We need a way to separate ourselves from one another while we still function in community. We need a method that communicates to another person but enables us to keep a good distance. 

Football offers us a solution if we were to employ the usage of play signals. We could stop shaking hands and instead call out play signals to convey our warm greetings when we see each other. 

The signal might be “right, 5-90, Philadelphia, extend hut”. That could stand for “right” hand “5” fingers, arm at “90” degrees, “Philadelphia” is the city of brotherly love and “extend” your arm.  

… That could work, but this virus travels airborne so speaking could even be an issue. 

The best solution comes from baseball. Just watch a catcher do his thing behind the plate. By just using signals, he tells the pitcher exactly what kind of pitch to throw.

There is no talking and they can do it from a far distance. The catcher and pitcher are 60 feet from each other and they communicate perfectly.

We could have baseball signals that let people know we are happy to see them and look forward to having a great conversation with them when the corona virus threat is over. 

Problem solved!

Here’s the thing: To contain, isolate and eradicate sin in our lives, communication is the first step we need. Stopping the spread of sin in you life begins when you approach God with confession. Any other steps need to stem from this first one. 

That’s Life!


Question: What do you need to communicate with God that you’ve held in isolation for a while now? Leave your comments and questions below.

Trudeau Just Doesn’t Like You

It’s never a good thing when your Prime Minister – and in this case, Justin Trudeau – doesn’t like you.

Trudeau Just Doesn't Like You

It’s tolerable when someone who has no power or influence doesn’t like you. You can ignore that person; you can avoid him. 

You can also surround yourself with people who do like you and support you.

But when the person who dislikes you is the leader of the country, you are in trouble. In fact, there is no way to ignore or avoid that person. There is nowhere to run, nowhere to hide. 

And you should face the facts, Alberta: Justin Trudeau doesn’t like you. 

And when I say that, I mean he really doesn’t like you … a lot. 

Now, Saskatchewan, you might feel like he doesn’t like you either, but believe me, Trudeau really does like you compared to Alberta. 

Alberta, I don’t know why he dislikes you so much. Maybe it’s because you don’t vote for him. 

It could be that he doesn’t like you because his father, Pierre Elliott Trudeau, didn’t like you either. Maybe when Justin was young and heard his dad say “fuddle duddle” in parliament, he thought he was saying it to you.

Maybe Justin doesn’t like you because you have all that oil out there and he’s such an environmentalist that he sees you as the source of keeping us from making our environmental objectives.

Actually, no, that can’t be right because Trudeau just granted a Chinese company drilling rights off the coast of Newfoundland … but sent the US company, Tech, packing for trying to develop the Alberta oil sands.

Funny thing – both will produce oil and we know that all oil, whether it’s from the land or the sea, will impact the environment. 

… If only Tech had been from China.

You see, I don’t think Trudeau likes President Trump or the US either. 

The difference is that the US can afford to ignore Trudeau most of the time, and be annoyed with him the rest of the time.

It may have all started in 1982 when Justin Trudeau’s father took Justin on a train ride across Canada. Before the train had travelled through B.C. some protestors showed up in Salmon Arm with signs. 

Justin’s dad signalled those protestors using his middle finger.

For the rest of the trip across all of Western Canada and into Ontario the Trudeaus were met with protesters throwing vegetables and even stones and rocks at their train car. 

I think Justin Trudeau has been giving Western Canada the Trudeau salute ever since.

So Alberta, you see, his dislike for you is not really personal. He just doesn’t know better being brought up like he was. 

His dislike for you is not his fault, and you should be tolerant of his dislike for you, of his moves to hurt your economy and stifle the oil industry on your land. 

If you weren’t so land-locked and had some offshore territorial rights he could sell to the Chinese, then Justin Trudeau might like you.

Here’s the thing: Satan really hates you. He has no regard for you and wants to keep you from a loving God – a God who loved us so much that He sent His Son, Jesus, to die in our place to pay for our wrongs. So don’t side with Satan. He hates you so much he wants you to join him in hell. Turn to God who loves you. Place your faith in Jesus Christ.

That’s Life!


Question: How do you deal with those who dislike you? Leave your comments and questions below.

My Great Experiment Is Built On Faith

Tomorrow I’m going to try an experiment, and I am hoping the results will prove my point. I’m not totally sure that they will and that makes me a little nervous. 

my great experiment

I am going to conduct this experiment in front of about fifty people. If I don’t get the results I am hoping for, well, the conclusion or the point that I am going to be making will be wrong. 

In fact, I won’t have a point to make! 

I sure hope my plan will work out, but I have no way of knowing beforehand if it will or not. 

This will not be a controlled environment at all … unlike, say, the WWE (World Wrestling Entertainment). 

WWE fans watch their favourite wrestler go up against an opponent whom they hope will be defeated. As they watch the ebb and flow of the match, they don’t have any idea who is going to win. Sometimes it looks like their wrestler is going to lose because he’s in a choke hold or he’s been hit so hard he can’t stand up. But then the tables turn and he starts to get the better of his opponent.  

It just goes back and forth until the final bell and the winner is revealed. 

In actuality, the wrestlers know from the start who will win. All their holds and hits are just to create tension and excitement; everything’s been choreographed before the match begins.

It’s all rigged to give the fans as much hype and emotion as possible.

I used to do this very thing with my kids when they were young. We would play football in our family room and it would alway be Karlie and Michael against me … and it was tackle. 

In reality, I could tackle them but, of course, they couldn’t tackle me, so I had to fake like they did. 

I would decide in my mind what the final score would be. I would let them get a big lead and then slowly make a comeback. They would get so frantic that I might beat them. 

When I could see they were getting too frantic, I’d let them get a touchdown to give them some hope. Then I would create some tension for them, that they could hardly stand, before letting them win in the end. 

… And, wow, were they ever excited when they won! 

I would just chuckle inside at their joy in defeating Dad in such dramatic fashion. … But I knew the results before we even started. 

Well, I can’t do that with this experiment tomorrow. It has to play out the way it will go. 

I think it will go my way. I hope it will go my way. But if it doesn’t, I will not have a point to make to the fifty people who will be listening to my talk. 

I can hardly wait.

Here’s the thing: I’m pretty sure that my experiment will work; I only have faith to go on. In this world you can try to figure out your future, your eternity. But when it comes down to the day you cross over from life to death, there is only faith that you believe the results will prove you right. God has given us so much help, beauty, wonder, a precise ordered world, a guide book (the Bible) and his Son, Jesus – all to give us confidence in Him. But it will all come down to your faith. Do you believe Him? It’s your big experiment. … My faith is firmly placed in Jesus Christ. 

That’s Life!


Question: What have you put your faith in? Leave your comments and questions below.

When The Leader Is Only An Actor

Leaders make good leaders, not drama teachers. Unfortunately, in our country right now we have a drama teacher acting in place of a leader.

Leader is an actor Justin Trudeau

… And it’s not working that well. 

Don’t get me wrong, there are times when a drama teacher can look good as a leader. For years we have watched actors play the role of government official, president, head of state, and they do a very convincing job. 

But that is all well-scripted. 

When the leader of a country is a real drama teacher, it can work well when he has the right lines, and because he can perform in a convincing manner. 

But when the script doesn’t fit, or the other people involved are not following any script of their own, that’s when the drama teacher leader shows to be a bad actor. 

It is not easy to act as a prime minister or president. Maybe one of the best presidential acting jobs I’ve seen in a long-standing role was Martin Sheen in the West Wing. He played a great president in that TV show. He was believable, partly because he is a good actor and partly because he had a great script. 

I never watched the series, but I understand that the actor who played Queen Elizabeth in the series, The Crown, did an outstanding job portraying her. In that case she not only had to act royally, she also had to try to impersonate an actual queen. 

The drama teacher leader in our country might be trying to impersonate his own father from when he stared in the role of Prime Minister of Canada in the sixties and seventies. But I think he’s having some difficulty with the script right now. It’s not suiting his acting style so he’s being forced to act outside his comfort zone. 

Instead of the crowds adoring him as such a great actor, the people of the country are wondering how long his show can stay on the air without getting axed.

Two weeks ago our drama teacher said we are a country that is governed by rules and laws and we will deal with protestors according to our laws. He said that in response to the blockades being put up at railway crossings across the country. 

Activists are protesting a pipeline that is being built across aboriginal land. Some of the protestors don’t even know what will flow through that pipeline, and many of them are professional protestors, to whom the details are not as important as the protest.

Over the last two weeks our drama teacher has not used the laws of the land to stop the protests. It has cost Canadian companies and Canada millions of dollars. It has cost employees’ wages through layoffs. 

But our drama teacher was just caught up in all the drama.

He even gave a detention to the opposition leader, claiming he disqualified himself from attending a meeting because of his speech in Question Period.

All the opposition leader was calling for was for our drama teacher to use the laws and stop the protests. 

I guess the drama teacher liked the opposition leader’s speech after all because now he wants to do exactly what the opposition leader was calling for. 

But like an over budget film, it has now cost Canada hundreds of millions of dollars. 

… I guess we’re all paying to watch this movie?

Here’s the thing: In this world of ours, Satan is leading many astray through a variety of acting roles he plays. Don’t be fooled into believing this actor – what he will cost you is eternity. 

That’s Life!


Question: Who do you need to see for what he or she really is? Leave your comments and questions below.