The Right Perspective Is A Game Changer

I’m learning how to create the right perspective in a drawing. It’s all about how your eyes see things in the distance. 

the right perspective is a game changer

This past spring I got a new iPad and along with it I got an Apple Pencil. I didn’t know exactly what I would use it for, but I really liked how well it worked and how responsive it was. 

So in the summer, on vacation, I started to fool around with using the pencil to draw things.

It had been years since I had done any drawing whatsoever … unless you count doodling on scrap paper while I’m talking on the phone. I do remember way back when I was in high school that I used to draw the album covers from some of my favourite artists.

I have absolutely no training. I don’t know anything about lines, shading or anything, including perspective. Some of my drawings I liked; others were pretty bad – certainly not good enough to show anyone, although I did keep them. 

When Lily and I had our kids, going out and getting a babysitter was kind of expensive for us. So we tried some creative dating at home. 

Once I came home with a couple of pads of drawing paper and some pencils. Lil, who is talented in drawing and painting, drew something that looked good. What I drew, well, I can’t remember, but it was not so hot. 

Fast forward to this year. In the summer, a couple of drawings I did needed some perspective and I found that really hard to draw. So I asked Lily and she gave me some tips and showed me what I needed to be doing. 

Still it was tough to get the right perspective. 

You have to be able to locate the vanishing point and make the drawing get smaller towards that point. Then everything looks right in the picture. 

Perspective is not just important for drawing pictures, but also for other things. 

Last night I was at a hockey game and had a person sitting right beside me. 

When the arena was designed, it was done with great care to make sure there were good sight lines all over the rink. Our seats are near center ice and we can see both ends … that is if people sit properly. 

The person sitting next to me decided to sit a little forward in her seat. In other words, she didn’t have her back against the back of her seat. 

Well, that wrecked my perspective. The arena’s design works and everyone can see only if everyone has their back against the back of their seat. If someone sits forward they take the sight lines away and you can’t see what is happening in the corners. 

She understood what she was doing to my sight lines when I mentioned it. But it wasn’t long before she was sitting forward again and taking away my perspective.

… I would have sketched her but I couldn’t get the right perspective. 

Here’s the thing: Things get blocked or they just don’t look right when you don’t have the right perspective. It’s also true with God. Without the right perspective, we don’t see Him correctly or He may be blocked from our view. Get the right perspective by reading God’s word, the Bible. It gives us a very clear picture of Him. 

That’s Life!


Question: What do you need proper perspective on right now? Leave your comments and questions below. 

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We Hesitate When We Should Reach Out

We often hesitate asking for help with things that are not really important. We will often keep putting our own effort into things, or live without them. 

we hesitate when we should reach out

Sometimes we just let time take care of it. 

Letting time take care of something is when you lose interest or, by chance, it just works out in the end.

That doesn’t happen very often.

Recently I was concerned about winter tires for Lily’s car. She doesn’t have any and I wasn’t sure where I should get them.

However, the guy who cuts my hair is also a car guy. I had been meaning to ask him about getting winter tires for Lily’s car but kept putting it off. 

Finally, the other day while I was getting my hair cut, I remembered to ask him. 

He said he found a cheaper way to get tires than through his old source. He told me to go online and order tires and they would deliver them right to our door. 

It sounded like it was a good deal – real easy – so when I got home I tried it. … They don’t have winter tires for Lily’s car. 

Now I’m back in the same place I was before I asked my barber. I could go back to him but it’s just a little thing. I thought I could research it myself and go to a shop to get them locally. 

Meanwhile time is going by, the cold weather is coming and we still don’t have a line on tires. 

It’s such a little thing, but I’ve hesitated calling him back for help again. 

Maybe I’m the only one like this, but I will sit on something small when it could be taken care of very easily and quickly by someone else. 

One time I had a computer issue and struggled with it for a long time. Finally I phoned my brother who simply told me to restart my router. I did it and everything worked after that. It was that simple, but it cost me a lot of time and aggravation until I called him. 

We should be quicker to ask for help on those small things that we hesitate bothering anyone about. 

This week I was in a prayer meeting and a guy asked for prayer about a very minor thing. He just wanted a technician to call him back. 

We  prayed about it and, as I was praying, I thought he would get an answer quickly.

Later that day I got a call from my friend. Soon after the prayer meeting he had received a phone call from the technician who was able to relieve his mind about when his project would be started.

I wasn’t surprised at all by what my friend told me. I knew that the answer would come. 

Here’s the thing: Sometimes we hesitate to ask God for those small things. We don’t want to bother Him or they seem too petty to waste His time on. One thing I know is that there are no requests too small for God to respond to. You can take anything to Him in prayer. He loves it when we ask Him. 

That’s Life!


Question: What little thing should you ask God about? Leave your comments and questions below.

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An Inappropriate Time For Something To Happen

Have you ever worried about something happening to you at an inappropriate time? 

an inappropriate time for something to happen

Sure, that’s why we take certain precautions to make sure we have done all we can to prevent something unwanted from happening.

I know that when I go up to speak anywhere I always check to see if my fly is done up. Now I wouldn’t say it’s something I worry about, but it crosses my mind and I don’t want to be that guy.

I witnessed that happen in high school once. The teacher was substitute teaching an algebra class. His fly was down and he didn’t know it. 

At one point, he even sat on the corner of a girl’s desk in the front row. That’s when we could hardly stand it any longer. The snickers from the class got pretty audible and the girl in the front started to blush. 

The teacher realized something was wrong, went to the blackboard and started writing. When he turned around, his fly was done up … but there were chalk marks all around the area. 

Well that was it! We lost it! The teacher immediately left the class and we had the rest of our class cancelled. 

You have to protect yourself from those unexpected, unplanned, inappropriate things. 

We are in the fall season right now, but for me it is also nose bleed season. 

I don’t know what it is, whether it is too dry or the veins in my nose can’t hold the barometric pressure, but I get my fair share of nose bleeds at this time of year. 

And they are unexpected. I never know when they are going to come on.

I could be bending over to pick something up, I could gently blow my nose, I could be in the shower with the water pouring down on my head. 

… All of a sudden, boom, I start leaking. 

Several times I’ve feared that I would be preaching on Sunday morning and, right in the middle of a point I was trying to emphasis, my nose would give out. 

… Or when I’m playing hockey and get bumped, it would start.  

But that hasn’t ever happened. 

Believe me, any time you have a nose bleed, it is an inappropriate time. 

Last week I had four nose bleeds in one day – two of the them while I was in bed. Both times it was amazing. I woke up and, as if on cue, it started to bleeding. 

But the worst was on Saturday morning. I play hockey at 7:30 and at about 6:40 my nose started bleeding. I held it for about 15 minutes, which is usually enough for it to stop. But for some reason it didn’t; I had to hold it longer. By the time I got the leak stopped, it was too late to get to hockey. 

Just another inappropriate time for something like that. 

Here’s the thing: Temptation never comes at an appropriate time. It comes when you least expect it. It comes when you are least prepared. But you always have a recourse if you will take it. You can call out to God for help. He will give you the strength to resist the temptation. 

That’s Life!


Question: What inappropriate thing has happened to you? Leave your comments and questions below.

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A Minority Now Will Eventually Lead To A Majority

Sometimes it seems like you’re in the minority when you know you should be in the majority. 

A minority now will eventually lead to a majority

We all have liked things that we thought would be popular, but it turned out that it wasn’t so. 

For instance, you watched a television show in its first season and really liked it. You couldn’t wait for the next episode. But after that first season, it went off the air and you wondered, “Why didn’t everyone like that show?” 

For some reason you were in the minority. 

Or maybe they stopped manufacturing your favourite car. How could it not be popular? 

When I was a kid, I always liked the Cadillac Eldorado. I thought it looked cool. I really liked the 1967 and 68 models.

Well, apparently not everyone thought like me because by the 70’s they became much more boxy. They hardly resembled the look that had attracted me.

Don’t you kind of wish the whole world thought like you and had the same likes and dislikes as you? After all, how could you not be in the majority? 

It’s a sad reality that our preferences are not everyone’s preferences … even worse, our preferences may be in the minority. 

Years ago my dentist told me I needed to floss my teeth every day. Basically, from that time on I did. 

Over the years I’ve used a variety of products to floss my teeth, but there has been one that I have found to be better than others. 

I like to use wishbone-shaped flossers. For years I used a device that basically looked like a mini slingshot. You just wrapped the dental floss around a button on the handle, then around the two ends, then back around the button. 

It worked like a charm. 

It wasn’t a throw away type of device; you just kept buying dental floss to use in it. But then they became hard to find. I probably needed a new one every six months or so, but I was unable to locate them in stores. 

My thought was, “Why isn’t everyone using these flossers? How could they stop making them?”

I found a throw away kind that was much more flimsy, but it worked. It was still in the shape of a wishbone. 

But over the last few years that style has become harder and harder to find. Instead, the alternative is flossers with a side handle. 

I don’t understand how anyone could like these things. You can’t get to your back teeth with them and when you try, you end up looking like the Joker from Batman because you’ve had to stretch the side of your mouth out to about your ear to reach those back molars! 

But I guess I’m in the minority, that a majority of people who floss like the side handle shape better. It’s possible that those people only have about 14 teeth on the bottom and the top. 

I can’t believe I’m in the minority on this, but the lack of availability of the flossers I like has proved otherwise. 

Here’s the thing: When I grew up, I thought everyone went to church. It didn’t take long before I realized that many people didn’t. As I grew older, I realized I was in the minority believing in the God of the Bible. I have come to accept that for now, but I know there will be a day that the truth will be made plain and everyone will know Jesus came to save us. I will be in the majority then, though it will be too late for some. 

That’s Life!


Question: What are you surprised about being in the minority on?

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Being Picky Is Not Someone Else, It’s You

Being picky is not something that should characterize anyone. Everyone is picky about some things; I know I’m not the only one. 

being picky is not someone else, it's you

When it comes to food, some people might say that I am picky. 

My roots are from England and I guess, traditionally, the food there is not the most adventurous on the planet. 

I’m the kind of guy who doesn’t consider it a meal unless there is some kind of meat involved. When it comes to meals, I don’t like to venture out into things I don’t know. 

I like certain vegetables, but not others. I think this is where my wife, Lily, gets the idea that I’m picky. There are edible objects like squash, cauliflower, and brussels sprouts that I will not eat – they are nasty and why should I?

I’m not a fan of broccoli either, but I eat it because apparently it’s good for you. From the way it tastes, it shouldn’t be good for you, but I guess I’ll take their word for it. 

Because I won’t eat some of these excuses for vegetables, my wife condemns me for being picky. I’m not picky; there are many vegetables that I will willing eat and enjoy eating. I’m just selective.

The knock, though, is that I’m being picky and she is not. 

Lily may not be too picky when it comes to food … well, even that’s not true. She has an allergy to fish and seafood. She’s always asking at restaurants if they fry the chicken in the same oil as the fish. 

Honestly, I’m happy to give her a pass on that pickiness. I would like her around for a long time. 

But just this weekend her pickiness perked its ugly head. 

We need a new light fixture in our bathroom. The fixture looks great and is not that old, but one of the sockets has a short. Both of us are getting tired of getting ready in the morning in light that resembles a sunset, just after the sun has sunken below the horizon. 

Unfortunately we were busy this weekend and didn’t get to a hardware store to look for something new. 

Lily had to visit her mother today and, this being my day off, I told her I would go and buy a new light fixture. 

I could see the panic come over her face and then the word, “noooo”. 

Am I incapable of choosing and installing a light fixture in the bathroom without her? Not at all. But choosing one she likes? – that she doesn’t think I’m capable of. Why? 

Because she’s picky. 

Lily doesn’t think I can choose a light fixture that she would enjoy looking at for the next ten or more years. 

When I floated the idea by her last night, she dropped what she was doing and started looking online for a fixture she might like. 

Guess how many she found? None. That’s because she’s picky.

Here’s the thing: Every one of us can find something we are picky about. Even God is picky when it comes to whom He will welcome into His family. Only those who place their faith in Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord are welcome. But here is the great news: every one of us can make ourselves acceptable to God by acknowledging Jesus’ sacrifice as being for us personally, and trusting in Him for our salvation.

That’s Life!


Question: What are you picky about? Leave your comments and questions below.

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The Honest Truth Versus Truth – There Is A Difference

I think there is a big difference between truth and the honest truth. 

the honest truth verses truth - there is a difference

With so much information at our finger tips, it seems we have a harder time knowing what’s true. We are the most knowledgeable society that has ever lived on earth, yet discerning the honest truth from the truth is not easy.

And it’s our vast knowledge that is partly to blame. 

It is common knowledge now that you should always read the fine print on anything you sign up for or purchase. 

At one time it was the hope that people would not read the fine (small) print. But so many people were deceived about what they were signing or purchasing that measures were brought in to make the small print larger. 

Now the small print is bigger and more available, but it is still hidden in large paragraphs of legalese print. No one wants to read all that information, so we just sign or purchase … just like when we didn’t read the small print.

I think with more knowledge comes more opportunity to reveal truth, but not always the honest truth. 

Honest truth is when all the bias and desire to form another’s thinking is taken away, which leaves you with just the truth, the honest truth. 

We have trouble doing that in our world because we always want to present the truth in a way that favours us, our own opinion, our our bias. 

For example, my church just changed a service contract because we didn’t like the company’s deception. Oh, they told us the truth, they just didn’t present the honest truth. 

Our contract with them was for service, not repairs. Yet when a repair was needed, they still tried to charge us huge fees to make that repair. 

Fortunately we had an expert in our church who told us to get the repair done by another company. The repair ended up being so insignificant that the other company refused to even charge us for it. They just fixed it for free.

When we tried to end our service contract with the first company, we were informed that it needed to be done in writing six months before the renewal date. Since we were only a month from the renewal date, we were stuck automatically renewed for another seven years.

They had told us the truth – it was there in the small print of the contract. They just didn’t push the honest truth.

It is so easy to tell the truth in the way we want someone to understand it … which means we have to be so much more careful and use all that available information to help us determine the honest truth. 

If we don’t do that, we will actually be living with half truths … and depending on how you look at it, you could consider them half lies.

Here’s the thing: The Bible pulls no punches. It states the honest truth that you must believe in Jesus Christ alone to have your sins forgiven and end up in heaven rather than hell. It’s not a popular truth and it certainly goes against our wants and desires. But the Bible is giving you the honest truth. It’s up to each one of us to believe it or look for something we like that we call truth. 

That’s Life!


Question: What topic do you need to research more to find the honest truth? Leave your comments and questions below.

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Neglecting Things Is More Than A Time Issue

I’ve been thinking lately that I need to make more time for some things I have been neglecting. 

neglecting things is more that a time issue

… Actually, it would be nice if I could make more time, like take some electricity, insert it into a vacuum and somehow – poof! – have some extra time that no one else had, just personal time for me.

But that wouldn’t work. I’m sure there are a few more ingredients I’d have to add to “make time”.

Even with more personal time, it wouldn’t necessarily mean that I would use it for something I’ve been neglecting. I proved that this weekend. 

I had some time alone because Lily was away. But instead of using some of that time to focus on things I’ve been neglecting, I worked more.

I worked on a few things that I probably wouldn’t have if Lily had been home. I certainly would not have worked as late if she had been here. 

So making time for something I’ve neglected does not move me to action. 

Time is not my only issue. I also need the will to do something. 

I need to be motivated to do the things I’ve neglected. 

Motivation is what gets you off the couch and on your feet. It comes from a vision inside you of what could be. 

Motivation isn’t a pie-in-the-sky kind of vision; it is a realistic vision that you believe can be realized. 

Motivation is not fantasy.

For me, to get to those things I’ve neglected, I need to think about them – even for a brief moment – to get an image in my mind of what could be. 

With time and motivation, I could tackle anything I have been neglecting.  

… Yet I did have time and I did have some motivation this weekend. Still I didn’t get to some things I have been neglecting. So there must be something else that keeps me from getting to my neglected items. 

I think I know what it is. 

There is another element that will take the time I have and the vision in my mind and put them together. It is opportunity. 

Some people say you make your own opportunities, but that is not always correct. Sometimes there are outside forces that either provide opportunities or don’t. 

This weekend I thought about flying my drone. It had been over a month since I had last flown it. I had time and, certainly with Lily away, I could make time to get out and drone. 

Motivation is not usually an issue for me because I can easily envision what kind of video to create from the drone shots I take. 

But there has to be opportunity. Though the time was available and I was motivated, the weather didn’t provide the opportunity. 

I hope it won’t be too long before these three things come together and I can get out there and fly.

Here’s the thing: God has graciously given us time to discover He is worthy of our worship. By sending His Son to die for our sins and forgive us, God has given us opportunity to worship Him, for we cannot really worship God without being forgiven. And what about motivation? When you observe the beauty and intricacies of this created world and realize God’s loving act of forgiveness and sacrifice for us, that should motivate us to worship and love Him in return. … You have the time, motivation and opportunity to know and worship God – it’s time to act.

That’s Life!


Question: What’s something you have been neglecting? Leave your comments and questions below.

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Our Memory Can Get Us In And Out Of Trouble

Our Memory Can Get Us In And Out Of Trouble

Our memory can will us forward but it can also set us back. I learned the latter just the other day.

our memory can get us in and out of trouble

Your memory of what you have done can give you real confidence to attempt to do the same thing again. After all, you know you’ve done it before; why couldn’t you do it again?

Well, sometimes our memory doesn’t take into account the reality of new circumstances.

I kind of faced that this past week when I went golfing with a few buddies from high school.

I had some great memories to bring with me to the game:  We were playing a course I have played literally hundreds of times (the one caveat being that most of those games were over 35 years ago and I haven’t played the course more than a dozen times since). The golfers I was playing with were all high school friends from way back. So I knew the course and I was comfortable with who I was playing with. 

Then there was the game itself. I felt good, my swing was good and I was pretty confident that I wouldn’t have any trouble hitting the ball well. 

… And that is where my memory didn’t help me. 

You see, I do know how to hit a golf ball and most of the time I can hit it well. But I’ve only played four rounds of golf this year and the last time I picked up a club was almost two months ago.

Still, my memory of the game had me convinced that, given all the factors, I would be able to shoot a score that rivalled games I have shot it the past. 

But my memory didn’t account for several things …

The greens on this course were lightning fast and that was not easy to get used to in a short time. The greens were also large so I faced a lot of very long putts.

Then there was the concentration factor.  

It takes a lot of concentration to keep hitting the ball well. You don’t have to concentrate the whole time, but you have to be able to really focus for short bursts when you are hitting a ball. That can make you mentally weary. 

And then there was the physical weariness. When you are not used to walking a long, 6000 plus yard course, you tend to get tired. Near the end of the round I noticed that I was not hitting the ball well. I was just tired and out of golf shape. 

What can you expect? … I kept telling myself that after I would hit another shot that missed the target I was aiming for. 

In the end, I didn’t shoot a score that rivalled scores of the past. I shot a score that rivalled one of my worst scores ever on that course … probably the worst score I’ve shot in years – maybe 30.

Next time I’m not going to rely on my memory. I’m going to work on my skills and conditioning before I show up. 

Here’s the thing: Sometimes you can face a spiritual challenge – a struggle with temptation or a battle with emotions. You may be tempted to rely on your memory of how you’ve worked these through in the past. But the best way to deal with these challenges is to keep spiritually fit and engaged so that you are well-equipped to deal with what you face.

That’s Life! 


Question: What are you relying too much on your memory for? Leave your comments and questions below.

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How a Plan Would Have Improved My Day

From time to time I will repost an article I’ve written from the past. This post was published back in September of 2013. Enjoy.

how a plan would have improved my day

Maybe it was the weather that made me lazy, but I sure needed a plan last Saturday. I felt like I accomplished nothing, like I wasted my precious day off, like I frittered away the day.

That doesn’t happen every day to me because most days of the week I make a plan. I have things that I want or need to get done and so I put them on my reminder list or right into my calendar.  

Some people can keep it all organized in their heads, but I need to write it down. I like to see it and check it off. 

Saturday was different for me; I wasn’t motivated to do anything. Well, I was … I wanted to go for a bike ride but the rain put an end to that dream, and with it any motivation to do anything else.

It was like I was thinking, “If the weather’s not going to let me go biking, I’ll show it. I’ll do nothing instead.” I didn’t actually think that, but in hindsight that was what I was doing.

I spent my day getting lost in the new iOS for my phone and iPad. I’d look at the time every once in a while and shake my head, but then go back to the nothing I was doing.

There were a couple of things I did during the day but they weren’t things I scheduled. They were things that others scheduled for me, and they didn’t give me a sense of accomplishment.

All I really needed to do was to spend about ten minutes writing a few things down and that would have changed the pattern of my whole day. I would have gone from floating through the day to having some kind of purpose. 

Having a simple list of things I wanted to work on or complete would have also changed how I felt about my day. I would have progressed through it instead of being annoyed at how the time was advancing.

But I can’t figure out why I would keep doing something – in this case nothing – that I didn’t like doing and not do something about it. (I hope I didn’t hypnotize you with that sentence!)

But that’s what lack of planning does – it keeps one stuck in the past/present while time is still moving. It’s like for me, time was standing still, but in reality time was passing me by. 

I could say that I was tired and I needed a day of nothing, but why, at the end of the day, didn’t I feel good about the nothing I did? No, even planning one or two things would have brought me fulfillment.

Here’s the thing: If you’re not planning God into your day, either connecting, growing or serving Him, you will float along in your relationship, stuck in the past/present with Him. Time will keep moving while your relationship will be standing still. Simply thinking of how to include Him in your day is all you need to improve your day.

That’s Life!


Question: How has planning made a difference in your life? Leave your comment below.

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A Soap Opera Is Capturing The Highest TV Ratings

The other day I discovered that a TV soap opera was making a comeback in popularity.

A soap opera is capturing the highest TV ratings

It might seem a little crazy that I would know about this sort of thing but, to be really honest, there was a time when I was into soap operas. 

It goes back to when I was in high school. 

Getting right to homework after school was not hot on my list of things to do. I liked to unwind by lying on the couch, with a handful of freshly baked cookies, watching some late afternoon television. 

The cookies always took the most effort because my mom would bake them and then hide them. My mom had this, “I’m making cookies for you, but I don’t want you to eat them all” mentality.

The truth was that however long my mom spent baking cookies, my brother and I could erase any trace that they existed in a matter of minutes. 

With my cookies in hand, I’d flop on the couch and watch my favourite afternoon show, Perry Mason. Perry Mason was a defence lawyer who never lost a case..

But as TV stations will do from time to time, they changed the afternoon programming line-up and Perry Mason was taken off the air. 

I ended up watching (and, I might add, getting hooked on) a soap opera called …. da, da, da, da: The Edge ……. Of Night. 

The show was just called “The Edge of Night” but in the opening credits the announcer had this dramatic pause between “Edge” and “Of Night”.

It wasn’t like I watched the show for years and years, but I did watch it for a time. I made sure I was in front of that TV every afternoon; I wouldn’t miss it. The storyline had me all wrapped up, knew each and every character and cared about what was happening or going to happen to them. 

About a year later, the late afternoon programming times changed again. They began showing reruns of the Flintstones so I started watching that instead. 

But every once in a while I would turn on the Edge of Night. Months would go by without me watching, but I discovered that when I tuned in, I still knew what was going on. The characters were the same, the storyline hadn’t changed and even the drama between characters had progressed very little. 

It was like I never missed a show. I realized that, though I was hooked for a time on watching every day\, I could watch it on a very infrequent, unscheduled way and never miss out on what was happening. 

Recently I’ve been doing that with the TV news. The content is mostly the same, the storyline hasn’t changed in a year and a half and, just like on “The Edge ….. Of Night”, only every once in a while a real bombshell is reported.

I don’t have to watch the news more than weekly to stay on top of it. … It’s like a soap opera.

Here’s the thing: On the one hand, days and years seem to go by quickly, but on the other hand, the storyline of our lives seems to take forever to unfold. We can get so caught up in the steady, almost unchanging, story of our lives that we forget about how fast life is really moving. The big picture is that we have a short time to respond to Jesus Christ and live out a life of faith in Him. Don’t be lulled into thinking you have time for that later. Be sure you are living the right storyline now.

That’s Life!


Question: What changes do you need to make to your life? Leave your comments and questions below.

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