Summer Sheets Just Might Save This Spring

We made the switch this week to summer sheets. 

summer sheets just might save this spring

… You mean you don’t know what they are? That was my wife Lily’s response when I told her we needed summer sheets.

It makes perfect sense to me. 

In the winter, some people might put an extra or thicker blanket on their bed, or use flannel sheets. Well, in the summer we should switch to summer sheets – sheets that are cooler, that when you get into bed feel cold for a few seconds. They feel lighter on your body – you know, summer sheets.

All through this winter we have had sheets that, to me anyway, seem thicker. Apparently they are microfibre. 

All I know is that they have cut down on our electric bill. They produce so much static electricity that I can’t remember the last time we had to pay a utility bill. 

Plus, during these COVID lockdowns with no haircuts, when I get up in the morning my hair is standing out like I touched one of those static electricity balls at the science centre. 

The one good thing about the microfibre sheets is that when you do climb into bed during the winter months, it’s not like taking the polar bear plunge.

Lily likes to drop the temperature in our house to below zero for sleeping purposes. So it’s already a little nippy by the time I’m jumping into bed. Not having the sheets engulf you like an igloo is a good thing.

But when summer comes and we are already hot (because for some reason Lily doesn’t like to drop the temperature when it’s warm outside), well, it’s not too inviting to get into an even warmer bed. 

It was just the other day when we finally put those thin, cool, cotton sheets on the bed. And it feels so good – so good in fact that I could go with summer sheets all year long. But then we wouldn’t be calling them summer sheets, would we?

And that is why most of you have never heard the term, “summer sheets” before. You don’t mess with those crazy microfibre sheets like we do. 

And, to be honest, I don’t think I was ever consulted about making a switch to microfibre sheets. 

All I know is that when the temperatures started to rise, I started resisting getting under the sheets. I started waking up in a sweat and not because of some post trauma I was reliving in a dream.

The sheets just made me too hot. 

Now that we have the summer sheets on the bed, I’m sleeping better, the electricity bill has gone back up to normal and my hair … oh, it’s longer, but I don’t look like I sleep all night with my finger in the power bar beside my bed.

I’m sure glad they still make cotton. We would all be doomed if we had to sleep in microfibre sheets all year long. 

Here’s the thing: Now that the seasons have changed, there is a whole new set of things we involve ourselves in. With more outdoor activities, our lives become busier in some ways. That also means it’s time to adjust to the change without sacrificing time with God. You still need to meet with God in prayer and through scripture. Be sure you find a transition that will keep your relationship with Him thriving. 

That’s Life!


Question: What are the biggest changes you need to make moving into summer? Leave your comments and questions below. 

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Limping Along In Life Is No Way To Live

I’m afraid my team is limping into the playoffs. 

limping along in life is no way to live

It’s hockey playoff season again – that special time of year when you can watch a hockey game that matters every day of the week. 

My wife, Lily, loves this time of year! (I wrote that sarcastically, just in case someone wasn’t able to pick up that vibe.)

All the teams are set and it begins tonight … at least for the teams south of the border. 

We still have a few Canadian teams that need to finish up. So the North Division will politely wait to begin the playoffs until two non-playoff contenders finish out their season. 

The teams in the States will already be three games in by then. 

My big concern is for my team. 

With almost a week off before the playoffs start, the Leafs have time to get ready. Those who have been injured can get healthy again and practice with the team. It gives the team time to figure out a new way to approach their power play, which was once first in the league, but now is dismal. 

Maybe the biggest thing they can do in this next week is get the end of the season out of their heads. 

You want to enter the playoffs cresting. You want to be peaking at the right moment. But the Leafs lost three of their last four possible points. 

They lost in overtime and then just lost their last game straight out. They didn’t look all that great. It looked like they were limping off the ice.

Some might argue that they didn’t need to try very hard because they already had the top spot locked up in the North. 

But they finished 6th place in the league when they could have finished 4th. It’s not a big difference but it could have an impact on home ice advantage if they make it to the later rounds … that is if there is home ice advantage for Canadian teams. 

Hopefully, they will be able to travel to the States, and the American teams will be able to travel to Canada. 

… After all, we’ve been letting planes land in Canada from all over the world. Yet these hockey players, who are on chartered flights and get tested for COVID every day, are not allowed to cross the border. 

There is some faulty thinking there!

… Anyway, I digress. 

My point is that my team has not gotten out of the first round of the playoffs in 17 years. Losing your last two games of the season is not a good omen. 

You can’t be pumped up for the playoffs when you were pretty flat in your last two games. 

And if it’s a matter of trying to stay healthy and not getting hurt, well, the physical play is going to ramp up now. You might as well get ready for it. 

Overall, the Leafs have played well this year. They have proved they can hold on to the top spot. 

Why not prove to yourselves and show all the other teams your confidence by ending the season strong?

Here’s the thing: There is something that COVID may contribute to and that is you limping along in your faith. It is easy during this time to coast along, maybe even relax in some of your spiritual disciplines. You just find yourself underwhelmed in your faith. You started so strong in the Lord but during this time you are fading spiritually. Don’t let that happen. Find a new gear and pour yourself into your relationship with Christ. Finish strong.

That’s Life!


Question: What has fallen flat for you during COVID? Leave your comments and questions below.

A Blue Moon Happens More Than You Think

I’m just wondering if there was a blue moon recently because something happened to me that only happens once in a blue moon.

A blue moon happens more than you think

It is rare for me to get all green lights traveling from my home to work, but Thursday morning it happened. 

I can’t even tell you the last time it happened, so it truly was a once-in-a-blue-moon experience. In fact, I would say that the traffic lights going all green for me was more of a blue moon than the real thing. 

I don’t know who came up with the name “blue moon” but, for starters, when it happens it’s not even blue. In fact, for the moon to appear blue, the earth’s atmosphere has to contain dust or smoke particles of a certain size … just a little bigger than 900 nanometers. 

… Don’t even try to find nanometers on your tape measure.

But the crazy thing is they don’t even use that fact to determine whether there is a blue moon or not. Experts say a blue moon is when you have two full moons in a calendar month. The second is called a blue moon.

And this happens more than you think. 

You’d think that this only happens once in a blue moon but there was one last year. Before that there were two – yes, two in 2018! There was one in 2015 as well. 

So these calendar blue moons come along every couple of years. 

But hold on, that’s not the only definition of a blue moon. They also refer to a blue moon when there are four full moons in a season. The third one is called a blue moon. 

A seasonal blue moon happens every few years. There is one of those scheduled for this coming August.

Now the next time we will have a calendar blue moon and a seasonal blue moon in the same year, well, that won’t happen until 2048.

To me, that is a true blue moon … well, without the moon actually being blue. I might still be around for that one, but my eyesight may not be that great. 

On Thursday the particles in the atmosphere must have been the right size because I have to travel through fifteen traffic lights over an eight kilometre distance to get to work. 

This phenomenon did take place at 6:15 am with very light traffic on the road, but still, I guess the cars were the particles and they were just the right size.

Don’t worry, I’m not going to turn into a traffic-stronomer or something. I won’t be looking intently for the traffic lights to line up again like they did the other day.

I just hope I don’t have to wait until 2048 to experience it again. 

Here’s the thing: In the Bible Jesus said He was coming back. His disciples believed it and you get the sense from reading the New Testament that they thought He was coming back soon. Every generation since has thought this could be the time when Jesus returns. If there ever was a once-in-a-blue-moon experience it is the second coming of Christ. I think Jesus said it the way He did because He wanted us to be waiting, looking and ready for Him to come. More than ever before, we should be ready and prepared for Christ’s second coming. 

That’s Life!


Question: What have you experienced that only happens once in a blue moon? Leave your comments and questions below.

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Fasting Is Not Always What It Seems

They say fasting is good for you, but the word “fasting” does not always mean the same thing.

fasting is not always what it seems

There are many different forms of fasting. When someone tells you they are fasting, you really need to know what they mean by that.

Recently I had a conversation with my daughter about fasting. She told me she’s been doing intermittent fasting. When I heard the word “fasting”, the image I got in my head was that there was no food involved for a day or two days or longer. 

But that’s not what she was talking about. 

The thing is that we throw around the word “fast” like it’s well defined and a highly disciplined thing. 

For instance, right now the Muslim faith is in the middle of Ramadan. That is a month of fasting for them. When you hear that, you might think they are so committed and disciplined, but that you could never do it. You might wonder why you couldn’t be so committed to what you believe in. 

Well, what’s not necessarily communicated is that when muslims fast for a month, they fast during the day, but each night they have a big meal in celebration. 

With that information, you realize you could fast for a month if you could still eat every day. You would actually really enjoy that one meal you ate and look forward to it all day. 

When I was a youth pastor we did a 30-hour famine to raise money for World Relief. 

For the teens, it was a major commitment to fast for 30 hours. Yet in all the years we did it, we never lost a single student to starvation. 

Fasting is not something that I have readily done … maybe because I get hypoglycaemic. My blood sugar gets low and my body starts craving food. 

You’ve heard the word “hangry” – a combination of hungry and angry. That describes someone who is having a hypoglycaemic episode. My wife has to put up with a hangry husband most evenings when I come home from work. I need food, pretty much right when I get in the door. 

My daughter, Karlie, has the same condition I do, and she has recently discovered that intermittent fasting is working for her. 

When I heard her say intermittent fasting, what I thought of was fasting one day a week, or fasting one day and then again two days later. That sounds like intermittent to me. 

But that’s not what intermittent fasting is. It’s actually delaying your eating until later in the day. Basically, Karlie doesn’t eat her first meal of the day until lunch time. 

I used to do that when I was young, but I called it, “not eating breakfast”. I never associated it with fasting in any way. 

So when people tell you they are fasting, don’t think they are being heroic, or showing unbelievable discipline or dedication. 

Ask them a followup question like, “What kind of fasting are you doing?”

Here’s the thing: People fast in many forms for many different reasons. But about two thousand years ago, Jesus fasted for 40 days – no food. That fast was to wear Him down to be tested, tested to see if in a weakened state He would be faithful to the will of God, His Father. And Jesus passed the test. Later He passed the ultimate test by going to the cross to pay for our sins. You can trust Him.

That’s life!


Question: What reasons have you fasted for? Leave your comments and questions below. 

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I’m Missing Something This Spring

There is something missing right now that would make spring just that much better. 

I'm missing something this spring

Some years what’s missing in early spring is half decent weather. Well, I can’t say we are missing that this year.

I went biking the other day for the first time this year and it felt like a mid-summer ride. It was 25 degrees Celsius.

We’ve had a mild winter and now a fantastic start to spring. What is there to complain about, except COVID?

But I feel it. There is still something missing and the nicer weather has brought it to my attention: I’m missing my drone. 

Right now I would be getting my drone out and looking for places to fly it. But it’s not happening this spring. 

It’s not that I’ve lost my drone or can’t find it, I have it. In fact, it’s right beside me now. But my drone is broken.

Back in December I flew it into a tree and it fell about thirty feet to the ground, and not just the ground, it fell onto ice. 

I knew it was finished then, but I put it back in its case and have kept it around. 

Then about a week ago, I watched a video of a guy who fixed his broken drone. 

Well, I got inspired. I hauled out my drone, viewed the video once again, and then looked at the damage on my drone. 

My heart sank again, just like it had done in December. The damage to my drone was way more extensive than the one in the video. 

I have a couple of wires extending to the props that are disconnected and I just don’t have the skill to be able to reattached them. 

Besides that, there is damage to the forward sensor and two places on one of the prop arms that are cracked and left dangling. 

The drone is just too far gone.

And so I’m reminded that I’m missing what I would normally be doing, finding places to fly my drone … and getting some great drone footage to use in video projects. 

When things go missing, often times they come back or are found again.

When children lose a tooth, they may have a gaping hole in their smile, but they won’t be missing that tooth for long. A bigger, stronger tooth is on its way.

When you’re older, however, and a tooth goes missing, there is not any hope of it coming back. You must look at different ways to fill what is missing from your smile.

One thing I know for sure about my drone is that it is not going to fly again. The only way I will be replace my missing drone is with a new one. 

It’s too bad that my birthday isn’t until mid June. 

Like a young child without his tooth, I will be missing my drone for a while. 

Here’s the thing: The only sad thing about heaven is that there will be people missing from it. You will, undoubtedly, be missing someone you loved and wanted to share all eternity with. There will be no replacement. Therefore, it is important to do what you can to ensure your loved ones have an opportunity to choose Christ, so they won’t be missing in heaven. Do not wait for someone else to share Jesus with them; take the initiative yourself. 

That’s Life!


Question: Who or what is missing in your life right now? Leave your comments and questions below.

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What Is Missing Will Be Replaced By Something Else

I’ve noticed that when something is missing, something else always takes its place. 

what is missing will be replaced by something else

When you dig a hole in the sand, other sand falls in that hole to take the place of the sand that was removed.

Silence is like that. When no one is talking, there’s pressure to interject the silence with music or television or someone talking. 

It is difficult to be in a group and ask a question. If the question isn’t answered immediately, the one who asked the question often feels compelled to end the silence and give the answer. 

An empty garbage can doesn’t stay that way for long. Soon after it is emptied, new garbage is added to it. … It must be difficult working in janitorial services when all the cleaning they do is constantly replaced by more mess and dirt.

I remember watching Saturday Night Live, way back in the 70’s. One of the characters on the show was Roseanne Roseannadanna. The character was played by comedian, Gilda Radner. 

Roseanne was a commentator correspondent on a comedy news segment. But Roseanne would always go off on a tangent from what she was supposed to be commenting on.  

When the news anchor would stop her for being so off-topic, Roseanne would say “Jane, it just goes to show, it’s always something; if it’s not one thing, it’s another.” … And then she would somehow weave her off-topic story to fit the original story.

And Roseanne Rosannadanna was right. If it’s not one thing, it’s another. 

This year we had a mild winter. We didn’t have much snow or even many snowfalls. 

You might think that’s one thing that, when it goes missing, is not replaced by something else, but you would be wrong. 

The snow was less and we had fewer times our church parking lot had to be plowed. The snow even melted sooner. But when the snow did melt, it uncovered something else because, if it’s not one thing, it’s another. 

What has been left behind this year is an inordinate amount of sand and salt. … We will be able to add yards of beach to the shoreline of Lake Ontario this year. Kids will even love to lick it because of the high salt content.

We didn’t get all the snow we had the year before, but we sure made up for it in sand in the parking lot. 

If it’s not one thing, it’s another. 

Last year we filled the back of a pickup truck with the sand – this year it will be more like a pickup and a half or even two!

I don’t want anyone to think I’m not happy that we had such a mild winter. I would be ecstatic if every year was like this past winter, but I certainly don’t look forward to clean up day at the church. 

It just goes to show you, it’s always something. If it’s not one thing, it’s another.

Here’s the thing: When it comes to the end of life, it will be the same. If we don’t go to one place, we will go to the other. If we don’t go to heaven, there is somewhere else we will go. That place is called hell. Now’s the time to ensure you’re going to heaven by placing your faith in Jesus Christ. 

That’s Life! 


Question: What is missing in your life right now that might be filled with something else? Leave your comments and questions below.

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My Tasks Are Beginning To Discourage Me

What do you do when your list of tasks is longer than your arm? 

My tasks are beginning to discourage me

That’s what I wondered today when I wrote out all my tasks on a piece of paper. … I do that sometimes when I have more tasks than normal. 

Usually I just put them into my calendar or my to-do list on my computer. But when the list is really long, and I’m concerned about how many things I will get done, I write them out on a piece of paper. 

When I finished, I muttered, “This list is longer than my arm!” Then, just to be sure, I decided to measure it and, no, it wasn’t longer than my arm. 

Now if I had double spaced the words or written them out in really large letters then, yes, they would have been longer than my forearm. 

But my list was not even quite as long as my hand stretched out over the page.  

So really, how bad could my list be? 

Well, it was 19 items long and on a normal Friday I would probably get about five of them done. 

With all the others, I was dreaming if I thought I could accomplish them. But I put them on my list and I actually prayed and asked the Lord to help me get my list accomplished. 

At the time I wasn’t thinking of all nineteen, but when I prayed I had some tasks in mind that would take some serious time to complete. 

Five of the items were writing assignments – that’s heavy, especially since one of them was my sermon. … I remember a time when having to write one page seemed overwhelming. Now if I only have to write one page I’m thankful.

The scary thing about tasks is the more time you think about them, the more you could add to your list. It’s like they multiply. 

They’re much like rabbits. Some species of rabbits can have three or four litters a year. And they might have up to 12 babies in a litter. 

That’s a lot of babies – I mean, tasks.

They just keep piling up. 

I don’t know what you do to delete tasks from your list but I do two things. I don’t just put a checkmark beside the task. And I don’t just draw a line through the task, cancelling it off my list. 

I do both.

I check them off and draw two or three lines through them. They still can be read what they were, but I want to make it clear to me, and to the paper they are written on, that I’ve completed that task. It’s finished.

I think now I might stop working on this list of tasks. There will be more tomorrow. You don’t really make headway with a task list. It’s like a shoe with a hole in the sole. It just keeps letting more water in. 

I think I might cross out the letter “T” in my “Task list” to turn them all into “asks”. Then I can give them to other people to do for me. 

Here’s the thing: It’s true that we can have too many tasks for us to handle – so many tasks that we become overwhelmed with them all. Thankfully, God never has too many tasks. He is never overwhelmed. So no matter how many tasks you have, you can keep taking them to Him. Ask God for His help and He will help you. 

That’s Life!


Question: How overwhelming is your list of tasks right now? Leave your comments and questions below. 

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I’ve Been Paralyzed By My Work Lately

I noticed this week that there are times when I can become paralyzed by my work, with an inability to make forward movement on things I really need to do. 

I'v been paralyzed by my work lately

Some equate this to being like a deer in the headlights. And since I have experienced first-hand a deer in my headlights, I kind of agree with the analogy.

I remember a time driving a van full of high school students through the mountains in BC. It was just after dusk and the darkness of night had set in like a heavy blanket over a table … where there is no light getting through under that table. 

As we were driving on a winding stretch of highway, we came around a bend and there they were, maybe 30 or 40 elk. 

Some were on the edge of the road, some in the ditches on either side. But they all just stopped and looked at the headlights of our vehicle. 

None of them ran away. Fortunately, none of them started to charge our vehicle. 

They were motionless, but all had their glowing eyes fixed on our van’s headlights.

Most animals in that situation would make a dash for the trees. They would flee the scene, but not deer or, in this case, elk. They stood still, motionless and didn’t move. 

The human version of deer in the headlights is a little different … at least for me it is.

I’m not actually motionless. There are things I’m doing.

Anyone looking on can see that I am working away. I’m getting things done.

The difference is I’m not making progress on the work that has me paralyzed. I will do anything but the thing that has me overwhelmed at the time. 

It’s like when you were a kid and your mother said you couldn’t get up from the table until you finished your vegetables. 

You sat there playing with your food, teasing your sister, bugging your brother or conspiring with him to sneak under the table and be freed from your prison. 

You did pretty well anything and even nothing so you didn’t have to eat those vegetables. 

With work, this scenario can go on for a long time. There can be something that paralyses you for a day or a week or even longer. You make excuses that other things have come up, but really the issue is you just can’t get yourself to work on that assignment. 

For me the solution is to break it down, to force myself to do one small thing towards that deer-in-the-headlights assignment. 

What I do is take a few minutes to break the assignment down. I break it up so that the first thing I do may only take ten to fifteen minutes. 

But then I’ve started and now the other little tasks of the big assignment seem to be doable. 

After completing one or two of those small tasks, I am no longer staring mindlessly at the headlights of the oncoming deadline – I’m getting back to work! 

Here’s the thing: There will come a time when Christ returns. And for some, that experience will be a deer-in-the-headlights experience. They will be overwhelmed and paralyzed and won’t be able to make any move towards Christ. It will be too late. Now is the time to think through what Christ has done and what He offers you. Then make a move towards placing your faith in Christ. 

That’s Life!


Question: What puts you in a deer-in-the-headlights situation? Leave your comments and questions below.

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Why Your Arms Go Numb When You Sleep

From time to time I will repost an article from the past. This post is from March of 2014. I hope you enjoy it.

When I sleep, sometimes the circulation to my arms gets cut off. I understand that it’s good to get a deep sleep. But your limbs shouldn’t be going to sleep on you, as well. 

why your arms go numb when you sleep

In fact, when your arms do get all pins and needles, it wakes you up from whatever depth of sleep you were in. That’s to prevent your arm from turning blue and needing to be amputated.

I’ve been sleeping the same way my whole life. So to have this arm-numbing feeling rouse me in the middle of the night is a little disturbing. It never used to happen.

I’m thinking it’s an age thing. Stuff inside gets pinched or constricted in some way and, BAM, all of a sudden you’re dreaming about an elastic band being wrapped around your arm just above the elbow.  

There have been a couple of times I’ve woken up and haven’t been able to feel my arm. I worry that my arm will get so starved of blood it’ll become useless to me. I will have to walk around with my arm dangling and I’ll be unable to use it or stop it.

Just the other day, however, I discovered that my muscles are too tight and that’s what’s causing the circulation in my arms to be cut off. 

Apparently, I need to loosen up some of the muscles around my neck and shoulders. I’m wondering if I had have stretched more if I wouldn’t have this problem now.  

I’ve never liked to stretch. I know experts say you should stretch before and after you work out, but I’ve never done it; I’ve never felt the need to. I’m not the most flexible guy, but I never thought it has hurt me in any way.

But maybe if I’d been stretching all these years, my arms wouldn’t feel like a couple of 2×4’s attached to my body at two in the morning. 

Another theory I have is the older we get the tighter we get, the more tension we carry in our muscles, and the more they start to put the squeeze on our nerve pathways until they can’t transmit information from the brain to that limb or back. 

It’s like when you’re driving and talking on your cell phone to a friend (using hands-free bluetooth, of course). When you suddenly enter an area that doesn’t have a cell tower to give you a signal, your phone call goes dead and you’ve lost the connection with your friend.

With a phone, you have to re-enter a cell area and make a new connection. The good thing with your arm is you just have to wait a few seconds until the connection is restored automatically.

So now I’m doing some exercises and stretches to limber up my muscles in hopes that my arms won’t take any more liberties of catching a few extra zzz’s while my brain doesn’t know what’s going on.

In the mean time, if I find my arm is tingling at 4 am, I know it’s not my “spidey sense” and that the “Sandman” isn’t robbing an armoured car or something (Spider-Man 3 movie).

Here’s the thing: Prayer is one of the greatest connections we have with God. If we restrict our prayer with God, we will for sure hinder our communication with Him. Praying regularly and often will keep the connection flowing and prevent you from having that numbing feeling when you have lost the means to transmit your thoughts and needs to God.

That’s Life!


Question: What causes you to restrict your prayer times with God?  

I would really love to hear from you. You can leave a comment below.

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In Sync Is Something We should All Strive For

Being in sync is a great feeling once the sync is complete … but I tend to put the process off rather than get right at it. 

In sync is something we should all strive for

Now, some of you started reading this post thinking that I was going to be writing about the boy band, pop group from the 90’s called NSync. 

Sorry to disappoint you – this has nothing to do with that musical group at all.

What I’m writing about today is when something fits together, when it is all settled in the right spot, when something works the way it should.

You would think that is something we would strive for all the time. It should be what we want to accomplish every day and with every aspect of our life and work – to be in sync.

You may remember when you would sync your phone with your computer. You had files, videos, pictures and music on your computer and you wanted to sync it with your phone. 

We don’t do that anymore; it now syncs all on its own. Back in the day we had to do that manually. We had to plug our phone into our computer and initiate the process.

I don’t know about you but I always delayed doing it. I don’t know why; maybe I was busy. 

I know I was not the only one because now it’s an automatic process. 

For me that was just one small sync that was fixed. I have many in my life. 

I don’t like backing up my computer, and sometimes I delay that for a week or two … or three. Hey I’ve gone over a year without backing up.  

I know I should do it, but I don’t want to take the time, or I forget and remember when I don’t have the time. 

When I do complete a back up I feel good; I feel my information is safe. I’m in sync.

I want to be in sync. I just want it done for me. 

… I wish that was true with exercising. 

I’ve just completed seven days in a row of exercising – a combination of working out in my home gym and playing hockey. 

I feel really good right now. I kind of feel like my body is in sync. 

But it has been so hard some days this past week to get rowing or spinning in my gym. 

I wish it would just happen for me – you know, like I could keep going about my life and at some point look at my Apple watch and notice that all my rings were complete, that I got my steps in, burned those calories, and completed my exercise for the day. 

But I can’t. I have to decided to do it, figure out when to do it and then walk into that room and get on the equipment. 

When I’m done, I’m glad I did. I then feel in sync, like everything is in place, and I’m where I should be.

Here’s the thing: It would be nice if we could just be in sync with God, that it would just happen for us. But the reality is it doesn’t work that way. We have to do things that will keep us in sync with the Lord. We have to plan what we should do and when we will work on it, and then actually take the time to do it. Wishing you were right with God won’t change anything. You have to do something.

That’s Life!


Question: What could you do today to sync your life with God? Leave your comments and questions below.

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