One More Often Turns Out To Be Too Many

We all have the bad tendency to want one more than we have right now. Most of the time it backfires. 

One more often turns out to be too many

There is something in our brains that tells us to go for it, one more time. 

Sometimes when I’m collecting the garbage in the house, I get to the last trash can, look at my garbage bag, then at the waste container, and think it will all fit in. Then I promptly spill half the contents of the trash can on the floor. 

The bag couldn’t hold it all, but I wanted to get just one more thing in there. 

The other day after hockey, I wondered if I should get my skates sharpened before the next game. But then I thought, “I’ll have to make a special trip to my skate sharpener guy.” So I convinced myself I should be able to get one more skate out of this sharpening. 

I do this in so many areas of my life – just one more; I can fit this in too. 

Have you ever had to carry several things from the car to your house? You think to yourself, “I can take it all in one trip.” 

You start by strategically slinging your computer bag over your shoulder, You dangle a plastic bag from one hand, and then grab a box – no, two boxes – with both hands. 

“This will save me time”, you think … except that second box starts shifting, which starts a chain reaction of things moving. 

Your computer bag slips from your shoulder; the plastic bag starts to stretch past its capacity. And that top box keeps slipping until it falls. 

You end up having to make a second trip to go back and pick up what fell. 

You tried to carry one more thing than you should have. 

It’s alway that one extra thing that puts you over the top to disaster. 

Sometimes radio stations have call in contestants to games they play. In one game the caller chooses whether or not they want open a money vault.

The first couple of vaults open and there is money in them. The caller tries again, and finds there’s money in that one too. As a result, he responds, “Let’s go again” and his winnings increase once more. 

But now he’s opened four vaults, and you know there is going to be a locked vault coming up soon, denying him of all his winnings. 

Through the radio, you plead with the contestant to stop there. He hums and haws while you reason with him from the privacy of your car. He asks the radio host how much he’s won so far. 

By now you are screaming at your radio, “Stop! and take the money” … but the contestant says, “Let’s open one more vault.” 

It’s locked. You knew it; everyone listening on the radio knew it. But the caller just wanted one more. 

Well, I decided I could get one more game out of my skates the other day. I should have gotten them sharpened. All game I kept slipping around the ice.

I should not have gone for one more. 

Here’s the thing: At Christmas time we hear about how God loves us and how He sent Jesus, His son, to save us from our sin and separation from God. Every year we hear the same story, told in different ways, from different angles. This year don’t think you can wait one more year before you make a decision to place your faith in Jesus. You never know when that “one more” will end up being too late. Make a decision for Christ today. 

That’s Life!


Question: What are you trying to get one more of right now? Leave your comments and questions below.

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Christmas Shopping – Love It Or Hate It

I have a love hate relationship with Christmas shopping. It’s been like this for years.

Christmas Shopping - Love It or hate it

Generally I don’t like shopping. I guess that’s why I don’t do it that often … though there was a time when I would check out the computer shops on Saturday afternoons, not to buy anything but to look at what I might want to purchase in the future. 

My kids like shopping for clothes. I really dislike it and that’s why I only shop for clothes when I’m in desperate need, or when my wife, Lily, has conned me into trying something on.

What I’m saying is you won’t find me in stores very often … well, maybe Costco on occasion. 

However, at Christmas time I make up for a whole year of store neglect. 

You know how many stores go from being in the red all year to getting in the black at Christmas? Well, I’m part of their Christmas statistic.

I have to say that I still don’t like the shopping aspect of Christmas, but I do like purchasing gifts for my loved ones.

And, for that joy, I will drive to the store even if it’s a dollar store to get stocking stuffers.

But what I don’t like is roaming around a mall or store looking for some illusive item that will be the perfect gift for my wife or either of my kids. 

Maybe that’s why I dislike hunting. 

Hunters go in the bush, get a nice comfortable spot and wait and wait and wait. 

Sometimes they come back to the camp at the end of the day and they never took a shot. They never saw anything to shoot or they didn’t have a clear shot when there was something in their sights. 

The thing about hunters is they are okay with that. And the next day they go right back out there to wait and wait all over again. 

I would want to shoot the gun. After a couple of hours I’d been looking for something to shoot. I wouldn’t even care if it was a stump or a tree or even just into the ground. I would want to fire that gun. 

When I Christmas shop I want to bag that gift. I don’t want to look and look and not find anything to buy. I want to get into that store, pick up an item and head to the till with my purchase. 

What gets me all frustrated though is that my family has a difficult time giving me suggestions of what they want. 

Look, I’m going to buy you a present. Don’t tell me you don’t know what you want. 

Give me a target to shoot at. Please!

All I need to see is the twinkle of the lights on the packaging and I will not miss.

I will come home with the trophy.

But sadly this Christmas looks like it is going to be spent waiting and waiting, then looking and looking for the perfect gift for some important people who don’t know what they want or need. 

Here’s the thing: There are a lot of people who don’t know what they need. They seem to be oblivious of their need. They’re happy to go along without knowing what they really need in life. That is when we have to let them know what they are missing out on, what they could have if they were aware. What we all need is Christ in our lives. If someone doesn’t know it, it’s worth telling them so they don’t miss out. 

That’s Life!


Question: What do you need most this Christmas? Leave your comments and questions below.

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Mind Reading Is Something We All Try To Do

It is sometimes difficult to figure out what goes through a person’s mind when you see his or her work.

mind reading is something we all try to do

Everyone at some point is guilty of trying to read the mind of someone else. 

We interrupt what our spouses are saying because we think we know how to finish their sentences.

We interpret the actions of others and come up with a scenario of why they did what they did. … I know I try to read what is going through the minds of some drivers when I’m driving behind them.

Maybe you have heard of the Darwin awards. These are awards given out to people posthumously. They are given to people who died trying to do things that, well, 99.9 percent of the population would never try. 

In May 2019 an ISIS fighter decided to attack some British troops based near Mosul, Iraq. He decided to use a drone that he rigged up with explosives. 

He ran into trouble, however, when he didn’t calculate the time and distance the drone had to travel to deliver the explosive charge. 

When a drone battery gets low, there is a return to home feature that automatically initiates. You can disengage the feature but unfortunately this soldier didn’t and the explosives detonated upon return. 

You kind of wonder what was going through the guy’s mind when he saw the drone getting closer and closer to him. 

We will never know. 

Last night I noticed that my outside Christmas lights didn’t turn on as scheduled. They are hooked up to a wifi outlet that I control and schedule on my phone. The app said it was disconnected so I checked and there was no indicator light visible on the outlet. 

Now this outlet is at the back of our house, but I checked the outlet at the front of the house, just outside our front door. 

Why? Because they are connected to the same circuit, and the outlet by the front door has a built-in circuit breaker. 

Somehow the two outlets – one at the front of the house and the other at the back – are connected together. 

I checked my electrical panel and found that all the outside plugs plus the garage are joined to the same circuit on the panel. But the two outside outlets are specifically connected together through the built-in circuit breaker on the one. 

I’m wondering what was going on in the mind of the electrician. I can see the garage and the front outlet being on the same circuit. After all, they are in the same general area. 

But the outlet in the back?

When he was doing the wiring, did he say, “There are all these wires and outlets close by, but let’s weave a wire through the whole house and connect it to the outlet at the front. I’m sure that will be the first place the owner looks if he loses power to this back outlet.”

Maybe not!

Here’s the thing: Sometimes we question what God is doing in the world. We wonder if He knows what is happening. We ponder why He would let this or that happen. But we see things from our finite, present time, self-centred minds. How could we ever think we could read God’s mind? God’s mind is all-knowing. He understands the beginning and the end, and He holds the whole world together. We should trust God to do what is right and best, and not try to read His mind.

That’s Life!


Question: How often do you suppose you know what someone is thinking, only to find out you are way off? Leave your comments and questions below.

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My Brain Is Like A Stubborn Dog Sometimes

Sometimes I think my brain works much like a stubborn dog. You know, the kind of dog that does what it wants – or at least tries to – instead of doing what you want.

my brain is like a stubborn dog sometimes

I found my brain in that kind of mode yesterday afternoon when I was working on my sermon. There wasn’t even that much more I needed to write, but I was getting nowhere. 

I had no will power to stick with it. Something would grab my attention and I would go with it. 

… Like a dog whose nap gets disturbed by a chipmunk. 

A big old dog could be sleeping away but is suddenly awakened by a chipmunk in the yard. He can’t leave it alone. The dog runs after it, trying to sniff it out of its hole. 

Then a butterfly catches his attention and he’s off leaping and running after it. 

He was sleeping five minutes ago and now look at him. 

My brain works that way sometimes – yesterday was one of those times. I was stuck. And I just couldn’t get past one point in my sermon. I spent a lot of time staring at the computer screen and my white board. 

Finally I decided to take a break. I needed to do somethings outside the church anyway.

I was gone for an about an hour. But I hoped that when I came back my brain would have reset and I would be able to get moving on the sermon again.

No such luck. I just couldn’t stay with it long enough to get anywhere. 

It was like my brain was saying, “Forget it, Paul. I’m not doing this right now. You can waste your time trying, but I’m not budging.”

… Which kind of reminds me of my brother’s dog, Chopper. He is an Old English bull dog so the name really fits him. 

He weighs in at about 75 plus pounds so when he decides he’s not going any further on a walk, sometimes he wins. 

We’ve been on walks down to the beach with my brother and about half way there Chopper has decided to pull the old stubborn donkey routine. He has locked his legs and no amount of pulling on his leash would faze him.

No way will he continue.

Instead he would pull in the direction of the cottage, and sometimes it was just best to take him back and then go for a stroll on the beach without him. 

That’s what I ended up having to do. I tried and tried to work at that sermon, but I finally gave in and stopped for the night. 

This morning I had hockey at 6:30 am, but for some reason I woke up at 5:00 am. I decided to spend a few minutes on my sermon. 

And, wouldn’t you know it, just like Chopper was ready for a walk to the beach the next day, I spent forty minutes on my sermon and got it finished. 

Here’s the thing: When do you spend time with God? When your brain is more like Chopper’s or when you are fresh and eager to think and learn? If you find that the time you spend with God is often a struggle, maybe you just need to find a time when your brain is not so stubborn. Try something new; try a different time. Notice when you are fresh and be sure to give God the best of your mind. 

That’s Life!


Question: What time of day are you at your best? Leave your comments and questions below.

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It Can Deteriorate In No Time At All

It doesn’t take long for a manicured lawn to deteriorate and become unrecognizable. 

It can deteriorate in no time at all

The other day I watched the Master’s golf tournament on TV. It is one of the four major tournaments on the PGA tour each year. 

The Master’s is the only tournament that is played at the same course every year. It’s played at Augusta National in Augusta, Georgia. 

Normally the tournament is held in March, but this year, because of COVID, it was postponed to November.

Though the time of year was very different, the beauty of the course is unmatched. The course was lush green and the trees had all their leaves.

The course was manicured to such perfection that even someone who didn’t like golf would pause to let their eyes drink in the beauty of the scenery.  

But what if the greenskeeper and the grounds crew just walked away one day? What if they just stopped cutting the grass, trimming the trees, laying down new pine straw? 

How long would it take for that golf course to go from a picture of beauty to a forgotten field?

I ask that question because just this morning I drove by what was once a golf course but is now completely unrecognizable as one. 

Granted this golf course would never have been in any way on a similar scale as Augusta. This was a course that was played by those who didn’t really take the game of golf seriously. You might have played it if you were not a golfer and someone twisted your arm and begged you to play.

However, the grass was fertilized and cut regularly throughout each week. They used special mowers on the greens so that it was like a carpet. 

Yet, in the matter of four years, you can not tell by driving by the course that there was ever a golf course there. 

Four years and it is completely unrecognizable! 

I couldn’t find exact dates of when the Westbrook Golf Club closed for good, but I found comments about the course from August 2016. From those comments, I can’t imagine the course was still open the following year. 

I was stunned when I drove by, I couldn’t believe the property could deteriorate so quickly.

I strained to see if I could tell where some of the fairways had been. But there was nothing that gave even an outline of where they once had been.

I had only played there a couple of times over twenty years before, but a golfer doesn’t forget how a course is laid out. 

There was no longer any layout.

Seeing the lush growth of Augusta on TV the day before, it made me sad that it took only four short years for Westbrook to fall into such disrepair. 

All the work that goes into making a golf course, a park, a green space for people’s recreation will not last long without constant care and attention. 

Here’s the thing: When you put your faith in Christ, a transformation happens to your spiritual life. The Bible says it goes from being dead to alive. However, without constant nurture and care, it will not take long before your newly transformed spiritual life starts to deteriorate to the point that it’s unrecognizable anymore. Don’t let that happen. Nurture is a must. 

That’s Life!


Question: What can you do to attend to your spiritual life? Leave your comments and questions below.

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Commercials Are Interrupting My Routine

Lately I’ve been wondering if they are putting more commercials on TV than they used to. 

commercials are interrupting my routine

It’s hard to tell because in one hour you have about fifteen to eighteen minutes of commercials. You can hardly get into watching a show without being interrupted by commercials that seem to go on and on. 

And because some of the commercials are only fifteen seconds long, they just seem to keep coming at you. 

The reason I’ve been wondering this is because I’m getting back to working out regularly. And I watch TV while I work out.

Usually the best programs to watch are sports events because they fit commercials in when there is a break in the action, and not at perfectly timed intervals designed to thoroughly annoy you. 

Movies are second best to watch because they have a few less commercials than regular TV programs. 

The whole thing with the television and working out is that it distracts you from what you are doing. 

I have a rowing machine – it’s the same motion over and over again. Believe me, it is boring. There is nothing you can do to make it fun. But if you can watch something that takes your attention away from what you are doing, you can just keep on rowing.  

The time goes by fast.

The problem with commercials is that they don’t grab my attention … well, unless I’m watching my daughter’s commercial and then I’m engaged (watch it here).  

But the majority of the time, the only thing commercials do is cause me to notice how long I’ve been rowing. And how much more time I have to go. 

The little screen on my rower shows me how hard I’m rowing but it also shows how long I’ve been on the machine. Believe me, it never tells me I’ve been on as long as I figure I have.

Without commercials getting in the way, you just get lost in the action of the sport or the story of the show. Before you know it you are done working out.

So the other day I decided to watch some football, thinking it would be perfect, that I’d just get into the game. I wasn’t rowing long before the team lost possession and they went to commercial. The game came back on, but after the very next play there was an injury so they went to commercial again. 

They were only back from the commercials for maybe three minutes when the two minute warning sounded … and they went to commercial again. 

Normally commercials during sporting events are only about a minute. Not these; they broke from the action for about two to three minutes each time. To top it off, they kept showing fifteen second commercials so I had to row through eight or more commercials every time.  

It was like I was at a game. I was yelling at the TV like I would a referee, only I was yelling at the commercials to stop. I couldn’t take it any longer. 

I’m just glad I finished rowing by half time – there are way too many commercials then.

Here’s the thing: There are things in our life that may be causing an hindrance, disruption or frustration to our growth in Christ, or the quality of our relationship with Him. From time to time it’s a good idea to ask yourself what those things might be and then move to eliminate or diminish them. You will then find you enjoy Christ more.

That’s Life!


Question: What might be an interruption in your life right now? Leave your comments and questions below.

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All The Leaves Are …. Almost Gone

I looked out the window this morning and the leaves on our big maple tree are almost gone. Our tree looks like a guy who’s lost most of his hair, except for a ring of it just above his ears.

all the leaves are ..... almost gone

I watched for a few moments and more leaves gently floated to the ground, sometimes after a little gust of wind. But there were other times when there seemed to be nothing plucking the leaves off their branches; they just came off anyway.

By my estimate there will be no leaves on the tree by this time tomorrow. 

Watching the leaves reminded me of a song and I started to sing the first line. It’s an old song by the Mama’s and Papa’s called, “California Dreamin’”.  

The line goes, “all the leaves are brown and the sky is grey”. … The sky right now is actually blue and the sun is shining, but the leaves are brown and yellow. 

The song talks about a winter’s day. I only wish that the weather would still be like this in winter. 

But here where I am it’s only fall and the leaves are brown and already off the trees … which brought me to another thought: I need to collect those leaves. 

This might be a great day to do it with the sun shining, the leaves lying still on the ground, all naturally piled up for me.

Sometimes cleaning up leaves is like herding cats. The wind keeps blowing them around and every time you think you have them in a nice pile a wind gust scatters a few of them.

That is not the case today. 

The leaves are dry, there is no wind to bring life to them and they are neatly piled. “Neatly” is a relative term because how neat can a pile of old dead leaves really be?

This afternoon when I bring out my leaf mulcher, I’m pretty sure the leaves that are still on the tree will try to stay on a little longer to avoid being shredded like their fallen brothers.

It won’t matter. Soon they will all be gone, sucked up by the mulcher or blown over to the neighbour’s yard. And I will be longing for spring to come instead of the cold winter we are facing – all too soon for my liking.

That’s what the song California Dreamin’ is all about – wishing to be in a warm climate rather than a frosty one. 

But I’m not worried about that quite yet because the weather man is calling for double digit temperatures next week. There may not be any leaves on my tree or any left on the ground, but at least I won’t have to sing, “been for a walk on a winter’s day”.

It will be in January and February when I am California Dreamin’.

Here’s the thing: There are times when you know what is coming, like when you see the leaves fall off the trees. It’s a sign of where we are heading. Right now there are signs all around us of where the world is heading. It might be soon, but on the other hand it may take a while. Still the signs are there, calling for us to do something. You can either prepare now for what is coming or you can be unprepared and only dream of what could have been. One day this world will come to a critical point and Christ will return. I urge you to be ready for that now. Don’t be left wishing for something you can’t have. 

That’s Life!


Question: What do you see coming that you could prepare for now? Leave your comments and questions below.

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Just Change One Thing And Nothing Else

I have a rule that I follow with most things and it is this: only change one thing.

Just Change One Thing And Nothing Else

When you need to make a change to something, anything, it doesn’t matter; just make one change. 

If you just make one change, you can see the impact of that change and can then figure out the next change to make if there needs to be one.

A good example is when I’m in the car with my wife, Lily, and she says it’s too hot or too cold. She will immediately reach for the temperature dial and move it and, at the same time, adjust the fan.

I tell her all the time that’s she’s doing too much, and we will invariably very soon need to adjust the temperature in the other direction.

Of course, that next change will be too much as well, so we just go back and forth. 

It is better to adjust one thing – like only the fan – and then wait to see if that will bring the desired result. If not, then move the temperature down one click of the dial.

And again, wait. It’s the way to tell what affect the change is making.

If you make more than one change, you don’t know which change did what and you don’t know what to do to correct it. 

It’s simple and it works well.

Today I signed up to play shinny hockey for the first time this fall. I played hockey a few times last month on rented ice but this was the first with city-run shinny.

There are new rules with COVID and I wrote about that experience in a previous post. You can read about it (here). 

For the sake of arena staff safety and social distancing, there were a number of changes that have been put in place. 

I was fully prepared that those changes would be the same for shinny as for rented ice. I figured I would still have to get my hockey gear on in the rink parking lot … no big deal. 

But they did something else – that extra change that makes it impossible to see if their first change was enough.

What they did was reduce the time allowed on the ice from one hour and twenty minutes to fifty minutes.


City shinny has been one hour and twenty minutes for the last twenty-four plus years. Why make that change? 

How would that help with COVID? How could it add to the safety of anything? All they needed to do was the one thing to make it COVID safe.

When I went to shinny there were only three skaters. Last year at this time they had to turn people away. 

So why were there only three people? We don’t know whether people don’t like the COVID restrictions or whether they don’t like the reduced time. 

They should have made one change only.

Here’s the thing: When we ask God for something, often we will still try to handle it ourselves. If you don’t give God time to answer your prayer, when the answer comes you won’t be sure if you brought the answer or God did. That will lead you to miss seeing God’s desire and ability to answer your requests. If you want God’s help, just do the one thing: ask. Then be patient. 

That’s Life!


Question: What issue in your life do you just need to do one thing for right now? Leave your comments and questions below.

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The Script Of A Movie Is Most Important

We should take more notice of movie script writers than of actors.

the script of a movie is most important

For the last seven months, people have probably been watching more movies at home than they ever have. One drawback to that is that the studios have not been making movies because of COVID. 

There also seems to be a lot more movies that are going right to online streaming services and not starting in the theatres.

At one time movies that went straight to video were not very good, but lately I’ve watched a few that have surprised me with their quality. I have also been very disappointed with some of the movies I’ve watched. 

Usually, if there is an actor you like, you can pretty much guarantee that a movie they are in will be one you’ll enjoy. For instance, if Jason Statham is in a movie, I will go see it because I think it will be a good movie, even if I know nothing about it. 

We all have our favourite actors and we all feel that a great actor will make a movie great. 

However, in this last year I don’t think actors rule, rather it’s the script writers who rule.

I’ve watched several movies with well-known, industry-honoured actors playing starring roles. Some of those movies I saw were horrible. Even the star actor didn’t seem to do a good job acting.  

My take is that they can only act up to the script they have been given. 

I’ve seen movies this year that were so bad I could have written the dialogue for them! The lines were so predicable; there was little to no character development. 

Good movies have good lines. And those big time actors know how to deliver those lines perfectly. 

Some of those lines we remember for years and years – lines like Clint Eastwood’s, “Go ahead, make my day.”

I could fill a page full of lines from that actor. Those lines are hooks. They get you into the character, siding with the character. Every movie needs a memorable line from its lead. 

I watched a movie the other day and the lead actor was fairly well known. But because the script never dealt with his background, relationships, or personality, every time he had an emotional scene, whether it was anger, sadness, or frustration, it all seemed forced. It actually seemed out-of-character.

At the beginning of a movie or when the credits role, the main stars’ names appear across the screen in big letters.

We should see the names of the people who wrote the screenplay, big and bold on the screen. They make the actors’ performances something to remember and take note of. 

Here’s the thing: Just as a movie script is important, so is the writing of the Bible. For a book to be included in the Bible, the writings were under great scrutiny. For instance, books in the New Testament first had to be recognized as being inspired by God. Second, they had to be written by an apostle or under the authority of an apostle. Third, they had to have wide circulation and acceptance by the churches. Fourth, the writings had to agree with the apostles’ oral teaching and be contradiction free. Fifth, they had to be written in the first century during the lifetime of the apostles. It was so important that the writings were “God-breathed” and stood up to all the tests that many other writings didn’t make it into the Bible. The script is true and powerful. Be sure you read it. 

That’s Life!


Question: What portions of the Bible have you read and what will you read next? Leave your comments and questions below.

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Your World May Be Shrinking And You Don’t Know It

Right about now we all need to do what we can to prevent our world from shrinking.

your world may be shrining and you don't know it

Do you remember when your mother would shrink you new blue jeans?

I remember going to the Levi store and putting down the outrageous amount of $13 for a pair of Levi 501’s – that was a lot of money for jeans! 

Some people could fit into their new jeans right off the rack, but I could never find a length that was right for me. I would have to take an inch or two off the length every time. 

It was tricky though because they didn’t come pre-shrunk. So if you hemmed them before you washed them, you ended up with floods … also known these days as the stylish length for young adults living in Toronto.

My mom was notorious for making my jeans into the 2020’s length back in the 1970’s.

So I wouldn’t hem my pants right away. I would wash them several times … and when I say “I” what I mean is I would allow my mother to wash my jeans a few times before they were hemmed.

Then I would do the hemming myself because I couldn’t trust my mother to keep my pants from showing my ankles to the world.

Just like we don’t want our clothing to shrink, we also need to make sure our world doesn’t shrink.

But these days it’s easy to let that happen. We have kept our bubbles small and closed and gradually, slowly we’ve gotten used to a smaller world. 

We’ve gone fewer places and done fewer things. Our circles of friendships are shrinking and we essentially are living in a smaller world. 

If we let this happen to ourselves, we will pay for it. We will become old before our time. 

I’ve watch seniors for years and this is the natural progression in life.

We start out small in life and then we start to grow. Everything about us expands – our bodies, contacts, influence, etc. But at some point, we stop getting larger … or maybe just our body size keeps expanding. 

At that point we’ve turned the corner and our lives begin to shrink. 

As seniors get older, their lives have a pattern of shrinking. Their days becomes filled with fewer activities. They travel less and less; they don’t venture out as far. The older they get, the smaller their world gets.

I’ve seen this as a pattern in most people. But it doesn’t really become all that noticeable until that senior reaches advanced ages. 

With what we are experiencing these days, I wonder if we will trigger a shrinking world pattern at younger and younger ages. 

It’s worth looking at your world right now and, if you’re not over eighty, maybe take some steps to keep your world from shrinking too quickly.

Here’s the thing: Your view of God or your relationship with God could be shrinking as well. Though our world might be shrinking, God is the same yesterday, today and forever. He is not shrinking. So as you consider what you can do to keep your world from closing in, consider expanding your understanding and your relationship with God. That’s one area of your life that never has to shrink. 

That’s Life!


Question: What in your life have you allowed to shrink and what are you going to do about it? Leave your comments and questions below.

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