Change is a curious thing. To one it can bring much joy and to another it can bring much heartache.

I recently changed internet providers and the change has been a good thing.
Even making the change was not that disruptive … which was surprising because change, even change for the better, can be disruptive.
When a family moves, the change brings some challenges. The good things like more room or nicer amenities will be enjoyed, but there is that whole process of packing up one’s home and unpacking ii all in another, not to mention all the real estate and financing that has to be worked out.
The family will enjoy the change – in this case, their new home – once they are settled in. They just have to wait until all the details have been worked through.
But for my internet change, I didn’t miss a beat. I can’t say that there was any time when my internet was down. Even though I was switching companies, they both rent the cable line from the same cable company. Somehow they made the switch without dropping the service.
Everything about this change has gone really well. I can’t be more pleased.
However, that’s not everyone’s experience with change, nor is it my experience with every change in my life.
Our lives change, sometimes for the better and sometimes not. There is a lot of change we can make happen but there is some change we don’t have a say in. It just happens.
Change in our weather or climate is like that.
This summer we’ve seen the news or experienced the devastation of fires all over Canada and now mainly in the west: people displaced, homes destroyed – it has been horrible for many.
And there has been much finger pointing at climate change.
The curious thing about climate change is that while the west is in a struggle to stop the fires that have altered so many lives, here where I live the weather has been wetter and cooler this summer.
Change for one can be so different than for another.
With climate change, I’m not sure we can control it like I can control when and how I change my internet. I’m not convinced the measures we take to prevent climate change will have a significant effect on the changing climate that’s taking place in our world.
Maybe we should brace ourselves for change, or embrace the changes we can’t control.
We should live responsibly and help one another through the difficulties some change brings.
Here’s the thing: This world is not everlasting; it will not last forever. Evolutionists believe it has already been here from millions of years. Creationists have God’s Word that says the world will not last. Near the end there will be more frequent natural disasters and wars, among other things. The best way to brace for change is to put your faith in God who has a plan. Embrace Christ; he will help you through all life’s changes.
That’s Life!
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