For me, Christmas shopping has always been that task that has been left to the last moments.

Over the years there is probably no other activity I’ve procrastinated over more than Christmas shopping. The biggest reason has always been time. Where do you fit shopping into your schedule? My answer has more than often been, “at the end of it”.
I’ve had some crazy last minute shopping trips … like the year I spent four hours on Christmas Eve looking for the main gift to give my wife, Lily.
I travelled to every mall in Edmonton and twice to the West Edmonton Mall (at the time the largest shopping mall in world). I had seen a sweater for Lily but I could not remember where I had seen it.
By the end, I was pretty sure I had made up that sweater in my head. And the sweater I did get her was a conglomeration of all the sweater ideas I had looked at.
That day was one of my worst memories. I was stressed!
But now I don’t have time constraints to keep me from shopping early and often.
My problem is nobody is coming up with good ideas for Christmas presents. What I mean by that is, an idea has to pass my approval rating to really be considered as a possible present option. Not every suggestion is worthy of me going to the store. I have to want to give the gift.
I’m not sure if this is a “me” thing. But unless I’m really feeling it, I can’t lay down the money to purchase it.
There have been years that family have gotten gifts that they never asked for simply because I didn’t like their suggestions.
However, I don’t like taking gift giving into my own hands because it’s a lot of work. I have to weave my way through the stores and the other shoppers just hoping something of interest will catch my attention.
That’s a lot of work, especially when you don’t like shopping in the first place.
This year I’m being faced with this kind of scenario because no one is coming up with viable options for me.
I even put a message up on my sign board for my family to read. It says “Should be shopping for presents, but nobody wants anything.”
Where are the good old days when my son would literally circle every toy in the Sears Christmas wish catalogue? It made things so much easier.
Now with less that two weeks before Christmas I have to get moving to find just the right gifts to get my family.
Sure I have the time – I have all afternoon today, in fact – but wandering around a shopping mall is not my idea of fun.
I want to get gifts that I can walk into a store and grab off the shelf and go directly to the cash register with.
All I know is I’m going to need a few extra naps after all my shopping trips in the next week or so.
Here’s the thing: Sometimes, like at Christmas, we don’t know what we need, or we think we know what we need but it may not be what we need most. Unlike me trying to figure out Christmas presents for my family, God knows exactly what we need. He sent us the greatest gift of all, His Son Jesus Christ. Jesus is the perfect gift for everyone. We have no greater need than to be made right with God (forgiven) and made part of His family. This year be sure you have God’s gift of Christ for yourself and for others in your life. It’s all there for you by placing your faith in Jesus Christ.
That’s Life!
Question: What do you need most this Christmas? Leave your comments and questions below.
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