There is always something better, but the good you have is better than something else.

I have a friend and he taught me a phrase that I think is very funny. When someone says something is good, he says, “It’s not just good, it’s good enough.” … as if good enough means better than good.
I use the line all the time.
Most people use the phrase “good enough” to mean something that will do, but that is not as good as they would like.
I use the phrase to mean something is better than just good.
A couple of weeks ago I came in from shovelling the snow off the driveway. Lily looked out the front window and said, “That looks good; good job, honey.”
I replied “It’s not just good, it’s good enough.”
It’s amazing how often you can use that phrase to upsell something you did or something you own or have purchased.
I’m not sure you want to try the phrase out on people though. Like if someone says, “You are good, Mike.” and I reply, “He’s not just good, he’s good enough”, I don’t think Mike would take that as a compliment.
But it brings a smile to most people’s faces when you say the line, so it’s got to be good, right?
… Well, not just good, good enough!
This past week Lily and I were in Palm Springs, California, enjoying a little sun with some friends.
When we were preparing to go we were hoping for temperatures in the 20’s and lots of sun. However, when we got there the weather was a little cool for Palm Springs standards.
One day there was even a high winds warning that came with a potential for loss of property and life – that’s a pretty severe warning! We even canceled a golf game we had booked that day. But we rectified that by playing a round of golf later in the week.
Lily didn’t even go in the pool. She dangled her feet in one afternoon but not for very long. The water was even cooler than Lake Huron in June.
Sometimes you have to make adjustments to your plans. It’s always good to be a little flexible.
Though the temps could have been better, we had a really relaxing time there. Every day we were wearing shorts and walking in sandals.
And we had the company of some really special friends.
Sure the weather could have been better, but if we had stayed at home, we’d have been dealing with snow on the ground and cloudy, 5 degree temperatures.
So, considering where we’d come from, our time in Palm Springs was far better than being at home in Kingston.
It wasn’t just good there, it was good enough!
Here’s the thing: Consider your life right now. I’m sure that there are some things you wish were better than they are. But on the other hand, you have some things that are pretty good. When you pray, God may not answer all your prayers but He has answered some of them – maybe even answered something for you this week. You may not get everything you want, but you have to admit that God is good … well, not just good, He’s good enough!
p.s. That’s Life,
Question: What should you be thankful for today? Leave your comments and questions below.
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