I have to admit it: I gave up on them … but maybe it was for the best.

It is strange talking about hockey and the Toronto Maple Leafs in the middle of the summer, but anything goes this year.
By the time this post is published the final game of the series will already have been played. Their win last night might not matter, but what does matter is how I responded to the game last night.
First, I wasn’t sure I could take watching the game at all, so I went for a long walk on the beach with my wife, Lily. The Leafs were battling it out while I was getting great drone shots of the sunset.
When I did start watching the game, I will be the first to admit that I turned the TV station when the Leafs went down 3-0 in the final half of the third period.
I gave up on them.
I was convinced that it was over and that their season had come to an end. I’d seen the scenario take place too many times to watch it play out to its end.
I flicked the channels for a bit, settling on a movie when I decided to check my watch. … I get scoring updates on my watch. I figured the game was over so I looked to see what the final score was.
I couldn’t believe my eyes!
It said the game was 3-3, and that could only mean one thing: we were in overtime!
I quickly grabbed the remote and turned back to the game. The first overtime period had just begun.
There were chances at both ends. At times it looked liked the Leafs were beat, but our goalie made a save or one of our players cleared the puck.
At one point, my son texted Lily and asked how my heart was doing. Lily texted back, “He gave up on them, but is watching now”.
His response was “maybe it was the healthiest thing he could do.”
The curious thing is, if I had have been at the game in person, I would not have left the building until the final horn sounded. I would have been there to watch every agonizing minute of the game.
But being at home, watching from my couch, the sense of despair ate at me. Then it became 3-0 and it was too easy to just turn it off. It was too easy to walk away, find another program to watch, focus my mind on something more pleasant, become distracted from how I was feeling.
As tense as the overtime was, I didn’t turn away. There was hope, a chance the Leafs could win.
And then it happened. The four big stars of the team came together – Rielly to Marner to Tavares to Matthews, who made no mistake.
They WON!!
And my heart, at least for then, was at rest.
Here’s the thing: Maybe you are not a quitter. You would never give up on God or church. But maybe from your couch it becomes easier to have your heart turn to other things. Maybe all the bad news, the changed world, the no magic fix for the virus, the possible years we will have to distance and protect ourselves is too discouraging. So the easy solution is to turn your attention elsewhere. Let me just say, this is not the time to give up on God or the church. Now is the time to tune in, show up, be more vigilant than ever. Christ won on the cross and He will come in victory.
That’s Life!
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Nice Illustration Pastor Paul, I used to be same way before I watched the Raptors win their first Larry O’Brian Trophy. I Haven’t given up on God but during this quarantine, I find myself questioning Him more and more as new way of looking at life is opened to me. I would really appreciate a visit from you and not for food lol but just wisdom on my pilgrimage with Christ.
Jonathan Mwinda