When assembling anything, following instructions is optional for some people and not for others.

I personally am one who likes to follow the instructions.
I don’t want to be that guy who puts something together and has a handful of nuts and bolts left over. It looks like it’s finished, but will it work or will it fall apart?
There are the companies that just use pictures for a manual and leave you a little confused.
More than once while building a “KALLAX” or a “BILLY” from IKEA I had to take something apart because I had put the wrong piece in place.
I, for one, just want clear easy-to-follow instructions that guide me to the assembled product.
Then there are those who you expect to be able to do things without instructions, like the person who maybe had built that product a hundred times and can do it in the dark, blindfolded with only one wrench. That guy is the expert.
We don’t expect the expert to follow the instructions. We expect him to just go at it and get the job done.
I remember watching a friend do the Rubik’s cube back when it first came out. The guy could solve it in a matter of seconds. His hands flew as he spun the cube and made little adjustments. Then, all of a sudden, each side was all one colour.
I was fascinated at his skill and knowledge. I had complete confidence in him to solve the cube in any state of mess.
We figure the experts know what they are doing and can do it without having to follow the instruction manual step by step.
Well, this week we had to get a new stove for the cottage. It runs on propane and the range we got had to be converted from natural gas to propane.
I watched a bunch of YouTube instruction videos on how to make the conversion. But I decided that I didn’t want to take the chance of blowing Lily up while she was cooking spaghetti or something.
I called in an expert, someone who is trained in working with gas. However, I think this person may not have done too many stove conversions before.
I got a little nervous when she opened the manual and started reading it like I would have done.
To be honest, I was not confident that she would be able to do the job until right near the end.
But the expert was able to finish the job … even though it cost me more than it should have in labour.
If she wasn’t an expert before, she is now. I guess it was a good thing we had the instructions for her to follow.
Here’s the thing: Most people go through life trying to figure out what their life is all about. Along the way they discover their skills and gifts, their passions and aptitudes. Some try to figure out the purpose of life and their purpose in it. We can try to figure that out on our own, but we have an instruction manual given to us that will guide us to it. It’s called the Bible, God’s instruction manual for us. I encourage you to use it.
That’s Life!
Question: How are you at following instructions? Do you welcome them or resist them? Leave your comments and questions below.
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