I have a proven way to lose weight without going on a special diet. I’ve used this method over the course of several years and it works every time.

I’m not going to write a book about it, so it’ll never be famous. There are probably many people who use this method already, so it’s not a secret.
This is a good time of year to blog about it because this is a notorious time of year for people to put on a few pounds.
It does take a little will power to pull it off, but anything worthwhile will take some will power.
I’ve been following this plan as of late because, through COVID, I’ve found that I’ve put on a few unwanted pounds … well, maybe a few is understating it a little.
Most diets require you to cut out certain foods and, from what I know, they want you to cut out the best foods.
Not my plan.
There are several steps to my plan and if you follow them you will lose weight. However, I will say that age, gender and metabolism will play a factor in how fast you can lose weight.
So this is what you do …
First, you start eating smaller portions. No one needs to eat as much as they do. We just get used to meal sizes, but that doesn’t mean our bodies require them.
With regards to eating meals, be done before 8 pm. In fact, refrain from eating after 8 (the earlier the better). You don’t need food then; it’s just comfort eating after that time.
Now here is the big thing – at least it’s big for me: cut down on your sugar intake. This includes candy, pop, chips, cookies … you get the idea.
If you can cut it out all together, you will see a fairly dramatic weight loss. But even if you can’t cut it all out, reduce your sugar intake.
Don’t have sugar after 8 pm and try to be done with it earlier, like with your lunch or at least by dinner. The more sugar you cut out of your diet, and the earlier you can stop putting it into your body, the better. You will see results.
If you go to bed hungry for a few days, that’s good. Don’t worry; you won’t continue to feel that way.
The last thing you do with this plan is to exercise every day. You can do twenty minutes or more but you have to get your heart rate up into your target zone.
If you don’t have any equipment, walk. Go for a brisk walk. Be consistent with this every day.
If you do all this, depending on your age, gender and metabolism, you will start to see your weight go down. And you are going to start feeling so much better.
Oh, and at this time of year there are things that come up, like candy dishes on the coffee table, buffets and great food. If you blow it one day, get right back at it the next day. It will work.
Here’s the thing: This plan is not a diet; it is a plan to live differently. Living differently will show results. If people place their faith in Christ, but don’t live differently, they will not see their lives change. If you live differently because you believe, then you will see dramatic results in your spiritual life. See your spiritual life transformed by keeping in step with the Holy Spirit.
That’s Life!
Question: What do you need to do differently in your life right now? Leave your comments and questions below.
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