Why You Should Think Hard Before Getting A Tattoo

This is a repost of an article I wrote back in 2014. Hope you enjoy.

The other day I went biking and found a few wet spots on the trails. Once home, I took my socks off and was drawn to the contrast between the tattoo-like pattern on my legs and my lily-white feet. 

why you should think hard before getting a tattoo

Besides the fact that my feet are in serious need of a tan, the pattern of the mud on my legs got me thinking about what I would look like with some body art on my legs. 

I’ve seen people who try to cover much of their body with tattoos and sometimes I wonder, maybe they should have gone biking first to get an idea of what it would look like if it were permanent.

… you know, before it’s there for the rest of your days.  

In my town there’s a tattoo place called “No Regrets – tattoo and removal”. They will put a permanent tattoo on you but if you change your mind, they can take a laser to you and remove it. 

I still think it’s better to think through the whole thing very carefully before you take the plunge in the first place. 

In my mind, I think it would be profitable for people not just to think how cool it would be to have some tattoo on their skin now, but to think what they might want 20 or 40 years from now. 

You know when you’re about 70, your skin will get quite wrinkly and that once great looking tat of your ex-girlfriend right at the top of your shoulder will have stretched to cover the greater part of your upper arm! 

Or that tattoo on your muscular chest that was a testimony to your love for your wife Mandy, now with your flab and folding skin, sometimes reads “I love you Man” when you sit a certain way.

There is something to say about those lick’em stick’em tattoos that we would get as kids. Moms didn’t really like them but at least they were coming off in a few days. And if Mom really didn’t like them she could scrub that part harder at bath time.

I’m just saying that doing something permanent should be thought out thoroughly so that you don’t have to find some guy who has a laser in his back room and is eager to use it on you.

For myself, I liked the fact that I could have my picture taken looking like I had just come back from “NY Ink” or “Don’t Tell Momma’s Tattoos” only to slip into the shower and remove it all with a little soap and water.

I got a little scraped up on my ride that day but those markings too will go away in a week. Two years ago at Christmas I bough the whole family fake arm tattoos (you can read that blog here), I enjoyed wearing my tattoos for a day but I can’t say that I’ve put the sleeve on since.

Permanent is a long time; it should require lots of thought and consideration before you make something permanent.

Here’s the thing: Considering a relationship with Christ is not something that should be done lightly. It is, after all, a permanent decision. It should be weighed and considered carefully because you, like Jesus Himself, will bear the marks for the rest of your life. I believe those marks are worth bearing.

That’s Life!


Question: What permanent thing have you done that you’ve had second thoughts about since?  I’d love to hear from you; leave your comment below.

I Gave It Up And I Don’t Want It Back

I gave something up and didn’t really miss it at all. … And I’m not all that excited to let it back into my life again.

I gave it up and I don't want it back

I’m talking about social media. 

For Lent this year I gave up looking at, interacting with and scrolling through my social media feeds. I was challenged to do this by a few of the players on the Kingston Frontenacs (read about it here). 

This has been the first time in my life that I’ve given up something or even done something for Lent. But I have to tell you, in the end it was a good exercise for me.

The social media that I gave up was Facebook, Instagram and Twitter and sort of LinkedIn.

I made some rules about them that I followed. The biggest rule was that I would still post my blogs on these platforms. It was no big deal with Twitter and LinkedIn because I could post them straight from my blog platform. For Facebook, however, I had to sign in to update it. I signed in, but did not scroll or look at any feeds. I just posted my blog and signed out. 

I have to tell you I was not really tempted to spend any time on these platforms. In fact, when I was with others and they pulled our their phones to keep up on their habit, I just kept my phone in my pocket.

The one difficult, sort of hard part was that I kept getting emails that so-and-so posted something or undated a profile. But even those emails didn’t entice me to log on or click on the app.

You know how some people have a habit of eating dessert after a meal? They have a craving for something sweet. When the waitress comes to their table after a meal and asks, “Do you have room for dessert?” the answer is usually “yes”.

I understand these people because, in all my growing up years, we always had dessert after dinner. I was conditioned to at very least consider what the dessert options were.

For many of these people, it is a habit that they have. But if they break the habit for a while, they won’t even miss the dessert.

That’s the way it was for me and social media. I would take my phone out and check it. It was instinctive; it was a habit. 

If I was waiting in line and had nothing to do but stare at the back of the person ahead of me, I’d pull out my phone before I even thought about it. 

We waste an awful lot of time looking at our phones. 

But thankfully it became like out-of-sight, out-of-mind. 

Only once did I break my rule. I accepted a few new friends … mostly because I’m Canadian and didn’t want to be rude. And the only time I was tempted to check my Facebook was when I realized I could sign up for my mountain biking club. 

But even then I patiently waited until after Lent, only to discover I could have gone to their website to register a couple of weeks earlier.

Here’s the thing: God wants us to spend time with Him, yet so many of us just don’t have that much time … or at least that is what we say. But if we seriously considered all the time we waste doing things that are not important or have no real purpose to them, we would have lots of time to spend with God. Give it a try.

That’s Life!


Question: What could you give up to free up some time? Leave your comments and questions below.

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Holidays Don’t All Stack Up Equally, Do They?

Not all holidays are equal; we all know that. Some are just a day long, while others are celebrated for an extended time. 

holidays don't all stack up equally do they

Easter is kind of an odd holiday. Today I was wondering why it is not like the other holidays we have during the year. We don’t do all the normal holiday things at Easter. 

No one strings little lights on the outside of their houses. You don’t see little white lights in the shape of crosses adorning eavestroughs.

There are no inflatable tombs with attached inflatable big, round stones on people’s front lawns. … At Halloween some people put tombstones on their lawns, but that’s a completely different thing.

At Easter no one cuts down a tree, takes it into their shop, planes the logs and cuts them into big beams. No one sets up a big, wooden cross in their living room. 

There are no presents under that cross for weeks before Easter. No one anticipates opening those presents when the holiday arrives. 

There is no big lead up to Easter, like there is something to look forward to. Every year Easter seems to come upon us suddenly. It’s not usually something that is on our minds. 

Easter really is an odd holiday when you think about it. We don’t give it the high profile some other holidays get.

There isn’t a special meal that’s associated with Easter. The obvious choice should be lamb, but lamb has never really caught on like turkey or chicken or steak. Sure, sales of lamb are up around Easter, but you are probably more likely to find families gathering around a meal featuring ham or turkey. 

Lamb is expensive and if not cooked just right … well, I’m not a big fan of it. 

Ham at Easter is a strange choice though, especially since the holiday originates from Israel. Ham is not exactly kosher!

Easter just doesn’t match up to the other holidays of the year. 

Maybe it’s because we have to look up the date every year on a calendar. With other holidays we know when they are, we’ve memorized the dates in our heads. But Easter, is it in March this year, or is it in April? Is it early or late? We have to get out the calendar to find out. Two months out we don’t know when Easter will fall. 

At least we know that it’s always a Friday and a Sunday. But that also makes it a different kind of holiday. There is a sad part of Easter and a happy part. What other holiday has us crying and laughing during the same time?

Easter really is an odd holiday … but, for Christians, it’s the most holy and important holiday of the year. 

I just don’t know why it doesn’t get more attention and love.

Here’s the thing: At Christmas we celebrate Christ’s birth, His coming into the world. That’s amazing and it should be something we celebrate. It shows us that God is thinking about us. But Easter, that’s when God really shows He loves us. Christmas would mean nothing to us without Easter. At Easter we celebrate that God loves us so much that He sent His Son to die in our place to pay for our sins. Easter really is the greatest and most joyous holiday of our year, every year. I hope you make it yours.

That’s Life!


Question: What do you do to make Easter special? Leave your comments and questions below.

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I’m Frustrated With Someone Else’s Computer

We all get frustrated with our computer sometimes, but do you ever get frustrated with someone else’s?

I'm frustrated with someone else's computer

The other day I found myself a little frustrated with a friend’s computer. 

I’m a Mac guy and have been since the late 80’s. I’ve always maintained one computer is not inferior to the other; it is just what you get used to. If you are used to Mac OS, the Windows world seems difficult to navigate. The opposite is true to a Windows’ user and the Mac seems awkward to use. 

For many people it comes down to preference, much like our preference for cars.

I have never owned a Ford automobile and probably never will. My dad never bought Fords and maybe that’s where I got it from. Maybe it’s how they look, maybe it’s a reputation I’ve picked up on, but I don’t want to own one. 

Someone else might tell me I’m nuts, that Fords are the best cars and trucks on the market. It comes down to our preference. 

The thing is, you don’t get frustrated over someone else’s preference. It doesn’t get in the way of you doing what you want or driving what you want to drive.

The other day, however, I was frustrated with my friend’s choice of computer that he uses. 

I am trying to offload some of my responsibilities to other people. I won’t be able to do them forever and I need others to take on some of the things I do at work.

Updating our website is one of those things. 

This task is second nature to me because I’ve been doing it for so long, but to hand this task off well, I wrote out clear step-by-step instructions of what someone would need to do. It was all going to be easy … except that my friend couldn’t do some of the required steps on his computer. 

I have a program that is native to my Mac that edits pdf documents. It is so easy. I can delete pages from a pdf and also save the document to a different file format. I just assumed this could be done as simply on a PC. 

But no, it could not. There was no program that could make the changes to a pdf on his computer. 

I certainly wasn’t going to suggest that he spend a lot of money to buy a program that would work. So I was left frustrated that I still had to do much of the work to update the website. If he worked on a Mac, he could have done what I do. 

But this week I found a work-around. I have sent him to two websites – one website can delete pages from a pdf, and the other can save a pdf to a jpg file. 

I’m hoping I’ll be able to hand the whole operation over to him now. 

Here’s the thing: When you read the Old Testament, there are certain places where you can possibly see God’s frustration with people – in the garden with Adam and Eve, in the days of Noah, and certainly many times with the Israelites. But God didn’t let frustration get in the way of what He wanted – a relationship with us that was unhindered by sin. God’s solution was to send His Son to pay for the sins of the world. Now there is no frustration. We can have an unhindered relationship with God if we place our faith in His Son, Jesus Christ. The frustration is removed through Christ. 

That’s Life!


Question: What frustration in your life needs fixing? Leave your comments and questions below. 

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The Names We Put On Streets Can Make You Smile

The names we put on streets should have some meaning or relevance to them. 

the names we put on street can make you smile

We travel down streets everyday and don’t think too much about their names. But many names, if not most street names, are not randomly selected. Rather have some kind of history or thought behind them.

For instance, the famous Yonge Street in Toronto was named after Sir George Yonge. He was a friend of the namer and an expert on ancient Roman roads. 

Street names are not randomly picked out of a hat.

Some of the names we find on street signs come from those who built the homes or buildings on that street. 

Back in the late 70’s, my folks went on a trip to England and, while they were there, had their picture taken on Silcock Street. Apparently I had a great grandfather who built homes and had a street named after him. 

Street names mean something. Without a street name we are left with just numbers which are quite boring.

After growing up in Toronto with its’ interesting street names, I moved to Edmonton where they don’t use street names for the majority of their streets. 

One of the first things I did when I arrived was to go into a book store to purchase a map. I quickly found out that in Edmonton you don’t really need a map. All the streets and avenues are numbers based on where the street is in conjunction to the center of the city.

It was easy to get anywhere, but not that interesting living at 7313 – 183b Street. 

Street names have some spice. There is meaning and a story behind the names. 

That is what I thought until I was driving in the small city of Cobourg, east of Toronto. 

We turned down one street and came to T-intersection where we had to turn right or left. The street name was University Avenue. 

We have a University Avenue in Kingston and, as you would think, it leads to Queen’s University campus. Likewise, Toronto has a University Avenue and it leads to the main campus of the University of Toronto.

But Cobourg, there is no university in Cobourg. Why in the world would they have a street named University Avenue? 

I thought maybe the town fathers named the street with hopes that one day there would be a university at the end of it. I wondered if maybe they liked the name, thought it sounded impressive and hoped it might attract people to come and move to Cobourg. 

Naming a street without having a reason or a story – that is laughable. 

But then I did some research and found out Cobourg did have a university. Victoria University was founded in 1836, but was relocated to Toronto in 1890 as a College of the University of Toronto. 

So there was a reason for the street name. It wasn’t a scheme of the forefathers of Cobourg to attract new residents to their city. 

I just think that in the last 132 years since the university left that maybe they might have thought of renaming the street.

Here’s the thing: People who believe in Jesus Christ are called Christians. What “Christian” means is someone who follows Jesus. So if you are a Christian, be sure that if someone followed you they would be able to find Christ. Otherwise you shouldn’t be called by that name.

That’s Life!


Question: What needs to be reevaluated in your life right now? Leave your comments and questions below.

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Linger Longer To Impact Relationships More

I think we need to linger more in order to enrich our lives. 

linger longer to impact relationships more

When I grew up playing hockey, my routine was to get into the dressing room late. I would have just enough time to put on my equipment and get onto the ice. At the end of the game, I would do the reverse. I would change quickly and be the first one out of the dressing room.

I think I have carried that practice into other areas of my life. 

But I hope to change that if I can. 

I don’t know how many golf games I’ve played with friends where we didn’t linger after the game. It seemed that there was always somewhere we had to be next. Whether that was getting home for dinner or to a meeting, there always seemed to be a bit of a rush to leave the course. 

That’s not the way it always was though. 

I remember playing golf with the same buddies at 7:20 Saturday mornings. When we finished we would sit in the club house and talk about our game and life for another hour.

I didn’t realize how much I missed that part of the game. I say that like lingering in the club house is part of the golf game because there is something to that. 

You see, by lingering after a game you savour the time you spent together knocking balls into holes.

Later I regularly played with another group of friends. We had a standing Thursday night 9 holes … or more if we could still see the ball.

Afterwards we went to McDonald’s for ice cream cones or sundaes. What we were doing is lingering.

I realized that I enjoyed that part as much as I enjoyed playing golf with those guys. 

There really is something to this lingering. You miss something in the connection when you don’t linger. 

This reflection of mine started this week because a friend called me up. He knew Lily was away and wondered if I wanted to have dinner together.

We had some extra time before we were ready to eat so we met at my house, talked for a while, then picked up a pizza and came back to my house. 

We just hung out. And that’s what lingering is. It enriches a relationship. 

We hang out lots as kids, but somewhere in adulthood we forget or get too busy to hang out, to linger. 

Today I played hockey. I got there a little late and had to quickly get ready. That’s my style. But after the game, I was the last one to leave the dressing room. I lingered. 

And that is where connections are made.

Here’s the thing: Sometimes people wonder why they don’t feel all that close to God, to the point where they wonder if He is even all that close. I can tell you one thing, if you linger with God, that’s when you find your relationship with Him is enriched. You won’t wonder why God doesn’t feel close; you will experience His presence in rich and meaningful ways. 

That’s Life!


Question: Who do you need to linger with? Leave your comments and questions below.

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I’m Missing Another One And The Total Is Mounting

It happened again just yesterday; another one went missing.

I'm missing another one and the total is mounting

Before you think the worst scenario, I’m not talking about some child abduction or any kind of kidnapping attempt. 

However, it surprises me how many times in a year that emergency system on our phones goes off to let us know that a child has been taken. It should never happen and it is always concerning when that message is broadcast.

But there are other things that go missing in our lives, some of them regularly. Fortunately most of the things that go missing are found. Like how many times do your keys go missing, even for a few minutes? 

Sometimes my reading glasses have gone missing. I’ve checked my pockets, my night stand and the last place I remembered using them, only to realize that they were on my head. 

The glasses were never really missing. It was my sense of feeling and awareness that went missing on those occasions. 

When you think about it, there are a lot of things that go missing every day. Whether it’s a piece of paper, your wallet, a nut or bolt, glasses, even your coat, anything can go missing, can’t it? 

One time, I had a hockey game but was feeling sick. My parents told me they didn’t want me to play, but I didn’t listen and went anyway. 

I put on my equipment and when I went to put on my skates, one was missing – just one skate. It turned out that my dad had just taken it out of my hockey bag. I didn’t play hockey that night. 

Most of what goes missing is found again, sometimes moments after it disappeared. But some things that go missing are never found again.

It was one of those things that went missing yesterday. 

I have a drawer where I keep all my socks. They are organized mostly by colour, but I have another section that is organized by numbers. That area is for single socks that have no mate. One sock out of a pair has gone missing. 

You might think it strange, but when a sock goes missing it is rarely found … well, at least in my experience. 

I have – based on yesterday’s new acquisition – a total of five single socks in that section of my sock drawer. 

By the very nature of me having a section where I keep these odd socks, you would think that I have hope of one day finding the missing socks. That’s not the case. I have doubles of a lot of my socks so I keep the odd ones in case a matching sock from another pair goes missing. Then I’ll still have a pair.

Socks that go missing don’t get found. I’m convinced the washing machine eats them or the dryer fries them and spits the pieces out through the vent.

All I know is I’m not going to see that sock again. 

Here’s the thing: Some people think that wherever we end up, we will be together and it will be a party. But heaven and hell are very different. Heaven is a place of community with God and others who have placed their faith in Christ. Hell, however, is not a place of community. When someone goes there, they go missing. People in hell will not get to console each other or take comfort in being with others. There will be no sense of togetherness whatsoever in hell. So while you can, be sure you are heading to the place of community where no one will go missing. 

That’s Life!


Question: What is the most common thing to go missing in your life? Leave your comments and questions below. 

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This Challenge Has Not Been An Easy One

I’m realizing that my challenge is really becoming a challenge for me.

this challenge has not been an easy one

Not that long ago someone said something to me that I took as a challenge. 

There have been many times in my life that I have felt pressured to respond to someone’s comments, suggestions, or commands. Sometimes I’ve even taken a challenge that wasn’t really there. 

In college I liked this girl. She didn’t care two hoots about me but that didn’t stop me from trying. 

We were talking one day and she expressed her disappointment that she had no one to run with in a 10 kilometre race the school was putting on. I quickly took on the challenge. Well, there was really no challenge from her. It was me challenging myself to do something stupid for someone I kind of liked.

I said to her, “I’ll run with you” and that was that. 

It was no big deal … except for the fact that I had never run 10 k in my life. In fact, I’d never run 5 k. I’m basically not a runner.

The race was coming up soon, so the week before I thought maybe I should train a little. I decided to go with a group who was doing a 5 k run. 

Being in my twenties so I figured I was pretty invincible. I guess my feet weren’t prepared for all that pounding because after that 5k my right foot was sore. My foot felt like something was out of place. For the next week I had to walk on the side of my foot. 

By race time, it was still really sore. But I wasn’t about to back away from a challenge, even if it was for a girl who didn’t really like me all that much. 

Oh, I ran the race and completed it. It was the first and only time I ran 10K. And no, I didn’t get the girl … turned out my roommate eventual did.

That was long, long ago and a tough challenge. I’m facing one now that is tough in another way. 

I was doing a chapel with the Kingston Frontenacs hockey team and the topic of lent came up. Some of the guys were talking about what they were or were not going to do during lent. 

Then one of them asked me, “Paul, what are you going to do for Lent?” 

“Well,” I said, “I don’t usually do anything, but I’ll think of something and do it this year.”

What I came up with was to cut out social media until Easter – that means no Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter.

I didn’t think it was that tough because I’m not a real social media junky, but it’s been a bit more challenging than I expected. 

As I look at my Facebook app icon, there is a red number beside it: 101 and counting – that’s the number of notifications and requests I have not seen. 

I also get emails letting me know that someone has posted something. There is always an urge to check that out. 

So far I’ve remained strong. But this challenge has been challenging. 

Here’s the thing: A challenge shouldn’t be easy; it should cost you something. God has challenged us to draw close to Him. If we do, He promises to draw close to us. So what are you specifically doing on a daily basis to take up God’s challenge to get to know Him better? That might be a tough challenge, but it’s worth it. 

That’s Life!


Question: What is the greatest challenge you face today? Leave your comments and questions below.

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Not The Prettiest Time Of Year But I Will Take It

It’s not the prettiest time of year, but it is a welcomed time of year just the same. 

not the prettiest time of year but I will take it

The other day signalled the first day of spring, but I didn’t even realize it because I was more focussed on the dull and dirty landscape. 

Still lining parking lots were rows of snow piled up almost like a screen to keep you from seeing what was in the parking lot next to it. Not that long ago these piles of snow looked more like a mountain range. But with all the melting, the snow piles quickly resembled rolling hills. 

To add to the look, the snow that is left is no longer white but rather grey and filled with gravel and sand to give it an old, rugged appearance.

That’s the start of spring and it’s not very appealing. The grass is still all matted down from the pressure of the snow that has now melted away above it. Our streets have mounds of sand and grime just to add to the dingy appearance of the neighbourhoods.

I remember two years ago, when winter was over, there was so much sand on our church parking lot that we could have created a beach with it all!

It’s also right at the beginning of spring when you also realize how bad we all are at putting garbage in garbage cans. Strewn along curbs and sitting on the lawns, there are cups and paper and lids, plastic of all kinds. 

I take pride in throwing my garbage into waste cans like I’m making a three point shot on a basketball court. But if I miss, I don’t leave my trash; I go pick it up and drop into the bin.

However, it seems like many people assumed that if they missed the garbage can, their trash would melt like the snow by the end of winter. Well, it didn’t melt. And now we are left with lawn decorations that are not fitting at any time of year.

We all know what the signs of spring are – trees beginning to bud, flower sprouts poking ever so slightly out of the ground. And, of course, grass beginning to look like it is alive once more. 

But on the first day of spring, none of these signs are there. There is no hint of what is to come, just the dull, dirty reminder of what we’ve come through.

We welcome this time of year just the same. We do it, not for what it is, but for what will come after it. 

It’s that in between stage, not the prettiest time of year.

You know when your child gets to the stage where their baby teeth are falling out and the new ones aren’t all the way in. And they have started to get a little gangly and their facial features are starting to change? We know that soon their beauty will emerge again, but for right now they are not in their prettiest stage. 

This stage of spring will not last long. And I, for one, am happy about it because I know what’s on the way.

Here’s the thing: You may be going through a not-so-pleasant time in your life. In my experience, those times don’t last forever. One thing I do is pray to God who loves me. I ask Him to bring the change that will be best for me … and God always does.

That’s Life!


Question: What good thing is right around the corner from what you are going through now?  Leave your questions and comments below.

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My Bargain Came As A Complete Surprise

I am not a real bargain guy, but I found a bargain the other day and didn’t let it go. 

my bargain came as a complete surprise

There are some people who have a knack of uncovering amazing sales or deals that leave other people wishing they were them.

That’s not me. 

I seem to miss the sales more than I get them, or by the time I get to the store they are all sold out. 

I know people who can find the cheapest seat on a plane but, when I go looking, those seats are not available. 

Have you ever gone to a garage sale and found something that is just perfect for that side room in your home? When I go to a garage sale all I see is someone’s junk that they want to get rid of. I don’t find that rare piece that will perfectly accent the mantel above the fireplace. 

Years ago I wanted a bicycle repair stand. It’s tough to work on your bike or do maintenance when your bike is propped up and leaning against something. 

All the bike stands that I could find were pricey. So I looked on the internet for how I could make my own version on the cheap. I spent hours looking at different designs; some were absolutely ridiculous. 

After all my research, I came up with an idea that borrowed between a few designs. From a hardware store I bought a steal flange, a threaded rod which screwed into the flange and a heavy-duty vice grip thing.

This home-made rigging has worked fairly well, but I still wish I had a stand.

On Tuesday we found an old flyer from the previous week in our mailbox. It was a Princess Auto flyer. Though they are all about automobiles, and though the snow mounds are still visible, they were advertising a bicycle repair stand.

I wasn’t thinking about biking quite yet, but I noticed the price and it was cheap. Online they range from $80 – $400. 

I know the flyers come out on Thursday and this was the next Tuesday. I wasn’t too hopeful. Then I looked at the date the flyer took effect. The sale started the next day, on Wednesday. That’s perfect timing!

I checked when the store opened and they had a special one day early opening of 7 am the next day.

I planned to go on my way to work. And to better my odds, I left for work about a half hour earlier than normal.

I guess not too many people got the flyer because, when I got there, I was greeted at the door by a whole team of employees. I was presented with a door crasher gift. They asked me what I was looking for and someone took me right to the spot.

I got my bargain bike repair stand and was out of there in five minutes.

I guess I do find the sales sometimes.

Here’s the thing: It’s not hard to see that our world is in trouble. People, environment, economics, health – it doesn’t matter what – there is trouble everywhere. From the beginning, God had a plan to save us at the end when the trouble turns apocalyptic, and to save us when our personal trouble claims our life. God gave us the greatest bargain of all, His Son. If we place our faith and trust in Jesus, when the trouble overtakes us, we will go to be with Him. That’s a great bargain.

That’s Life!


Question: What is something you need to take advantage of right now? Leave your comments and questions below.

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