Writing Things Down Can Ensure Success

Writing things down increases your potential every day. 

writing things down can ensure success

… You might be thinking, “That’s a pretty bold statement. Do you have facts to back it up?” 

Well, no I don’t. 

I suppose I could find some facts that would support my statement at least in part. But I think my own testimony is good enough on this topic.

We rely heavily on our memory and, thankfully, for the most part, our memory is great. 

You don’t have to think about so many things during the day because your memory brings them to the forefront of your mind and you just act on them. 

Your phone number – you don’t have to think about it. Your address – you recite it automatically. You know your co-workers’ names by heart. 

It is amazing how often our memory assists us. 

However, when you have work to accomplish, something you want to put into your memory, or just something you don’t want to forget, writing it down is a better option than relying solely on your memory. 

This is what I have found … 

For all the things I need to accomplish in a day, or things I want to accomplish, if I keep them all in my memory I am more likely not to accomplish everything on my mental list. 

But if I write out a to-do list of the things I have in my mind to accomplish, I have a much greater success rate. 

I’m not sure why that is. Maybe, if it’s only in my mind, it’s not prioritized; it’s simply one of many things that needs to be done. 

I am more apt to think, “I’ll get to it sometime today” … but that sometime may never come.

Writing things down keeps you more focussed. There is something about seeing that task in front of you and crossing it off when it is complete that keeps you locked into the things that are a priority. 

Recently I was having a difficult time staying focussed all day long. I knew what I needed to get done, so I didn’t bother to write anything down. 

And every day that week my work ran out of hours in the day. There were times that I wasn’t productive. Basically I wasted time. 

I had things to do but I figured I still had a bit of time to look into something that was not on my mental agenda. … I never got back to the things I wanted to get done in time to actually get them done. 

When Friday came around I was way behind on what I needed to accomplish. 

So I did two things: first I tidied up my desk – I feel better when my desk is clear. Then I wrote out a list of tasks I needed to get done.

One by one I checked them off my list. I didn’t deviate from my list; I wasn’t even tempted. 

Writing things down gave me the focus and motivation I needed to get all my work done. 

Here’s the thing: When you make a commitment to God, or you believe God wants you to do something, if you just keep that in your memory, you may or may not get around to it. But if you write it down, you will be more likely to follow through on what God is asking of you.

That’s Life!


Question: What things do you need to write down today, in order to accomplish them? Leave your comments and questions below.

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Good Technical Support People Make Life Easier

Good technical help is not easy to come by … and it’s not because the skill and know-how are hard to find.

good technical support people make life easier

When you visit another country and they speak a language that you do not, there is definitely a communication barrier. I’ve been to several countries where I didn’t speak the language. I could communicate but it was not very easy.

A few times I have preached with an interpreter and that takes a little getting used to. You need to keep your sentences short and only speak a couple of sentences at a time. Then you just hope that the interpreter is telling the people what you said … and not telling them what he thinks of what you said or how you are dressed. When you didn’t tell a joke but the people laugh at what the interpreter says, you get a little suspicious.

My wife, Lily, and I went to Quebec City for a vacation one year. Fortunately, Lily can speak a little French and she understands more than she can speak. For myself, after bonjour, I’m a little thin on my French. 

In grades seven and eight I learned how to say pen and pencil and a few other words. But that will not get you far, especially if you are trying to order a meal. You won’t find pencil lead or ink on the menu.

I also have the ability to  speak words with a French accent so they sound French. … You should hear me say “dessert”.

But you can’t really communicate effectively with what I have to work with. 

In Quebec I would get off to a great start with my “bonjour” but then when they would say something back to me, I would just look at Lily, sort of like,”Okay, take it from here.”

This week I’ve been trying to switch our church website hosting from one company to another. Basically we are creating a brand new website. The new website will be easier to use and update, but it doesn’t seem to be easy to switch it from the old site.

Part of the difficulty in making the switch is that the technical support people, from each company involved, are speaking a different language. 

On the surface it appears they all communicate in English. But that’s misleading because what they say is very difficult to understand. 

Maybe they are too used to talking to computers and they have lost the art of communicating with humans. Maybe they only know certain phrases and words in English so they stick to the phrases they know. 

I had technical help from three companies: my new website host, my old website host, and my URL name registrar. After a day and a half it seemed like none of them could or were willing to help. They knew the solution but they didn’t communicate it to me in terms that were clear to me. 

I just needed to ask the right questions and listen carefully to their answers. 

Here’s the thing: Some people feel like that with God. They ask God questions or for certain things but they don’t get or understand the answers. The thing is God will communicate to us clearly, but often we are not really listening very well. Listen to God with your eyes, your mind, your heart and your ears. He is speaking clearly to you. 

That’s Life!


Question: In what way do you need to improve your listening skills with God? Leave your comments and questions below.

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My Nose Is Giving Me Some Issues Right Now

Excuse me if I’m holding my nose right now. It’s not because of the smell, but it is becoming a common activity for me lately. 

my nose is giving me some issues right now

I remember as a kid holding my nose when my family drove past a farm. In those days we only had four-by-four air conditioning in our car – that was basically all four windows rolled down. Thankfully, we were usually out of range of the farm really fast. 

This summer on our vacation, Lily and I drove for a good thirty minutes with the smell of manure seeping through the closed vents in our car – it was brutal. We had the air con blasting and the air circulating in the car and not bringing in fresh air. The smell was still pretty strong.

… I think the worst for me, though, was one time when the administrator at the church I was working at got manure for the gardens around the church.

It was pretty fresh manure … too fresh. 

Even though I was an adult at the time, the scent was so strong that I would hold my breath or plug my nose from my car to the church. 

It was amazing that that administrator kept his job! The strong odour lasted for weeks and the students I was working with at the time were very vocal about it. 

The good thing was that the kids ran into the church for our programs. There was no lingering outside. They came straight in.

A rotten odour is usually what you think of when you see someone holding their nose. But that has nothing to do with why I’ve been holding my nose lately. 

It seems that every year at this time, and another time in the winter, I am prone to nose bleeds. 

I’ve been having them since my teen years and they come on very suddenly and unexpectedly. I had my share of nose bleeds from being hit in the nose, but these bleeds happen at any time for no apparent reason. 

I’ve had two in the last week. Both times my nose started bleeding in the shower. 

On the one hand, there isn’t any mess; it all goes down the drain. But have you ever tried to finish showering with one hand? … And then there is the drying off. 

This morning I had a nose bleed while showering after playing hockey. I wished they had one of those car wash dryers. Then I could have let the wind dry me off.

I am now a master at the one-hand towel manipulation. 

I’m sure I will have a few more bleeds before the end of the fall. My blood pressure is in check, so it’s just something that happens as the seasons change. 

You know some people can tell by the pain in their neck when it is going to rain. Well, I can tell that the season is changing by my leaky nose.

Here’s the thing: No one likes getting a cut or having a nose bleed. Our blood is meant to stay inside us. We need it to live. But Jesus was willing to bleed and die for your and my sins. He bled for us – something we wouldn’t wish on anyone. Be sure you are secure in His salvation by placing your faith in Jesus as the Son of God and your Saviour. 

That’s Life!


Question: How much would you suffer for someone else? Leave your comments and questions below.

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How a Plan Would Have Improved My Day

From time to time I will repost an article I’ve written from the past. This post was published back in September of 2013. Enjoy.

how a plan would have improved my day

Maybe it was the weather that made me lazy, but I sure needed a plan last Saturday. I felt like I accomplished nothing, like I wasted my precious day off, like I frittered away the day.

That doesn’t happen every day to me because most days of the week I make a plan. I have things that I want or need to get done and so I put them on my reminder list or right into my calendar.  

Some people can keep it all organized in their heads, but I need to write it down. I like to see it and check it off. 

Saturday was different for me; I wasn’t motivated to do anything. Well, I was … I wanted to go for a bike ride but the rain put an end to that dream, and with it any motivation to do anything else.

It was like I was thinking, “If the weather’s not going to let me go biking, I’ll show it. I’ll do nothing instead.” I didn’t actually think that, but in hindsight that was what I was doing.

I spent my day getting lost in the new iOS for my phone and iPad. I’d look at the time every once in a while and shake my head, but then go back to the nothing I was doing.

There were a couple of things I did during the day but they weren’t things I scheduled. They were things that others scheduled for me, and they didn’t give me a sense of accomplishment.

All I really needed to do was to spend about ten minutes writing a few things down and that would have changed the pattern of my whole day. I would have gone from floating through the day to having some kind of purpose. 

Having a simple list of things I wanted to work on or complete would have also changed how I felt about my day. I would have progressed through it instead of being annoyed at how the time was advancing.

But I can’t figure out why I would keep doing something – in this case nothing – that I didn’t like doing and not do something about it. (I hope I didn’t hypnotize you with that sentence!)

But that’s what lack of planning does – it keeps one stuck in the past/present while time is still moving. It’s like for me, time was standing still, but in reality time was passing me by. 

I could say that I was tired and I needed a day of nothing, but why, at the end of the day, didn’t I feel good about the nothing I did? No, even planning one or two things would have brought me fulfillment.

Here’s the thing: If you’re not planning God into your day, either connecting, growing or serving Him, you will float along in your relationship, stuck in the past/present with Him. Time will keep moving while your relationship will be standing still. Simply thinking of how to include Him in your day is all you need to improve your day.

That’s Life!


Question: How has planning made a difference in your life? Leave your comment below.

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It Feels Good When Something Works Out For You

It feels good when someone comes through for you. When it happens it kind of makes your day, makes you feel like you won something.

it feels good when something works out for you

It can happen with anything – someone able to book a tee-off time for you, a friend getting you into a restaurant that was booked solid for the next week, or your kids sending you on a trip across the country for your 35th anniversary … well, that’s another story.

This week I was the recipient of someone – actually a company – coming through for me. 

In a recent blog post I wrote about waiting to find out if I would get a replacement frame for my bike. (You can read that here.)

This is what happened …

I’ve had my current mountain bike for about seven years. I really enjoy it and have no need or wish to get a new or updated model. 

One day on vacation, however, with my bike up on a stand for some maintenance, I discovered I had a cracked frame. It was right at the joint where the crossbar connects with the upright bar that the seat post comes out of.

I probably should have seen this before. Now that I think back, my bike has made a little creaking sound when I ride it. In fact, this year I’ve noticed the creaking sound increasing more and more. 

The crack in the frame has probably been there for quite some time, but now it goes almost right around the joint. 

I still rode it for a while after I discovered the crack. In my mind I tried to determine if it snapped off, if I would do an endo over the front handle bars or if the bike would collapse under me and I would go straight down. … I never found out what would happen. 

To replace my bike now with the same model would cost $3500 – certainly not something I wanted to pay. Thankfully, my bike company has a lifetime warranty on its frames. 

So when I got home from vacation, I took my bike into the bike shop. They took pictures and sent them away to Giant, the bike manufacturer. 

I waited for about two weeks and then, just before Lily and I were heading to Vancouver (remember that anniversary gift?), I got a call telling me my new frame came in. I dropped my bike off at the bike shop the same day we were leaving town for our trip. 

When I got back this week, my bike was ready. They had transferred all my bike parts to the new frame and now I pretty much have a new bike … and I didn’t have to take out a loan to pay for it. 

I wasn’t a hundred percent sure I would actually get a new frame at no cost to me, but my bike company came through and, man, it sure feels like a win for me!

Here’s the thing: We pray for a lot of things. It’s worth taking note of the things you pray for, otherwise you might forget when a prayer gets answered. If you write down what you prayed for as a reminder, when God answers a prayer, you can acknowledge that He came through for you. Not only does it bolster your faith, but it also feels like a win. 

That’s Life!


Question: What are you praying for right now? Leave your comments and questions below.

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People Are Never Far From You

I discovered again this week that we are never far from people we know.

people are never far from you

We can have friends and acquaintances who we once saw on a regular basis and who were part of our world, but when we move or they move, our worlds change. New friends or acquaintances come into our lives and fill them up. We tend to be engaged with the people who are right around us.

It is very much like leaving one world and entering another. We have new scenery, new people and new experiences with those people.

It’s almost like the original Star Trek television series – well, minus Captain Kirk and the Klingons. They had a five year mission to explore new worlds. 

When we move or change our setting, we end up exploring a new world. 

When you travel to a different country, there are sights you’ve never seen before, different people, customs and languages. It’s like a new world. You may have heard of that world before, but when you travel there you get a new perspective of that land and those people. 

I remember traveling to Israel eleven years ago. Though I had never been there before, I had read through the Bible many times and had an idea of what the land was like. 

I was shocked at how my perception of the country was different from actually being there. My world collided with the world of the Bible and I came away with a new, richer understanding of that land.

When the world we are in is different from the world we have left or are going to, sometimes those worlds collide for a short time. 

This week Lily and I took a trip to Vancouver on the other side of the country from us. It was a new world in a lot of ways.

The scenery is so different from home. Though the people speak the same language, in a way there is a difference that is hard to pinpoint. 

Though we were there in that other world for a short time, our two worlds collided in an interesting way. 

Each day of our trip we had the opportunity to collide with old friends and acquaintances. 

One day it was an old high school friend of mine … and when I say old, having looked afterwards at the pictures, yes, we are getting old. 

Another day we met with a mentor couple of Lily’s and mine. What was interesting was, though we are regularly mentored by them, it was the first time Lily and I together had been in their presence. 

The next day we met with my uncle, aunt and cousins. On our last day, we met up with some friends from our years in Edmonton. 

Each time our world collided with their world. And it is those collisions that keep us connected even though our worlds are so far apart. 

You really can’t go anywhere without finding someone from a world you once were part of. 

Here’s the thing: It always astounds me that wherever I go there is some kind of connection to my present or my past. It shouldn’t astound us then that no matter where we go or where we are, God is always there. We can never move away from Him, never go to another world. God is always part of our present; He is always part of home. Run to Him and maintain that connection. 

That’s Life!


Question: What kind of connection have you recently made? Leave your comments and questions below.

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A Soap Opera Is Capturing The Highest TV Ratings

The other day I discovered that a TV soap opera was making a comeback in popularity.

A soap opera is capturing the highest TV ratings

It might seem a little crazy that I would know about this sort of thing but, to be really honest, there was a time when I was into soap operas. 

It goes back to when I was in high school. 

Getting right to homework after school was not hot on my list of things to do. I liked to unwind by lying on the couch, with a handful of freshly baked cookies, watching some late afternoon television. 

The cookies always took the most effort because my mom would bake them and then hide them. My mom had this, “I’m making cookies for you, but I don’t want you to eat them all” mentality.

The truth was that however long my mom spent baking cookies, my brother and I could erase any trace that they existed in a matter of minutes. 

With my cookies in hand, I’d flop on the couch and watch my favourite afternoon show, Perry Mason. Perry Mason was a defence lawyer who never lost a case..

But as TV stations will do from time to time, they changed the afternoon programming line-up and Perry Mason was taken off the air. 

I ended up watching (and, I might add, getting hooked on) a soap opera called …. da, da, da, da: The Edge ……. Of Night. 

The show was just called “The Edge of Night” but in the opening credits the announcer had this dramatic pause between “Edge” and “Of Night”.

It wasn’t like I watched the show for years and years, but I did watch it for a time. I made sure I was in front of that TV every afternoon; I wouldn’t miss it. The storyline had me all wrapped up, knew each and every character and cared about what was happening or going to happen to them. 

About a year later, the late afternoon programming times changed again. They began showing reruns of the Flintstones so I started watching that instead. 

But every once in a while I would turn on the Edge of Night. Months would go by without me watching, but I discovered that when I tuned in, I still knew what was going on. The characters were the same, the storyline hadn’t changed and even the drama between characters had progressed very little. 

It was like I never missed a show. I realized that, though I was hooked for a time on watching every day\, I could watch it on a very infrequent, unscheduled way and never miss out on what was happening. 

Recently I’ve been doing that with the TV news. The content is mostly the same, the storyline hasn’t changed in a year and a half and, just like on “The Edge ….. Of Night”, only every once in a while a real bombshell is reported.

I don’t have to watch the news more than weekly to stay on top of it. … It’s like a soap opera.

Here’s the thing: On the one hand, days and years seem to go by quickly, but on the other hand, the storyline of our lives seems to take forever to unfold. We can get so caught up in the steady, almost unchanging, story of our lives that we forget about how fast life is really moving. The big picture is that we have a short time to respond to Jesus Christ and live out a life of faith in Him. Don’t be lulled into thinking you have time for that later. Be sure you are living the right storyline now.

That’s Life!


Question: What changes do you need to make to your life? Leave your comments and questions below.

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An Original Should Not Be Tinkered With

Tonight I’m going to try an original sauce on my wings. 

an original should not be tinkered with

About a year ago I started making hot wings at home. I had a spot that I always got my wings from but, during one of the COVID lockdowns, they closed and I needed a different source for my weekly craving. 

It was a good thing I started making them myself because my wing guy didn’t open back up for almost six months. 

Think about that for a moment: I might have gone without wings for half a year! 

… I’m not sure I would have survived. 

Along with taking on the role of head wing chef in our house, I also needed to have a sauce that would match or rival my old wing joint. I experimented for weeks, tweaking my recipe each time I had wings until I finally found a taste to my liking.

I’m sure that most high-level chefs go through the same process when they are trying to create a new dish. They add a dash of this and a pinch of that, always with parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme. 

… I know those spices from listening to Simon and Garfunkel in the 60’s. Those four spices always have to go together – not in my wing sauce, of course, but when a chef is inventing a new delectable delight to satisfy the taste buds of his customers.

We all tinker with things, trying to make them more to our liking. We might try to tweak something to make it easier to use. We might try to make something more affordable, or appeal to a wider range of people. 

Sometimes it doesn’t work. 

When I was growing up, my mother would occasionally buy us Alpha-Bit cereal. I remember really liking it. Over my formative years I ate my way through many, many boxes of that early reading tool.

Then recently I had a chance to try Alpha-Bits again. There was something that just was not right about them. It had been so long since I’d eaten them, but I knew there was something different. 

I read on the box, “new enhanced flavour”. In this case, no, it was not “new enhanced”, it was “not very good”. I won’t be trying Alpha-Bits any time soon.

But back to my wing sauce … 

I had a few wings on vacation at my brother’s cottage. Of course he didn’t have my sauce, but what he did have was the main ingredient in my recipe: Franks Red Hot sauce. 

So I decided to try it straight up on his wings. You know what? There was something about it that was really good … maybe even better than my sauce. 

I’m not sure, so tonight I will try it at home with my wings – Frank’s, straight up. 

It’s possible I should never have tried to tweak the formula. Sticking with the original may be the best way to go.

Don’t overthink or try to improve on something that is already just the way it should be. 

Here’s the thing: There are times that we want to tweak our faith a little to bring it into line with some of the current thoughts and trends of the day. Remember that the original is the best. The Word of God is our timeless authority and we should continue to follow it and not try to massage it more to our liking or the world’s liking. 

That’s Life!


Question: What have you tweaked that you realized you shouldn’t have? Leave your comments and questions below.

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Perfect Timing Is Always Amazing When It Happens

There is something about perfect timing that’s, well, just perfect.

perfect timing is always amazing when it happens

We use that phrase “perfect timing” when something happens at just the right time, or in every and any situation that presents itself as working out. 

When a baseball player leaps at the warning track and catches the baseball as it’s going over the fence, we say that’s perfect timing. 

When you show up at a restaurant and are first in line to be seated and look back to notice a large line up forming behind you, you say to yourself, “We got here at the perfect time!”

Even when my wife, Lily, is ready to leave the house at the same time I am, I think it’s perfect timing. … That doesn’t occur very often so it is even more remarkable when it does happen.

And maybe that’s why we notice something when it happens at just the right time. It’s not a regular occurrence. Rather, it is more of a one-off, something that only happens from time to time. 

I remember years ago when our daughter was little and she was bouncing on the couch right beside me. I was looking across the room, talking to Lily, when out of the corner of my eye I saw Karlie bounce right over the arm rest of the couch. 

Without looking, I reached out and caught her by the ankle as she was diving head first toward the floor. 

That was perfect timing, and all I could say to Lily was, “Did you see that catch? Did you see that catch? It was perfect!”

Well, the other day I was driving home from our cottage. I was about a half hour into my five hour drive, when I got a call from our son. He was in Kingston and was going to be leaving to go home to Toronto. 

I had to pass through Toronto on my way home so he suggested that if it worked out, we should meet for dinner along the route between Kingston and Toronto. We agreed to check in when it got closer to the time he was going to leave Kingston. 

I continued on my trip for three plus hours. I had to go through Toronto … which is always a wild card. I got stuck in stop and go traffic from the west end to the middle of the city before things started moving again. 

I was on track to get home at about 7 pm without any stops.

So I called Mike once I got through the traffic, but could only leave a message. When he called back, I told him approximately when I would be passing through the next three cities before I got home. 

We decided he could make it to Belleville around the time I would be getting there, which was still a good 45 minutes from where I was at that moment. 

I figured that one of us would get there and just have to wait ten or fifteen minutes for the other one. 

Well, I rolled into the restaurant parking lot, stepped out of my car, checked something in the trunk, and turned around to see Mike pulling into the lot.  

Perfect timing! Being that far away, coming from opposite directions and arriving under two minutes apart was amazing. 

Here’s the thing: Perfect timing is when two things come together at just the right time. When God answers your prayer, or speaks to you through a verse, or when you become aware of who God is, that’s perfect timing. Pay attention to it and be amazed.

That’s Life!


Question: Recently, what has happened perfectly for you? Leave your comments and questions below.

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A Community Schedule Is A Great Idea

We should collectively schedule things as a community. … That might sound a little controlling, but I think it would give us more peace in the long run.

a community schedule is a great idea

I’m certainly not advocating having to do everything at the same time as everyone else in the community. I just have one thing in mind. 

We are already sort of scheduled in our city as to when we can use our washing machines at home. The city charges us more money for using electricity and water at certain times of the day. They basically want everyone to do their washing in the evening or early mornings.  

It’s not a forced thing, but you pay more if you don’t bend to the community’s wishes.

At times the city has also issued a watering ban for households. We can only water our grass on even or odd numbered days, depending on our house numbers.

Therefore, we basically have a precedent for getting everybody on the same schedule. 

I’m thinking it would be nice to get everyone on the same grass mowing schedule.

It wouldn’t be necessary if everyone had an electric lawnmower, but with so many gas grass cutters, it would really help. 

At my cottage we are in a community and, though the properties are small, there are a lot of them. There is no mistaking the sound when someone pulls out their Briggs and Stratton and pulls the chord. 

The guy that designed the mufflers for lawnmowers must have once worked for Harley Davidson. Every gas lawnmower sounds like a 750 cc roadster! If you close your eyes you can picture the guys from the movie, “Easy Rider”, cruising down the highway.

A lawn doesn’t take that much time to cut. But what’s bad about it is that somehow the noise gives other people the idea that it’s time to cut their lawn too. 

They don’t get out there together at the same time. Instead, it’s more like a chain reaction. When one lawnmower stops, another one starts right up. 

You can hear the sound of lawnmowers for an hour or more. 

Especially when I’m at the cottage, I want peace and quiet. 

I want to hear the sounds of birds chirping, crickets cricketing, and paint drying. – Yes, I want that sound over the sound of some four stroke engine, winding up to top speed. 

And then there’s the guy who made the mistake of putting his weed eater gas into his lawnmower tank. That oil and gas mixture makes a lawnmower sound like a sixteen year old with an old car, trying to impress the girls by continually revving his engine. 

So if we could schedule everyone to get out there and cut their grass on Saturdays at, say, 11 am, well, that would be just great. 

We could all wear ear plugs or put in head phones and listen to music. 

… And I would have some peace the rest of the day.

Here’s the thing: There is a lot of sound in our world. All that noise will drown out hearing what God might want to say to you. Take time in the peaceful part of the day to read and listen to God for His guidance, encouragement and even His correction. God likes it when the sounds of other things are quieted in us. 

That’s Life!


Question: When is the peaceful time of your day? Leave your comments and questions below.

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