The Last Half Phenomenon Is Driving Me Crazy

There is a last half phenomenon that I wish we could reverse. 

the last half phenomenon is driving me crazy

The phenomenon is that the second half of something goes faster or is repeated faster than the first half.

Have you ever watched the gas gauge on your car? You fill the tank up and are all set for five to six hundred kilometres of driving. No worries for a while – a good long while. 

But after the gauge drops to halfway, you need to keep your eye on that gauge because the needle starts to move faster. You look at it and think, “Wow, how did I get to a quarter of a tank? I was at halfway just a day or two ago.” 

That’s the last half phenomenon and nobody writes about it, studies it, or puts out scientific journals about it. 

It seems that we just accept it or maybe, more accurately, we don’t want to think about it because this phenomenon happens in every area of life. 

If you ask a ten year old about their birthday that is coming up in a month, they will say, “I can hardly wait. It’s taking so long to come. It feels like it’s never going to get here.” 

I remember being in grade three and feeling like I was spending three years of my life in that grade. I wondered if grade three would ever end. 

But if you ask someone who is over fifty about an event that is coming up in the next month, they’ll tell you that it’s coming so quickly, it will be here before you know it. Older people think time is moving really fast. They say the years just fly by. 

It’s that last half phenomenon – the last half goes quicker than the first half. 

There have been some people who have tried to manipulate things to produce this phenomenon in their products. A few years ago, Apple Inc. was accused of reducing their iPhone battery’s charging length once the device got to be a certain age. 

That was tricky, and I’m not sure Apple was ever made to reverse that in their products.

… Which brings me to why I was thinking about this last half phenomenon in the first place. 

I have had my latest iPad for a long time now – either five or six years. I’ve noticed lately that when the battery gets low, I almost have to run to plug it in. 

I have a little icon of a battery on my iPad that shows a depleting green fill as the battery gets used. I also have a percentage figure right beside that to tell me the percentage of battery I have left. 

When my battery gets to about 20%, that number starts to count down almost as fast as the second hand on a digital watch. 

I run to plug my iPad into the charger because I know I don’t have much time left. 

… How old are you? Do you feel like I do with my iPad?

Here’s the thing: No matter how old we are, time is ticking away. To be honest, we never know how much time we have left. Your life could be cut short today or tomorrow. But for anyone who feels that life is moving pretty fast, my advice is to make sure you have considered Christ’s saving solution. He died so that you could have life – eternal life. Now that changes the whole last half phenomenon completely. 

That’s Life!


Question: What do you find goes faster than you would like it to go? Leave your questions and comments below. 

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What Is Missing Will Be Replaced By Something Else

I’ve noticed that when something is missing, something else always takes its place. 

what is missing will be replaced by something else

When you dig a hole in the sand, other sand falls in that hole to take the place of the sand that was removed.

Silence is like that. When no one is talking, there’s pressure to interject the silence with music or television or someone talking. 

It is difficult to be in a group and ask a question. If the question isn’t answered immediately, the one who asked the question often feels compelled to end the silence and give the answer. 

An empty garbage can doesn’t stay that way for long. Soon after it is emptied, new garbage is added to it. … It must be difficult working in janitorial services when all the cleaning they do is constantly replaced by more mess and dirt.

I remember watching Saturday Night Live, way back in the 70’s. One of the characters on the show was Roseanne Roseannadanna. The character was played by comedian, Gilda Radner. 

Roseanne was a commentator correspondent on a comedy news segment. But Roseanne would always go off on a tangent from what she was supposed to be commenting on.  

When the news anchor would stop her for being so off-topic, Roseanne would say “Jane, it just goes to show, it’s always something; if it’s not one thing, it’s another.” … And then she would somehow weave her off-topic story to fit the original story.

And Roseanne Rosannadanna was right. If it’s not one thing, it’s another. 

This year we had a mild winter. We didn’t have much snow or even many snowfalls. 

You might think that’s one thing that, when it goes missing, is not replaced by something else, but you would be wrong. 

The snow was less and we had fewer times our church parking lot had to be plowed. The snow even melted sooner. But when the snow did melt, it uncovered something else because, if it’s not one thing, it’s another. 

What has been left behind this year is an inordinate amount of sand and salt. … We will be able to add yards of beach to the shoreline of Lake Ontario this year. Kids will even love to lick it because of the high salt content.

We didn’t get all the snow we had the year before, but we sure made up for it in sand in the parking lot. 

If it’s not one thing, it’s another. 

Last year we filled the back of a pickup truck with the sand – this year it will be more like a pickup and a half or even two!

I don’t want anyone to think I’m not happy that we had such a mild winter. I would be ecstatic if every year was like this past winter, but I certainly don’t look forward to clean up day at the church. 

It just goes to show you, it’s always something. If it’s not one thing, it’s another.

Here’s the thing: When it comes to the end of life, it will be the same. If we don’t go to one place, we will go to the other. If we don’t go to heaven, there is somewhere else we will go. That place is called hell. Now’s the time to ensure you’re going to heaven by placing your faith in Jesus Christ. 

That’s Life! 


Question: What is missing in your life right now that might be filled with something else? Leave your comments and questions below.

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It’s Canadian Tire Day At My House Today

Today might be Canadian tire day. … I’m not sure, we’ll have to see how it goes.

It's Canadian Tire Day At My House Today

One of Canada’s staple stores for auto, hardware and sports has always been Canadian Tire … or affectionately referred to as “crappy tire”. 

I make it a point not to get my car serviced there, but I will often buy my gas at Canadian Tire. 

I do love the Canadian Tire money. Back before they went digital, you would always walk out of the store not only with your purchase, but also with a few bills of Canadian Tire money in various denominations. 

The bills were only worth pennies, but they added up. 

As much as I loved getting Canadian Tire money, I hated being in the checkout line behind someone who was paying with it. 

Every bill had to be counted … by hand! There would be a pile of 10 cent bills and then 25 cent bills … it was painful to watch. 

But why am I telling you about the Canadian Tire store? This blog isn’t about the store, it’s about what day it is. 

I’m making it up, of course, but I think, well, maybe I might change the tires on my car today. 

It’s time to take off the winter tires and put on my summer tires. 

I’m actually hoping that I don’t have to go to the Canadian Tire store today. I should have everything I need in my garage to change my tires. 

It used to be a major ordeal. I’d use the little rickety jack that came with the vehicle – that in itself was a pain. But a few years ago I bought a few things (from Canadian Tire) that have streamed-lined the process for me. 

There is one part, however, that I’m not looking forward to. It seems to happen every season: one or more of the tires gets frozen on to the vehicle. I’m not sure how to describe it better than that. 

I will take all the bolts off and that tire won’t budge. I can hit it, kick it, talk to it, even yell at it and it will not come off. 

I’m just hoping that if today is Canadian tire day at my house, my tires will all pop off easily.  

For years I was against Canadian tire day – I didn’t change my tires at all. I had all seasons. 

But I think the tire manufacturers decided we should be buying more tires so they changed the formula in the rubber they use. Now, apparently, you want soft rubber on those winter tires because the harder summer tire rubber is too slippery when the weather get colder. 

My summer tires are near the end of their life so I’m hoping that if today is Canadian tire day for me, we won’t get any cold snaps where my summer tires are rendered useless. 

The one nice thing about putting on my summer tires is they come with hubcaps. After going through the winter with ugly winter rims on my car, it will be nice to have better looking wheels. 

Here’s the thing: There is a day coming up at the end of this week – it’s called Easter. It’s the day we celebrate Christ rising from the grave. It’s a day we should treat as special, a day when we give time and focus to what Jesus did for us. He died on the cross to pay for our sins, that we could be forgiven and have a relationship with God. Now that’s a day!

That’s Life!


Question: What plans do you have to celebrate Easter? Leave your comments and questions below.

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My Tasks Are Beginning To Discourage Me

What do you do when your list of tasks is longer than your arm? 

My tasks are beginning to discourage me

That’s what I wondered today when I wrote out all my tasks on a piece of paper. … I do that sometimes when I have more tasks than normal. 

Usually I just put them into my calendar or my to-do list on my computer. But when the list is really long, and I’m concerned about how many things I will get done, I write them out on a piece of paper. 

When I finished, I muttered, “This list is longer than my arm!” Then, just to be sure, I decided to measure it and, no, it wasn’t longer than my arm. 

Now if I had double spaced the words or written them out in really large letters then, yes, they would have been longer than my forearm. 

But my list was not even quite as long as my hand stretched out over the page.  

So really, how bad could my list be? 

Well, it was 19 items long and on a normal Friday I would probably get about five of them done. 

With all the others, I was dreaming if I thought I could accomplish them. But I put them on my list and I actually prayed and asked the Lord to help me get my list accomplished. 

At the time I wasn’t thinking of all nineteen, but when I prayed I had some tasks in mind that would take some serious time to complete. 

Five of the items were writing assignments – that’s heavy, especially since one of them was my sermon. … I remember a time when having to write one page seemed overwhelming. Now if I only have to write one page I’m thankful.

The scary thing about tasks is the more time you think about them, the more you could add to your list. It’s like they multiply. 

They’re much like rabbits. Some species of rabbits can have three or four litters a year. And they might have up to 12 babies in a litter. 

That’s a lot of babies – I mean, tasks.

They just keep piling up. 

I don’t know what you do to delete tasks from your list but I do two things. I don’t just put a checkmark beside the task. And I don’t just draw a line through the task, cancelling it off my list. 

I do both.

I check them off and draw two or three lines through them. They still can be read what they were, but I want to make it clear to me, and to the paper they are written on, that I’ve completed that task. It’s finished.

I think now I might stop working on this list of tasks. There will be more tomorrow. You don’t really make headway with a task list. It’s like a shoe with a hole in the sole. It just keeps letting more water in. 

I think I might cross out the letter “T” in my “Task list” to turn them all into “asks”. Then I can give them to other people to do for me. 

Here’s the thing: It’s true that we can have too many tasks for us to handle – so many tasks that we become overwhelmed with them all. Thankfully, God never has too many tasks. He is never overwhelmed. So no matter how many tasks you have, you can keep taking them to Him. Ask God for His help and He will help you. 

That’s Life!


Question: How overwhelming is your list of tasks right now? Leave your comments and questions below. 

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The Perfect Message Can Be Very Illusive

Lately I’ve been trying to come up with the perfect message. 

the perfect message can be very illusive

No, I’m not referring to preaching a perfect sermon. That’s not what I’m talking about. 

I do remember when Dave Stieb, a long time pitcher for the Toronto Blue Jays, wrote a book. He titled it “Tomorrow I’ll Be Perfect”. The pour guy could have had several perfect games if his defence behind him could have helped out a bit. 

I’m also not referring to being perfect at what I do. 

We have a sign board in our home. It’s the kind that you put letters on and create a message for others to read. It’s not permanent; I can change it any time I want. 

Sometimes the message reflects the time of year, and sometimes it announces a special event or occasion. 

Last year we had a message up there for a long time. It was a countdown to my daughter’s wedding day. That one took work. I had to change the numbers on it every day. 

Every time I change the sign, I’m looking for the perfect message to put on it. I want it to be witty or funny or profound – something that will cause people to think.

It’s not easy, and maybe that’s why I don’t change it very often. When I get a good message, I like to milk it for a while. 

But I need to change it now. I have a son who’s turning 30 and a nephew who’s going overseas for 4 years. It really needs to be the right mix of letters.

I wish my dad was around to help me. He was the king of messages. 

When I was in college out west, he would write me often. For a while I received cards in the mail from him on a weekly basis. 

They weren’t greeting cards. They were just card stock paper he cut to size (about 5”x4”). He would address them on one side and write his message on the other. 

From his readings he would write out an inspirational message to me. It was usually some saying to motivate me.

I looked forward to those cards, and I always wondered how many other people benefitted from reading them, before they passed them on in the sorting line.

We see messages everywhere these days – probably more than ever before. 

Every store or building you enter has a message, usually COVID related. Some stores ask you to pause and read their messages … even though after a year of COVID I think we know them off by heart. 

This morning I’m looking for the perfect message. And I know there’s one for this time and this family. 

I just need to dig deep and come up with something that will speak to the moment and inspire those who read it. 

Here’s the thing: God has given us the greatest message of all time. That message culminates in our celebration of Easter in a couple of weeks. The message is inspirational and personal. It’s the message of the gospel that God loves you and made provision by sending His Son, Jesus, to die for you, so that you could experience God’s love. Be sure to consider this message this year as we turn our attention to Christ’s great sacrifice on the cross. 

That’s Life!


Question: What would be the message you want your family to read right now? Leave your comments and questions below. 

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Your Internal Clock May Need To Be Reset

It’s really important to correctly time your sleep or your internal clock can get all messed up. 

Your internal clock may need to be reset

We just changed our clocks forward last Saturday. It was the big one because we lost an hour of sleep. I’ve heard that it can take up to three days to adjust to that time change. 

I believe our bodies know when to get rest, but I also believe we can mess up our internal clocks so that our bodies don’t act properly.

Sunday, the day after the clocks changed, I felt pretty tired in the afternoon. I had had a tiring day the day before and I also lost an hour of sleep that night. 

I use a lot of energy preaching on Sundays so I am often tired in the afternoon … this particular afternoon a little more so. 

By evening I had recovered and had my energy back. I watched a hockey game that disappointed me and left me feeling unsettled. So I put on a movie which would run until it was time to head to bed … to be fair, a little later than my regular bedtime.

Because I had taken a nap in the afternoon, by the end of the movie I was still wide awake. But it was late and time to turn in for the night, so I made my way to bed. 

The problem was that my mind was going a mile a minute. As sleepy as I had been in the afternoon, my brain was now firing on all cylinders as I lay in bed. 

I tossed one way, then another. I fixed my pillow and turned some more. 

My internal clock was so messed up that I just could not get to sleep.

It’s like Christmas Eve for children. The anticipation of the next day – Christmas morning with all the presents – keeps them from settling down and sleeping. They are wide awake. 

That’s why so many kids have melt downs on Christmas Day, even though it is one of their happiest days of the year. Their internal clocks are so messed up they are tired when they should be wide awake.

I’m not sure how long I tossed back and forth in bed, but at one point I decided that was enough. I needed something to settle me down. 

They say it’s not good to have a screen on just before you go to sleep, but I have a great ability to fall asleep with a TV on. 

So I got up, headed downstairs and put on another movie. 

It was an action movie. For most people that would work against them sleeping, but for me it doesn’t matter. 

It was not long before my eyes were shut and the flickering light from the television was bouncing off my closed eyelids.

Maybe the movie wasn’t good. All I know is that it got my internal clock to work again. When I woke up, I shut everything down and went back to bed … and straight to sleep. 

Here’s the thing: There are times in your life when your spiritual clock will be more apparent in your life. There will be interest; there will be opportunity. Don’t miss paying attention to your spiritual clock. You might have a hard time getting it on track if you mess it up.

That’s Life!


Question: What can you do to pay attention to your spiritual clock? Leave your comments and questions below.

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I’ve Been Paralyzed By My Work Lately

I noticed this week that there are times when I can become paralyzed by my work, with an inability to make forward movement on things I really need to do. 

I'v been paralyzed by my work lately

Some equate this to being like a deer in the headlights. And since I have experienced first-hand a deer in my headlights, I kind of agree with the analogy.

I remember a time driving a van full of high school students through the mountains in BC. It was just after dusk and the darkness of night had set in like a heavy blanket over a table … where there is no light getting through under that table. 

As we were driving on a winding stretch of highway, we came around a bend and there they were, maybe 30 or 40 elk. 

Some were on the edge of the road, some in the ditches on either side. But they all just stopped and looked at the headlights of our vehicle. 

None of them ran away. Fortunately, none of them started to charge our vehicle. 

They were motionless, but all had their glowing eyes fixed on our van’s headlights.

Most animals in that situation would make a dash for the trees. They would flee the scene, but not deer or, in this case, elk. They stood still, motionless and didn’t move. 

The human version of deer in the headlights is a little different … at least for me it is.

I’m not actually motionless. There are things I’m doing.

Anyone looking on can see that I am working away. I’m getting things done.

The difference is I’m not making progress on the work that has me paralyzed. I will do anything but the thing that has me overwhelmed at the time. 

It’s like when you were a kid and your mother said you couldn’t get up from the table until you finished your vegetables. 

You sat there playing with your food, teasing your sister, bugging your brother or conspiring with him to sneak under the table and be freed from your prison. 

You did pretty well anything and even nothing so you didn’t have to eat those vegetables. 

With work, this scenario can go on for a long time. There can be something that paralyses you for a day or a week or even longer. You make excuses that other things have come up, but really the issue is you just can’t get yourself to work on that assignment. 

For me the solution is to break it down, to force myself to do one small thing towards that deer-in-the-headlights assignment. 

What I do is take a few minutes to break the assignment down. I break it up so that the first thing I do may only take ten to fifteen minutes. 

But then I’ve started and now the other little tasks of the big assignment seem to be doable. 

After completing one or two of those small tasks, I am no longer staring mindlessly at the headlights of the oncoming deadline – I’m getting back to work! 

Here’s the thing: There will come a time when Christ returns. And for some, that experience will be a deer-in-the-headlights experience. They will be overwhelmed and paralyzed and won’t be able to make any move towards Christ. It will be too late. Now is the time to think through what Christ has done and what He offers you. Then make a move towards placing your faith in Christ. 

That’s Life!


Question: What puts you in a deer-in-the-headlights situation? Leave your comments and questions below.

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Why Your Arms Go Numb When You Sleep

From time to time I will repost an article from the past. This post is from March of 2014. I hope you enjoy it.

When I sleep, sometimes the circulation to my arms gets cut off. I understand that it’s good to get a deep sleep. But your limbs shouldn’t be going to sleep on you, as well. 

why your arms go numb when you sleep

In fact, when your arms do get all pins and needles, it wakes you up from whatever depth of sleep you were in. That’s to prevent your arm from turning blue and needing to be amputated.

I’ve been sleeping the same way my whole life. So to have this arm-numbing feeling rouse me in the middle of the night is a little disturbing. It never used to happen.

I’m thinking it’s an age thing. Stuff inside gets pinched or constricted in some way and, BAM, all of a sudden you’re dreaming about an elastic band being wrapped around your arm just above the elbow.  

There have been a couple of times I’ve woken up and haven’t been able to feel my arm. I worry that my arm will get so starved of blood it’ll become useless to me. I will have to walk around with my arm dangling and I’ll be unable to use it or stop it.

Just the other day, however, I discovered that my muscles are too tight and that’s what’s causing the circulation in my arms to be cut off. 

Apparently, I need to loosen up some of the muscles around my neck and shoulders. I’m wondering if I had have stretched more if I wouldn’t have this problem now.  

I’ve never liked to stretch. I know experts say you should stretch before and after you work out, but I’ve never done it; I’ve never felt the need to. I’m not the most flexible guy, but I never thought it has hurt me in any way.

But maybe if I’d been stretching all these years, my arms wouldn’t feel like a couple of 2×4’s attached to my body at two in the morning. 

Another theory I have is the older we get the tighter we get, the more tension we carry in our muscles, and the more they start to put the squeeze on our nerve pathways until they can’t transmit information from the brain to that limb or back. 

It’s like when you’re driving and talking on your cell phone to a friend (using hands-free bluetooth, of course). When you suddenly enter an area that doesn’t have a cell tower to give you a signal, your phone call goes dead and you’ve lost the connection with your friend.

With a phone, you have to re-enter a cell area and make a new connection. The good thing with your arm is you just have to wait a few seconds until the connection is restored automatically.

So now I’m doing some exercises and stretches to limber up my muscles in hopes that my arms won’t take any more liberties of catching a few extra zzz’s while my brain doesn’t know what’s going on.

In the mean time, if I find my arm is tingling at 4 am, I know it’s not my “spidey sense” and that the “Sandman” isn’t robbing an armoured car or something (Spider-Man 3 movie).

Here’s the thing: Prayer is one of the greatest connections we have with God. If we restrict our prayer with God, we will for sure hinder our communication with Him. Praying regularly and often will keep the connection flowing and prevent you from having that numbing feeling when you have lost the means to transmit your thoughts and needs to God.

That’s Life!


Question: What causes you to restrict your prayer times with God?  

I would really love to hear from you. You can leave a comment below.

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Funeral Processional Etiquette Is Needed

From time to time I will repost an article from years past. This article was originally posted March 2013

funeral processional etiquette is needed

Last weekend I took part in a funeral. It all went very well until it came time for the interment. 

Getting to the cemetery meant a twenty minute drive through the city and in the country.   

Only family and close friends attended, while most others opted not to take the drive … probably a good thing because they never would have made it. 

You see, most people don’t follow other cars very well, driving too far behind the person they’re following. 

It’s like they’ve watched too many TV detective shows. They try to follow so the lead car doesn’t know they’re on their tail. 

I once had a person follow me to a destination they had never been to, yet they kept going slower and slower and falling farther and farther behind. 

At first, I slowed down to make sure they wouldn’t lose me, but then they slowed down even more! Finally, I just decided to drive and let them keep up to me. 

They never made it; they got lost and went home.

In a funeral procession, people really need to drive close to the car they’re following, especially through intersections. 

Personally, I like to get close to the car in front of me so the vehicles traveling in the other direction see that I’m part of a procession and don’t T-bone me when the light changes green for them.

Those other drivers on the road can be a real problem. Most of them act like they have no clue what’s going on. 

They see the hearse, the flashing lights, the long line of cars with little flags on their hoods like it’s a diplomatic motorcade, and they STILL try to jump into line like they want to be part of the parade! 

After all, their shopping trip to the mall has been timed down to the last minute. They didn’t calculate running into a funeral procession. 

There was a time when cars pulled over to the side of the road when they came upon a funeral procession – like we’re supposed to do with emergency vehicles. 

But then again, some people are not good at that either. I’m not sure whether people drive without looking around or whether they just don’t understand the unwritten rules of the road. 

When our procession of cars got out of the city, some cars pulled over to the side of the road, and two ladies who were walking stopped and just stood as the line of funeral cars went by. 

But most cars just kept going and even drove around the cars that had pulled over.  These people were both young and old – I know because I looked at them, trying to stare them down! 

We finally made it to the cemetery, with no accidents, and only missing one car. One with several of the family members in it. 

They arrived late because a car cut into the line and then didn’t go through and intersection with the rest of the procession. 

Going home from the cemetery only took about 10 minutes … there were no funeral processions to stop for.

Here’s the thing: In a funeral procession, you need to keep up and others need to pay attention. If you don’t keep up, other cars don’t know there is anything to pay attention to. In your Christian walk you need to keep in step with the Spirit (Galatians 5:25). So that others will pay attention and see a difference.

That’s Life!


Question: What do you find difficult about following someone?  Leave your comment below.

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In Sync Is Something We should All Strive For

Being in sync is a great feeling once the sync is complete … but I tend to put the process off rather than get right at it. 

In sync is something we should all strive for

Now, some of you started reading this post thinking that I was going to be writing about the boy band, pop group from the 90’s called NSync. 

Sorry to disappoint you – this has nothing to do with that musical group at all.

What I’m writing about today is when something fits together, when it is all settled in the right spot, when something works the way it should.

You would think that is something we would strive for all the time. It should be what we want to accomplish every day and with every aspect of our life and work – to be in sync.

You may remember when you would sync your phone with your computer. You had files, videos, pictures and music on your computer and you wanted to sync it with your phone. 

We don’t do that anymore; it now syncs all on its own. Back in the day we had to do that manually. We had to plug our phone into our computer and initiate the process.

I don’t know about you but I always delayed doing it. I don’t know why; maybe I was busy. 

I know I was not the only one because now it’s an automatic process. 

For me that was just one small sync that was fixed. I have many in my life. 

I don’t like backing up my computer, and sometimes I delay that for a week or two … or three. Hey I’ve gone over a year without backing up.  

I know I should do it, but I don’t want to take the time, or I forget and remember when I don’t have the time. 

When I do complete a back up I feel good; I feel my information is safe. I’m in sync.

I want to be in sync. I just want it done for me. 

… I wish that was true with exercising. 

I’ve just completed seven days in a row of exercising – a combination of working out in my home gym and playing hockey. 

I feel really good right now. I kind of feel like my body is in sync. 

But it has been so hard some days this past week to get rowing or spinning in my gym. 

I wish it would just happen for me – you know, like I could keep going about my life and at some point look at my Apple watch and notice that all my rings were complete, that I got my steps in, burned those calories, and completed my exercise for the day. 

But I can’t. I have to decided to do it, figure out when to do it and then walk into that room and get on the equipment. 

When I’m done, I’m glad I did. I then feel in sync, like everything is in place, and I’m where I should be.

Here’s the thing: It would be nice if we could just be in sync with God, that it would just happen for us. But the reality is it doesn’t work that way. We have to do things that will keep us in sync with the Lord. We have to plan what we should do and when we will work on it, and then actually take the time to do it. Wishing you were right with God won’t change anything. You have to do something.

That’s Life!


Question: What could you do today to sync your life with God? Leave your comments and questions below.

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