Some Hot Tips That Will Really Pay Off

In the last two weeks I’ve received a couple of hot tips that have really paid off for me.

Some hot tips that will really pay off

If you’re wondering if I’ve started going to the track and betting on my favourite horse, you’d be wrong … though when one hears the words, “hot tip”, it would be pretty natural to let your mind drift to the horse track or the stock market. 

And just so we are clear, I didn’t cash in big on the stock market with these tips either.

Both my hot tips have to do with our property … nope, we’re not selling either.

A couple of weeks ago, my wife was bemoaning the fact that our grass was looking horrible. In fact, our lawn looked more like an Israeli desert where sheep would have to scrounge for something green to eat.

I suggested that Lily talk to our sister-in-law because she knows how to grow green grass. … I used the word “green” just so you didn’t think I was talking about some other kind of grass.

Some people just have a knack for growing things, and I thought advice from Anna would go a long way to helping us get our lawn back in shape. Anna told us to scuff up the ground with a rigid rake, liberally throw down grass seed, and then cover it with a thin layer of dark earth. When we were done all that, we were to water it really well. 

The payoff? – You should see how green the grass is that has sprung up! It’s amazing that two people like Lily and I, who do not have half a green thumb between us, could see results like this. 

What a tip; we really cashed in on it. 

The other hot tip came as a result of a blog post I wrote (you can read that one here), bemoaning that our gravel driveway was filling up with weeds and that the extreme measures we took the year before did nothing.

Well, two people commented on my post with suggestions about dealing with the weed problems in the gravel. The solutions were almost identical with using white cleaning vinegar as the central ingredient to the formula.

I was definitely not expecting the results we got. After all, we weren’t putting Round-Up on the driveway. But it was amazing – in one day all the weeds had dried up and died. You can’t buy a commercial product that would work any quicker.

What an amazing tip! 

Two problems, two hot tips producing payoffs that were truly remarkable. 

Like with any hot tip, there is always a little part of you that is sceptical. You think, “if this is true, then why isn’t everyone getting in on it?”

Sometimes the scepticism wins and you ignore the hot tip. Sometimes that’s good because the tip might not work out. But you kick yourself when you find out the tip you received was a true hot tip that paid dividends.

I’m glad we tried both these tips because they paid off ten to one.

Here’s the thing: The greatest hot tip there has ever been is that Jesus died on the cross to pay for your sins. The payoff is a real and close relationship with Him and a future eternity in heaven. But like any hot tip, some people will take it and some will be too sceptical. My recommendation: take the tip. It will pay out more than you can imagine.

That’s Life!


Question: How do you usually respond to hot tips? Leave your comments and questions below.

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8 thoughts on “Some Hot Tips That Will Really Pay Off

  1. My dilemma is that the first guy who gave you the driveway tip also planted grass in my front yard where the tree used to be and it now looks like the Israeli desert.

    • Hi Don,
      You need my sister in-laws tip. Rake the ground, liberally throw down some seed and cover it with a light layer of black earth. Then water it like crazy.

    • Hi Mary,
      Well, here are a couple of recipes. 4 litres White kitchen vinegar 5-20% acetic acid, 1 cup salt, 1 teaspoon dish soap. Best to spray it on when the sun is out. The other recipe calls for only vinegar and dish soap – no salt. Hope this helps.

      • Thank you, Paul. I am trying to get rid of Roundup dependence. I tried natural formulas, but they don’t do as well. I don’t see how anything could live thru heavy vinegar mixed with salt! Thank you.

  2. Paul did you grow up in Rexdale on Restever Gate ? I lived next door and babysat you every week for years. I was there when they brought home your adopted baby sister and rejoiced with all of you . Your parents were a big part of my teen years and your darling mother was another mom to me. The three of you children were delightful, full of joy and energy. I adored you ! It made good practice when I went on to have four of my own !
    ( your mother was the best baker I had ever encountered !! )

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