Today Is Special; Everything Changes Tomorrow

Today (November 19th) is a special day; tomorrow everything is supposed to change.

… I remember the day before we had our first child … life was so different. Everything changed the next day.

Life was just Lily and I. The next day when Karlie arrived everything about life was different – what we thought about, how we approached our day, how we made plans.

I remember going to the mall the day before our daughter came on the scene. It was a spur of the moment decision; we just left the house, got in the car and drove to the mall.

I remember going to the mall after Karlie was born. When we wanted to go, we couldn’t because Karlie was napping. Then when she woke up she needed to be fed. We packed a bag and finally got her ready, but just before we were to leave she needed changing.

I almost threw my hands up and said, “Forget it! It’s not worth it; it’s too much work.”

One day changed going to the mall into a whole new experience.

Today we are on the cusp of that kind of day. Tomorrow we are supposed to get snow for the first time this year – and it’s supposed to be significant.

Today, however, it’s sunny and plus 16°C. I’ve already played hockey this morning and got in my exercise for the day.

But this is most likely the last day of the year I will be able to go biking. Everything changes tomorrow.

After today, I will need a fat bike to ride the trails at my club … and I’m pretty sure Lily isn’t convinced that I need to spend $1200 – $1500 on a fat bike just so I can keep riding in the winter.

So this is my last chance to take my bike out. It will be 4 1/2 – 5 months before I ride again.

That’s the thing – tomorrow brings such an abrupt change. It’s not slow or gradual; it’s all of a sudden.

… When I was in grade 4, all my stories started that way. I would write, “All of a sudden” at the top of the page and then continue with some action.

My teacher responded the same way to all those stories by giving me another “C”. It was a predicable mark, not all of a sudden. For some reason, she wanted me to develop the plot before I got to the “all of a sudden”.

As I sit here planning my day, all I can think about is the “all of a sudden” snow we are supposed to get tomorrow.

Today I need to go for that bike ride, put up the Christmas lights, and apparently I need to wash our new car because I’m told it looks dirty.

Well, tomorrow it won’t matter how clean the car is today. Tomorrow it will be dirty. And I’m sure there will be some mild temperatures in the next few weeks for me to put up the Christmas lights.

But it’s today or never for that last bike ride. I think I need to escalate it to the top of today’s list.

Here’s the thing: Christ’s return will be one of those “all of a sudden” stories. It will be the day everything changes. We need to do something today so that we are okay when everything changes, when “all of a sudden” happens. Be sure you’re right with God by placing your faith in His Son, Jesus Christ.

That’s Life!


Question: What would you do if you knew everything was changing tomorrow? Leave your comments below.

Playing Hockey With The Old Man

The old man showed up yesterday on the ice … and the old man was me!


It’s been a slow start back to playing hockey regularly.

The first time I played this fall I felt pretty good. I had some speed, hands weren’t too bad, scored a few goals. Things were looking promising.

I had worried that after turning 60 in June I somehow wouldn’t be able to skate any more or pass or shoot.

But from my first outing, things seemed just like they were when I left the ice in the spring.

Now I’m about a month into playing again and yesterday there was a shortage of players for shinny. We had to play four aside with only one sub.

Let me tell you, I needed that sub!

I think I was coming off the ice twice as much as the other guys on my team … and it wasn’t because I was trying to be courteous.

I needed to come off; I was dying!

With only four guys on the ice, there is so much more ice to skate and it was wearing me out. Mostly my legs were in a lot of pain.

It felt like I had shin splints after about 30 seconds into a shift – sharp pains in my shins that traveled up to my thighs as well.

All I needed was about a minute on the bench and my legs returned to normal, but it sure made it tough to skate when I was out there.

It didn’t help that I had the three oldest guys playing on my team. In fact, we may have had the four oldest.

The young guys on the other team didn’t seem to want to take it easy on us either. They checked us close and made us really work to get the puck out of our end.

I felt like an old man, not able to skate like I once could, having to take rests more frequently than the others.

It was pretty discouraging.

I know I could still skate well if I didn’t have the pain, and I know I could have more stamina if I was in a little better shape.

The pain in my legs has been happening since I had a heart attack over four years ago. But it has gotten a little worse.

I’ve tried loosening my equipment, and drinking insane amounts of water, but the pain doesn’t seem to be a circulation or an electrolyte problem.

I think it’s coming down to either my medication messing with my muscles, too much sugar in my system, or my heart not working at the capacity it needs to to enable my legs to work properly.

… I really don’t want it to be the latter reason. So my next step is to work on my sugar intake. For the next while I’m going to cut all deliberate, unnecessary, gratuitous sugar from my diet.

Let’s see how that goes and how it effects my muscles. I’ll check back on this later.

Here’s the thing: When you face something that doesn’t seem right, always question it, seek to discover possible reasons for it, and try potential solutions to solve it. The best environment for this is in consultation with God. Meet with and ask God for help as you question, discover and try to get past what you’re facing.

That’s Life,


Question: What difficulty have you faced and just accepted, rather than trying to solve? Leave your comments below.

It Was A Spectacular Moon; I Missed It!

I missed the moon this morning. It was supposed to be a super moon. It was to appear 14% larger and 30% brighter than what we usually see.


I didn’t see it at all.

I woke up at about 5 am and for some reason it was on my mind. So I got up and looked out five different windows hoping to catch it from at least one angle.

Nope, I didn’t see a thing. At the time I was still a little sleepy so I didn’t think of venturing outside to get a full view of the sky.

Instead I went back to bed and ended up sleeping in a little later than usual … probably due to the fact that I got up earlier and then went back to bed.

When I did get up at 6:20 am, I checked the windows again. This time I also went outside … I still saw nothing.

Maybe the moon ducked out early. I figured because the sun was not quite up yet, just starting to peak out over the horizon, the moon should still be hanging around.

Now I’m no sky watcher, but I do know the general direction to look when trying to spot the moon. The only other thing I can think of is that the houses around me were blocking my view.

If the moon was low in the sky it may have been hiding behind a nice two-story home over on the other street.

All I know is that I missed it. The last time the moon was this close was 1948 and we won’t see another super moon like that one for another 28 years.

Doing a little calculation, that will put me at 88 years old.

I should still be around and if I am I better not miss that one because for sure it will be my last chance.

Only two chances in my lifetime to spot the moon this close to the earth. Those are rare opportunities and maybe I should have been a little more curious so that I spotted it.

There have been other once-in-a-lifetime opportunities that I have made sure I witnessed … like the time I had a chance to see Steely Dan in concert.

I made sure I didn’t miss that one, because I certainly won’t see them again.

A few years ago I had the chance to look through the lens of the largest telescope in our area. You had to climb up a ladder to look through the eye piece – that’s how big it was.

After looking for a while at stars, galaxies and planets, my friend turned the scope on the moon.

Talk about a super moon! It was so big and so bright that it hurt my eyes to look at it. I had to squint looking through the eye piece.

I don’t think seeing the super moon yesterday could beat seeing the moon lit up like I saw it through that telescope.

I can wait another 28 years and, if I feel energetic then, I might just get up and take a look outside.

Here’s the thing: Never worry about missing out on experiences because you are a Christian. There is the ultimate experience you will have one day when you enter heaven with Christ.

That’s Life!


Question: Did you see the super moon? And was it super? Leave your comments below.

My Front Lawn Looks Amazing

I was looking at my front lawn this morning as I left my house.


The tree in the front yard is a beautiful, brilliant yellow. There are still lots of leaves on the tree … but it’s kind of like someone who’s had a good head of hair but is getting older – that hair is starting to thin out. It was so thick that most people didn’t notice for years that there were some bare spots on that melon.

Well, that’s the stage our tree is in. It’s thinning out and all that hair loss is showing on the grass below.

That’s right, the leaves that have come off the tree are strewn all over our lawn.

I have to tell you, it’s a great fall scene … at least it was this morning with the sun shining and air still. It was a beautiful sight to see.

As I looked at this awesome, live picture, I thought to myself, “You know, those leaves aren’t going to pick themselves up and put themselves in the collection bag. And though the grass isn’t really growing much any more, it’s still green and could probably use one more cut for the year.”

Today would be a great day to get this all done … but I don’t want to ruin the picture, the scene.

I also know that when the tree does go completely bald, I will be picking up leaves again. So if I work on the front yard today, I will still need to work on it another day or two.

And way back – I mean way back in my brain – I have this thought …

If I just wait the wind will come and blow some, many – maybe not all, but close to all – of those leaves somewhere else.

I know I shouldn’t think like that; I should be responsible. They are from my tree and, therefore, they are my leaves.

My only rebuttal to that is when the fall leaf collection is done, yes I will have picked up a lot of my leaves, but there will also be a lot of leaves bagged and taken to the curb that are from other trees.

You see, I know that my neighbours’ leaves are going to leak off their lawns and end up on mine.

That’s the part that doesn’t make me too eager to get at the task.

It’s such a nice day out that I could spend my time mountain biking … and I’m running out of good days to do that too!

Maybe I should be thinking more of my neighbours instead of just focussing on me and my desires. I should really be thinking of them first.

How can I wreck for them that amazing fall scene that they see when they look out their front windows or when they drive into our court?

That would be wrong, even selfish of me to take all that beauty away from them.

Well, I guess that settles it … I’m going biking.

Here’s the thing: It’s easy to talk ourselves into things we want to do. It’s dangerous when we do that with God, like convincing ourselves that God is behind the very thing we’ve talked ourselves into. Get a second opinion, check it with scripture, and don’t just take your own thoughts as the truth.

That’s Life!


Question: What kind of things do you try to talk yourself into? Leave your comments below.

Taking A Day Off Doesn’t Mean Doing Nothing

Today I’m taking the day off. What I mean by that is I’m not going to do anything I don’t really want to do today.


This last week has been very hectic. I’ve had some extra demands on my time, energy and my emotions. I’m feeling rather drained today.

It’s that feeling when you take the dish cloth and wring it out. You do it once and you get most of the water out. But then you do it again and, surprise, there’s still some water in it. So you squeeze that cloth real hard a third time until your hands start to hurt. Still a little bit of water comes out … but it’s only a few drops.

That’s where I’m at today. I’ve been wrung out a few times this past week and each time there was still a little in me. But this morning, I’m feeling like I only have a drop or two left.

So it’s time that I let myself soak under the tap to get filled up again.

Filling a cloth back up is easy; you just need to put it in water. But we are a little more complex.

When we are wrung out, the things that put life back into us are things we want to do and look forward to doing.

I thought about today as I lay in bed just before getting up this morning. There were a few things that came to mind that I am looking forward to doing.

I’m looking forward to doing something that will exercise my body, something that will take some brain power and something that will lift my emotions in the right direction.

To get filled up requires something specific to replenish what’s depleted in you. You can’t just “veg” and get filled up. Spending a day in front of the TV doesn’t do anything for you. You actually have to activate those parts of you that are depleted.

And it matters what you activate them with. If it’s something you have to do or something you’re not looking forward to doing, it won’t benefit you. If you consider it to be work rather than pleasure, even if it is something that is outside your everyday work, it will give you that wringing out feeling rather than that filling up feeling.

You could, amazingly enough, do something that is work-related if it fills you up.

The temptation is to do nothing, to open up the cloth, hang it over the faucet and let it dry completely. You know, however, that when you do that, the cloth gets hard and stiff … and it will eventually take even longer and more water to soak it and get it soft enough to be useable.

It’s best to keep the cloth soaked, and you can only do that by placing it under the tap.

Stay filled by doing things that will replenish those parts of you that just had the life squeezed out of them.

Here’s the thing: Along with filling up your physical, mental and emotional parts, be sure to fill up your spiritual part as well. We are not meant to be idle; we are best when we are active. Be sure you activate your spirit when you fill up. That part will keep you connecting to the One who gives you insight into the rest of your complex self.

That’s Life!


Question: What do you like to do to replenish your energy, mind and emotions? Leave your comments below.

I Need A Car Real Soon

Well, I’m in the market for a car but I do have some standards – mind you, they aren’t that high.


I don’t have a certain make of car that I have to drive, though I remember growing up we always had GMs.

My dad went through the models. In the early sixties we had Pontiac Parisiennes; in the late sixties and early seventies it was Oldsmobile Delta 88s. Then in the mid to late seventies and on it was Buick LeSabres.

In fact, my Dad never drove anything but Buick LeSabres from then on.

For me, I’ve been all over the map: Buick, Renault, Chrysler, Ford, Lincoln, GMC, Honda, Hyundai.

I’ve never owned two of the same make of car in a row. You could say with this that I’m a blank slate. I’m open to any kind of car.

However, there is one thing that I would like and that is a little peace and quiet. In our last car we didn’t get much of that.

When driving on the highway, Lily and I would practically have to shout at each other to be heard over the sound of the wind outside the car.

It was almost like driving with our windows down all the time.

So quiet is a big deal, and then there is room. We would also like something that is a little bigger than our previous car.

It doesn’t have to be too much bigger, but a little would be nice.

The car doesn’t even have to be new. In fact, I have an aversion to making payments so on that account a new car is not that attractive.

I just don’t like to be paying for a car for years and, when I’m finished paying for it, find it’s time to get a new one and have to start the payment thing all over again.

To make it worse, I also have an aversion to paying interest. If I had to I could stomach a 0% interest payment for three years or so, but that’s about it.

… I think I have about a week to get that kind of deal before they disappear for a while.

A used car is probably what we will end up with – something that I don’t have to put too much money into but something that’s going to last us four to six years or so.

There are lots of cars out there and today we will start taking a look.

This is where our kids come in handy. One of our son Mike’s buddies is a car salesman. We’ll see what he can do for us.

Over the years we’ve fed him numerous meals and Lily has given him lots of advice. She even calls him our #2 son. It’s almost like he owes us a good deal.

The biggest thing is we can trust him. We can be sure he will do the best he can to get us into the right car that meets all our standards.

Here’s the thing: Often in life we find ourselves at a crossroads. We need to make decisions that require more insight than we have. We need people who can step in and help us in those times. When it’s a spiritual matter, a spiritual mentor or life group is invaluable. Be sure to surround yourself with people who can help you make the right spiritual moves.

That’s Life!


Question: How long does it take you to reach out for help on spiritual matters? Leave your comments below.

Is The Whole Greater Than All Its Parts?

You’ve heard the phrase “the whole is greater than the sum of its parts”. The quote goes back a long time; it’s from Aristotle. But let me spin it another way.


More recently, we associate this phrase with synergy – the idea that when people work together what they produce is greater than what they could collectively do on their own.

In music when a group of jazz musicians jam together they feed off each other and create a sound that is greater than what they could produce on their own instruments.

This is why team work is so important when working on projects, in sports or pretty much anything.

However, this principle is opposite when it comes to fixing something.

The whole costs less than the sum of its parts … and that’s the phrase that’s more on my mind these days.

A week ago I wrote a post about the car accident I had with a deer (you can read it here). I kind of thought that my car won that fight. I mean, I think the deer probably lived but it was banged up more than my car … but perhaps I was a little hasty with that thought.

In the wisdom of the collision appraiser, he thinks the car has more damage than it’s worth. In other words, it will cost as much to fix the car as it would to buy one of the same vintage.

Basically what they are saying is that the sum of the parts needed to fix my car costs more than the whole car is worth … and really we are only talking about four parts on the car! It still runs as well as it did before.

So if I bought all the individual parts the car needs it would cost me more than it would to just buy the finished product.

There’s that synergy working. Normally it would be a good thing, but here’s how it’s a bad deal for me …

I have a diminishing deductible on my insurance. So if they fix my car, for whatever price, I don’t pay anything and I get my car back intact like it was before the accident – like the deer incident never happened.

Instead, however, because all those parts cost more than the whole car is worth, the insurance company will probably give me some money for the car and I will have to add to that total in order to get a replacement for my vehicle.

In the end it will cost me money out of my pocket to get a car on the road again.

And because I don’t want to go back to a 2009 vehicle in 2016, I will have to purchase something that is newer and more expensive.

This “the whole is greater than the sum of its parts” works out great for the insurance company.

Somehow I have to figure out how to get some synergy working for me.

Here’s the thing: God never intended us to live the Christian life on our own. We were created to live as Christ followers in community. So when you think of your life in Christ, consider all the parts: personal time with God, worship, learning, growing, and serving. It’s when we do these together that we experience the whole being greater than the sum of its parts.

That’s Life!


Question: What parts to your Christian life are you lacking right now? Leave your comments below.

Anyone Need Their Grass Cut?

From time to time I will republish a post I’ve written in the past. The post was originally written and published in October 2012.

Sometimes you start a simple task or job and it grows into something bigger. I have certainly experienced this at times in my life.


One time we had a water leak in our vacation trailer.  I decided to see if I could fix it myself.  I checked and found the problem needed to be fixed from the outside, which meant peeling off the metal shell at the front of the trailer.

I started at the bottom and noticed the problem extended a little higher so I took off the next strip, then the next, and the next.

When I had the whole front of the trailer removed, with just the wood frame left in place, I stepped back and thought, “What have I done?!”  It was way more work than I had thought.

Another time we had a leak in our basement.  I thought I would dig a hole outside and patch the foundation where the leak was.  In the end, the hole I dug was over 5 feet deep and about 12 feet long.  Again, that job got way bigger than I had first thought!

Reading about those two experiences, you might think they weren’t that bad, and that I must be a handy guy.  That’s where you would be VERY wrong!  I’m not that handy, and for all the handy work I have done, I don’t really like it.

It takes me too long; I don’t have the right tools; I make mistakes; I get frustrated; I get discouraged; I cut myself (another story).

Recently, we were at our cottage on a rainy weekend, when we happened to get a break from the rain for a few hours.  I decided I’d better take the opportunity to cut the grass since we wouldn’t be back for a few weeks.

It’s such a small piece of lawn that the job really doesn’t take much time.  But, as I was running the lawnmower over our grass, I thought about my brother’s lawn.  He had left his cottage a few hours earlier in the rain and I had noticed that his lawn needed a cut.

Since he’s up at his cottage almost every weekend and often cuts our grass (because we don’t get there all that frequently), I thought it was my chance to return the favour.  So, when I finished our lawn, I walked over to his place and started to cut his grass.

As I got close to finishing, I started to think about my brother’s neighbour who’s wife had just had surgery and was in intensive care at the hospital.

I thought, “That guy doesn’t need to be bothered with his lawn”.  So, as I finished with my brother’s lawn, I just kept going and worked on his neighbour’s.

As I walked back to my place pushing my lawnmower, I realized this was one of the few times a job that got bigger didn’t become frustrating or discouraging.  In fact, I walked with a sense of satisfaction that I had, in some small way, been a help to others.

Here’s the thing:  One of the greatest ways we can show the love of God to others is not by telling them but by showing them.  The problem is it takes time and, for many of us, time is precious.  We don’t have a lot of extra time to allow the task or job we are working on to become any bigger.  But sometimes that is exactly how we are to “love one another as I have loved you” John 13:34.

That’s Life!


Question: What kind of “loving one another” acts have you done recently?

Accidents Happen In The Blink Of An Eye

It happened in the blink of an eye; the deer came out of nowhere. Last night we hit a deer traveling to our cottage to close it up for the winter.


I had no time to react, just absorb the hit and keep the car on the road.

It was the perfect scenario for such an accident. It was dark, and there was a misty rain in the air, so visibility was hindered.

My headlights picked up the deer about one to two seconds before we hit him. All I could do was hold on to the steering wheel and keep the car steady.

We hit him in his hind quarter and he glanced off the passenger side of the front bumper.

I figure he came toward the headlights from the shoulder on the same side of the road as us. At the last moment he tried to veer off, and that’s when we clipped him.

The car continued to drive fine, but everything was not okay.

The plastic bumper was cracked and smashed. He took out our light assembly on the passenger side, and the front quarter panel was pushed back slightly so that the passenger door wouldn’t open very much.

The hood sustained a small crease and though it stayed shut, I’m unsure whether it would shut again if I tried to lift it.

The deer kept going.

On the inside of the car, we were fine. No airbags went off; neither Lily or I sustained any injury. But the dashboard lights went out, and I found out later the passenger tail light was also out.

I’ve never had a head-on collision before … unless you count the time I ran into a fence.

I was about 10 years old and my grandfather had been keeping an old 1930’s car in our driveway.

Some of the boys on the street thought it might be a great idea if we pushed the car into our backyard to see how far it would roll.

We had a little hill at the top of our yard, so all we really needed to do was get the car rolling and then let gravity do its job.

I was the logical driver since the car was on my property and it was my grandfather’s car.

It was my first time behind the wheel. I couldn’t even reach the pedals but that was okay because the drive was all about momentum.

Actually, for my first driving lesson I did pretty well. I kept the car going straight, didn’t swerve or even hit anyone. It all went great until I hit the fence at the end of the yard. No damage; the car went into the chain link fence and bounced back a bit.

The only damage came later when I had to face my dad concerning my first driving incident!

Yesterday caused a little more damage to the car than that first head-on 50 years ago.

I’m kind of hoping this is my last collision. I do plan, however, to tell my friends who are hunters that I got my first deer.

Here’s the thing: Things in life can happen very quickly, with little or no warning. You can’t always be ready and prepared for what is coming next. That’s why it’s best to have your future settled, for whatever might happen. Be sure that you have a relationship with Christ Jesus, and that you are trusting Him now and for the future.

That’s Life!


Question: What plans have you made for the future? Leave you comments below.

You Need An Outlet In Your Life (part 3)

How do you know what kind of an outlet you need for a particular time? Should it be something with other people, or is an outlet by yourself good enough?


These are important questions to answer to be able to have an outlet in your life that does what it’s supposed to do … and that is to provide a release for the stress, pressure, burden, or load of work, and all the emotions that come with these things.

In my last two posts I’ve written about what an outlet is (read here) and how to determine an outlet that works for you (read here).

In this post I want to help you discern the best kind of outlet for you at a particular time.

There are many factors that come into play in determining whether the right outlet should be with other people or on your own.

Personality has a say in this, so you need to know where you get your energy from. Are you recharged from being with others or from being alone? There are personality tests you can take to determine that.

On a basic level, if the weight you find yourself under is generated from within you – that is, you are putting the pressure on yourself – it would probably be best to have an outlet available to you that is more social.

When you feel alone in what you are going through, employing an outlet that is solo in nature is not going to give you that break from yourself that you need.

I’ve been there recently. Most of my burden comes from within, is self-packed and carried. In the midst of it, I had a window in my schedule where I could go biking.

The thought of getting my gear together, mounting my bike on my car and driving to the trails on my own was too much and I couldn’t get myself to do it.

I know I would have been glad once I got there, but being alone in this feeling that I had made it too difficult to get going on that particular day.

It might have been a better choice that day to get a few people together and go for dinner where we could watch the game on a big screen.

On the other hand, there are times that the burden you feel is because of people. In those cases choosing an outlet that isn’t social at all might be the best thing.

Going to a movie might be a bit of a bridge outlet because you can go with someone else but you don’t usually interact throughout the movie … unless you’re a teen and you’re watching a suspense movie with your girlfriend. It might become interactive as she digs her fingernails into your arm when the suspense builds!

Bottom line, it’s complicated and you need options … not just one outlet but several, some that are social and some that aren’t.

Build your list and schedule them if you can. You’ll feel better for it and be able to stand up under your burden.

Here’s the thing: God has made us social beings. It’s important that you don’t just have a consistent devotional life; you need the social interaction with scripture too. We should keep spending time alone with God, but also attend a life group to interact with God’s Word in a more social setting. By the way, there are two outlets for you: personal quiet time with God and life group meetings with others.

That’s Life!


Question: What kind of outlets do you gravitate to: solo or social? Leave your comment below.