There was a time when I was happy to sit outside in the direct sun.

Tanning was a big thing for me when I was in my teens and early twenties. I enjoyed soaking up the rays as much as I could.
I would say that, even ten years ago when I’d go to the beach, I wanted that sunshine to touch all my exposed skin.
… Though there was a time when I hoped that the sun would cover more of my body than I had exposed to it. That was on the last vacation we took as a whole family.
We were on a cruise and made a stop at an island with a great beach. I was basking in the sun, when my family noticed that I was only burning on the front of me.
I told them that the suntan/burn would come around and cover my back too. We all had a good laugh.
But wanting a tan is a thing of my past. I get enough sun to brown my face while biking or playing golf. I don’t need to sit out purposefully and point my face to the sun.
Now when I go to the beach, I wear a T-shirt unless I’m going in the water … and I sit under an umbrella.
I like being outside, but now I like sitting outside in the shade.
Right now I’m writing this post outside on the deck at our cottage. The sun is up but I’m under the canopy of an awning, which is a permanent hard roof.
It makes for a great space when it rains – we can still be outside. And when the sun is beating down, we can sit outside and enjoy the sun, without being in the sun.
So when I’m at the beach I like that I have some cover from the sun. When I’m at our cottage I like being outside and under cover. But when I’m at home, well, we have no cover from the sun on our deck.
It’s not bad when the sun is low in the sky later in the evening, but for most of the day we are fully exposed. And it’s not just the sun that we are exposed to. I feel exposed to anyone and everyone around.
Somehow being under an umbrella or awning gives me a sense of protection from the elements and a bit of seclusion from the world.
My wife wonders why I don’t like sitting out on our back deck at home when I’m happy to sit out at the cottage and the beach.
Well, the answer is pretty simple: I like something over my head.
And if we could come to some kind of agreement on the type of overhead covering for our deck, I just might be more inclined to spend time out there.
Here’s the thing: In the world we live in, we are exposed to all kinds of things – many that we can’t protect ourselves against. They may even make you feel vulnerable and exposed at times. Well, there is a covering that can keep you living with confidence in our world and that is Jesus Christ. You may find yourself exposed to things you don’t want to be exposed to, but He will be a shade as you go through this world. And ultimately you will be protected from the harsh realities of an eternity in hell. Choose Jesus as your cover.
That’s Life!
Question: What do you like most about being under a cover of some kind? Leave your comments and questions below.
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