I am not a real bargain guy, but I found a bargain the other day and didn’t let it go.

There are some people who have a knack of uncovering amazing sales or deals that leave other people wishing they were them.
That’s not me.
I seem to miss the sales more than I get them, or by the time I get to the store they are all sold out.
I know people who can find the cheapest seat on a plane but, when I go looking, those seats are not available.
Have you ever gone to a garage sale and found something that is just perfect for that side room in your home? When I go to a garage sale all I see is someone’s junk that they want to get rid of. I don’t find that rare piece that will perfectly accent the mantel above the fireplace.
Years ago I wanted a bicycle repair stand. It’s tough to work on your bike or do maintenance when your bike is propped up and leaning against something.
All the bike stands that I could find were pricey. So I looked on the internet for how I could make my own version on the cheap. I spent hours looking at different designs; some were absolutely ridiculous.
After all my research, I came up with an idea that borrowed between a few designs. From a hardware store I bought a steal flange, a threaded rod which screwed into the flange and a heavy-duty vice grip thing.
This home-made rigging has worked fairly well, but I still wish I had a stand.
On Tuesday we found an old flyer from the previous week in our mailbox. It was a Princess Auto flyer. Though they are all about automobiles, and though the snow mounds are still visible, they were advertising a bicycle repair stand.
I wasn’t thinking about biking quite yet, but I noticed the price and it was cheap. Online they range from $80 – $400.
I know the flyers come out on Thursday and this was the next Tuesday. I wasn’t too hopeful. Then I looked at the date the flyer took effect. The sale started the next day, on Wednesday. That’s perfect timing!
I checked when the store opened and they had a special one day early opening of 7 am the next day.
I planned to go on my way to work. And to better my odds, I left for work about a half hour earlier than normal.
I guess not too many people got the flyer because, when I got there, I was greeted at the door by a whole team of employees. I was presented with a door crasher gift. They asked me what I was looking for and someone took me right to the spot.
I got my bargain bike repair stand and was out of there in five minutes.
I guess I do find the sales sometimes.
Here’s the thing: It’s not hard to see that our world is in trouble. People, environment, economics, health – it doesn’t matter what – there is trouble everywhere. From the beginning, God had a plan to save us at the end when the trouble turns apocalyptic, and to save us when our personal trouble claims our life. God gave us the greatest bargain of all, His Son. If we place our faith and trust in Jesus, when the trouble overtakes us, we will go to be with Him. That’s a great bargain.
That’s Life!
Question: What is something you need to take advantage of right now? Leave your comments and questions below.
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