Contrasts and Comparisons

There are some contrasts that automatically illicit a comparison.

The other day when I was talking with friend in Calgary, he mentioned that overnight they had gotten their first snowfall. It left just a light dusting over the ground and probably by midday would be all gone. 

But this was September 14th, and it made me feel kind of sad for him. In fact, I felt so bad about that snow report that I couldn’t bring myself to tell him what the weather was like in eastern Canada. 

It was 9:30 in the morning and the sun was shining in my window. It was 24°C outside, but felt closer to 30° with the humidity. I had the air conditioner on in my office.

Then he told me it would probably get up to 6 or 7° that day. I just couldn’t rub it in.

I felt for a moment like I was in Florida and it was the middle of February or something. I almost mistook the evergreen tree out my window for a palm tree.

The contrast was just way too much for me to say anything. 

Besides, it’s September and the cold weather will be coming to us soon enough. I just didn’t want to jinx what we were experiencing here in Kingston.

Yes, I know that sounds superstitious, and I know there is nothing to it. 

… But when my hockey team is winning 3-0 near the end of the game, I don’t say the word “shutout” until the game is over … I’m just say’n.

It’s not like I turn my ball cap around backwards, or flip up the brim when my baseball team starts a comeback. 

… Oh wait, I have done that … never mind.

Relax, I really do know there is nothing to all that.

It was still impossible to avoid comparing my region’s temperature with his.

The contrast in weather in different parts of the country only really makes a difference when you know someone in that part of the country. Then you compare. 

I compare the weather I’m experiencing in Kingston to what my son and daughter are experiencing in Toronto. 

And I do the same with Lily’s family in Ottawa. 

I even compare the weather when I’m at our cottage with the weather back home in Kingston. 

I always feel better when it is nicer where I am than in another region. But that doesn’t mean I have to gloat or make someone feel bad for experiencing poorer weather than me. 

I don’t have to verbalized a comparison of the contrast. They might be perfectly fine with the weather they are experiencing. 

I could tell my friend was embracing his weather. And that was another good reason for me not to burst his bubble with my +19° difference.

It’s all good.

Here’s the thing: It’s almost impossible to not make a comparison of contrasts. And if the contrast has to do with a spiritual condition, there’s often an immediate and natural reaction of feeling better than them. But remember, if it wasn’t for Christ in your life, you would be where they are. Let that thought stop you from comparing and cause you to put yourself in their shoes. After all, you’ve been there. Then respond to them without comparing. 

That’s Life!


Question: What have you been comparing lately? Leave your comments below.

The Other Side Of The Clouds

From time to time I will republish a post I have written in the past. This is a repost of an article I wrote in May 2015

On a recent plane trip, I became fascinated by two very different realms that exist in our world. There is the realm below the clouds and the realm above the clouds.

other side of the clouds

On the plane ride home from Calgary we flew above the clouds with the sun shining brightly all around and into the cabin of the plane. I noticed how some people shut their blinds so that they could sleep or to cut the glare on their TV screen while they watched a movie.

Looking out my window the sun was unhindered and I found myself squinting to shade my eyes as I looked out.

Below the plane was this white base that seemed firm and as I focused on it, in my mind I could envision a vast landscape of mountains and valleys. It was pure white, clean and bright, inviting.

On our descent, the clouds looked softer and billowy and certainly not solid like before.  They morphed into a wispy cottony substance as we enter them.

This particular day, the cloud cover was thick and it seemed that we traveled a long way to get through the clouds.  Everything out my window was grey and it resembled thick smoke when it is whipped up by the wind.

At one point, I thought, “How long are we going to be in these clouds?” I was surprised how thick they were.

When we finally got through, the scene was vastly different from above the clouds. Though it was only 1 pm, it looked like it was late in the evening.  The realm below the clouds was dark and grey, rainy and dull.  It was a complete contrast to the realm above the clouds.  The realm below was sun starved and I felt an immediate dip in my spirit.

Though this was the realm I live in, there was something about the realm above the clouds I wished was present.  Despite my familiarity with the terrain and the landscape, I had a longing for the bright warm and inviting sun.

So here’s my thought: When life seems rotten, when we’re down and things are going all wrong, internally we are in a realm much like I found myself in below the clouds.

In reality though, the sun is still shining – shining as bright as ever, providing warmth and light and goodness.  It just seems as if the sun is absent.

I envision the sun as God’s goodness and blessing shining on us.  For me to experience that once again, I turn to prayer.  I can’t break through my realm (through the clouds) to the realm above, but my prayers can.

Some times the clouds are thick and it seems to take a long time for my prayer to make it through them.  But that doesn’t mean God’s love isn’t shining down.  In the book of Daniel, he once wondered why it took so long for God to answer his prayer.

Look up Daniel 10:1-14. The angel tells Daniel his prayers were received right away but that he was delayed in responding, like there was a battle going on in the clouds.

Here’s the thing: Sometimes we have to pray for a long time before we see a break in the clouds, and the sun shining again in our lives.  But what I need to remind myself of is that my prayers are received by God instantly, and regardless of how long it is before my prayers are answered, God’s love and grace is shining down on me as bright as ever – even when I can’t see it. And that’s good to know.

That’s Life!


What are your thoughts on delays in answered prayer?  Leave your comments below!