I am a user, because I’m better at using things than I am at taking care of things. Is there anyone out there who’s like me?

When I was growing up, my mother thought my brother and I should go into the wrecking business when we grew up. We were so good at it.
Some people are very good at maintaining things. They care for their lawns, their cars, and maintain all the necessary things in their homes.
But I’m not wired up that way. I was built to use things. I don’t have time to care for things because after I have used them, I’m on to something else.
The truth is, I like the idea of caring for my things. … I would really like to have a car that sparkles all the time, but I’m too busy using it to take the time to make it sparkle.
I chalk it up to my genes. This propensity to care for things or to just use things comes to us from our parents and their parents before them.
I figure my user mentality has just been passed down to me.
The upside to my bent on life is that I get to enjoy a lot of things. The downside is when they break down they end up costing me more … more time to fix them or more money to get them repaired.
I kind of do that with my cars. I’d never own a car until it became an antique. It just wouldn’t last that long for me.
Unfortunately, I discovered this week that I also do that with my bike.
Over the last year I’ve broken the chain on my bike at least twice – maybe three times, I can’t remember.
If it happens once, it’s no big deal, but if it keeps happening, there’s something wrong.
This week I took my bike in to get a tune-up and a new chain.
When the mechanic looked at my bike, he said “Man, look at those rear chain rings! I’m surprised you haven’t broken your neck!”
I figured from that comment that I’d be purchasing new rear chain rings.
He didn’t like the look of my front chain ring either. And my rear derailleur was pretty worn.
The bottom line was my bike was a mess.
My mechanic called me later and said my front brake rotor was all bent too and should be replaced.
I replied, “just put in on the tab”.
A few days later, he called me back to tell me my bike was all ready to go – ready for me to use it again, that is.
The bill was pricey. Some people would spend as much as I paid to buy a new bike from Canadian Tire.
When I got it home, I vowed that I was going to take care of my bike from now on.
But who am I kidding? I’m a user and it’s tough to break old habits.
Here’s the thing: Some people care more about the set up when relating to God. They need the proper things to be in place to ensure their time with God will be optimal. Other people just focus on meeting with God. It may be different each time and sometimes it might be messy. But the thing is, there is no right or wrong way to meet with God. Figure out how you best relate to Him and make it happen.
That’s Life!
Question: Are you someone who cares for things or just uses them? Leave your comments and questions below.
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