The thing about climate change is that it keeps on changing.

Even what we call it has changed. We used to call it “global warming”, but somewhere along the line it got switched to “climate change” … which is more vague that the term, “global warming”. At least with that name we knew something was happening continually over a long period of time.
Our climate has always changed, so those who think this is a better name are fooling themselves.
In Calgary, climate change can happen in a moment’s notice. There they are known to say, “If you don’t like the weather now, just wait a few minutes.”
In Kingston, about twenty years ago, our family went down to the waterfront to celebrate Canada Day. It was a beautiful day; the sun was shining and it was about 25°C. We were all in shorts and T-shirts.
That was at 2 pm. By 9 pm the temperature dropped 20 degrees to a brisk 5°C.
Talk about climate change. Our pre-teen kids had no meat on their bones in those days and they were frozen. They were huddling up to Lily and I who were also chilled right through.
That was July 1st – not your normal summer weather for Kingston.
In some places around the world the climate stays relatively the same, but they still have climate change. They might not experience the spring, summer, fall and winter we do, but they have a rainy season and a hot season.
I’m just saying, the term doesn’t really describe anything different than what we have always experienced.
But times are changing, that is for sure.
We recently spent a week in Palm Springs, which is a desert town in California. All you have to say is “California” and “desert” and you know it’s going to be hot.
But it wasn’t. The temperatures only made it to 20°C twice all week.
While we were away, there were a couple of days the early morning temperature in Palm Springs was the same as the high back in Kingston.
Interestingly, when we got home after our week away, we had no snow in Kingston and the temperatures were above 0°C. … No worries though, that climate change thing kicked in after we got home and we had a foot of snow on our driveway by midweek.
I’d like to say that climate change is happening again but it looks like this dump of snow will stick around for at least a week.
I understand that what is meant by climate change is overall erratic and unusual weather patterns across the world. But you have to admit that it’s not a very creative or clear name for what’s happening.
Maybe they should pick a new name using AI (artificial intelligence). I recently read that a brewing company asked an AI chatbot to come up with a beer recipe. Apparently the recipe was good because they named it Robo beer.
What name might a chatbot choose for climate change?
Here’s the thing: For us, change is normal. Change is always happening. But that doesn’t mean it’s easy or enjoyable. Often change is difficult and uncomfortable; many times we plain don’t like it. The thing about God is that He doesn’t change. You can count on Him. He will be the same no matter what happens, no matter how you change. You can always find a constant in God. And why is this important? – He loves you and cares for you and that never changes. Trust Him.
That’s Life!
Question: What unwanted change is happening in your life right now? Leave your comments and questions below.
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