It’s my day off but I’m going to do a form of cleaning that I don’t really consider day off kind of work.
In the cartoon “Popeye”, when he would get to the end of his patience or the end of himself, Popeye would say “that’s all I can stands; I can’t stands no more”. Then he would eat a can of spinach.
You really should read that out loud with one eye shut, speak out of one side of your mouth and have a pipe stuck between your teeth.
Okay now that you’ve said it, that’s how I feel about my computer desktop. I’ve written about this before but it’s time again to address the mess that I have to stare at each and every day.
I have a few home screens that I switch between and, on two of them, I have family pictures. Those faces are skewed because of the number of files that are littering my home screen.
You would think that having those files right there to see would make it easy to find them, but it doesn’t work that way. When you have a screen that looks like mine, it takes longer that if they were filed in some kind of logical order.
Well today’s the day that I’m going to make my computer a little more functional again.
I’m not sure what got me to the point of not being able to “stands it” any longer, but it may have been a comment made by someone the other day.
I was showing a group of people a seminar video from my computer which was hooked up to a projector. For a brief time, the whole group could see what my computer screen looked like.
To make it worse, the projector showed my screen at a lower resolution so the aspect of my screen changed and all the files were condensed and jammed together.
One person said, “Your desktop is a mess.”
Now I didn’t want to call him “Captain Obvious”, but I’ve been living with this messy screen for about a year now.
I just have not wanted to tackle it. There was always something else to do.
I didn’t want to have to think up places for these files to go. It was easier to just leave them there and not deal with them.
Well, today I’m going to deal with it. I will probably trash some files, organize others into folders, and probably move some to a hard drive off my computer.
One of the reasons I’ve taken so long to do this is that I don’t have a space problem on my computer. I have tons of room on my hard drive.
If my HD was nearly full, I would have been forced to do something with these files by now. But there’s no necessity for that.
The only reason I am doing this at this time is that I’m feeling like Popeye the sailor man today – “I can’t stands it”.
Here’s the thing: How is your life right now? Is it a little cluttered with sin, some poor habits, maybe even an attachment to something that’s not healthy? Maybe it doesn’t seem that bad to you right now. But why wait till you “can’t stands it” any longer? It’s impeding your progress now. Don’t wait until you’re buried under it. Do some house (life) cleaning with God today. Confess those sins, turn from them, and ask God by the Holy Spirit to help you clean up your life.
That’s Life!
Question: What’s been cluttering your life these days? Leave your comments below.