Somebody, remind me why people are so fanatical about their coffee! I just don’t get it.

I can get passionate about a lot of things. I even watched a hockey game the other night from 2007. It wasn’t that I hadn’t seen it or didn’t know the outcome; I watched simply because I had a hankering for some hockey … and because right now we’d be in the thick of the playoffs – two games a night on TV.
So I do understand getting a hankering for something.
And I do know coffee drinkers love a hot cup of joe first thing in the morning. … My daughter has a sign in her kitchen that reads, “… but first, coffee”.
Some people go to extreme lengths to make a cup of coffee just down right difficult.
I remember the days of the coffee maker. You put the water in the reservoir and could almost immediately see the same stream of H2O come right back out, now steaming hot and with that dark roasted lustre to it. … People like me would say it looks closer to the colour of mud but, as you can tell, I’m not a coffee drinker. I never have been.
What I don’t get is the extremes coffee drinkers go to to get their coffee – whether it is standing over a chemistry lab-style carafe with a filter shoved in the spout, pouring small amounts of water over the coffee grinds, or whether it’s standing in line at a Starbucks for your special blend.
During the pandemic, Starbucks says they have mobile service. The only thing they have correct in that statement is “mobile”, as in you stay in your autoMOBILE.
There is no service to what they do, even on a normal day when operating at full capacity.
As one comedian put it, “you need a cup of coffee to be able to stand in line that long to order a coffee at Starbucks”.
Well, the other day, my wife, Lily, had a free coffee voucher for Starbucks (for her birthday). She placed the order on her phone through an app.
She was notified that it would be ready in 6 minutes. Now that’s fast for Starbucks! I was impressed; we hurried there.
When we go close, we found that there was a lineup of cars that weaved through the parking lot, all of them trying to go through the drive-thru.
… Nineteen cars ahead of us by the time we got to the back of the line!
We hadn’t calculated that in our timing. Lily’s coffee was to be ready in 3 minutes.
It took another 20 minutes to actually get the coffee passed to us through the drive-thru window.
… That means Lily’s coffee sat on some counter for 17 minutes, and not under one of those heat lamps either.
Why someone would want to go through all that just to get a taste of their favourite poison, I don’t know.
Anyway, it’s a good gig. If you order ahead you either stay in line or you lose your week’s pay on that overpriced drink that’s already been charged to your credit card.
Here’s the thing: When you truly love something, you will go to incredible lengths for that love – to the point where others who don’t share that same love think you are a little crazy or foolish. Well, let me ask you, how much do you love God? Would people who don’t love God think you are crazy for the lengths you go to to demonstrate your love for Him? Think on that.
That’s Life!
Question: How do you show your love for God? Leave your comments and questions below.