I have noticed that I often push past my goal or target. I don’t think this is just a “me” thing, but most likely something that many people do.

No, I don’t have any research to back up my theory, but I figure I’m a pretty average person. I think it’s something built right into us.
You see it in the Olympics where some athletes will post a personal best in their event. There is something inside them that makes them go past what they have done or can do.
… But that’s an elite athlete and most of us don’t fall into that category.
Still, when I go mountain biking at my club, there are many times that I feel tired and only plan on doing the home loop which is about 10 km.
However, almost every time, once I’m out there biking, I will push past my goal and add about 15 minutes to my ride by taking a side trail halfway through the home loop.
Even when I’m a little short on time, I usually push past my original goal and add the extra 3 or 4 kilometres to my ride.
I do this in many areas of my life.
… Like when I feel I’ve been adding too much sugar to my diet, I will take a break from pop and chips and candy.
I will arbitrarily set a time frame for myself of maybe a couple of weeks. But as I near the end of my sugar fast I will usually determine to push past my target date and go another few days or weeks.
There is something in us that pushes us on to do more, to go beyond. We want to break what we had hoped for and go past it.
I did that again just the other day.
I decided to exercise using my stand up paddle board. Usually I just paddle for a while following the coast line and then return to the beach. As I launched my board, I decided to go for at least a half hour. I picked out a landmark down the beach and started paddling.
The water was really calm for Lake Huron. I could tell I was reaching my target sooner than I expected. So I looked farther down the beach and picked out another target – much more ambitious.
But as I got to it, I wondered if I could go to an even further target – a pavilion that was farther away than I have ever paddled.
And as that pavilion got closer, I thought maybe I could make it all the way to the point at the end of the beach.
I pushed past three targets I had set and came to shore only to turn around and paddle back.
It took me just over an hour round trip and I paddled about 6.5 kilometres.
I felt a little tired by the time I got back to my beach chair, but pretty good about what I had done.
There was just something in me that caused me to push past my targets.
Here’s the thing: Many times when I get up late or I’m feeling a little rushed in the morning, I’m tempted to skip my time with God. Instead of doing that, I will set a shorter time and keep my appointment with Him. I find that, almost every time, I push past my set time and spend much longer with God. Keep your appointment with the Lord. Set your goal and then see how you push past it to have a rich, fulfilling meeting with Him.
That’s Life!
Question: In what area have you recently gone beyond your initial goal or target? Leave your comment or questions below.
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