Being in sync is a great feeling once the sync is complete … but I tend to put the process off rather than get right at it.

Now, some of you started reading this post thinking that I was going to be writing about the boy band, pop group from the 90’s called NSync.
Sorry to disappoint you – this has nothing to do with that musical group at all.
What I’m writing about today is when something fits together, when it is all settled in the right spot, when something works the way it should.
You would think that is something we would strive for all the time. It should be what we want to accomplish every day and with every aspect of our life and work – to be in sync.
You may remember when you would sync your phone with your computer. You had files, videos, pictures and music on your computer and you wanted to sync it with your phone.
We don’t do that anymore; it now syncs all on its own. Back in the day we had to do that manually. We had to plug our phone into our computer and initiate the process.
I don’t know about you but I always delayed doing it. I don’t know why; maybe I was busy.
I know I was not the only one because now it’s an automatic process.
For me that was just one small sync that was fixed. I have many in my life.
I don’t like backing up my computer, and sometimes I delay that for a week or two … or three. Hey I’ve gone over a year without backing up.
I know I should do it, but I don’t want to take the time, or I forget and remember when I don’t have the time.
When I do complete a back up I feel good; I feel my information is safe. I’m in sync.
I want to be in sync. I just want it done for me.
… I wish that was true with exercising.
I’ve just completed seven days in a row of exercising – a combination of working out in my home gym and playing hockey.
I feel really good right now. I kind of feel like my body is in sync.
But it has been so hard some days this past week to get rowing or spinning in my gym.
I wish it would just happen for me – you know, like I could keep going about my life and at some point look at my Apple watch and notice that all my rings were complete, that I got my steps in, burned those calories, and completed my exercise for the day.
But I can’t. I have to decided to do it, figure out when to do it and then walk into that room and get on the equipment.
When I’m done, I’m glad I did. I then feel in sync, like everything is in place, and I’m where I should be.
Here’s the thing: It would be nice if we could just be in sync with God, that it would just happen for us. But the reality is it doesn’t work that way. We have to do things that will keep us in sync with the Lord. We have to plan what we should do and when we will work on it, and then actually take the time to do it. Wishing you were right with God won’t change anything. You have to do something.
That’s Life!
Question: What could you do today to sync your life with God? Leave your comments and questions below.
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