There is something about perfect timing that’s, well, just perfect.

We use that phrase “perfect timing” when something happens at just the right time, or in every and any situation that presents itself as working out.
When a baseball player leaps at the warning track and catches the baseball as it’s going over the fence, we say that’s perfect timing.
When you show up at a restaurant and are first in line to be seated and look back to notice a large line up forming behind you, you say to yourself, “We got here at the perfect time!”
Even when my wife, Lily, is ready to leave the house at the same time I am, I think it’s perfect timing. … That doesn’t occur very often so it is even more remarkable when it does happen.
And maybe that’s why we notice something when it happens at just the right time. It’s not a regular occurrence. Rather, it is more of a one-off, something that only happens from time to time.
I remember years ago when our daughter was little and she was bouncing on the couch right beside me. I was looking across the room, talking to Lily, when out of the corner of my eye I saw Karlie bounce right over the arm rest of the couch.
Without looking, I reached out and caught her by the ankle as she was diving head first toward the floor.
That was perfect timing, and all I could say to Lily was, “Did you see that catch? Did you see that catch? It was perfect!”
Well, the other day I was driving home from our cottage. I was about a half hour into my five hour drive, when I got a call from our son. He was in Kingston and was going to be leaving to go home to Toronto.
I had to pass through Toronto on my way home so he suggested that if it worked out, we should meet for dinner along the route between Kingston and Toronto. We agreed to check in when it got closer to the time he was going to leave Kingston.
I continued on my trip for three plus hours. I had to go through Toronto … which is always a wild card. I got stuck in stop and go traffic from the west end to the middle of the city before things started moving again.
I was on track to get home at about 7 pm without any stops.
So I called Mike once I got through the traffic, but could only leave a message. When he called back, I told him approximately when I would be passing through the next three cities before I got home.
We decided he could make it to Belleville around the time I would be getting there, which was still a good 45 minutes from where I was at that moment.
I figured that one of us would get there and just have to wait ten or fifteen minutes for the other one.
Well, I rolled into the restaurant parking lot, stepped out of my car, checked something in the trunk, and turned around to see Mike pulling into the lot.
Perfect timing! Being that far away, coming from opposite directions and arriving under two minutes apart was amazing.
Here’s the thing: Perfect timing is when two things come together at just the right time. When God answers your prayer, or speaks to you through a verse, or when you become aware of who God is, that’s perfect timing. Pay attention to it and be amazed.
That’s Life!
Question: Recently, what has happened perfectly for you? Leave your comments and questions below.
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