In some ways people are tougher than God. The Canadian election campaign has recently highlighted that fact for me.

To a lot of people, God is tough. They view Him as the all-seeing kill joy, just waiting to pounce on someone who does wrong.
Some people equate God with punishment – a punishment that is swift and harsh.
However, a careful look at the Bible will see a rather different God – one who is patient … so patient that the reader can get a little impatient with God’s patience with people.
As for punishment, rather than being punitive, the Bible shows that most of God’s punishment is for the purpose of correction and restoration.
I was reading in the news today about all the candidates that have had to pull out of the election campaign, or were asked to step down by their party leaders because of comments they made through social media.
The interesting thing is that most of these offences happened years ago. In some cases, the comments were made decades ago.
It seems, however, that a comment made – no matter what decade it was made in – still truly represents a person.
Even when people apologize for comments made in their past, there is still a cloud of mistrust that hangs over them. There remains a question mark in the minds of the voters regarding whether this person can be trusted now, or ever again.
There is not a person alive, or a person who has ever lived, who has not said something in their past that they would regret if it were made known years and years later.
There is not one person who has ever lived who has not said something, only to find out later through new information that they were wrong, or to be convicted later about some attitude they once held but no longer do.
But in this political campaign, watch out because you will pay dearly for those comments if they get out. It will not be a quiet matter either; it will be made public for millions to know. You will face shame, and there is a good chance you will lose your ability to serve publicly.
The reason for all this? Two things, or the lack of them: forgiving and forgetting.
Especially because of social media, forgetting won’t happen.
But people also have a hard time forgetting. Our minds are like high-end computers that can spit out data on demand, no matter how long that data has been stored there.
Then there is the forgiving.
We all want to be forgiven but we don’t like to forgive. We like to hang on to our hurts and hold others accountable for what they say and do.
People are just like what they think God is like. They are hard, shaming, guilt-producing, angry, condemning, self-righteous and self-appointed gods.
… You only have to watch the commercials that are aired on television from now to the end of the election to see that this is true.
Here’s the thing: It’s awesome that God is not at all like that. Why? Two things: forgiving and forgetting. God is a forgiving God who willingly and lovingly forgives those who want to be forgiven. He is the God of the second chance … and third and fourth, for that matter. And God is forgetting. Rather than remembering what He has forgiven, in case He wanted to use it against us, God chooses to forget. It can never come back to haunt us.
That’s Life!
Question: How have you been guilty of not forgiving and forgetting? Leave your comments and questions below.