There are times when you see a name or title and you know exactly what it refers to.
There are company names that do this very well. In the US there is a store named “Stop and Shop”. There is no question about what that store is all about. You stop your car and then you shop – it’s easy.
There are, however, store names that can leave us puzzled, like “Giant Food Stores”. I’m not sure if the food comes in giant packages or if the food they sell is so large that only giants would shop there.
Another store is “Piggly Wiggly” – that’s a grocery store name. You would never know it … or maybe you would. … I think I’ll leave that one alone.
There are some people who don’t look like their name. I’ve met people for the first time and, when I’m told their name, I think, “No way. They look more like a Jim or a John.”
Sheryl Crow sang about that once in a song called, “All I Wanna Do”. She sang, “He says his name is William, but I’m sure it’s Bill or Billy or Mack or Buddy.”
It’s good when a name matches, isn’t it?
But if a product’s name describes a function of the product, it better live up to its name.
This week I was back to work after being on vacation for a while. You always hope that things will go smoothly your first week back in the office.
Well, I was working away and I often make notes on a white board and then scan them to my phone. I then wipe off the board and make more notes and scan another page when the board is full.
I had two days of note taken on my phone – about five pages. When I went to save those pages to my computer, the app on my phone started up like it was the first time I used it.
And yes, you guessed it: all my notes were gone.
There was a button to restore old notes but, when I clicked it, there were no recent documents.
I had five pages on that app less than 24 hours ago!
The app said it stores files on the phone for 30 days. There was nothing.
You know who makes the app? A company called “Evernote”.
Did you get that? “Ever” means it never ends; it will always be there. My notes should be around for ever. That’s what the company name means and I think, if I’m not mistaken, that is what they are trying to describe with their name.
My first week back in the office and my Evernotes are like never notes, like I never made them at all.
Maybe a better name for the company would be “Some Notes”. Then you’d have a heads up that only some of your notes will last while others will disappear … for ever.
I’ll still use Evernote but I’m not going to treat it like it’s name suggests.
Here’s the thing: The Bible describes God as being the same yesterday, today and forever. So you can count on God to be faithful, to act with a loving heart and to act with the end in mind. God can not go against His nature. He will live up to His name.
That’s Life!
Question: What do you need to trust God for today, given that He will follow through on it? Leave your comments and questions below.
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