It seems like everyone has an agenda for you, whether you like it or not.

People like to impose their agenda on you and sometimes they don’t even realize they’re doing it.
I went to an eye clinic the other day to follow up on some tests I had had concerning an issue that resulted from my on-ice collision several weeks ago. (You can read about it here).
I was there to get the results from about seven tests they had done on my eyes at the previous appointment.
I was a little concerned going in to see the ophthalmologist because I didn’t think I had done very well on a few of the tests. But when I sat with the eye doctor he really had a different agenda than to give me feedback on the tests.
The eye specialist is no different from anyone else.
When I say to Lily, “I’m going to the store”, her response is always the same – “What store are you going to?” And I know that question means trouble. Either she wants to know where I’m going so that I can pick something up for her, or she wants to come with me.
No matter her response, there is always an agenda in her answer.
If she wants to come with me, that most likely nixes my agenda for my shopping trip. Somehow the trip becomes Lily’s trip with me just tagging along. We end up going into several women’s clothing stores or a home furnishing store, or stopping at the grocery store for a few items we can’t do without.
And all I wanted was a shirt! So much for my agenda.
Well that’s how I felt at the eye doctor’s.
He told me my eye structure was similar to one with glaucoma, not that I have or will necessarily ever get it. He wanted me to see an optometrist on a yearly basis so that they could monitor my eye health as I age.
I was kind of discouraged by all that. I just wanted to know how I did on the tests and how my eyes are now. It had been about 27 years since I’d been to an eye doctor and discovered I needed reading glasses. Now, all of a sudden, I was being told I need to be monitored for potential eye issues.
Feeling a little frustrated, I asked the doc, “How are my eyes now? How did I do on the tests?”
His response was, “Your eyes are very good; you did really well on the tests.”
There was one I was particularly concerned about and he said I did perfect on that test.
I walked out of the clinic that day a little miffed that I would be called in a year for another appointment. If I hadn’t have asked, I would not have found out what I wanted to know.
The appointment was all the eye doctor’s agenda, not mine.
Here’s the thing: We all have an agenda for our own lives and an idea of what we think is best for it. There are also other people who will seek to impose their agendas on you. But God has an agenda for you. His agenda is worth joining because God knows you and what’s best for you so His agenda will lead you to the best outcome in the long run. Put you faith in Christ to link with God’s agenda.
That’s Life!
Question: Whose agenda are you following these days? Leave you comments and questions below.
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