I’m thinking there are only so many faces in the world … the rest are just variations of the same few faces.

I’ve come to this conclusion because I was recently mistaken for someone I am in no way related to.
I was walking up to the pro shop at a golf course I was about to play, when I noticed a group of four senior gentlemen standing around their golf carts.
I noticed them because they were looking at me. In fact, it was more than just looking at me – they were staring at me … you know, with their mouths slightly open in that, “Is this who we think it is?” kind of stare.
I continued on like I didn’t notice them gawking at me and went into the clubhouse.
I registered for my game and was just about to walk out the door when these four men came clambering in, almost trying to squeeze through the door at the same time.
The first one blurted out, “Are you related to Bobby Orr?”
If you know anything about hockey – if you’re a Canadian – you know who Bobby Orr is: one, if not THE greatest NHL defenseman of all time.
I immediately put their question to rest. “No”, I said, and kept moving.
I could tell from how they were acting that they really thought I was Bobby Orr for a minute.
That was the first time anyone has thought my face and Orr’s face looked similar.
Once someone thought I looked like Terry Fox, but that was back in the 70’s when I had long, curly hair. I had immediately lifted my leg back at the knee when they said it so I could be more convincing.
But that was from a distance; this was up close.
I’ve never even met Bobby Orr – though I have a friend who has posted a picture on his facebook page of him and his wife with Bobby.
My brother has met Bobby Orr. Years ago Orr shot a Planters Peanuts commercial for Hockey Night in Canada at the rink he was an assistant manager at.
Oh, and when I was young – about 9 or 10 – a guy took me to an OHA Oshawa Generals hockey game. He also gave me a black and white photo of Bobby who was about 17 at the time.
I remember that when the guy handed me the photo he said, “Hang on to that. This kid is going to be a star.”
I lost the photo a few years later.
I never met Bobby Orr, but at least my sister-in-law got me his autograph.
I did build a couple of cottages around Parry Sound one summer during my college days. I saw the larger than life image of Bobby on the “Welcome to Parry Sound; Home of Bobby Orr” sign coming into the city.
Maybe I should practice Bobby’s signature … just in case … now that I’m looking more and more like a legend.
Here’s the thing: We can mistake something for the real thing. But when we mistake our good fortune or success in life for God’s blessing, we better take a second look. That good life you are experiencing may only be for this life. God’s real blessing is attached to a relationship with his Son and a future eternity that will last far longer that any good fortune we experience now.
That’s Life!
Question: What in your life do you need to take a second look at? Leave your comments and questions below.