That Project Left Me Feeling Incompetent

The project I worked on yesterday left me feeling fairly incompetent, until I watched a program that changed my mind altogether.


I was replacing some wall sconces at our cottage … we had four, all the same, but Lily decided she wanted some more modern-looking ones.

She found the perfect fixtures and, a few weeks ago, I had the task of changing them.

The amazing thing was I didn’t get electrocuted!

Unfortunately, the new fixtures didn’t fit very well. I tried to modify the attachment plates but they still didn’t fit snugly to the wall. They didn’t look quite right but I ran out of time and left them.

Yesterday I took another stab at it, trying to find a better solution. I was just about to drill a couple of new holes to make it work, when I got another idea.

This idea involved a hacksaw and cutting through a metal plate.

Now, in the past I’ve had some issues with saws of various kinds. There was the time I was trimming off the bottom of a door and I made a nice starter cut at the base of my first finger on my left hand.

That manoeuvre sent me directly to the hospital. The doctors were amazed I didn’t cut a nerve. That finger still feels a little funny to the touch, however.

It wasn’t more than about six months later that I was trimming a panel for a sliding door in our basement. I was using a utility knife to slice the fine board, only I got slightly off course and sliced into myself.

And you can guess, it was my first finger on my left hand. This time it was at the top of the finger.

Well, that was all in the past because this time I didn’t cut anything … well, except the metal plates.

My problem this time was I kept doing things out of order and then would need to take everything all apart to put in a couple of forgotten screws or to trim some insulation.

I had four sconces and it wasn’t until the fourth one that I was able to do things in the right order without having to attach and unattach it from the wall two or three times.

Oh yah, I was able to complete the job unscathed but I still felt like never doing a home project again. I made so many mistakes, the time it took wasn’t worth it.

Feeling like I was done with home repairs from now on, I settled down to relax. Lily was watching some reality TV home show where contestants had to compete against each other, doing things on a construction site like manoeuvring a wheel barrel, hammering nails, painting panels.

After watching how pathetic those people were at doing their tasks, I was feeling like a professional!

I looked over at the wall to see my handiwork and thought the job looked great. I immediately forgot about my frustration and thought I could take on another project some time.

… Well, we’ll see.

Here’s the thing: When you find that sin has tripped you up, maybe for the umpteenth time, and you’re feeling pretty bad about it, with self talk like, “What’s the matter with me?”, remind yourself how God sees you. He does not see you as a failure who falls to sin; He sees you as a son or daughter whom He loves and picks back up after you fall down.

That’s Life!


Question: How do you rebound from being down on yourself? Leave your comments below.

I Was A Little Overfed This Father’s Day

I’m feeling pretty stuffed today. This year Father’s Day really took a toll on me.


For years on Dad’s day I would be treated to a special meal of some kind. Either we would BBQ steak in the backyard or we would go to a restaurant for a meal that would be easy on the work but heavy on the pocketbook. The festivities would be over by mid afternoon and I would still be able to get in my Sunday afternoon nap.

Well, the years have come and gone. We’ve done different things for Father’s Day, but this year had a new twist.

Instead of the family gathering around Father, Dad went to the family.

The festivities started right after church when I was presented with a brownie by one of our teens. All I did was be a dad.

As I shoved the whole thing in my mouth in one shot (just in case someone tried to sneak a bite), I thought maybe we should do this every Sunday. We could have different groups in the church present dads with brownies – you know, one week it could be the little children, the next week it might be the seniors.

Another week could be the wives … well, on second thought, maybe that wouldn’t work so well.

Sticking to Father’s Day this year, I had my brownie and next up was lunch with our son, Mike.

We met at a restaurant because Lily and I were going to our cottage for a day, and it would be easier to pick up and leave town after lunch.

We had a nice meal; I was pretty full after my triple decker club sandwich and, of course, the brownie I had after church.

Now if I had have gone biking after that I might have been ready for an evening meal, but all we did was sit in a car and drive for a few hours to Toronto to meet with our daughter, Karlie.

Those days of having the family all come together where Dad resides has gone by the wayside. We’re too spread out for that.

We arrived right at dinner time, but I didn’t feel like I needed any dinner. I felt that my lunch meal was still in my stomach and, because I didn’t get my nap, my body had put a stoppage to the work of breaking down my meal.

I could have skipped dinner at that point, but my daughter, Karlie, had been waiting all day for a nice meal with her dad and she was starving.

So out we went for another restaurant meal and more food. This time I even got talked into having dessert. It was seeing the people eating at the table next to me that talked me into it.

Well, when we finally rolled out of the restaurant, we got back in the car and continued on our journey to the cottage.

It was quite a Father’s Day … it was a lot of food. It was great being with both my kids!

Here’s the thing: Your Heavenly Father wants to see you, to meet with you, so much so that He will show up whenever and wherever you will meet with Him. Just make sure you show up. Don’t just take it for granted that He’s around and close by. He’s looking forward to sharing a meal with you.

That’s Life!


Question: What did you do for Father’s Day this year? Leave your comment below.

I’ve Had Too May Birthdays – That’s Enough!

I guess you could say I’ve had a lot of birthdays – so many in fact, I can’t remember them all.


I just had one the other day. This one I will remember – actually, I would like to forget it, but I’ll remember it because it’s one of those birthdays that ends in a zero.

The day before my birthday, I went mountain biking. I almost crashed into a tree, but instead grabbed it and scraped my arm a bit.

Someone asked me if I’m going to stop biking because of the injuries. I said, “No. I was in my 50’s when I crashed; now that I’m 60 my co-ordination and balance is way better!”

Most people were very nice to me on Facebook, wishing me a happy birthday. The odd person rubbed the age thing in a bit, but not too much.

The thing about it is, on the one hand, I’m proud that I reached a milestone like 60. I’m pretty pleased that at sixty I can still play hockey, ride my bike, and beat my son in golf.

But the downside of turning 60 is that it sounds so old. When I turned 40 or 50, those were ages that sounded like maturity. Even if I lacked a little at times, at least my age gave the appearance that I was a mature adult.

It’s different with 60. It just sounds like you’re an old man. Who cares if you’re mature? You’re old now and that’s all people think when you say, “sixty”.

They think, and may even ask, “Where are you keeping that cane?” “You driving a Buick yet?” “Did you hear me or do you have your hearing aid in?”

I know that by next year I will probably get used to being sixty, but right now it has a strange ring to it.

I hope things don’t start to change automatically at this age. Tonight my wife, Lily, took me out to dinner for my birthday. After dinner we went for a walk downtown and I could feel a little tightness in my hip.

… I’m hoping that was a result of my bike ride way back when I was in my 50’s, and not some age-inherent arthritis I was feeling.

As we walked, I did see a number of senior citizens who had some pretty significant limps. I was hoping I wasn’t fitting in with them.

They say you are only as old as you feel. I don’t feel that old … I certainly don’t feel like I’m 60 – that’s an old guy! My dad was sixty once, and I thought he was old then; I’m not that old.

I might have to take this next year and prove that I’m not an old man by doing things old men wouldn’t do.

… I’m not sure what those things are, since I don’t know what sixty year olds won’t do, but this year when I feel like I don’t want to do something, I’m going to do it just in case it’s one of those things!

Here’s the thing: If you’ve put your faith in Christ, when you sin, sometimes you don’t feel like a Christian. But the truth of the matter is you still are a Christian, whether you feel like it or not. Confess your sin and get on with living up to who you are.

That’s Life!


Question: What have you found to be a difficult adjustment to make? Leave your comments below.

It’s A Disaster When I’m Not Focused

Some people are naturally more focused than others, but focus is important for everyone.


When you’re focused, you get more done in less time; you rid yourself of distractions. When you’re focused, the main things seem to be clearer in your mind.

But it’s not always easy to be focused. There are times – especially when we are tired – that we just can’t focus on any one thing.

I had that experience a week ago when I was working with a committee to write a report. We had worked for many hours on the contents and finally we were consolidating and tuning all our expressions into a concise, articulate document.

After a couple of hours, I couldn’t concentrate on the point we were dealing with. All I could think of was closing my eyes, that there was time the next day to finish our task.

A few days ago, I also had a moment when I had to talk myself into getting focused. I was trying to throw a crumpled piece of paper into a garbage basket from about eleven feet away (okay, I measured the distance later).

I missed three times: to the left, to the right, and then short. Each time I thought I would make the shot, but it wasn’t until I really trained my sights on the back of the basket that I drained it.

I had to tell my eyes what to lock onto, instead of looking in the general direction. When I locked my focus on the back of the garbage basket, I put it in … and to prove it wasn’t a fluke, I did it five more times in a row after that.

When I think of focus, I think of a magnifying glass and the sun. When you get the sun to shine through the magnifier until the light draws together to form a ray that is so intense and powerful that you can start a fire, that’s focus.

When I focus on a golf ball, I will hit it squarely centred on the club face. When my focus is not trained on the ball, I will miss the centre ever so slightly and the ball will not travel as far.

In my office, first thing in the morning, if I get out my study tools and start reading, I focus on my task undistracted.

If, however, I open up my email, my focus is lost to find out who wants my attention. My mind is flooded with added thoughts, concerns, and demands that were not there before I looked at my email.

My intent, my focus is no longer laser-like; it’s not going to burn a hole through any paper.

The trick is eliminating things that distract, that widen our view and keep us from locking onto our target with pinpoint accuracy.

Here’s the thing: When it comes to focusing on God, the best time to focus is before you have any other commitment or distraction on your mind. That’s why I like the early morning, before I look at or do anything else. That’s when it’s easiest to focus on my mind on God. And if I happen to wake up with something else on my mind, I simply determine a later time when I will deal with it, so I can lay it aside for the time being.

That’s Life!


Question: What do you do to focus your attention? Leave your comments below.

Do You Save The Gorilla or the Boy?

This week I heard about the boy who got into a gorilla enclosure at a zoo. People were pretty upset that the gorilla was killed to save the boy. One radio announcer said it was a sad day.

Gorilla and boy

I thought, “Wait a minute. It was a great day. That boy was saved!”

People were looking to blame someone for this. They were blaming the zoo, and/or the parents of the boy.

But what about blaming the gorilla? If the gorilla had have had any sense at all he would have just protected the boy and not dragged him through the water – that’s what got the officials to act in such a decisive and final manner.

What was the gorilla thinking anyway? He must have known that his actions would look threatening to all who looked on, including the zoo officials who had a gun trained on him.

I’m not what you would call an animal lover, but I did have an iguana as a pet for seven years. And we had a turtle for about the same length of time. We finally gave him up to friends who had a young family.

I don’t know how Winston is doing now, but I still think of him with fond memories sometimes … poor little guy.

I guess what I’m saying is, I like animals; they’re nice. But I’m still a meat eater so I really wouldn’t consider myself to be a defender of animals.

There are those who love animals and would protect them at all costs. For those people, I guess it’s a toss up of who you would protect in the situation of the gorilla and the boy.

After all, it was the boy who was in the gorilla’s house, and he was in there uninvited. Though if a 3 year old could get in, I think the gorilla should have had a better locking system for his enclosure.

I understand the parents could have been charged, so maybe they facilitated the break-and-enter for the little boy.

If that’s the case, what have we been teaching our children for years, reading them stories about “Goldilocks And The Three Bears”? Clearly someone was guilty entering the bears’ enclosure while they were not home. Really, what kind of parents did Goldilocks have anyway?

If the boy was in the enclosure to steal something from the gorilla, I’m not sure what it might have been. There wasn’t much in the gorilla’s enclosure worth stealing – no valuables like electronics or jewelry … maybe some food, but I’m sure they could have easily got more appetizing food from the concession stands.

In our time it seems there’s a trend to put animals on the same level as humans. It’s like we need to speak up for them because they have a disability or disadvantage in communicating what they want.

After all, there are many people who think gorillas (animals) are people too.

Here’s the thing: God gave each human a mind, spirit and soul, because He wants to have a relationship with us. Animals are a wonder of God’s creative power, but humans were made in the image of God, to connect with God. The day that boy was saved in the gorilla enclosure was a great day because one who was made in the image of God was spared so he could reflect the image of God to others.

That’s Life!


Question: How do you plan to reflect the image of God to someone today? Leave your comments below.

Be Open To Something New

Yesterday my daughter got me to try something new, and that’s pretty amazing. What’s even more amazing is that it was food.


When your kids are young, you are constantly coaxing, encouraging, coercing them to try new and different things. As they grow up, you do it so much that you never think there will be a time when the shoe is on the other foot.

I have to admit, I’ve had to take a few fashion tips from my son, and he’s gotten me to watch the odd movie he recommended.

But the other night was something else. It involved eating and I’m pretty set in my ways when it comes to that.

I think it goes back to the days when my mother tried to feed me squash for dinner. It seemed to be a staple in our house, like once a week at the very least.

I alway refused, but there was alway a tiny pile of it on my plate, with the understanding that there would not be dessert without the downing of the squash.

I tried to hide the flavour by mixing it into other foods like potato, but the taste always made me shiver as it went down.

As hard as my Mom tried, and as often as she persisted, to this day I don’t eat squash.

I don’t eat guacamole either. Well, maybe I shouldn’t be so hasty …

Lily and I were on our way to Toronto for me to catch a plane the next day. We were staying the night at our daughter Karlie’s home.

Normally when we get there, we go out to eat or order in. Karlie does cook but there never seems to be any food in the house when we arrive. I’m not positive, but maybe it’s just a ploy to get a free meal.

This trip, however, we left late so I thought we would just get fast food on the way. Not this time. Karlie apparently had food for us.

Still, we weren’t going to get there until nearly 8 pm, and since I was hungry when we left home, I thought about just passing on her offer this time.

But there was something about the offer that gave me the impression she would be disappointed if we didn’t eat there. So I said we’d be there for dinner, and hit the gas pedal.

Well, Karlie is into this clean eating thing. I don’t really know what that means … I’m pretty sure Lily washes the food we eat too.

When we got there, to my surprise, the bbq was on and the chicken was smelling pretty good. I’d been waiting so long to eat, I almost had to catch myself from salivating down my chin.

We were having chicken tacos which is not a stretch for me at all. I like hitting up Taco Bell for some grub sometimes. But this was a little different.

The tacos were basically chicken, red cabbage and that’s it. I thought maybe I needed some hot sauce or something, but there was none. The only thing to put on for flavour was guacamole.

But I don’t eat guac! However, since there was nothing else, and with a little coaxing from Lily, I tried it.

Crazy thing! – it was pretty good. … Look at that, me trying something new my daughter suggested.

Here’s the thing: Don’t get so stuck in your ways spiritually, that if God were to move you to try something new, you won’t do it. Always be open to the leading of the Holy Spirit in your life.

That’s life!


Question: What’s something new you’ve recently tried? Leave your comment below.

I Took A Risk This Weekend

I took a bit of a risk this weekend that could have led to a big problem.

boarder crossing

For most people, they wouldn’t think anything of this, but for me, I had “worst-case scenario” in the back of my mind.

All I did was cross the border on Friday afternoon of the long weekend.

My wife, Lily, and I were heading to a cousins’ retreat at a cottage on Lake Ontario – that would be on Lake Ontario in New York State.

One of Lily’s cousins had rented a huge home on the lake and nineteen of us found our way to this place for a couple of days.

For us it was about a three hour trip, which is not that bad … it can sometimes take us three hours to get to Toronto.

But the added element of surprise was that we had to cross the border and I had to be back Sunday morning to preach in church at 10:30.

I had a choice: come back late Saturday night and get very little sleep, or risk a border crossing early Sunday morning and arrive at church by 9:00.

I had visions of having our car searched, pulling everything out and being delayed long enough to create a mini-panic at church.

I even told one of my elders that I was scheduled for praying mid-service and preaching, so if I didn’t make it, well … he was on!

On the way down we didn’t have any trouble at the border. In fact, I’ve never had any trouble getting across the border.

There was one time that I was driving a van with about six people in it, two of whom were born in Asia and Africa. I simply said we were going to a conference in Chicago, and the border guard said, “Have a good time.”

My internationally born friends couldn’t believe it. They had never crossed the border that easily before and said, “Paul, you’re definitely driving when we cross back over!”

The only time that I had a bit of a hassle was going to a conference in Ohio. The border guard asked me what was in my trunk.

I replied that there was a suitcase and my golf clubs. He told me to open the trunk. After looking, he came back to the window, asked me what my golf handicap was, and proceeded to give me some golf instructions!

Although these have been my border crossing highlights, you never know when they’ll just decide to rip your car apart.

I was feeling like the risk was worth the extra sleep so we decided to get up at 5:30 Sunday morning and make our way home.

The drive was pretty quiet; there wasn’t much traffic on the roads, and I was going over my sermon … Lily was driving.

The border crossing was no big deal; we were through in a matter of a minute and a half.

I think the key is don’t say much, and keep your words to a minimum (which might be hard for some people) so as not to give the border guard ideas to question you on.

Arrival time: 9:08 am.

Here’s the thing: It’s no big deal to take a calculated risk on something that might cost you some time. It’s another thing to take a calculated risk that might cost you your life. It’s an even greater deal to take a calculated risk on your eternity. Make sure you are right with God.

That’s Life!


Question: How secure are you in your relationship with Christ? Leave your comments below.

What To Do When Your Discipline Is Off

My discipline has been off lately and I think I might have figured out why.

post it notes

I don’t know about you, but sometimes I just have a hard time disciplining myself to do things – things that I don’t usually have trouble getting down to.

I am a routine kind-of-guy. I work best when I have a routine. I usually structure my day to a routine that keeps me on track, especially in the mornings. I relax that schedule in the afternoons.

In the morning, I basically do the same things every day. I get up at the same time, have my devotions at the same time, and get into the office and start to work on my sermon first thing every day.

Well, that’s what I normally do; but I’ve been off-track lately and I didn’t know why.

I would come into the office knowing full well that I needed to get a good start on my sermon, but for some reason I would click on my email and check it first.

Or, I would look at some mail on my desk, or check out something that’s been on my mind or that caught my eye in an email.

What I’ve been finding is a half hour or more would go by before I really got settled down to study.

Today I think I know why I’ve been like that. In my devotions this morning, I was complaining to God about it and a thought came to mind.

I think God put that thought there. This is what it was: “I’m having a hard time disciplining myself because I feel I need to be doing more than one thing at the same time.”

I know what I need to do each day at 8:30 (get to my sermon), but I also have a couple of projects I need to be doing.

My disciplined nature can make me feel hurried to get to both things, to feel pressured to get to all my tasks.

My mind is torn and so I try to escape the dilemma or the pressure to do two things at once (which can’t be done anyway) by doing neither. Instead, I check email, or diddle around on something that is not important. My escape provides immediate, temporary relief, but ultimately puts more pressure on me down the road.

I can be very disciplined but I need a way out of my dilemma right now. I am going to try to clearly schedule time to do both projects so my mind can focus on one thing at a time, and not try to escape both tasks.

If I can see in my calendar when I will work on each item, I’m hoping tomorrow my mind can stay focussed on one task at a time.

Here’s the thing: In finding time to spend with God, it may be that you have more than one thing you feel you need to get at. In most cases, the other thing screams louder in your head than spending time with God does. The best thing is to schedule time for both things, and be single-minded when you approach your time with God.

That’s Life!


Question: How do you handle the pressure to do more than one thing at a time? Leave your comments below.

Bald People Don’t Have Issues With Hats

I wouldn’t say this often, but there are times it’s better to be bald … like when you need to cover your head with a hat.

bald head

It sounds kind of strange, but I’m having a bad hair day today and the only thing that is going to help it right now is a hat.

I know that some people struggle with their hair every day but I don’t usually have issues with mine. I have the kind of hair that pretty much stays where I put it in the morning. And for most of the time, that’s a good thing.

In the last ten years, I’ve noticed my hair has thinned out a bit, but it still performs the way I want it to … most of the time.

The good thing about hair like mine is that I don’t have to comb it throughout the day to keep it in place. My hair knows where it’s to go and it remains there all day.

When I was a youth pastor, the students in my group found this curious at times. They would come and mess up my hair just to test it. All I would do is give my hair a few quick flicks of my fingers and it was back in place.

If I went out into a wind storm, same thing. I would just run my fingers through my hair and I was good to go.

The downside with this type of hair is its strength: my hair stays put.

When I put on a hat, my hair forms to the hat and when I take it off, it stays that way.

After a night of sleep, often my hair needs a little coaxing to get into place. But if I’m just going out to play hockey, I will slip on a ball cap and go.

After hockey and a shower, I usually don’t put my hat back on. But today I did. My hair was a little damp; I threw on the hat and went home. At home I didn’t need the hat so I took it off.

That’s when the comments started arriving fast and furiously.

“Dad, your hair is wild today,” my daughter said with a laugh. She was home for a quick visit and after her vicious comments, I was glad it was a quick visit.

Lily chimed in and said, “She’s right, dear. Your hair is something else today!” and chuckled.

I had hat hair and I really didn’t care about it that much. I just wished my family was a little more supportive.

Later in the day, I was stepping out to pick up some wings for dinner. My son was home at the time, and as I went to the door he simply said, “Uh, Dad, you better wear a hat”, with a smirk on his face.

Lily just laughed. I slapped the cap on and headed out the door.

I just wonder how it would have gone if I had have made those comments to Lily about her hair.

Here’s the thing: Our minds and hearts perform much like my hair does. My hair forms to where I put it or what I put on it. Your mind and heart form to what you put in it. So if you want a mind and a heart that is forming to God, feed your mind the things of God: read his Word and spend time with Him in prayer.

That’s Life!


Question: What kinds of things do you put in your mind to form it? Leave your comments below.

I Hold My Breath When I Start Things Up

I love opening up our cottage after the winter and getting it all ready for a new summer season. But I have to tell you, I have my fingers crossed when I do it.


You just never know if things will work properly after sitting dormant for a while.

There’s not a lot to opening up our cottage. You turn on the power from the source; you turn on the water and get it flowing; you turn on the gas so you have heat and a working stove.

Electricity is always first for me. It’s the easiest thing to turn back on … a few flicks of some circuit breakers and, voila, you have lights and a working fridge.

Having lights lets you do the other work without feeling around like everything is in Braille.

I get the gas turned on next because it’s also pretty easy. After turning on the propane tank, I simply light the stove burners and turn the heat on.

Then there is the water. It’s not hard; it just takes a little more work. You have to hook up the hoses, turn the water on at the source and then systematically turn the different taps on to coax the water out and start filling the hot water tank.

Those are the main things we need to do. The rest is set up and clean up.

But every year there seems to be some kind of issue with starting up. I think two factors play into that …

First, the place has been sitting for six months in a dormant state, and second, I only open the cottage once a year so I don’t have a well-oiled routine.

Last year I had a heater problem. You can read about that here: ______ It turned out I had forgotten to take some tape off a vent.

One year I needed to replace the filler, float and flapper in our toilet. It had frozen over the winter and was leaking in the spring.

This year – wow – it was a mystery. I turned on the water and all the taps were working.

But as I tested the hot water lines to see if the water was flowing out of them, the tap in the bathroom sink dried up. I was getting water out of all the other faucets but nothing out of the bathroom sink.

Then I turned the cold water on again … nothing. Every other water source worked except that one set of taps.

I just couldn’t figure it out. Fortunately, we could live without water from that sink so I decided to sleep on it and tackle the issue in the morning. Secretly I was hoping it would magically fix itself.

… Turns out, living at the beach, it’s possible to accumulate a fair amount of sand in the water lines. The aspirator on that faucet was completely beached! … Easy fix.

Here’s the thing: You know when you take a break from serving God in some capacity?  Maybe you needed a rest; maybe it was time to leave a particular ministry. Maybe you moved from one place to another and you haven’t jumped right back into ministry. When you do go to start up again, don’t think you will pick up where you left off. Starting up again is not as simple as flicking a switch. Seek God’s help, guidance and wisdom as you move into service so you don’t go into it in your own strength.

That’s life!


Question:  What have you started up recently? Leave your comment below.