It Appeared Out Of Nowhere

Yesterday something just appeared on me and I have no idea how it got there. 

I had just washed my hands and, as I was drying them, I looked at my fingers and noticed something I hadn’t seen before. 

In fact, I was so surprised I exclaimed, “Whoa” out loud. I said it loud enough that others heard me.

I felt I needed to explain my surprise to them, so I walked over and showed them my hands.

You could tell the middle finger on my right hand was a different colour. It was dark red, sort of like it was going to develop into a big bruise. It went from the knuckle of my hand all the way past the middle knuckle on my finger.

The thing is I can’t remember what I did to get it. 

That’s not like me. I usually know what I did to get the aches and pains, bumps and bruises I incur.

But I couldn’t remember what I did to get this injury. I do remember hurting my knuckle, but what I did doesn’t seem memorable enough for me to be able to recall it. 

It’s sort of like my wife, Lily. I will see a bruise on her arm and say, “How did you get that?” And her reply is always the same: “I don’t know.”

She never knows, and I always walk away muttering to myself, “How can you not know how you got that?” 

I usually know exactly what I did to get a bruise … even when I was on a powerful blood thinner for a few months after my heart attack years ago. 

Back then my doctors didn’t want me playing hockey or really doing anything where I could get hit because of the chance of bruising. Even then I could tell you where I got bruises from. 

But not this time. 

I told someone it might have happened when we were doing yard work at the church, or it could have happened when I was playing hockey earlier.

But I just don’t know. It’s a mystery just like all of Lily’s bruises (not that she has a lot of them).

I don’t recall many times when something just appeared on me out of nowhere. 

I do, however, remember a time that something disappeared into nowhere. That was at our wedding. 

One of our bridesmaids fainted during the ceremony; the pastor made an amazing catch and got her before she hit the ground. 

Lily’s cousin had recorded the whole wedding so when we got the tape – yes, the tape – and viewed it, I was waiting to see all the action. 

But all you saw was her losing her balance and then poof, she was gone. Lil’s cousin edited the incident right out of our video.

It was amazing. One minute she was there, the next she was not. 

And that’s what I’m hoping for with my finger, that the redness disappears as quickly as it appeared out of nowhere.

Here’s the thing: The Bible tells us that one day Jesus is going to return, and His return will come as a surprise. There will be many who will not be ready. There are lots of predictions and sign watching right now about when Jesus will return. It could be soon. But my view is to be ready now so that you are not taken by surprise when Christ appears out of nowhere. 

That’s Life!


Question: Are you ready now for Jesus’ return if He should come today? Leave your comments below.