I Didn’t Know What Would Happen Next

You just don’t know what will happen next. Fortunately, most of the time what happens is what we expect or what we could predict will happen. 

But sometimes what happens next is so unexpected, so unimaginable that it changes everything for the immediate future or forever. 

One week ago there was a shooting in the emergency room of the Kingston General Hospital. 

I was there. It happened out of the blue and it altered the lives of everyone in that ER, at least for a few hours, and maybe for years.

The whole thing unfolded before me like in a movie. 

I used to play a video game called “Uncharted”. There really isn’t another game like it. The game combines action sequences, where you use the joystick to make the main character perform actions like climbing and a host of other things, with video scenes to fill in the background storyline and dialogue between the main characters. 

When I was playing the game, and Lily would come into the room, I would always say, “Sit down; it’s like watching a movie – only I also get to participate.” 

And that’s exactly like what I witnessed in the hospital emergency room this last week.

I went in to visit a man from my congregation; his wife met me there. 

We sat with him in a curtained off bay with other patients on either side of us and across the way from us. 

During my visit I heard a noise like someone falling into something. Naturally, I looked out the opening of our curtain to see what was happening. 

What I saw was three men struggling with each other, coming toward me. Two of them tackled the third man right at the opening in our curtain. 

The two men doing the tackling were corrections officers. The third man was an inmate from a maximum security prison.

The officers were struggling to contain the inmate because he had somehow managed to grab one of the correction officer’s guns. 

As they wrestled on the floor of the ER, about 6-8 feet from me, the gun went off. 

It was one of the most helpless feelings one could experience. There was nowhere to go. The gun was facing towards our bay, towards us, and we couldn’t do anything to stop it or get out of the way. 

The fumes of the gunshot made me cough; I tasted a grittiness in my mouth. 

I wanted to get out of the way; I wanted to protect the ones I was visiting. I was moving from screening the patient’s wife from what was happening on the floor, to comforting the patient who reacted with a jolt when the shot was fired. 

We could do nothing but wait – wait for the officers to get the gun from the inmate or for another shot to be fired. 

Within about twenty seconds, another shot rang out. 

Shortly after that the gun was secured and the inmate subdued. 

An innocent person was hit by one of the shots. There was a bullet imbedded in the wall of the bay I was in. 

… And the lives of twenty to thirty people had changed in a flash. It was so unexpected. 

Here’s the thing: Life often flows like you think it will, or you predict it will. But the unexpected can happen at any time, and change your life for a moment, an hour or forever. You don’t know when a moment like that will happen to you. You can only mitigate an unexpected life change by being ready for anything. Be ready to face God. It could happen any time. Don’t wait, delay or even ponder it – place your faith now in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour. Then you’ll be ready for the unexpected.

That’s Life!


Question: Are you ready to stand before God? Leave your comments below.

What To Do With Mystery Pain

For about the last four weeks I’ve had a mystery pain in my elbow that I couldn’t explain.

In my last post, I wrote about an injury that I had. Well, it’s not the only thing that’s hurting me right now. 

Over the last month or so, I noticed that my elbow has been getting sorer. I didn’t fall on it, bump it or do anything I can think of to make it sore.

But it has gotten increasingly more sore. 

I felt around my elbow to see if there was something that I could identify as being the cause of my pain. It looked fine from the outside.  

You could not tell there was anything wrong; it wasn’t swollen or red. It looked exactly like my elbow on my other arm.

But the pain is real. 

It feels like the bone is sore, right at the tip. It’s even sore to touch. If I move it in a certain way, it hurts.  

I couldn’t figure it out, but I started wondering what the problem might be. 

Some of the thoughts I had were not good, and it put a little worry in the back of my mind that this could be something serious that needs immediate attention.

Several years ago, I had a dark growth on my temple. It started as an itchy patch of skin and then developed into something that looked like a mole. 

Over time it got bigger and Lily thought it might be cancer. She wanted me to get it checked. 

Other people noticed it too and said I should check it out. I hesitated going to the doctor because I didn’t want to hear that it could be cancer. 

After much prodding, I went to my doctor who said he’d noticed it and it wasn’t anything. He put some dry ice on it and within a week it had flaked off. It has never come back since. 

When it comes to my sore elbow, I guess there is some of the same fear. I don’t want to find out that there is something really wrong with my elbow.

This Sunday I was telling a friend how it felt. Really quickly he said, “Oh, that’s tennis elbow.”

Well, I haven’t been playing tennis, but tennis elbow is the result of repetitive action that causes pain in the area.

I think my repetitive action is taking wrist shots in hockey. I’ve been putting a lot of torque in my shot and maybe that’s what has caused the pain. 

The problem is, it’s hard to rest an elbow – you’re always using it. Now it’s even tough to hold things. 

Though it’s gotten me out of doing the dishes, it’s also going to keep me out of playing hockey until it feels better. 

I guess the mystery has been solved. I’m going to have to curtail my hockey until the pain in my elbow goes away. 

Here’s the thing: There can be times in your life when you feel distant from God – like He isn’t really there to listen to you. It can be a mystery and hard to put your finger on anything in your life that would create a barrier between you and God. That’s when you should seek out a friend, and tell them how you are feeling. They may see something in you that you’ve become blind to, or through their own experience have an idea what you can do to get close to God again.

That’s Life!


Question: What mystery in your life may a friend be able to solve for you? Leave you comments below.

Some Injuries Tempt You

When it comes to injuries, I’ve had my fair share … but I’m tempted to ignore some more than others.

I’ve had injuries where there was nothing I could do but wait until the injury was better before I resumed activity. 

I think of the many times I’ve hurt my left knee – I have a torn ACL (anterior cruciate ligament). Before I knew what that was, I had injured that knee many times. 

My surgeon went in and cut out a portion of my cartilage and decided that I could treat the ACL with a brace – not a cheap, off-the-shelf kind of brace, but one that was moulded to fit my knee exactly. It was pretty pricy and, over about 25 years, I’ve had two made.

When I injure that knee, I’m out of commission. I hobble around for a week or two, but know my knee won’t be stable again for another few weeks.  

There is no playing hockey, no exercise involving my legs at all. I can only sit around and get out of shape. 

But there are other kinds of injuries that tease you a little. You get hurt but think, “It’s not that bad; I can still keep going. I just won’t go as hard as normal.” 

… In theory that’s great, but in reality it doesn’t work out that way.

Recently, I pulled a groin muscle playing hockey. It didn’t seem that bad; it was more of a nagging kind of pain … you know, one that you can play through. 

“This injury isn’t going to sideline me,” I decided. I played hockey a few days later with the idea that I would take it easy and not skate too hard.

The problem was the game was fast. There were a lot of young guys on the other team so our team had to work to keep up.  

Without thinking, just keeping pace with the level of play, I found myself skating pretty hard at times. In fact, I could feel a little pain when I took off quickly or tried to out-skate a guy on my heels. 

I could do it. It was the kind of injury that wasn’t going to hold me back. 

But I paid for it the next day. It was sore to walk without a limp. Even getting in and out of the car required some delicate manoeuvring. And when I slipped on an icy patch of sidewalk, I thought I tore the muscle more. 

This injury that wasn’t too bad, and had tempting me to keep going, had just gotten worse. Now I was looking at having this nagging injury for a very long time – maybe all season. 

So, I’ve made the decision that I’m going to stop skating until this thing gets better. 

I might miss a week of hockey, but it’s better than playing with that nagging pain every time I move a certain way. 

Here’s the thing: There are some things in your life about which you think, “I can keep doing this; it’s not that bad; it doesn’t hurt me, or my witness; it doesn’t cause pain to anyone else.” You may think you have it all under control, but the reality is you need to stop it. That thing will just nag at you and will, at some point, become a problem that forces you to stop. Listen to the Lord’s voice quietly telling you to stop now before it gets worse.

That’s Life!


Question: What might you be doing that’s not that bad, but you really need to stop doing? Leave your comments below.

Don’t Miss The Window Of Opportunity

The other day we missed the window of opportunity and it created a whole new scenario for us for the next five hours.

We actually had two chances to make it through a winter window before our travel plans were severely hindered … but we got caught in a winter storm and it wasn’t even winter yet. 

The middle of November is not usually snow weather, but we can get some weak, wet flurries that might stick to the grass but not usually to the roads. 

This time it did.

My wife, Lily, and I were leaving the Muskokas after a conference. Though there was snow on the ground, the roads were clear and it hadn’t snowed up north in several days. 

As we drove south to Toronto, and the landscape changed from white to green, I thought how nice it was to have the grass in view again. 

But I was too hasty. 

We stopped at an outlet mall to buy me a pair of shoes, which proved to take longer than we had originally thought. 

That was where we missed our first window. If we had just driven straight home, I think we would have beaten the snow storm all together.

But sometimes you don’t have the foresight you need for the situation.

I remember listening to a pastor talk about visiting an elderly woman in his church, way back in the 50’s.  

He said she had fed him coffee and a piece of pie. Unfortunately the pie was rancid and there was no way he could force that pie down his throat. 

He looked around for a way to dispose of the pie without the woman noticing. He was sitting by a window that was open at the time, and he thought it would be the perfect solution.

The pastor waited for the woman to go back into the kitchen and, as soon as she did, he threw the pie out the window. 

Unfortunately, he hadn’t noticed that there was a screen in the window. 

You could say he missed the window on that occasion! … and I would have loved to have heard his explanation. 

The first thing you want to do is make sure there is an open window. 

In our case, we never checked to see if we needed to take the window of opportunity and get out of Dodge to dodge the storm. Instead we decided to meet our daughter for dinner. 

That was the second window we missed. 

If we had have gone straight home after the outlet mall, we might have been mildly delayed by the storm. But when we committed to having dinner with Karlie, there didn’t seem to be any reason not to stay a little longer in Toronto.

Well, we missed the second window and as dinner went on I kept looking outside at the snow that had started falling and thinking, “We really blew it. We should have taken those windows.” 

As a result of missing them, it was one long, slow and treacherous three plus hours drive home.

Here’s the thing: There are many windows in life that we can either take or miss. Three important windows not to miss are: taking Christ up on His gift of salvation – none of us knows when that window for us will close; taking the way out when temptation urges us to sin; and forgiving quickly because it just gets harder to do it later. 

That’s Life!


Question: What window of opportunity do you need to act on right now? Leave your comments below.

Embarrassment Can Last Forever

From time to time I publish an article I’ve written in the past. This blog post is from November 2014, enjoy.

I’m sure everyone, at some point, has wanted to kick themselves for something they did or said.  For many of us, this happens rather frequently … too frequently for my liking.

I remember entering a Sunday School class when I was in my teens and making a snide remark about the teacher, thinking he wasn’t there yet … only to hear the teacher respond. At that moment, I wanted to take my words back.

As I recall, I didn’t remain in the class for the whole lesson that Sunday.  

Then there was the time I was with a bunch of friends on a bus and I saw a man burning leaves on his front lawn. I yelled some comment out to the man which, in the moment, I thought was quite witty.  

But all my friends thought it was lame – I mean really lame! I was pretty embarrassed at that moment, and every once in a while, even 40 years later, I still feel like kicking myself for making that comment.

The times we stick our foot in our mouth – or do something so dumb that the actors of “Dumb and Dumber 2” would be embarrassed for us – stay with us and its hard to forget them. 

But the worst are the times we say or do things that hurt someone else. Those are the worst because it’s about more than just being mortified or humiliated; you’ve caused someone pain as a result.

By the time you’re in your 50’s, you’d think those days would be over. When the person is a loved one, like a daughter, you’d think this couldn’t happen.  

But it did happen with me the other day. I was in a meeting … a prayer meeting. Four of us (my daughter included) had grouped together and shared some personal things we wanted prayer for.

I was just about to pray for my daughter Karlie – in fact, the first few words had come out of my mouth – when my phone started to ring.

I know, you’re supposed to turn your phone off in the movies, services and prayer meetings. Well I hadn’t, and my ringer is a funky piano tune.  

I panicked and went for my phone, quickly swiping my finger across the screen and answering it. 

Of course being in a prayer meeting I couldn’t talk loudly, so I quietly said, “Hang on; I’m in a meeting,” as I moved to an exit.  

That’s right, I left praying for my daughter to answer a phone call!  

I was kicking myself all the way to the exit. And I’ve been kicking myself ever since! 

How could someone do that? How could I do that? What message did I send my daughter in that moment?

I know this is one of those moments that I will cringe about every time I think of it … for years! You can’t take your actions back; you can’t undo what’s been done.

All I could do is say, “I’m sorry, Karlie. I panicked and did the wrong thing. Will you forgive me?”

Here’s the thing:  When we sin, that memory can linger with us and Satan can use it against us to discourage us, to make us too embarrassed to go to God with it. But the best thing, the only thing we should do, is confess our sin to God and move on from there. You can’t take it back. You might not even be able to forget it, but it doesn’t have to keep you from restoring your relationship with God.

That’s Life!


Question: What’s one of your most embarrassing moments and what did you do about it?  Leave your comment below.

I Lost Something Precious

Have you ever lost something that was precious to you, only to realize you could live without it?

It happens a lot and in many different areas of our lives.

Years ago I had a watch that I got from my dad. It was a Rolex so it was worth a little bit. My dad wasn’t wearing it and it wasn’t working, so I took the back cover off and cleaned it up.

The insides of that watch looked much different than your run-of-the-mill watch. It was all shiny and had a couple of jewels in it. I put it back together and amazingly it worked. 

Since my dad wasn’t used to wearing watches, he didn’t seem to mind letting his teenage son wear it. 

I had that watch for about three years. 

Then just before a camping weekend with my friends, I thought maybe I should get a new watch band because the band was starting to wear out. 

But I never got it, and the first night of the camping trip I lost the watch. 

I looked forever for it, and that weekend learned the truth that the big outdoors is pretty big. 

Though I was upset with losing that watch, now it means very little to me. I’m way past missing that hand-me-down from my dad.

We can also lose a friend. We can be very close to someone, but then distance and time cause that friendship to wain, and not be as important to us as it once was. 

We can lose friends through death. Where once they were part of our lives, and we saw them frequently, enjoyed their conversations, humour, help, and company, suddenly they are gone – people who were precious to us are no longer with us. 

This weekend we said goodbye to someone like that. 

Colin had been an integral part of our church since I arrived 22 years ago. When I look around the church I see his handiwork in so many places. 

It’s a real loss, but I know that, in time, the loss will be eased. I’ve experienced it many times in my life. 

You can also lose a friend through a disagreement. Maybe you were hurt or felt betrayed and the friendship is lost. 

It’s possible to remain friendly but, for all intents and purposes, you or they don’t feel the same, and you’ve lost that friendship. … That might be the saddest loss of all, because the friendship is still there just beyond your grasp. You can see it, but that friendship remains lost until the hurt or betrayal is dealt with –  and that takes two willing people who desperately want to hold on to something precious and not lose it. 

Here’s the thing: God is your friend if you have put your faith in His son, Jesus. To God that friendship is not something He wants to lose. But you could lose interest if you let other things in your life become more of an interest to you. You could let wrongs build up between you so that you try to avoid God, causing you to lose something that is right in your grasp if you don’t deal with those wrongs. God has already agreed to make things right. Confess your sin regularly and keep what is most precious.

That’s Life!


Question: What friendship have you lost, and what can you do to get it back? Leave your comments below.

The State Of My Garage Is Concerning

I’m concerned about the state of my garage as we approach the colder weather. 

When I grew up, my family home never had a garage. The car was always in the driveway, exposed to the elements. 

So, when I finally got a house with a garage, I decided that I was going to park my car in that garage. 

That sounds like a no-brainer, but if you drive around neighbourhoods you will see how many homes with garages have cars parked outside in the driveways – ALL … YEAR … LONG! 

In the middle of the winter when I’m driving to work in the morning I feel sorry for those folks who have a foot of snow on the top of their cars. Their windows are all frosted over while my car has no sign that there was snow in the forecast overnight.

I like parking my car in my garage and I don’t want that to change. But over the last six months, my garage has gotten smaller. 

What I mean is, it’s filling up with stuff other than my car. 

We used to keep two cars in our garage but, even if we had two cars now, we couldn’t do it. The one bay is filled with stuff.

That’s the reason so many homes with garages have cars parked in the driveways – they have too much stuff to park in their garages! 

I guess it’s cheaper than renting a storage unit … though my guess is that most of the people who are not parking their cars in their garages already have storage units filled to the brim.

The problem is people have too many things that they don’t need or use, but want to hang on to. 

That’s not my problem. 

My problem is that I have kids who have stuff they are not using and have nowhere to store it. They noticed we had a free storage unit attached to our home and took advantage. 

It’s not climate-controlled, but it’s dry.

And now my wife is starting to add to the collection of items we are storing in the unit. 

We have been doing some cleaning out of things we don’t need or want anymore. However, some of those things are not finding their way to new homes, the garbage dump or a donation store. 

They are just making it to the garage where they are starting to look like they fit in there really well. 

As I survey the items in our garage, I’m thinking that if I rearranged them a bit I could turn them into a nice little living area that we could rent out to someone.

They would have to put up with a bit of carbon-monoxide in the morning and evening when the car next to them was leaving and returning from trips … but we could reduce the rent. 

All we need now is a hot plate and a mini fridge. Anyone got spares they want to donate to the cause?

Here’s the thing: Clutter finds its way into our lives and it’s easy to add to the clutter without taking time to evaluate it. Clutter can be sin we don’t deal with, interests that fill our hours, or things that demand our time. If your life is too cluttered you won’t have much time for God – He’ll be parked outside in the driveway. Take some time today to survey the clutter in your life and make some room to bring God in from the cold.

That’s Life!


Question: What is the biggest source of your clutter? Leave your comments below.

I Need To Change My Mood

It doesn’t take much to change a mood. A mood is often dictated by events.

Music can put you in the mood, and lighting can set the mood. 

As a hockey chaplain, I meet with players for chapel, but also to check on them personally. This week I chatted with some of the guys after they had lost all three games on the weekend.  You could tell that, even though it was three days past the weekend, there was still some sting from the losses. Their shoulders were drooping a little.  

But this Friday my guys won 4-1 and the mood was different. The guys who were a little shruggy on Wednesday were all smiles after their game win on Friday. 

It didn’t take three wins to change their mood, or a long period of time – just one win did it. 

I remember years ago when you could buy mood rings. They were supposed to reveal the kind of mood you were in by their changing colours. Of course, it couldn’t really tell what kind of mood you were in; it changed colour depending on your body temperature. 

Kids would tease each other for being in love if the stone turned red. But you could quickly get the stone to change your mood by how you held it or placed it on your skin. 

A “yes” or a “no” can also change your mood in an instance. 

You can go into a meeting with your boss to ask him for a raise. A “yes” from him puts you on cloud nine, but a “no” sends you down into an emotional pit. 

One time I was looking forward to going biking on the trails. I hadn’t been on my bike in a week. But when I got up that morning, the rain washed my hopes of a bike ride down the drain … my mood took a downturn rather quickly.

Over the last little while my mood hasn’t been the greatest. There have been a few things that have been really disappointing and they have kind of locked me into a bad mood. 

There has not been anything to change my mood either – no positive that might jolt me out of my mood. 

It seems like my circumstances are dictating my mood, that I’m at the mercy of something out of my control. I feel like a puppet with other people and happenings pulling my strings. I don’t like the mood I’m in but I’m dependent on someone or something to get me out of it. 

But that’s not really true. Things, events, and other people don’t control my mood – I do. 

Your mood is actually based on a decision – your decision. 

I choose what mood I am in. Sure, it’s based on peripherals, but I have control of the decision. 

So today I’m changing my mood. I’m not going to be grumpy, sad, or sullen. It’s my decision, so today’s going to be a good day.

Here’s the thing: You can let your circumstances discourage you and take your hope away, but that is your choice. Resist discouragement and disappointment by focussing on God’s goodness yesterday, His presence today and His promises tomorrow. You have the choice to either zero in on your purpose or your problem, on God’s power or your weakness, on Christ or your circumstance. What’s it going to be? You decide.

That’s Life!


Question: What’s got you down lately? Leave your comments below.

We’ve Reached Our Limit

I think we may have reached the limit of what we can put in our house.

Have you ever tried to stuff one more thing into a box but then couldn’t close the lid? You move the things around in the box to get a better fit but, in the end, there’s still one too many things in the box.

We do that every year when we fill our Samaritan’s Purse Christmas Shoe boxes. 

I know we’re not the only ones because I see lots of boxes coming back with elastic bands around them to keep the lids closed.

We all must have some urge in us to stuff those boxes beyond full. 

We know that water has a saturation point. You can put salt in water and it will dissolve, but if you add in too much salt, you will reach the saturation point and see salt at the bottom of the pot. 

I wonder if we can do that with a house?

Is it possible to put one too many things in a house so that it reaches its maximum capacity and there is no more room? 

We know hoarders do that. I once saw a show on TV where they took a camera crew through the house of a hoarder. There was stuff piled almost to the ceiling with only paths through the house from one room to another.

But long before we get to that stage, I think it’s possible to have one too many things that you just can’t fit into your house without it lying out in the open … with no real place for it to belong, with nowhere for you to tuck it away.

My fear is we have reached that place in our home. We were billeting a few teens this past week, and naturally we wanted to clean things up. 

We are also making some changes to our exercise room, which means we need to find some new places to put things. 

As I was surveying the collateral piles of stuff that needed to be put away somewhere, I thought, “I don’t think we have a place to put everything.” 

We have more than one thing too many for our house. When I think about it, we have a lot of stuff. 

I’ve thrown out the things I don’t want, and the paper that should have been disposed of years ago. But I don’t know where to put some things that I want to keep more for sentimental reasons than to be used. 

Among the things that I want to keep is a VCR. We don’t use it any more but I have some video tapes that I would like to convert to digital some day. So how can I get rid of it? 

The problem is we seem to have reached the saturation point in our house and we have no more closet space, crawl space, storage areas, or drawers to put things in.

One thing is for sure – we have to get a lid on all this stuff … today!

Here’s the thing: We try to keep a lid on emotions, our thoughts and, yes, our sins. We stuff them into places that we don’t really notice at first and refuse to look at later when they get more visible. Just like a box, or even a home, you can get to the place where you can’t put the lid on anymore. Your stuff is going to spill out. Way before you get to that place, do something about it: give it to God; seek a friend to help you; sort out your inner junk. Deal with it now rather than later.

That’s Life! 


Question: What is cluttering your inner self right now? Leave your comments below.

Your Greed Will Get You Every Time

We are all a little greedy at times; it shows up in many areas of our lives. 

We look at a buffet and heap our plates full, only to leave some uneaten at the end. 

Well, not always … if we don’t leave food on the plate, we often need someone to roll us out of the restaurant because we ate way more than we should have. 

One time when we were at Disney World in Florida, our son, Mike, saw people walking around chowing down on turkey legs and he wanted one, too.

He was 9 years old at the time and the turkey leg was about half his size. He still thought he could eat it. Not a chance! Before we threw it out, Lily, his sister, Karlie, and I all pecked away at it just to eat enough to justify throwing the rest out. 

I’ve also seen greed a million times playing hockey. A player will hold onto the puck too long before he passes or will try to stickhandle around one more guy. Every time the pass gets intercepted or he loses the puck. 

His greed keeps him from making the play.

The other day, however, I heard the greatest example of greed in years, even though this person’s greed was camouflaged as being unlucky.

While driving in my car, the radio station I was listening to had a game going on. The caller would tell the DJ where to cast a fishing line and you would hear the line go out and plop in the water. You would hear a reeling sound and then the announcement of what the caller won. 

Before this one caller made her cast, she told the DJ she was really unlucky. But after her first cast, she won $140. 

Now, I think that if you were an unlucky person, you would respond with, “I just got $140 for free. Thanks, I’ll take it.” 

But this unlucky person didn’t do that. She said, “I’ll cast again.” And there was no hesitation; she didn’t even have to think about it.

Cast two went out and, unbelievably, she won $150.  

For sure I thought she would take her money – after all, she was unlucky. 

Nope! Without blinking her eyes – and believe me, even over radio I could tell she didn’t blink – she said, “I’ll cast again.”

And this time she caught nothing. She lost it all.

And you just know what she thought after she hung up. She thought, “I was right; I’m unlucky.” 

No, you’re not, lady. You are, first of all, foolish … I’d like to say “stupid”, but my wife tells me I shouldn’t use that word. 

Second of all, lady, you are greedy. 

That lady was lucky. Out of all the people who called in to the radio station, she got through. Then she made money on her first cast and made more money on her second cast. 

That’s luck. But her greed overpowered her luck.

We all have that urge to get a little more than what is in our hand. Recognize when you get the urge and don’t be greedy.

Here’s the thing: Many people want to squeeze all they can out of life. They want to do it all before they give their lives to God. Don’t be greedy with your life, thinking you want a little more before you ask for forgiveness, or you want to wait just until … and then you will ask God to forgive you and be the boss of your life. Don’t be greedy; get right with God now. You never know when your game will be over.

That’s Life!


Question: What do you find you are greedy with? Leave your comments below.