In order to be successful in our pursuits, or even protect against harm, we need to understand the circumstances we live in.

It’s one thing to be blindsided by something you didn’t see coming, but, if you are unaware or not paying attention to the circumstances, you will not see what’s coming. Then your reaction or actions will be out of step with reality.
This can apply to even the weather.
If you are unaware of the outdoor temperature, it’s very possible that you will not be dressed properly for going outside.
That may be a minor inconvenience in the summer, but in the winter it’s a lot more serious. You definitely want to be wearing the right coat when the temps dip below 0 Celsius, or wearing boots if there is a foot of snow outside.
To be caught unaware of these circumstances would be a mistake you wouldn’t want to make again.
On the other hand, if you have a rare collection of baseball cards and don’t understand that card collection is a hot fad at the time, you will probably miss out on getting as much for those baseball cards as you could have.
I’m beginning to wonder if some people in real estate right now are not paying attention to the circumstances they are in. They’re not in tune with the signs of the times.
My son is looking to buy a condo right now. Some might say it’s not a good time, but sometimes your circumstances force the issue.
He’s looked at a lot of homes and has put offers on a few. What he’s finding is the sellers all want more than what they are asking.
I don’t blame the sellers because who wouldn’t want to get more than your asking price? But the economic circumstances we find ourselves in right now might not accommodate that kind of thinking or selling practice.
Some sellers set a price but don’t want to settle for anything less than way over what they are asking. Then there are other sellers who set a low asking price and take bids on a certain day. They are hoping for a bidding war that will drive up the price of what they get.
However, we don’t live in that world right now. That’s not reality.
Twice now my son has placed the best offer on one of these bidding listings. Once he was the best offer between a whopping total of two bids. The other time he was the only bid. He didn’t get either one of the homes. And because what the owners really wanted was a figure far above the asking price.
It seems that some real estate agents and their clients still believe the circumstances are like they were during covid.
The other night ended with two unhappy groups and a lot of wasted energy, hope and expectation.
You have to know your circumstances.
Here’s the thing: We can see the world struggling environmentally, struggling to find peace between countries, struggling to solve world economic and health concerns through a one-size-fits-all controlled system.
Thousands of years ago the Bible predicted it all, but also gave a hope in the midst of it all. That hope is Jesus Christ and, by having our faith in Him, no matter what happens to this world we can share eternity with Him in heaven. Be aware of the circumstances and act appropriately.
That’s Life!
Question: What circumstances have you been ignoring lately? Leave your comments and questions below.
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