There are certain situations or places that trigger a lapse in discipline … and I’m in one of those places right now.

Creating a habit or trying to form a pattern in life takes discipline – lots of it, in many cases.
For instance, if you are trying to get fit or lose weight or just eat healthier, you have to work at it. No one drops 20 pounds by not making some sacrifices. No one gives up pizza twice a week or pop every day of the week without some effort.
Well, for the past 6 or 7 months I’ve been making a real effort to stay fit.
Now that I’m retired I’ve let my work go, but I don’t want to let my body go as well. I’ve needed to be disciplined at exercising every day and eating at the right times.
Through the winter, exercising came easily. I played hockey 4 or 5 times a week and on the off days worked out in my home gym.
Eating was not as easy, but I decided to keep my food intake to between 9 am and 6 pm (which I didn’t realize at the time was a form of intermittent fasting).
I haven’t followed any meal plan or diet of any kind. I only eat food in that window, don’t eat junk food at night and keep snacks down to a very small amount.
Things were going well – I mean, pretty well. The biggest hurdle was finishing dinner by 6 pm. … It should have been easy but I haven’t been able to convince Lily that we need to be done dinner by 6 pm.
She controls my evening meal because, though I’m an excellent breakfast maker and micro waver, I’m not much of a cook. To be honest I’m not a cook. I can make a grill cheese sandwich and soup but that’s a lunch meal. I can also make spaghetti, but I can’t eat that every night.
Let’s just say, for the most part, I have been disciplined and things were going really well.
Then summer happened. I spent more time at the cottage. And along with the change in environment came a dip in my discipline.
For some strange reason being at the cottage means snacking at night, eating out more often, extending my meal window by sometimes a few hours and not exercising every day.
I was having no problem at home, but that same discipline I had a home didn’t get packed in the trunk to take to the cottage.
Oh, and it doesn’t help that there is a candy store and three ice cream shops in town. With only having my bike for exercise up there, I don’t have a means to exercise on rainy days.
I know when I’m home I will have my discipline back, but right now my discipline is lapsing.
Here’s the thing: Discipline can also be an issue for spending time with God. You may have a well-disciplined time with God at home, but when you are on the road that can all change. Your schedule is different and you don’t have the same set up or place to meet with Him. One thing I do is always make my time with God the first thing I do in the day. Then the rest of my day gets adjusted from that.
That’s Life!
Question: What do you need to get back to being disciplined about? Leave your comments or questions below.
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