The Biggest Crowd This Year Didn’t Miss A Thing

It was probably the biggest crowd of the year and we got our money’s worth.

the biggest crowd this year didn't miss a thing

The other night I went to watch our city’s OHL team, the Kingston Frontenacs. This has been an interesting year because they have played to no fans, 500 fans, 2500 fans, and now to full capacity. 

I’m sure the players like having all the people back to watch and cheer them on. It worked last night. Not only did they win, but there were a couple of fights and lots of goals.

Not only have these guys had to play before a fluctuating number of occupied seats, they have also only been able to play some teams in their division. 

In the OHL there are a total of 20 teams, divided into two conferences. But this year they only played against the teams in their own conference, with most of their games played against the 5 teams in their division. It seems like they have been playing one of the same 4 teams every other game. 

It would be like going back to the NHL when they only had 6 teams. You get really familiar with the other players. And because hockey is a fairly physical game, this familiarity also results in more fights on the ice.

There were two fights last night and several skirmishes with pushing and shoving. 

This all got the fans on their feet, cheering louder. At one point it was standing room only in the penalty box!

There is always a league official in the box with the players, so I pity that guy the other night. A couple of the players were in there for over 10 minutes. 

On the ice there was some question of who was in control. The  Fronts started the scoring, then got behind 2 to 1. They then tied the game with under 4 seconds left in the period. 

The next two frames were all Kingston, scoring 5 straight goals.

Everyone left happy … until they got outside and saw all the snow on the ground.

The sidewalks were so slippery I practically skated back to the car. It was kind of like I watched three periods of hockey and then I skated for another period in my shoes. 

Lil was wearing boots and had good traction; it was me who almost went down about 4 times. I looked like one of those cartoon characters who slips on a banana peel and their legs start spinning around trying to stay under control. 

I did that a few times, but I won my game as well. I was 4 and O against the snow and sidewalk. 

I never went down once … but the only fans watching me were the people in their cars trying to maneuver through the traffic. I’m sure I put on a good show for them.

When there is potential mayhem about to take place, it draws people’s attention. Everyone turns to it to see what the outcome will be. Will the player on our team win the fight? Will the guy on the sidewalk fall on his rear end?

Here’s the thing: When a Christian leader fails, when something comes to light, people take notice. But remember, the failure on the part of a Christian is a reflection on his own imperfect desires and actions; it is not a reflection on our perfect God. 

That’s Life!


Question: What needs to be corrected or set in right order in your life? Leave your comments and questions below.

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Maybe Vaccination Passports Are A Good Thing

I think I might be changing my mind about the vaccination passports. 

maybe vaccination passports are a good thing

I can’t say that I ever liked to have to show proof that I’m vaccinated when going to a restaurant or a hockey game, but maybe there is a place for these passports in our society. 

Ontario was late getting their electronic QR code all set up, but we have been showing proof of vaccination since the fall. 

I had a pretty neat set up with my vaccination receipt and a picture of my driver’s licence on the same page in my phone. 

There was no fumbling, no scrolling, searching for another document. I just showed the person at the door my page. They squinted for a few moments until their eyes adjusted to the 6 pt type size on the document. 

When I had to, I made the switch and conveniently was able to put my driver’s licence picture on the same screen as my QR code. So it worked easily for me.

It still is a hassle. You can’t just enter an establishment. You have to line up to prove you are allowed to be there.

Remember the days when we never thought of pulling out our wallet or phone until we got to the cash on the way out, or until the waiter or waitress handed us the machine at our table to pay? 

Those were truly the good old days, weren’t they? And we are going back to them very soon.

I can hardly wait in one sense, but in another I’m thinking it’s too bad because I’ve just discovered something really good about vaccination passports. And it all has to do with going to the movies. 

In the last couple of weeks I’ve seen two movies in the theatre. One of them Lily wanted to see and the other I really had to see. It was my duty.

Anyway, both times we arrived at the theatre there was a line of people outside waiting to get in. The line was because it takes time to show your credentials to get into the movie. 

The theatre is still not that busy and they have a very large lobby. But for some reason, they want to scan your QR code just inside the doors, which means you are standing outside until it’s your turn to show your code.

But here is the best part and why maybe we should keep the passports for a while – at least at theatres: The people scanning that black and white square piece of art on your phone are so focussed on that that they don’t verify if you even have a movie ticket. 

That’s right, the last two movies I went to I didn’t need to buy a ticket. All I needed was my QR code and driver’s license. 

All I can say is I’m glad I only paid the senior’s rate. It was Lily who paid the big bucks to see those two flicks.

Here’s the thing: I think some people think that when they get to heaven, God will look at all the good things they did and just forget about the bad – maybe just overlook the bad because of all the good. But God doesn’t work that way. It’s the bad that separates us from Him and no amount of good on our part can overcome the bad. It is only by the sacrifice of Jesus that we can have a relationship with God. By putting your faith in Christ, He takes away all the bad. That’s something to think about.

That’s Life!


Question: What is something you overlook that you shouldn’t? Leave your comments and questions below.

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Familiarity Breeds The Strongest Of Connections

Familiarity brings out the desire to connect. Have you ever noticed that in your life?

familiarity breeds the strongest of connections

I have, in fact, just this morning. I witnessed two strangers connect over something that was familiar to both of them.

Maybe there is some kind of bond that is created with familiarity, an invisible string that ties our hearts together with one another. 

When you think about it, familiarity warms our hearts. 

If we hear a song on the radio that we knew from long ago, often there is a noted smile that crosses our faces. We put our attention to it. We remember places and people who also shared that song with us. 

This connection is so strong that we can picture a place in the past where we heard that song. Our mood may have been flat or even down, but a familiar song changes that in an instant. 

And for at least the length of that song, our mood has brightened. 

Just being in the same room as someone we have known in the past can change how we talk, how we relate; we can even become more animated.

I know this is true when I get with the guys I went to high school with. Though we are all grown men, we start relating and acting and talking like we did back in high school.

That’s the kind of thing familiarity does. That invisible thread gets tied to each other’s hearts and we don’t go back in time, but the past somehow get injected into how we interact with each other. 

It really is an amazing thing. 

This morning at hockey there were two guys in the dressing room who didn’t know each other. They had never met before, except for seeing each other skating around the ice. But this morning they were changing in the same room.

One of the guys had a tattoo of Newfoundland over his heart.

I had noticed it, but didn’t say anything. I just figured he was from there, or it was a special place to him. 

But another guy across the room noticed the tattoo and spoke up.  

“You from Newfoundland?” he asked. And the tattooed guy responded, “Yes I am.” 

What transpired next was pretty amazing. It was that familiarity at work.

They went from complete strangers to being deeply connected to each other. 

Somehow, though being from different places on “the Rock”, they not only knew things about where each other was from, but they knew some of the same people.

The room might as well have been empty of other people because all they did was banter back and forth about their homeland. 

The more they talked, the thicker and thicker their accents got as they connected more deeply. 

They left the room together and when I finally emerged from the dressing room, they were still engaged in conversation beside the rink. 

I made my way out to my car, got my hockey bag into the trunk, and started to pull out of my parking spot. 

These two were now in the parking lot … still engaged in conversation. 

They may never leave each other’s company.

Here’s the thing: I’ve been reading through the Bible each year for the past 25 years. There is now a familiarity with it that draws me to it and warms my heart to it each day as I read. Daily read God’s word to develop a familiarity that connects you to God.

That’s Life!


Question: What connection do you have with God’s word? Leave your comments and questions below.

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I Wish I hadn’t Called Him That Name

This post is from February, 2013. Sometimes I like to post an old article. I hope you enjoy.

When it comes to naming things, some people have a gift and others don’t. I’ve met people who I’ve wanted to call by another name. I don’t know why, except they don’t look like, say, a “Ross” to me.  

I wish I hadn't called him that name

Some people get creative with names – and others wish they hadn’t – like Frank Zappa’s kid, “Moon Unit” or more recently, Beyonce’s child, “Blue Ivy”. You have to wonder what they were thinking or were on when they named their children! 

But it’s not just baby names. Some companies choose weird names for their products, like pretty much anything in an Ikea store. When I ordered a “Billy”, I didn’t know that was a book shelf. But since having “Billy” in my home for years now, we’ve had some good conversations.

New Zealand has a drink that is called “SARS”. I’m not sure I’d like to order one of them. But when the “SARS” virus was breaking out all over the world, sales of the drink went up. People thought it was a cure. After all, the can did say it had a flavour burst.

There are times, though, when there is something about a name that either fits the person or describes the item very well.

Our turtle is named Winston, and if you saw him you would think the name really suits him. It was my daughter who came up with that name and I think she showed lots of creativity. However, that wasn’t always the case with my kids and names.

Karlie had a stuffed animal that she called “Monkey”. Fortunately, it was a stuffed monkey and not a stuffed elephant or giraffe. Mike, well, he really got creative with two teddy bears that he had: one he called “little Ted” and the other one “big Teddy”. At least we never got their names mixed up; there was a noticeable size difference.  

Speaking of getting mixed up, there was a time I played hockey with a guy who had two first names. I don’t mean his name was hyphenated, or he went by his middle name instead of his first; I mean his last name was a popular first name – Mike Dale. 

One can’t be held responsible for calling someone who has two first names by their last name. It’s easy to get confused. I had been calling for this guy to pass me the puck and was wondering why he wasn’t sliding it over. 

Finally, he skated to me and said, “Hey! Stop calling me by my last name. How’d you like me to call you by your last name?” Actually, I didn’t care. The thing was, I thought I HAD been calling him by his first name … and I thought he kind of looked like a Dale instead of a Mike.

A good name helps us identify the person or helps us have a good idea of what the product is or does. 

Here’s the thing: God has many names that describe characteristics about Him – Jehovah Rapha (the God who heals) or Jehovah Jireh (the Lord will provide) or Jehovah Shammah (the God who is There). If I keep in mind these descriptive names that identify a quality about Him, I will probably seek Him more quickly when I have a particular need. 

That’s Life


Question: What names for God do you keep in your mind?  Leave your comment below.

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Traditions Are What Make Memories Come Alive

I wondered the other day if my family holds onto traditions a little too tightly. 

traditions are what make memories come alive

Traditions are nice, familiar, comfortable. They foster memories from the past that further entrench the traditions. Traditions also show up around special times of the year, making them even more memorable.

We have a tradition on Christmas Eve of having a special meal after our church Christmas Eve Service. 

It first started when Lily and I lived in Edmonton. We would have chateaubriand for two at the La Ronde Restaurant at the top of the Chateau Lacombe. 

It was a revolving restaurant so while we ate our meal we enjoyed a panoramic view of the city. We gazed over the river valley to see the Muttart Conservatory all lit up with Christmas lights, and later watched the glow of the city lights from the downtown buildings. 

Every fifteen minutes or so the view completely changed. It was magical; it was beautiful. It was our tradition. 

But when we moved to Kingston, there wasn’t a revolving restaurant above the city. In fact, we couldn’t find any restaurant in the city that was open Christmas Eve. 

So instead, we kept our tradition alive by having a fondue. And for the last twenty-six Christmases that is what we have done. It has become a special time for our family and we have created great memories. 

Sometimes we even recount events from them … like the time Lily set fire to the kitchen table trying to add fuel to an already flaming burner. It was a memory we all still tease her about. 

And even that has become a tradition. 

But there seems to be one tradition in our family that is a little over the top: Our kids have been out of the house for years, but for some reason, when they come home for Christmas and our Christmas Eve fondue, the seating arrangements must remain the same. 

This tradition is a curious thing because we have one more family member who fits into the seating plan – Karlie’s husband, Matt. 

When our kids were growing up, there was a shuffling of where Mike and I sat. But Karlie and Lily mostly sat in the same spots. When Karlie and Mike left home I changed my seat at the table to be closer to Lily. 

… But apparently that seat is not available to me on Christmas Eve. It’s Mike’s seat.

I don’t really pay too much attention to where I sit. Wherever there’s a plate of food, that’s where I plunk down. But on Christmas Eve, both Karlie and Mike said they don’t feel comfortable unless they are sitting in their spots. 

Poor Matt and I have to try to figure out where we should sit. It seems he and I don’t have a traditional spot yet. 

I don’t think it really matters though, because I think he and I are of the same opinion: wherever there’s a plate of food set, that’s where we make a beeline for.

Here’s the thing: Everyone has traditions, especially at Christmas. Some of those traditions change over the years; some of them just evolve a little. But one tradition that should remain and not change at Christmas is the celebration of the One the holiday is for. We celebrate Christ, who came into the world, lived a sinless life and died for all our sins. He rose from the dead three days later and remains alive with God in heaven. This celebration should be a tradition and the focus of our hearts. 

That’s Life!


Question: What is your fondest Christmas tradition? Leave your comments and questions below.

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Great Intentions Will Get You Nowhere

I had great intentions this morning. I knew what I was going to do first … well, maybe not first. First I take some personal time with God and then I play hockey on Saturday mornings.

great intentions will get you nowhere

It was after that that I intended to write out a list of things I wanted to do today.

That was the catalyst for my great intentions.

Hockey was over at 8:30 am but I just finished writing out my list at 1:15 pm. No, it didn’t take me that long to write out my list. I just didn’t get to it. … So much for great intentions.

Other things consumed my time, like deciding to listen to music while I ate breakfast. 

I had issues trying to connect my phone with the speaker in the kitchen, but rather than just listen to the music from my phone’s speakers, I chose to solve the issue with the speaker in the kitchen.

In the process I listened to a lot of music on my phone before I got my kitchen speaker set up … and burned through a good deal of time. 

Then I checked my email on my phone, which sent me on a rabbit trail, that took me to facebook and a lot of scrolling. 

Before I knew it, I was feeling a little peckish, so I rustled up some lunch, which usually means reheating a leftover meal from earlier in the week. 

We had one meal in the fridge so that worked out for me. I also got wings out of the freezer for my dinner later, so I was all set for meals.

It was time to make that list. 

And when I make a list of things I need or want to get done, there is always more on that list than I had originally thought of in my head. 

Today my list is kind of long … not too long for a 9-in-the-morning list, but rather long for a starting-after-1-pm list.

What really messed me up was that I didn’t make my list until the afternoon. Somehow my brain thinks that when the list is made, then I have my instructions for the day. Until I make that list, I’m free-wheeling on whatever comes into my mind to do that minute. 

That’s just how my mind works. 

I remember years ago taking a Myers Briggs temperament evaluation. Along with the four letters that indicated what each particular temperament was, there was a prayer that went along with it. 

One of the prayers went something like, “God help me to keep my mind on one thi … Oh look, it’s a bird.”

For some reason I need a dock or a post to chain my mind to. For me, a list is that post or dock that keeps me focussed. 

I’m hoping my list will tie down my brain to the things I want to do today.

Here’s the thing: Our great intentions don’t mean anything unless we actually get to them. That is true with God as well. You might have great intentions to follow Him one day, but intentions won’t make that happen. You might have great intentions to forgive a person, or to clean up some part of your life. Great intentions won’t do it for you. You have to get at it and start. What are you waiting for?

That’s Life!


Question: What’s your great intention and what are you going to do about it? Leave your comments and questions below.

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Your Time Has Boundaries That Change

There are certain things you will do no matter what time it is. But what I have found is that what you will do at any time can change.

your time has boundaries that change

Here is an example of what I’m talking about: When I was in my teens, if someone said, “Paul, we have ice at 2:00 am Saturday morning,” my response would be, “I’ll be there. What arena?” 

At that stage in my life, it didn’t matter what time of day or night I would play hockey. I was on call 24/7. 

But that is not how I feel about playing hockey today. I still love playing just as much as I did back then, but now I have limits – or should I say boundaries – as to when I will play.

For years guys have asked me if I wanted to play hockey on their teams. My answer has always been the same: I don’t like playing the late games. 

Adult hockey usually starts at 8:00 pm in the evening and by the time you get home it’s 10:00 or 10:30 pm. 

But that’s not all. When you get home that late after playing hockey, you are still wired. You can’t just flop on your bed and fall asleep. You have to unwind for a while. That means you are not getting to bed until 11:30 pm or 12:00 am.

If you have to get up in the morning, it’s a killer. 

And then think about the games that start at 9:00, 10:00 pm or later. 

I once played an 11:30 game, got cut and needed to go after the game to the hospital for stitches. The emergency was empty that night but I still got home at about 3:00 am. 

Not much sleep to go on to teach Sunday school the next day … or should I say, later that morning. 

So now when someone says to me, “Hey Paul, we have ice. You want to play?” I respond with, “What time?”

I won’t do late any more.

It’s true with a lot of things. I will do it in keeping with the boundaries I’ve set. 

But just the other day I threw out the boundaries and agreed to get my hair cut whenever a time was available. 

I would not normally book a haircut in the morning. I usually have things already scheduled then. But when you haven’t had a haircut for 3 1/2 months, you are willing to take any appointment. 

I called my barber at the first of the week and he hemmed and hawed. I told him it didn’t have to be that day, and he responded with “I realize that”. He paused a few more seconds and then said, “How early do you get up? How about 7:00 am Saturday?”

I didn’t even flinch. “I’ll be there,” I replied. It was like the guy had booked a sheet of ice. 

I’d get up to play hockey at 7:00 am on a Saturday. It turns out I’d get up to get my hair cut at 7:00 am too. 

… Well, not always.

Here’s the thing: When something is really important to you, you will change your schedule, make exceptions and do what you have to do in order to accommodate that important thing. Well, consider your relationship with God. If He is important to you, what lengths will you go to in order to spend time with Him? I hope you can respond, “I’ll be there”.

That’s Life!


Question: What stands in your way of spending quality time with God each day? Leave your comments and questions below.

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Cheered In Such An Unexpected Way

It’s true, I have now been officially cheered up … after having been officially saddened.

cheered in such an unexpected way

… The Toronto Maple Leafs’ loss in game 7 to Montreal was particularly hard to take this year. There was more expectation for the team than ever before. They finished first in their division in I don’t know how long. They were the favourite to come out of the North Division.

So when the Leafs lost to the Habs, I felt a crushing in my spirit. I had a sadness that went deep and didn’t want to leave. 

But the other day I had my sadness lifted. It happened quickly and completely unexpectedly.

Team Canada won the IIWHF World Championships! 

And what cheered me so much about this win was how they did it. 

They were not favoured to win. My wife, Lily, had asked me who was on the team and I had replied, “You won’t know anyone.” There were only a few names I knew. No superstars on this team. 

Early on the team didn’t look good at all. They lost their first three games – a first for Canada.

It was ugly; they looked ugly.

One of our play-by-play announcers was interviewed on Swedish television and was asked if he was embarrassed by Team Canada. 

Team Canada went on to record 4 losses in the round robin portion of the tournament. 

It didn’t look good.

To get into the medal round, Team Canada needed a combination of a tie in regulation in their last game and two other teams deciding their games in regulation. 

It was a nail biter, but miraculously Canada managed to squeak into the quarter finals.

And from there the competition would just get more intense. This team that snuck into the playoff round had to face Russia and then the USA. 

It was a daunting task.

But Canada started to come alive and beat both those teams to make it to the gold medal game. 

The unthinkable had happened. How did they turn it around?

Who knows, but one Russian player commented, “Somehow when Canadians put on the Team Canada jersey they get better.”

Canada trailed Finland twice in the gold medal game, but tied it up both times. The game went to overtime and about six minutes in Canada scored to win the gold. 

Canada is the first team to ever start the World Tournament 0-3 and finish as champions. And no team in IIHF history at any top-level event has ever won gold after losing four games. 

Well, Canada did it with a bunch of guys you’ve never heard of, and a few you will hear about in the coming years. 

I’m proud of these guys. They stuck to it and didn’t give up. They just kept at it and formed together as a team until they won. 

It’s official: I am cheered.

Here’s the thing: There is a lot in life that can make you sad, disappoint you, and send you into a downward spiral. No one likes being there and sometimes it’s really difficult getting out of that condition. You need to know that God is the God of all comfort. When you are down, turn to Him, go to Him, trust Him with your sadness, worry and depression. He can lift you up out of it. It doesn’t seem possible and He does it in miraculous ways, but He can put joy back into your life in the midst of despair. Seek Him. 

That’s Life!


Question: What has put you in the doldrums lately? Leave your comments and questions below.

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Limping Along In Life Is No Way To Live

I’m afraid my team is limping into the playoffs. 

limping along in life is no way to live

It’s hockey playoff season again – that special time of year when you can watch a hockey game that matters every day of the week. 

My wife, Lily, loves this time of year! (I wrote that sarcastically, just in case someone wasn’t able to pick up that vibe.)

All the teams are set and it begins tonight … at least for the teams south of the border. 

We still have a few Canadian teams that need to finish up. So the North Division will politely wait to begin the playoffs until two non-playoff contenders finish out their season. 

The teams in the States will already be three games in by then. 

My big concern is for my team. 

With almost a week off before the playoffs start, the Leafs have time to get ready. Those who have been injured can get healthy again and practice with the team. It gives the team time to figure out a new way to approach their power play, which was once first in the league, but now is dismal. 

Maybe the biggest thing they can do in this next week is get the end of the season out of their heads. 

You want to enter the playoffs cresting. You want to be peaking at the right moment. But the Leafs lost three of their last four possible points. 

They lost in overtime and then just lost their last game straight out. They didn’t look all that great. It looked like they were limping off the ice.

Some might argue that they didn’t need to try very hard because they already had the top spot locked up in the North. 

But they finished 6th place in the league when they could have finished 4th. It’s not a big difference but it could have an impact on home ice advantage if they make it to the later rounds … that is if there is home ice advantage for Canadian teams. 

Hopefully, they will be able to travel to the States, and the American teams will be able to travel to Canada. 

… After all, we’ve been letting planes land in Canada from all over the world. Yet these hockey players, who are on chartered flights and get tested for COVID every day, are not allowed to cross the border. 

There is some faulty thinking there!

… Anyway, I digress. 

My point is that my team has not gotten out of the first round of the playoffs in 17 years. Losing your last two games of the season is not a good omen. 

You can’t be pumped up for the playoffs when you were pretty flat in your last two games. 

And if it’s a matter of trying to stay healthy and not getting hurt, well, the physical play is going to ramp up now. You might as well get ready for it. 

Overall, the Leafs have played well this year. They have proved they can hold on to the top spot. 

Why not prove to yourselves and show all the other teams your confidence by ending the season strong?

Here’s the thing: There is something that COVID may contribute to and that is you limping along in your faith. It is easy during this time to coast along, maybe even relax in some of your spiritual disciplines. You just find yourself underwhelmed in your faith. You started so strong in the Lord but during this time you are fading spiritually. Don’t let that happen. Find a new gear and pour yourself into your relationship with Christ. Finish strong.

That’s Life!


Question: What has fallen flat for you during COVID? Leave your comments and questions below.

Weight Is A Bigger Deal Than You Think

When you consider interacting with an item, its weight is deceptively important. 

weight  is a bigger deal than you think

You probably know this to be true when you consider doing an activity and you’re a few pounds heavier than the last time you did it. 

I know for myself, when I play hockey, I feel a whole lot better on the ice when I am about five pounds lighter than my present weight. 

Just five pounds makes a difference. 

But that’s not all. The weight of most things should be considered.

Recently, we purchased a new TV for our family room. My plan was to put the old one in our workout room. I delayed doing that because the old TV is a plasma television, weighing in at about 90 pounds. 

You don’t flippantly hang almost 100 pounds on a wall and think it will stay there. I had to do some research and make sure I got the right kind of mount. 

The plan was to hang that beast of a TV about six feet off the floor. That certainly was not a one man job! It took two of us to mount that baby on the wall.

But even slight weight variances can make a difference.

Just recently I broke a hockey stick. It’s the stick I used all the time. 

I do have a back-up. In fact, I have a few because they are all kind of heavy and I kept buying sticks hoping that one would feel a little lighter. 

These hockey sticks are not like those from the old days for two reasons: 

For one, back in the day I would buy a hockey stick for about $15. It might only have lasted for a couple of weeks but, if I bought the stick from Canadian Tire, I could return it and get a new one for free.

That was then. 

Now sticks cost over $100, up to about $350. They last a lot longer … if you don’t take a lot of slap shots. 

The other reason sticks are different, from back when I was growing up, is the material they are made of.  

All Sticks used to be made entirely of wood. Now there is no hint of wood in sticks, just carbon fibre … and they are sooooo much lighter. 

My old Sherwood PMP 3050 was heavy – like a 2×4 made out of spruce. I might as well have been carrying a tree on the ice with me. 

Now sticks are light – 430 grams and lighter. In fact, the stick I just broke was 400 grams and my back-up sticks weigh in at around 427 grams. 

It really doesn’t sound like much difference, but every time I go to stick handle or shoot the puck with one of my back-up sticks, it feels like I have cement for a blade. 

It’s like I taped my hockey stick with lead-lined hockey tape. 

It doesn’t take much weight to make a big difference. … I’m thinking I need to buy a new every day stick and keep the ones I have as back-ups. 

Here’s the thing: Every once in a while we need to take a hard look at our lives and consider what might be weighing us down spiritually. Excess spiritual weight could be rules we follow or wrong theology we hold to. It might be legalism or a sense of superiority. We can add spiritual weight by justifying something that is wrong or sinful. Practice being spiritually lighter by shedding unnecessary and harmful spiritual weight. 

That’s Life!


Question: What is one thing you should remove from your life right now? Leave your comments and questions below.

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