I looked out the window this morning and thought, “I may have left it too late”.

I wanted to cut my grass one more time this fall. I don’t like it being too long through the winter.
Today is a bright, sunny day and, though the temperatures are a little lower than what I’d like, it would be a good day to cut the grass.
However, there is one problem with that plan: we have leaves all over our lawn. My idea of one more quick cut before the snow flies is a good one, but first I’ll have to spend an hour vacuuming up the dead leaves.
If I had done it two weeks ago there would have been very little clean up to do first and it would have been much warmer outside. But I kept saying to myself, “the front yard doesn’t really need it yet, even though the back yard could use the cut now”.
Well, four days ago I noticed that the front yard could use a mow. The grass was looking a little fuzzy, like the hair on your head does just before you go get a haircut.
The thing is for the last four days the weather has been a little overcast and rainy – not optimal for getting out there with my lawnmower.
This morning, however, with how sunny it is, I’m considering doing the task. I realize that the longer I leave the leaf problem, it will only get worse since our tree still has about sixty percent of its leaves hanging on for dear life. Many haven’t even changed colour yet.
But that extra work of getting rid of the leaves before I cut the grass is creating a dilemma of whether to cut or not. I’m wondering if I’ve missed my window. Maybe I should just let the grass go until spring.
I remember when I was a kid and it was my turn to cut the grass in the backyard. The task would take an hour and a half; there was never a time I wanted to do it. I would look at the lawn and think, “maybe I’ll wait till tomorrow”.
I always left it too late and then paid for it. I ended up spending two hours cutting the grass because it was so long.
I hated that task, but when I left it too late, I hated it even more.
You would think that so many years later I would have learned my lesson and not put off the things I should do … but here I am, considering if I’ve left it too late.
I think I have one more window today and tomorrow before it rains again.
I have a few other things that I need to attend to first. … I hope in the spring I won’t be shaking my head and muttering that I left it too late again.
Here’s the thing: Often we have adequate time to get something done, accomplished or settled. But how quickly that time goes. Concerning your relationship with God, don’t make the mistake and think you have lots of time. Be sure you have a relationship with Jesus Christ now. You don’t want to miss your window and for eternity shake your head that you left it too late.
That’s Life!
Question: What are you most prone to leaving until it is too late? Leave your comments and questions below.
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