Losing light is more problematic than just making a room a darker place. We’ve all gone into a room, flicked on the lights and realized one of the bulbs is burnt out.

You notice immediately that it is not as bright in that room. The room seems dull and, if it’s a bathroom and you are over 40, you complain that you can’t see your face well enough to do the work that needs to be done on it.
Losing just one light out of many makes a difference. Sometimes the difference is between finding something you are looking for and not finding it at all.
The older I get, the more important light is to me.
I’m fine with low lighting when I’m out for a nice dinner. It doesn’t matter if I can’t make out exactly what the vegetables are on my plate. It’s the mood that counts most and I will forgo being able to see if my steak has been cooked medium or medium rare.
But when I’m looking for something or trying to read, I want to put as much light on the matter as possible. One light down and the search becomes frustrating; reading becomes a chore.
Currently I’m missing a light in our family room and it’s really bugging me.
It’s not a light that prevents me from seeing or changes the mood setting of the room. It’s a light that turns on when my team scores a goal. I have a Budweiser goal light. The only time it turns on is when the Toronto Maple Leafs score a goal.
I realize that this year the Leafs aren’t scoring a ton of goals, but this light is not turning on for any goals.
The other thing about this light is that it not only cycles a red light for a few seconds, it also gives two blasts of what sounds like a truck horn.
It is awesome!
It can be annoying if you are doing something else or in the middle of speaking. It can be frightening if you are not watching the game and all of a sudden the light and horn go off. I’ll admit there have been a few times I’ve jumped when it’s gone off.
But it is also very exciting when you hear the sound and come running into the room, see the light flashing and catch the replay of the goal.
That’s all nice but sadly my light has not been turning on at all this year.
For the first part of the hockey season I couldn’t connect it to the internet. I thought it was a problem with my modem, but it turned out that its batteries were low. The goal light takes four D sized batteries.
After I put new batteries in I had no problem connecting to the internet. But it’s still not announcing goals.
Other people have also had issues with their lights not going off. … Maybe Budweiser had to lay off the guy that presses the goal button. They have had some troubles lately.
All I know is, I’m missing my light and I want it back. And if not now, at least for the playoffs.
Here’s the thing: For people who have a relationship with Jesus, they have a light in them, a light that guides them and shows them the way. This light is actually the person of the Holy Spirit. The only thing that can dim this light is if we ignore Him. Pay attention to the light in you and follow His direction.
That’s Life!
Question: What light in your life have you noticed is not working? Leave your comments and questions below.
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