Have you ever had one of those days where you just couldn’t make a connection?

That was my morning today. I say that it was only my morning because I’m hoping that the rest of the day doesn’t go like my early morning did. I missed connection after connection.
We’ve all had times when we missed connections.
There was the time I was traveling from Toronto to Regina and missed my connection altogether. I had the wrong time for when my plane was leaving and I never checked my ticket.
That was a bad one.
Then there are the regular missed connections with our phones.
You look at your phone and realize someone had tried to call you, but you didn’t notice because your phone was on vibrate … or you are talking to someone while driving through a dead zone and lose the connection altogether.
Missed connections happen all the time. They are frustrating and annoying, but we have to put up with them.
I remember once going to meet up with a friend at Tim Horton’s. We said we’d connect at Tim’s on Princess Street. The problem was there were four Tim Horton’s on Princess Street and the one I thought we were going to meet at was not the one he had in mind.
We were both waiting at different Tim Horton’s and missed our connection.
Over the last little while we have been selling off some old furniture we didn’t want anymore. Lily has been great at posting the items and selling them on Kijiji or Facebook. We’ve connected several pieces with people.
We still have one thing we can’t seem to make a connection on. We’ve had some bites, some interest; a few people have made some inquires. But we can’t connect this desk to a new home.
Sometimes making the right connection seems impossible.
This morning at hockey my team couldn’t make a connection for any amount of money. Passes were not getting to the player they were intended for. I made four or five passes right on the tape of players’ sticks and they bobbled the pass and the puck got away from them.
One time I just stepped on the ice and the play was right by me. Our defenseman made a good play at the blue line to check the puck off the opposing team. He then shoved at the puck to get it to me so I would have a clear breakaway.
Instead, the puck clipped the edge of a skate and deflected away from me right to a player on the other team. He took the puck in on our net and scored.
For our team, the whole game was about missed connections.
When I got home, I felt like I should go back to bed and get up an hour later to shake off the failed connection trend I was on.
Here’s the thing: As some point in our lives we need to make a connection with God. We need to connect with Him in a relationship. If we don’t, we will miss that connection and end up in hell for all eternity. God wants to make a connection; all we have to do is be available.
That’s Life!
Question: What connections have you missed out on lately? Leave your comments and questions below.
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