There Is More Than One Kind Of Listening

The other day I needed to listen very carefully … not that we shouldn’t always be listening, but sometimes it’s more crucial than at other times.

There are times when you don’t have to listen that attentively – like when you are doing something, working on something and you also have the TV or radio on in the background. 

You don’t really need to listen carefully to what your ears are drinking in. You are focussed on another project.

There are times when you should be listening but you choose not to – like occasionally when my wife, Lily, asks me to do something or tells me something so I can do it right. 

I have to admit that there are occasions – and I won’t tell you how many – that I have chosen not to fully listen to what she is saying.  

… I’ll be questioned on this later, by the way.

For instance, when she asks me to swing by the grocery store on my way home and pick up a few items, I don’t always pay attention to the details of what those items are. I don’t hear the size or the brand or the colour; I’ve stopped listening. I’m busy planning my route or another task I’ll do on the way.

The thing is I always have an out in those situations: I can call her when I get to the store. I can look at two kinds of yogurt and text her a picture of them to make sure I get the right one. 

I don’t feel I need to listen to her entire description before I’m in the store. … It’s a time when listening isn’t crucial. 

But there are times when you really need to listen. 

The other day I was flying my drone. It was a cloudy day at dusk – not the best conditions for visibility. I had taken the drone up to about 90 metres high and over 100 meters away. 

I usually go back and forth between looking at my control screen to see what the drone is viewing and watching it in the air. But with those conditions, when I took my eye off my drone to look down at what it was recording and then back again, I lost sight of it. 

I’ve lost a drone before, (read about that here) so I got this sick feeling in my gut when I didn’t know where it was. 

I immediately stopped it going forward, and looked at my screen to make sure the drone was pointed back in my direction. Then I started to bring the drone back. 

But I still couldn’t see it. At 90 meters high on a dull, dark, cloudy day, it was just a speck in the sky. 

What I had to do was listen very carefully for the sound of the drone’s whirling propellers. 

When I could hear that sound, I knew the drone was close. I scanned the sky where the sound was coming from and there it was – a little black X against a dark grey sky. It was directly over my head. 

Here’s the thing: If you want to hear from God, if you want to know what He wants you to do, you have to listen for Him very carefully – not listening like you’re picking up a few groceries, but listening like the survival of your drone is on the line … or like your life depends on it. 

That’s Life!


Question: What do you long for God to speak to you about? Leave your comments below.